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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 22:06:59 GMT
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It had taken him a very long time, however—here he was.

Here he fucking was.

That strange mirror finally had a… well, the surface was complete. Although for some strange reason he could not understand why the hell it had come together so slowly, well—

Here he was. At last.

He was going to see if the red-and-blue beast was correct with what scant information he had been given. Very thankful he didn’t need to go into the water (and instead into the air) he then turned northward to face the empty space that hung beyond Lilycove’s borders.

So what exactly was he going to find up there?

Hoping that what he was going to find was something that could explain the presence of the mirror (and the feathers) he unballed his Braviary. Normally he would go for the Salamence, but this time he knew this had to be done with the first. The oldest.

The one who reminded him the most of home.

“Kyou… well, this is it. We’re finally here. I know I’ve been ignoring you in the gym battles, and I’m sorry about that… I’ll make it up to you here, though,” he added as he took a look at the completed mirror and wondered what the actual hell he was going to meet out here.

“Let’s go.”

Getting on the Braviary’s back, the two took off, wondering what awaited them all the way up there, in the airspace north of one of Hoenn’s larger coastal cities.

It had been a few weeks since the insanity that was the ‘space war’ that had happened near Lilycove, those ‘space cannibals’ coming to take over the town. Thank the hells for the Wailord squad, because the coastal city would have been overrun had it not been for them.

He wondered what he was going to meet out here.

Alexei could only cringe a few moments later as he flew through the skies, because out of the ten feathers he had started with, he was now left with four. Originally he wanted to return five, but certain events had prompted him to borrow the fantastical and strange feather’s power.

It had definitely served him well—maybe a little too well at times, but that was what they were for, right?

As above, so below. It’s Judgment Day.

Continuation of the research thread, Memoria

the chase finally begins.

Out of ten, four remain.

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2021 6:42:51 GMT
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alexei's research thread


[attr="class","ihead"]GUIDING WINDS
UP THIS HIGH, the gym leader finds that the skies swirl with several currents. his light hair would flow wildly, tossed in all directions like an upturned umbrella.[break][break]


alexei would be able to see the region's physical damage from here. war has not been kind, forcing scars upon ancient rock.[break][break]

he notices something odd in the reflection of the mirror. a mint-coloured stream of air can be seen in the glass. however, alexei sees no such thing in the physical space around him. only by the mirror's depiction can he see this odd guiding wind.[break][break]

the green wind current seems to soar toward sootopolis' general direction; however, the colour is fading fast and with it, the gym leader's chances of tracking it.[break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


what will you do?[break]
please ROLL with your post.

, repost in the research thread after you have posted!

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2021 7:24:44 GMT
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Oh no.

Even up here the winds were... blowing every which way! While he wasn’t a fan of gelling his hair back, his bangs did get in the way and caused him to spit out and stammer for a few moments. What the shit, why was the wind acting up the way it was when it was supposed to be calm?!

Blinking, he roughly shoved the bangs out of his face for a few moments, still hissing and spitting like a wet cat. From up here, the scars of what had gone down are more noticeable—a changed perspective really did wonders like that.

However, there was something he saw on the mirror he held with his other hand—wait, what the hell?

“Wha—?” he blinked, confused as he looked up.

There was nothing there. Turning his gaze to the mirror again, he blinked—and saw that the strange ‘trail’ was headed in another direction. And that the trail was colored a slightly minty tinge of green.

Why are you headed there, though? That's in the direction of the city of Water, not Air... he thought to himself before... wait.

Wait, hold the shit up.

“Oh no, you don’t!” he muttered, quickly making the blue-plumed Braviary make an abrupt turn mid-air.

“Kyou. Not that way,” he said, and the avian squawked, confused. “No, we’re not heading that way. Go there!” he continued, pointing in the general direction of where he knew Sootopolis was located. “Trust me on this—”

With a grumble and a squawk, the Braviary did an about-face and went off in the new direction. The trail was fading, and fast... but what if...?

