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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
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Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 3:24:22 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
It's late at night in Rustboro when Adrian gets the call that clears his license plate for the night. He'd not exactly keen to have it impounded by some Joe Schmoe officer of the law when he's currently on League business sniffing out a rat. "Alright..."

Senon is sitting across from him riding shotgun, resting up while Adrian finishes up with his phone, pocketing it before bringing the engine to a robust purr. "We're squared with the cops for the evening, as far as speeding goes." Vandalism though... that was an entirely different problem.

As he pulls around the block and towards a more remote part of Rustboro beneath a newly developed underpass, he can see the gathered cars ahead lined up, preparing for the night's race.

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Thirty One
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Sénon Game
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 3:32:10 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He was apprehensive to say the least of it. Not about the speeding or the law break in the incidental sense.

Not even the racing itself bothered him. That was the fun part. Hell the fact that Adrian insisted on driving on made it that much more of good time; he was curious to see what his partner was capable of behind the wheel.

No it was the other racer he was worried about. Who hadn't played 'Pole Position' as a kid? You put that in a street racing context and add in pokémon as an anything-goes kind of drift race, shit was bound to get out of hand.

"The road is yours, I'll handle the other racers." He was talking big, he just hoped he could back it up without getting anyone killed. He believed in his skills but life could hit hard at seventy-plus miles per hour.

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 4:28:58 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"You could say that again." He snorted.

Adrian wasn't perhaps a professional driver, but muscle cars were his deal, and he'd been whipping one around for as long as he was licensed. Actually, probably a little before then, too.

As he pulled up to the line, a man came up to his car. Adrian was something of a regular in the night life of Rustboro, and he would never stand out among them. They were being badgered simply because they had to pay for entry. Handing over a wad of cash, he gave them a curt nod before sliding his window back up. All seemed rather well.

The crowd began cheering in earnest when the final space on the lot was taken up by the Drift King. Adrian couldn't help but nurse a scathing remark: What, does he like to cherry pick his races before coming up to the line? It mattered little.

Soon enough, the race would begin in earnest.

3, 2, 1... GO!

His pedal hit the floor, his engine roaring...
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Thirty One
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Sénon Game
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 4:39:59 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

At the acceleration Sénon burned the moment into his mind. No matter what may come of the race itself it was this moment; when nothing was set in stone and anything was still possible, that he'd remember most clearly.

From his hip he pulled a pokéball and pressed the manual release button. Tiny but confident and ever curious a Murkrow hopped about in lap, taking her into his hands Sénon placed her on the dash waiting until they hit a proper long stretch of road before he tossed in his support. "Use Tailwind."

It was best to let Adrian get a feel for the increased speed before a turn or drift came about.

Minding the other pokéballs at his side he hoped he wouldn't have to get any dirtier with the other riders, but this was League business and getting an in with the DK likely meant beating the DK, or at least giving him a run for his money.

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
traffic violation [m]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 4:50:43 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Acclimating to the speed was easy for the fact his car was heavier, and built more sturdy than most modern cars. It could handle the speed without feeling like he would lose control, but he absolutely knew not to try and take it so fast around a corner.

They'd end up in a building for sure.

So as they neared a bend after speeding for nearly a whole mile, Adrian had preemptively let go of the gas, allowing them to coast at their current speed. The cars he'd taken a lead over had begun catching up, and those that had been neck-and-neck began to overtake him. He kicked the frame of his care with his boot, before calling out:

"Klink, Discharge!"

Electricity sparked from out beneath the hood of his car, arcing across the the nearest racers, taking out their cabin lights or completely overloading the car's battery. They sputtered behind him or fishtailed as they scrambled in the aftermath, and so allowing Adrian to keep a comfortable lead.
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Sénon Game
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 4:59:56 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Some experienced awareness and slick maneuvering allowed the Wheelman to keep them front of the pack.

The winds would be on their side for a while longer so Murkrow sat with only the occasional 'caw' from the sights whipping by as she sat comfortably on the dash.

Meanwhile Sénon's pockets began to burn with the need to release another pokémon before one of the other drivers or their shotgunners did something crazy. Looking over to the side mirror it looked like one of the drivers on their fender had a car-full of Magne- mites&tons riding shotgun and filling the back.

