i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 4:20:51 GMT
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tossed atop of the bed once the duo entered the room. evenly arose to sit upon the edge of it, sharp eyes stared directly at . "i came here to check up on you..." evelyn started. she had heard of the loss they suffered. to have slateport taken from them, perhaps it was deserved. it was better then having it in the hands of the league. "silas is a strong man, and you all stand no chance against him." she could feel the cruel darkness in his heart--especially from having been so up close.

but it was better then being with her brother. silas was determined to spread team rocket's reign of control, and perhaps it was the best. why did she come? what was she her for again? she couldn't remember all too well due to so much occurring in just minutes of her time being here. gripping her purse, she'd ask while looking up toward her brother, "why am i even doing this for you?" a soft tone rung. speaking out of turn was not appropriate for a doll such as herself, it was impolite. but she wanted to understand as to why she being used to spy on team rocket for her brother.

evelyn made sure of herself that she was done with Fernando the moment she left, and yet here she was with the monster in her closet. behind closed doors, she wondered, would she make it out alive? shaky eyes continued to stare directly into fernando's own. there was no way she was escaping this room on her own, so she'd sit here and play the mind game with her brother for a bit.

notes: let her GO, .

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 6:11:31 GMT
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"I don't want to talk philosophy." Which is said quieter than Chu-e intended. Some of the heat is gone but that didn't mean he meant to replace it with softness. Fuck. "I want to go out like I came into this world: bloody and screaming. Nothing else would suit me." He walks in silence for a bit, eventually returning Sweetness and Sunshine to their pokeballs. He hadn't really intended for his pokemon to run loose. It had been a rash decision but he had no doubts they would find their ways back to him later. He held their pokeballs so they had no choice.

"Maybe if you stick around long enough, get me drunk enough, maybe I'll tell you why I hate everyone and everything like I do. You're included with everyone, yes... but I think I hate you a little less, at least for right now." Then he sighs and shake his head, tries to clear his muddied thoughts and lift his somber mood. There was no sense in thinking of back then or what happened right now. He could do that one his own later when he had something to take it out on.

"Fancy room. Were you planning on getting your dick wet tonight?" Chu-e pulls ahead, a few steps, spins around to lean against the door frame and he pulls a little chocolate off the tray Arthur is holding and pops in his mouth. Sweets were his eternal weakness. He makes a crude hand gesture after, circling thumb and pointer on one hand together and then shoving the pointer of his other hand into the hole made.

i might have missed something orz

@ball, @arthurwright

➣ chu-e has a moment
➣ he pushes it away to be crude

➣ chu-e is in the dining room, chomper is in the rose garden, whimsicott is in the ball room, stray is at the food tables
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 7:14:57 GMT
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they pass him by only because he allows them to.

the man looks like the type who only ever lets his pokemon fight for him; what muscle he may have is aesthetic only. it would make dominic smirk, but what humour lingers is dashed by the plea in songbird's voice.

she is an asset, and even though he was under inferred orders to observe only, the risk of anyone interfering with her in any way isn't one he could allow. leaving her alone with that man is pragmatically irresponsible at best, ethically unconscionable at worst.

he cocks his head side-ways, surveying them as they disappear into one of the far rooms. a blinking light as the door opens and he knows lock-picking isn't an option. when the door clicks shut, he lurches into action, his eyes lighting up with renewed purpose as he descends down the spiral staircase.

dominic could send an alert from his phone with a single key-stroke, swarm the room, break the door off its hinges. he could have his pokemon smog them out. neither option is suitable.

at the grand entrance, he searches for a particular man, a hotel employee and undercover rocket; his in and the chief reason he had garnered entrance to the event at all. dominic catches the man by his arm and jerks him toward him with little regard for the tray of hors d'oeuvres that he was balancing. cupping his hand over the man's ear to speak, dominic whispers his demands with a threatening urgency.

it's like dominoes falling into place.

soon he'll have the hotel's copy of the key-card to the room, and if not that, he'll force the hotel security to unlock the door remotely.

no one can deny a rocket underboss.

≫ why can't we just have a peaceful event :pepehands:
≫ is unimpressed with
≫ concerned about 's well-being
≫ forces an undercover rocket hotel employee to find a copy of the keycard to the door (will take about 3 dominic posts fyi)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 7:42:26 GMT
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xxx for
arthur had to resist the urge to laugh. bloody and screaming? his inability to empathize would be an understatement in this case. it is here he is reminded again of how differently their circles run, with chu-e wanting to contribute to the needless destruction that rocket promises and has somewhat delivered, while arthur is really here more for the ride and the gain at the end (sometimes in the process). pragmatism holds him for almost all his actions; one exception would be when it comes to social interactions since hanging around with this guy is definitely not practical in the slightest. he follows his companion to the hotel room. it had been a silent yes to probably blow off some steam.