Give me the strength, he thought, rummaging through his jacket with his other hand and pulling out one of the purple-tipped feathers, hanging onto it for dear life. Not to release into the wind, but hopefully to serve as a guide and a compass. He wondered if he could pick up more of the minty-colored trail if he held the feather close to the mirror’s surface...?!

Time to see if that’s going to work... he thought as he touched the tip of the feather at the surface of the mirror in his other hand, holding on for dear life as he urged the Braviary to chase a trail that only he could pick up through the reflection of the mirror held tight in his left hand.

He knew that Kyouya was wondering what the hell he was doing—considering that the Braviary never flew in any direction without any prior warning from him.

“Trust me on this!” he shouted to the Braviary over the roaring wind.


  • Okay they’re up there looking around
  • Ugh, the damage from the ‘space cannibal’ war is even more visible from up in the skies as compared to down on the surface
  • What the fuck was that he saw in the mirror
  • Follows the minty-green trail, however it is fading fast
  • Mama send him strength
  • Takes out one of the four remaining feathers and gently holds it to the mirror’s surface
  • Is that shit gonna work? Who knows, tune in to the next episode of ‘Chasing the Wind Djinni’

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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 23:42:53 GMT
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WHILE ALEXEI FIGHTS THE WINDS, the mirror reveals more than the trail. He sees what was once invisible: green feathers, tipped in purple. As his Braviary touches one, it fades. However, they pick up speed as if granted a swift boost. Ahead, they spot an odd creature through the mirror. A green beast flies ahead, too far still to engage with in any meaningful manner.

In order to catch up, Alexei must put his Pokemon-piloting skills to the test. Below, the sea glistens beautifully with the sun. Against Alexei's shoulders, the heat of that star both comforts and threatens him.

Each feather icon (10 in total) represents a SOCIAL THREAD OF AT LEAST FIVE POSTS Alexei must complete. After completing those 10 SOCIAL THREADS (encouraged to be older threads), then Alexei must post here with an ic-attempt to catch up with the Tornadus with a ROLL. All the SOCIAL THREADS must be linked in the aforementioned post as well.

, please post in research threads if you have posted.

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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2021 4:48:27 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

If there was one thing Alexei was at least proud of, it was the fact that he could catch up with the best of them.

The moment he caught sight of what was in the mirror’s reflection, he had a feeling that there was something definitely up at that point.

“Kyou, be careful, I—” he trailed off, before noticing that there were feathers scattered all over the place. The strange thing about this was that they were invisible to the naked eye, but with the mirror they were much more easily seen.

The moment the Braviary’s wings brushed against one, it was like the air went still for the briefest of seconds before everything suddenly sped up.

“Kyou—follow those feathers!”

It was going to be a hard climb; considering that the only Speed-raising move the Braviary knew was Tailwind (and even then it was a team buff as compared to a solitary buff), but it was a challenge they were going to take.

However, Alexei was determined not to resort to using this particular move to gain speed and catch up to the figure he could discern in the mirror.

“Straight—left!” he called out, hanging onto the mirror and the feather in his hands for dear life as he referenced the mirror for where the feathers were falling.

Even if the Braviary felt silly flying straight into nothingness, the first brush against the familiar green and purple-tipped feather gave them a speed boost. But they were still far behind.

“Up!” he continued, keeping track through the reflective surface. Lurching higher, the Braviary shot forward like a rocket, and another burst of speed propelled them forward.

The sub above was threatening to bake them both, but this was just a moment of discomfort they had to endure.

“Right! Then bank hard to the left!”

With each and every turn, despite the Braviary’s disbelief at cutting the most random of patterns through the skies, the more they were able to close the gap.

It was still a considerable distance, though.

“Drop!” he said—for a few seconds the Braviary squawked in surprise, because wouldn’t that mean they had to go lower?!

“Trust me!” he added a few moments later, and he felt the center of gravity shift as the Braviary plummeted, and the same thing happened again.