Just knowing what his one Magneton could do to sabotage the other cars the redhead began to sweat just a bit.

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
traffic violation [m]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 8:13:04 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"What's the matter?"

Adrian's eyes leered towards the rear view mirror as Senon had begun to tunnel vision on something or someone bridging the gap. He couldn't afford to take his eyes off the road but for a passing glance, so for the first minute or so he was oblivious.

Perhaps Senon kept quiet to avoid jinxing things.

When he saw a car suddenly pushed away from the car Senon had presumably been watching, he reeled. Holy shit. He would've guessed it was a Psychic-type from the sudden agression, invisible to the naked eye, but his eyes were accustomed to the dim glow of a Psychic-type. There had been nothing to indicate the nature of said force.

Either way, they were gaining on them fast...

"I don't wanna find out what that was..."

Accelerating was risky as the gap between them and the next turn shortened, but he was feeling the pressure. As they rounded the corner, he felt the tires squealing against asphalt, burning away his traction. Motherf@%#! It couldn't be helped.

He pulled out a pokeball and shoved it at Senon.

"It's called Ohm. Just toss it at them."

Both hands were back on the wheel as Senon fidgeted with the Voltorb's pokeball in hand.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
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with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
traffic violation [m]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 22:23:59 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Was it that obvious he was nervous? As much as he trusted Adrian trusting someone else meant he himself wasn't in charge.

Playing second fiddle and support while someone else did the heavy lifting?

How was that for character development?

With the pokéball put in his hands he pondered on throwing the pokeball or the pokémon. Not knowing what the hell was in the pokéball it was safer bet just to throw the whole damn thing. "We'll come back for you Ohm!" He threw it in the front seat of "Mr. Magnets" pushing up on them.

A shiny voltorb sat among the magnemites and magnetons which suddenly began to glow the irrefutable glow of a Self-Destruct. Without hesitating the driver dove from the driver's seat leaving the car to explode taking out a couple other cars on the road.

In his mind Sénon intended to say; "That's what I was afraid was gonna happen to us!"

All his brain could articulate was; "HOLY SHIT!"

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
traffic violation [m]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2020 9:00:27 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"Hell yeah!"

Adrian wasn't a fan of people riding his @$$ bumper-to-bumper on the road, even if the rules of the race were basically nonexistent. And yet...

...He'd definitely just caused some destruction of public property, not that he really cared about it. If the League was going to put him up to this, they'd had better pledged to cover any insurance charges.

But they hadn't, so he wasn't about to just willing let someone trash his baby. He'd only just got her sparkling earlier that same day; they could suck it.

"Who's all left?" Unsurprisingly someone had taken the lead over them after a snaking stretch of road on Rustboro's outskirts forced him to slow down or risk rolling the damn thing over...

Ahead of them he could see the road curving once more before straightening out into an ideal stretch of road; the engine began to blare as it burned high-octane, hastening their advance further.
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2020 19:20:04 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

The explosion was surreal.

The concussive force of the blast rattled his body partly hanging out the window. The heat from the flames made it feel like he was leaning his face too close to a bonfire. The blaring lights of its ignition made him cover his face for an instant. He'd even dedicated actual processing power from his mind on a wayward wish that the debris and shrapnel from the explosion didn't puncture his face.

Or anywhere else vital for that matter.

"There's still plenty behind us but if you enter the drifting stretch of road with enough space from the other cars we might get lucky and not be part of the inevitable pile up."

From what he could gather a big part of these anymon-goes street races was personally dealing with the repercussions of who you sabotaged. It was easy to drop a steelix into the middle of the road and wreck the other drivers but then you ran the risk of being beaten into paste or to death by the handful of people you slighted.

By his count he'd taken out three racers and completely destroyed two and half cars. If they wanted the reimbursement from the League to help with the repair costs they'd have to get at least a little info on the DK. Which meant; they had to win.

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
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POSTED ON Nov 11, 2020 9:32:26 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Had he gone too far with the last approach?

No, it was the street racers who were wrong. He'd seen what happened to many of them during a light briefing; totaled cars from alleged participants. Perhaps it wasn't common for the participants to resort to complete sabotage, but then their discretion was of no consequence to Adrian. They had raised the stakes on their own.