"is that a challenge?" he does not tell chu-e that he has, in fact, done a bit of research about him. nothing detailed since there is not much to go on in the first place, but he knows enough, he thinks. he knows the clean, single sentence summary on why he left his hometown. he knows that rocket had picked him up some time after his meanderings and has been one of their loyal foot soldiers since. his involvement in kanto is...terrifying, to say the least. he knows he is dealing with a dangerous man.

yet arthur finds himself drawn to him, so he stays. "i'll take that as a compliment, thank you. i do my best to make people hate me a little less." when they get to the room, the young man notes that it is actually nicer than he had anticipated. rather large, too. he actually finds that for a charity event, the price isn't all too bad. at this point the noise is more or less drowned out since they are quite far away from the centres of interest. he lets out a small laugh at chu-e's comment. "i would be lying if i said no, but that would've been more of a bonus than the actual reason." after the other takes a sweet from the plate, he walks past him (ignoring the crude gesture) and places the plate on a small table. he takes off the first layer of his suit, neatly folds it, and hangs it over one of the chairs. he had been feeling stuffy with it. "as it turns out i'm not too much of a people person as i would've preferred, so i rented a room in case i needed some silence." he turns back to chu-e. "i might head out again after a while. you can stay here if you want to break some things, i suppose, but it goes under your name." he then takes a seat on the plush couch and lets his body sink into it. ah, that feels nice. he almost feels like he can power nap for a bit.

tl;dr - some chatter and now they're at the hotel room weeeee

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 9:47:56 GMT
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[attr="class","twobeelyric"]NO ONE ELSE

[attr="class","twobeelyric1"]IN THE


[attr="class","twobeelyric3"]LEFT FOR ME





[attr="class","twobeelyric4"]THE ROAD GOES EVER ON


the sneasel was cute, the way it tried to feign indifference like that. lucie's own pokemon were much more straightforward in their affections and feelings, but she'd worked with enough pokemon to know that this was not always the case. every single one was unique in its own way, with its own traits and habits, just as much as humans were. to lucie, pokemon were companions; it appeared to her that team rocket did not always consider the creatures in this light, though of course she wouldn't delve too deeply into thinking badly of the syndicate even if they were at fault for her father's disappearance. after all, humans were all different too. they were not inherently evil. there may yet have been some things that she just did not understand.
lucie giggled softly at the trainer's admission, and offered one last, tailored compliment to the sneasel. "it's okay. i can be a little shy too sometimes. but noir, that's a really cool name. i bet you're proud of that, huh?" the sneasel's feigned indifference only made her want to befriend it and gain its trust even more. deerling, on the other hand, stood unwaveringly by lucie's side as she paid attention to the other trainer's pokemon. though the deer pokemon was curious in his own way, he was also far too timid to stray from his trainer's side for long, and preferred to be within close quarters to lucie if he could. deerling was not the jealous type, not at all - his trainer was a researcher, so he was used to her being affectionate toward all shapes and sizes of pokemon. at the end of the day, though, deerling and mareep were lucie's pokemon, and the small creature knew that in its own way.
the trainer addressed lucie directly then, and green eyes cast upward to properly look at him for the first time. she smiled and shook her head at his question, realising that she'd hardly done anything in the way of introductions - not to the human, anyway. she slowly stood up, fixing the skirt of her dress before answering him. "actually, i'm a researcher!" she turned her head slightly to the side, trying to figure out if she could guess the other's occupation, but to no avail. "you are...?"


# @max [break] ++ lucie finally acknowledges a real human being after desperate attempts to gain noir's favour;; [break]++ deerling is quiet and docile, watching rather than acting









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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 19:28:39 GMT
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He hadn't been expecting someone that he knew to find him right off the bat. Then again he only knew a handful of people outside of the church and none of the church would probably be caught dead in a place like this. It didn't have a purpose in serving the church so they wouldn't have any real reason to delve into this decadence. And yes, all of this was extremely decadent to him. Even just being out here in the gardens was amazing. But seeing Drake was a welcome sight at least. It made him feel a little more at ease to know he wasn't entirely alone here. Well, except for Algae that is. He was never alone whenever his Pokemon were here too.