It felt like they were chasing something improbable, if not outright impossible.

“Climb!” he followed up, after the plummet. Yes, it was going to be crazy but what other choice did he have?

The Braviary soldiered on; following the directions his human companion provided—even if he couldn’t see what exactly they were chasing down, the moment he’d feel something brush against his wing feathers, the same occurrence would take place.

“Left, then straight on—and then bank hard to the right!” came next.

He wasn’t sure if the gap was indeed closing, but the more they chased down the feathers, the closer—the green figure in the mirror—seemed to become.

“Just one more—barrel roll!” he shouted, seeing that there was a flock of Pelipper about to crash into them. Another alarmed squawk, before Alexei hung on for dear fucking life, death grip on the mirror and the feather in his hand.

The Braviary then did a reverse barrel roll to avoid the flock of Pelipper cutting their path off—how close were they now?!

He didn’t know, but once the world righted itself he took another look at the mirror’s surface—


one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and a bonus eleven & twelve
• Time to catch up to the green figure
• Of course it’s not as easy as it looks
• While Kyouya the Braviary is just ‘wat’ at following seemingly nothing, with the mirror it becomes easier to navigate as the feathers they’re chasing are invisible to the naked eye, but easily spotted in the mirror
Gee why do those feathers look familiar
• They both almost crash into a flock of Pelipper; however with a well-timed barrel roll they manage to avoid disaster
dun dun DA
some music for the chase

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POSTED ON Jun 14, 2021 5:00:05 GMT
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FINALLY, the Fortree Gym Leader catches up to the genie. His expertise in flight allows him and his Pokemon to find the jet streams, the currents that allow both human and bird to soar with ease and speed. As the feathers fade into the blue of the sky, Alexei's mirror becomes an odd filter.

Should he look through it, the Pokemon he follows shifts shape and constitution. It looks more bird than man and without the glass' eye, the creature indeed is a humanoid shape, soaring by cloud.

The Pokemon stops. Sharply, it turns to face Alexei and with a booming voice, roars at him, arms crossed across a muscular chest.


, please post in research threads if you have posted.
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Jun 14, 2021 5:42:51 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

That flock of Pelipper, honestly—

Almost unseated him. While mercifully he only had one singular Pelipper to deal with back at the gym, however this wild flock very nearly became the cause of him ‘falling through the sky’ again; something he didn’t wish to repeat.

Because falling through the sky, without wings, was absolutely terrifying.

He chanced a look down at the mirror, still holding the feather—

What the hell? He thought, blinking as his eyes watered from staring at it too long. For a moment he could see a definitive avian form, however when he looked up the form had changed—

Little did he realize he was holding one of the ‘lost items’, at least in Unovan mythology, within his hands at that very moment.

He thought the thing was malfunctioning, looking down at the reflection, before looking back up again and seeing—

His eyes widened at the sight.

He knew, he knew of the Abundant Shrine stories, several variants of them; but he was sure this wasn’t the one that it was referring to—or was he?

“I—” he began, stammering as even the Braviary’s eyes almost bugged out of their sockets at the sight of the purple-and-green being. “Shh, Kyouya, calm down!” he said a few moments later, his other hand reaching down to pat the blue plumage.

Well, here he was.

Okay, shit, why had he run out of words?!

Alex, say something! He mentally screamed, before he took a deep breath.

“I have… I have something to return to you,” he began at last, his voice shaking. “Originally there were… ten of these,” he continued as he dug through his jacket pocket, fishing out the other three feathers (as he was holding onto one right now) and showing it to the—being.

The… djinni? Wait, his mind was going at literally several hundred miles an hour too fast, too soon—

“I wanted to return all ten of them to—to you,” he went on quietly, looking away. “How—however, there were… extreme circumstances that made me… use them. Only to save people, though! Not anything else…”

His voice was cracking, however, he held on.

“I only… have four left. I know they weren’t mine, however… they helped save a lot of people. Especially during the War, he continued.

Why did he find it so hard to breathe now?