Adrian simply played the board as it had been set.

He gave a curt nod to Senon as he gave a rundown. That many, huh? Perhaps he'd hoped for more to be blown aside in the aftermath of the explosion, or was hoping for more of the others to recklessly sabotage their opponents. Ah well...

If things were going smoothly, it just meant he had time to prepare for the final stretch, which was where the others were bound to unsleeve the aces they were holding. A Mrs. Mime released in the back seat, a little wary of their speeding automobile, may prove beneficial to them later.

"Sounds good, not many turns left," he huffed in frustration as they rounded one, knowing Rustboro's infrastructure well enough to say it with certainty. Just a few more corners and they'd have nothing but stretching asphalt ahead of them.

It was a motorhead's wet dream come true...
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Thirty One
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Cinnabar Island
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with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
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POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 7:37:54 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

The faster they got through the all the remaining twists and turns the better. He had something in mind that would make them a deadlock for first place once they had a long enough stretch of road to make the move on.

Hopping down from the dashboard and into his lap Sénon kept the Murkrow close and safe, her dark power being one of the two he would need to make their final move.

In preparation for it he called the pokémon from its resident ball; a togedemaru sitting plump and pleased in his lap. So long as Adrian could drift properly and keep them in close to first place, he could handle the rest once the road straightened out.

Just to be sure it would work the way he wanted it to he released yet another pokémon from its ball revealing, a second togedemaru. "Both of you get ready." He spoke with a firm tone that caused the mouse-like pokémon to furrow their brows in seriousness.

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 9:08:45 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"What's all that?" Adrian tossed over a few concerned glances at the togedemaru. Whatever he was planning, it had Adrian worried over whether a well placed magnet wouldn't screw everything up for them. Please don't happen...

He would've knocked on wood if there was any.

Adrian simply navigates the road as best he can without calling on any further pokemon. As they hurtling along at a breakneck pace, the Mrs. Mime is dutifully keeping the windows and mirrors clean, allowing Adrian a pristine view of the runners up.

'Objects in mirror closer than th-'

A whir of motion blipped past him as a single car charged forward, spitting fire out their exhaust as they passed. You would've sworn a Weezing had just belched, the smell was so putrid. "Eugh-!"

Coughing at the wheel proved a detriment as they began to fall away from their lead. "Fuckin' A."
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Thirty One
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Cinnabar Island
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with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 3:04:01 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

The two togedemaru clung together like fused coconuts. He hadn't acquired in them the same time and place but they had been largely inseparable since he'd put them together. Honestly he'd only needed one of them to do what he intended to do but not being able to tell which was which, he called forth for both of them.

With only one car ahead of them and the going into the final stretch of the drive it seemed Adrian was getting itchy. His talents as the wingman bringing them this far the least Sénon could do was close the gap between themselves and their only competition. "It's the game breaker."

Setting the electric fluffballs on the floor of the passenger's side he gave an "One of you..." order for either of them to execute. "use MAGNET RISE!"

A magnetic field on a modern racer could have been troublesome, frying computer systems and whatnot but in an old piece of muscle like Adrian's ride a lighter body meant nothing but more speed, if not more sensitive handling. One powerful fishtail or hard swerve and they could have wiped out but it was a risk they would have to take.

He was trusting Adrian to handle the handling.

He would be the one augmenting the speed in the final stretch of the road.

"TAILWIND, once more!" He patted the head of the Murkrow sitting in his lap.

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 7:22:52 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian didn't want to have to floor it, but didn't have much of a choice. He needed to win this race.

Clinching second for themselves, the metal body of his car lurching forward as they accelerated, maintaining their lead over the rest of the cars. Adrian didn't feel safe pulling away from the wheel even for a moment at these speeds; the slightest error may leave them in a pile up or careening off the road. Constant vigilance was thus required.

"Klink, kick it up a notch." Adrian shifted the gear before feeling it click, the sound of Klink's AUTOTOMIZE whirring from beneath the hood.

Running out of petrol, the overworked engine burned up Adrian's fuel as they barreled for the finish line, poised to overtake first place...