"Drake, it's lovely to see you!" He took a couple steps closer to the other man and gave him a warm smile. After all there needed to be something warm out here considering the weather wasn't exactly agreeing. "I was worried I would be stuck here alone the entire time." Not that he would have minded or anything. But as soon as he said that he would be alone Algae croaked, annoyed at the sentiment. "Well, not entirely alone. Algae decided to join me this evening." He seemed pleased as punch that the frog Pokemon was here since his other Pokemon were either too young or too large to fit in.

>> still in the gardens
>> being friendly to drake since he wasn't expecting to see him
>> algae the croagunk is watching

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 22:06:05 GMT
he doesn't buy it. not one bit. "out of all the chances, all the times, you choose now?" he's vocal about his thought process and allows evelyn to understand the depth of his misgivings. fernando faces her from a distance, arms crossed as he analyzes her features. he's looking for subtle prompts, any sign that she's hinting at something more, or that she's lying.

"you came back because you know better. you may not be my blood but i raised you as my own. you seek success and thrive off victory, even if you deny it." that's the same hook that brings into his servitude. it's the same practice that bind his pokemon to his service. is no different although the circumstance differs - it's more nuanced but the central theme is consistent.

"you should know that rocket doesn't worry me. they can conquer the league but they cannot stand against silph co. now that we're conjoined, the only opposition i face is some internal resistance. once rocket lays the streets with the blood of enough innocent civilians, they'll be little in my way to bring back order to the region."

his nose winkled. gloating without someone under his boot doesn't bring the same satisfaction.

"but you know this, sister."

› questions evelyn
› monologue

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 2:46:03 GMT
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renting a room at this hotel had its benefits, she could sit in here as long as she wanted and relax until she was ready to finally leave.

her attendance at this ball wasn’t expected, but in order to save face, she decided to make an appearance anyways. being at the scene of the commissioners disappearance, she would have probably have been a prime suspect. showing her face at such a gathering would probably lower any notoriety she may have garnered from doing so.

with one final look at herself she would exit the room, immediately spotting a man rush by, his figure blurred as he moved to gods knows where. she was almost tempted to follow him, just to see where he was headed off to, but she knew it would only be a waste of time. so instead she’d go her own way, calmly.

as she headed down the staircase, her eyes would lock with a seemingly familiar face, , guess she wasn’t the only one here feigning normality. but to her, it seemed that his form of normal and hers would differ. if he wasn’t trying to draw attention to himself he could do a better job than talking to that busboy as he did.

whatever, it wasn’t her business. she had her own plans for the night, and whatever he was up to he could handle himself. all she had to to was slip into the ballroom and start chatting people up for the night.

⇝ saw run by after she finally came out of her room

⇝ sees talking to some busboy and just ignores it

⇝ heading towards the ballroom from the lobby

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph DOLLARS
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 6:37:44 GMT
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that's right. at the start of his monologue, she'd open her purse and began to rummage through it. the sound of rummaging and a click made hearing his voice bearable. he didn't care for the league, whether he achieved in becoming their leader or losing the faction against rocket. it didn't matter because he had the accursed silph family. in the end it didn't matter what side she joined, and he made her realize that in the midst of his monologue.

green widened eyes became narrowed in the realization of everything, "he was right." that was what she thought to herself. and she couldn't defy him. "i...don't want there to be anymore bloodshed." narrowed eyelids, followed by a lowered head, she broke the eye contact between them, and said, "i understand, big brother." she obediently replied. leaving her purse opened, she'd sit it upon the side of her to grace fernando her full attention, and, dangerously, her opinion.

"i...don't want there to be anymore death. what if..." she hesitated before speaking, raising her head to look into his eyes once more, "what if there was a way to convince silas to change..? i'm already inside their faction, if we work together brother..!" she'd pause before continuing, looking down with hesitation and shaky eyes. her right hand placed over her heart spoke volumes, uttering that even she did not have faith in such a plan. she just wanted this to stop.

"why are we doing this?" she asked.

notes: let her GO, . she's SCARED.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 7:00:45 GMT
"good luck with that. bring back his father into the fray and that's your attempt at peace. rocket will tear itself apart and peace will come back to the region." @ainsley had provided that much information at least. the change in rocket leadership had been the driving point that allowed them to drive the point through hoenn. combat was no longer just between pokemon. the human factor is one that's been long ignored and fernando relishes the thought. this is how true battling is done. not raw strength, not type match ups - no, battle were fought and won by the cunning. the thrill of the hunt, watching his plans come to fruition over those who are unprepared and caught off guard by the absolution of his tactics is what drives him to perfect it.