His eyes were shifting from the form he could comprehend with his own two eyes, and the reflection in the mirror… he then held out the four feathers, hanging onto them as tightly as possible.

“H—here, they’re yours, right?” he said after a few moments of silence. “You got tangled in that… sea beast’s pipe… the red-and-blue one, Shoal Cave?” he tried, hopeful.

“They were stuck in its pipe. Along with… this,” he continued, gesturing to the mirror he now held one-handed.

“T—take it. The—the feathers, I mean. They weren’t m-mine to begin with…

It was getting harder to focus on the humanoid form he could comprehend, and so diverted his eyes to the form he could see in the reflective surface instead.

That form, if anything, looked more avian.

• He wants to have a word with Mike about random Pelipper flocks when he gets back
• Upon sight, well, safe to say both Alexei and Kyouya almost lose their shit because
Are they seeing what they’re seeing? Right now?!
Alexei.exe has temporarily stopped working
• 0.5 seconds later he realizes what he came here for
• He then pulls out the three other feathers, and offers all four back to… holy shit is this for real?!
• He is now hella nervous.

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2021 22:03:46 GMT
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"OH THAT GRUMP?" The Tornadus shakes his head, but its beady white irises remain centered on the mirror. Curiously, the voice of the Pokemon seems to come from the mirror as if it were a radio or wire. Lowering the glass some would allow Alexei to hear the Pokemon speaking in its own sounds, own cries, own language.


Below its muscular green form, its cloud billows and trails in the ever present wind the Pokemon seems to carry. Its long purple tail stretches toward the feathers.


The Tornadus unfolds its thick arms. It extends its hand, fingers sharp and clawed like green scythes,


, please post in research threads if you have posted.

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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2021 4:16:27 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

With the mention of the ‘grump’, his mind flashed back to the tanky-looking red-and-blue beast he’d encountered exactly twice now, and he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle for a bit.

“That encounter was scary, I’ll admit,” he began quietly, lowering the mirror a bit because his arm was starting to go numb. Instead of hearing the human voice addressing him, he could hear Pokémon cries. Raising the mirror up again allowed him to catch the rest of the conversation.

The feathers—wait, what? Blinking at the pronouncement, he wondered why the other had decided to eschew them entirely.

“You mentioned brother—he’s here, too?” he inquired quietly as he returned the four feathers back to his jacket pocket before nearly getting blown away by the sudden blast of air released by the djinni as they stretched their arms out, seemingly in invitation.

“How—would I know where to find you?” he inquired, one hand still hanging onto the mirror. “Would you be in this same spot, or are you riding the winds and never staying in the same place?”

Looking at the mirror once more, he wondered if this was a good idea—however there was something that was compelling him to do it.


With both hands this time, he offered the mirror to the djinni.

This does make me wonder, if he’s here, does this mean the other—well, the other two are as well? he thought idly as he watched and waited.

• Oh boy oh wow
• He’s surprised the djinni doesn’t want the feathers, so he keeps them
• At the mention of ‘brother’, he wondered if the other djinni is also around as well despite being so far from home
• Alexei then asked how to find the other considering the proposition
• He then offered the mirror to the djinni

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POSTED ON Sept 18, 2021 23:25:36 GMT
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"There are several of our kind." The Tornadus says. "Many brothers. Too many."

Around them, the winds pick up. Occasionally, it is difficult to hear the voice filtered by the glass, for the gales buffet the ears. The Tornadus studies the mirror further, clawed hands strong yet terrifyingly curled around its frame.

"Let the dream-feathers guide you." The Djinni booms. "They are not from this world, nor are they real, but they will follow me, where ever I go. Like shadows."

He speaks again, perplexed yet pleasantly intrigued. Curiously, Alexei has been able to see them, touch them. Perhaps, the feathers have assumed physical forms over time, or by some curious interference.

"The Interdream World is converging upon ours," The Tornadus muses to himself before calling to Alexei, his voice again, booming through the Reveal Glass. "Come to me in a week's time. I will offer you more of what I know. But before you leave, what is your name, human?"