"we do this because we must. kanto had been an unfortunate loss but hoenn cannot befall the same fate. i will take the league where it was afraid to go before."

his curiosity perks at her attention on the innards of her purse. he ignores it for now even though he shouldn't.

"i'm bringing it to the winning side."

› tells evelyn there's only one way for 'peace'

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph DOLLARS
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 7:14:29 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar

tear itself apart? what did he mean by that? no, that wasn't important right now. "where it was afraid to go? what do you mean...murder?" she asked. she was confused, unable to gain an understanding of her brother's plot. tonight was the night for everything to be laid out. to gain a further understanding of her brother's goal, no matter how bad it was. she needed to hear it. this was the deciding factor of her opinion on him; was the fernando she once knew truly gone?

"what do you mean, fernando...? what are you up to?" evelyn asked. she needed to know what he meant by saying such a dangerous statement, "what are you planning to do?"

notes: let her GO, . she's SCARED.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 8:16:05 GMT
the fact that she used the word murder deliberately triggers something in the back of his mind. it's a peculiar word and one that arouses his suspicion into something more - paranoia. "murder?" his eyebrows twist in a knot that shows the questionable understanding behind it. her assumption goes too far off far too little. it stinks of a set up.

"is that what they teach you in rocket? to use violence as the first and final means?" he scoffs at the thought. his reputation is unstained. what evelyn thinks of him does not match his words. she won't catch him on these grounds. "the league will restructure with silph co. as its base. there will be no more underestimating team rocket and from there each issue will be taken care of. no more hunger, no more homeless, no more sick and frail. i will make sure hoenn becomes what kanto could not."

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37 height
37 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 8:16:51 GMT

all it takes is a single glance, a soft smile, a fleeting look of the past and he's caught on her hook. his eyes narrow as they trail her out towards the balcony. it's not until she moves out of view does he realize he had been holding his breath.

he seeks refuge but now is not the time for it. he turns to . "stop drinking and look at me." his tone changes in an instant as his hand finds her wrist. "someone from my past is here and if she's here, then there are more." the realization strikes him when he speaks--there are more.

not being able to afford the luxury of scanning the ballroom, he has to juggle his priorities and persephone will always be his highest. "be careful, persephone. i'll find you." true meanings are hidden within his words. he breaks from her. it's not a request but an order.

"i'll find you."

fingers swiftly navigate across his phone and with a single tap, his collateral is secured. any audio received will be recorded as he pockets his phone against his chest. he finds her instantly.

"you shouldn't be here, athena." his voice is low but acute. he steps all too close to her and looms over her, allowing his eyes to undress as he looks to intimidate. but he knows she doesn't cower easily.

"leave. before it's too late."

≫ leaves - have fun !
≫ confronts @devo1 on the balcony - u bitch.

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph DOLLARS
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 8:45:56 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar

the minute he finished she'd reply quickly, "you're lying." evelyn sharpyl replied. "be honest with me..." the quiet evelyn spoke. "i'm not a little girl anymore, if...i'm to do what i'm doing for have to be honest with me." evelyn stated, her head risen. "i may be a tool to you, but don't you look down on me as if i'm a double agent." she was no fool, her brother's words were untruthful--call it a hunch or doubt, she just couldn't believe fernando.

"i already know what you did, fernando...there's no point in hiding what your plans are anymore." she stated, "i just want to know who you really are...who is fernando!?" she exclaimed, tears forming from her sockets. "if i'm to be nothing more then an obedient doll, i deserve to be told the truth of what you plan to do in the future--because you're a monster!" she exclaimed. shaking her head as her body tightened, all she craved was the truth--nothing more.

notes: let her GO, . she's SCARED.

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 8:53:06 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

the renewed commotion is visible only if you're looking for it - for the ripple of hotel uniforms in the crowd, a long chain passing on his simple request.

he sees the beast, catches her gaze but gives no acknowledgement beyond that. he can blend in to a reasonable degree, but he doesn't belong the way she does, and he won't risk her cover. it's enough to know she's there.

watching them scatter is oddly irritating. dominic turns his back and stalks over to the doorway to the ballroom, watching the dancers, but it's stillness that catches his eye. he sees more faces, more ghosts, more beasts, more demons; beings that belong under his heel.

his lip curls in disgusted recognition.

oh, nikolai is right. there are more. dominic can see them in the masses. invisible to the untrained eye, he can identify them with a glance because he knows a kindred spirit. nikolai never did stop being one of their own.

time passes.

≫ acknowledges
≫ lingers between the grand entrance and the ballroom as he waits
≫ sees @devo1 and talking
≫ 1/3 posts until dominic gets the key card to 's weird torture room

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