Eventually, the Tornadus introduces himself too. Says his name. Nothing more. He then speeds off into the skies.

Every real-time week, you can post in this thread once for Alexei's ic weekly visit. You must have completed 1 social or gym thread within the week's respective month (e.g. weekly visit in September requires thread from September). When you post, please include a link to that thread.

With each visit, Alexei will receive 1X TORNADUS FEATHER to use like the others, and will also receive more information from Tornadus.
Feel free to post once to respond to the Tornadus and then double post when it is time for your weekly post (9/13-9/19 or 9/20-26).

, please post in research threads if you have posted.

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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2021 20:06:56 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Wait… many?

That statement made him stop dead for a few moments, hanging onto Kyouya’s back as the wind howled around them powerfully.

Even the Braviary let out a shriek of surprise because of the sudden blast of wind, however the two hung on tenaciously, determined not to be knocked out of the sky. And then another sentence made him stop and question reality—

Wait, what?

How are they not real? If I can hold them and use them? Surely they’re not speaking in an oxymoronic manner… he thought, a bewildered look flashing on his face for the briefest of moments.

However, it’s the mention of the ‘Interdream World’ that has him confused.

“Wait, Interdream—” he began to stammer, before realizing that the djinni had asked him a question.

His name.

Now, normally, when a person gave out their name it was in introduction of themselves; but there were also scattered tales, scattered fables from places far away from home (his first as well as his current home) that giving a being one’s name would mean they would hold power over the person who had so carelessly given something so important—so precious away.

“You… you can call me Alexei. Although, if you find that hard to pronounce, Alex would work just fine.”

And then, just like that—the djinni—well, Tornadus—had sped off in the wind.

• :monkas:
• He proceeds to have an existential crisis about how the feathers are not real, because how come he has them and can hold them?!
• Almost gets knocked off while having the existential crisis. Well, gee, what’s up with that?!
• Also has a fright because, well, the djinni asked for his name.
• Eventually gives his name (he was debating the whole name, but decided on first name instead)

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2021 20:30:14 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar


The existential crisis from before continued to plague him.

It was perplexing, vexing, and all kinds of frustrating!

Including the fact that there was a mention of the ‘interdream world’, whatever that meant, had driven him to near-madness.

Hours, no—days—had driven him to search high and low, up and down, everywhere, for anything; even a single mention of this ‘Interdream World’ anywhere would give him some ideas on what—or even where—to start looking.

It was driving him nuts!

The only clue he had were the four.

Maybe it was a good thing he didn’t use all of them after all. At least he had a way to chase Tornadus down.

With the mirror gone, though—the feathers were his only chance of finding the djinni again.

There were—so many questions he wanted to ask; however he knew asking too many would potentially upset said djinni and maybe drive him away.

Well, ‘him’, but only because the voice he remembered hearing from the mirror was masculine.

“So guide me,” he said—once again on the back of Kyouya, the Braviary.

“Point me,” he added with a bit of a chuckle—similar to a ‘magical spell’ he’d read about in one of those fantasy literature books as he pulled out one of the four feathers—but didn’t let go of it.

Hopefully, they would point the way.

• :panik:
• Ty existential crisis
• ‘Interdream World’, where does he even start searching for this? Looking everywhere he can remember, what even does this mean?!
• Realized that he doesn’t have the mirror with him anymore, but the feathers are there—
• Pulls out one of the ‘four’ but doesn’t release it; instead hanging onto it and wondering if it can lead the way to where the djinni is now (wherever they are. As it’s very possible they do not stay in the same place twice)
9/13 - 9/19 thread [social]

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POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 0:14:32 GMT
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EVENTUALLY, Alexei finds the Tornadus once again by way of feather. Despite lacking the mirror, Alexei can see feathers left by the Tornadus' wake. Should he attempt to touch them, the Fortree Gym Leader would find that his hands would phase right through their green plumage.

The Tornados seems to be waiting for Alexei. In a similar location as before, the Djinni hovers mid-air, with his arms crossed as always. Its tail holds the reveal glass. He grants ONE TORNADUS FEATHER to Alexei. "So you return. Here."

As the feather is bestowed upon Alexei. When the gym leader receives it, the feather is tangible. The vane and afterfeather are soft. The calamus? Hard and stubborn.

Finally, the Tornadus offers Alexei a morsel of what he knows: "These feathers are abnormal. They should not exist. And yet, they originate from me as seen through this glass. I can not help but wonder if their appearance is tethered to me in some way."

That is all he offers. Eventually, the Tornadus flies away.

Every real-time week, you can post in this thread once for Alexei's ic weekly visit. You must have completed 1 social or gym thread within the week's respective month (e.g. weekly visit in September requires thread from September). When you post, please include a link to that thread.

With each visit, Alexei will receive 1X TORNADUS FEATHER to use like the others, and will also receive more information from Tornadus.
Feel free to post once to respond to the Tornadus and then double post when it is time for your weekly post (9/20-26 / 9/27 - 10/3).

, please post in research threads if you have posted.

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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 18:55:25 GMT
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Thankfully he held on tight to the feather and didn’t let go, because if he did that—not only would it be a waste of a feather, it would also have been incredibly stupid of him to do that.

Waste a feather, on this? A gift from one of the many deities that made Unova home!

Thankfully, though, the feather he clutched tightly between his fingers pointed the way—unlike with the time he had the mirror.

But he knew he had to be careful not to press too much information out of the djinni, or risk the ire of a powerful wind storm blowing across all of Unova Hoenn.

Seeing another familiar-looking feather from the corner of his eye, he made to grab it—but it shimmered there. Like it was glitching in and out of reality.

“Wha—” he stammered, trying to grab it, but said feather remained intangible. Unreachable. Unlike the other one he held.

When he finally arrived at the place of their next meeting (he wasn’t too sure if it was the same as last time, because the sky changed every day), another feather is handed to him. Unlike the feather from earlier, this one is just as real as the one he held in his other hand.

Making sure to pocket both the feathers, he tilted his head in confusion at the new information offered to him.

“Wait, I—!” he exclaimed, before the djinni sped away.

“Ah, shit. I wanted to ask you about—that,” he said with a sigh as the purple and green form eventually disappeared. “Maybe soon…”

The Braviary let out an angry squawk, as well.

“I know, Kyouya, we gotta be faster on the uptake. You think he’s going to answer my question?” he pondered, before urging the blue-plumed Braviary to fly back towards Fortree.

• :monka:
• another existential crisis c/o the ‘phantom feathers’
• he wonders about why some feathers are real, and some are intangible; floating like a glitch in the matrix reality
• Met up with the djinni again—
• and is incredibly confused about the cryptic information given to him.
• will he get his chance to ask a question? Who knows?!

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Alex / Lexy
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 20:26:53 GMT
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This time—this time, he was going to make sure that he would be able to get something in, edgewise.

Although he wasn’t sure if this was going to be viewed as impudence or what.

He idly wondered how many more feathers he would be getting in total, however the itch to ask a question was—literally burning.

Holding a feather (he didn’t know if it was the same one he’d used before) and used it to find the way—would he be able to find the djinni once again?

There was a thought rising unbidden in the back of his mind, wondering if this was turning out to be something similar to what those RPG mobile games called ‘fetch quests’ or something similar—

When he did find the place, he then beat to the chase before saying:

“Forgive the impudence, but—what is the ‘Interdream World’ supposed to be?” he inquired.

One question at a time, Alex. One question at a time! He thought; as several more questions rose unbidden in the back of his head.

• :monka:
• he’s back, back again guess who’s back, tell a friend
• Met up with the djinni again—
• wonders if it’s safe to ask a question; so he asks anyway
9/27 - 10/3 thread [social]

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP