i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 23:10:39 GMT
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Victor pouted. Punch him back? Who in their right mind would punch sweet little Victor? He was the epitome of kindness. The mother Theresa of winter balls. That one good support who flashes in front of an Ace in the Hole and dies even though their marksman barriered. He was a little taken back by the hostility regarding the train. Sure he had just smacked the man across the face but wow! "E-Elijah, its not whatchu thin-"

Victor stopped. Holy Pikachu why was he doing this. He stuck out a finger and prodded it into Elijah's chest. "You're lucky that suit looks expensive, because I have half a mind to toss a drink at you." He grimaced and looked over to their dates. "I bet that's not even your girl is she? Probably just some lady you swindled out of a bar somewhere." God who faked relationships! What a sicko this guy was!

"Fine, have it your way. We WILL have a good time tonight and we WILL enjoy ourselves." Victor snatched two glasses of champange from a passing waiter, who this time was not @winter . He couldn't go back empty handed. What would Alex think? Marriages were built on trust and good alcohol. But before he could head back there was one other problem. Like, a big problem. It was because the goddess Ami Park was still pooping during her three hour long bathroom break.

"Uh...can you drive me home after? I need a ride." Victor grinned awkwardly.

: i love you
@camryn ; : mandatory tag

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 3:02:22 GMT
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fritz doesn't mind being scanned from head to toe. he knows that he can show off certain parts of himself that can appeal, and also has some things that are a little lacking. he doesn't have the physique of a burly man, for example, but he'd like to think that his appearance can turn a couple of heads, if they notice him. as for the woman in front of him, well, he is surprised that he is the first to approach her, or maybe she had just arrived here and he was the first to take the bait. "well, it is one of the largest gatherings of the month, i'll give it that." he responds, forgetting if there is actually some sort of entertainment here like a popular band or something similar. it really seems to be more of collecting all those fancy league people together under one place. would be great time to bomb it, but he figures he's not the only rocket in here. he has no idea if there is such a plan.

he then smirks as the question is deflected back at him. what's he doing here alone? well..."i wasn't informed of when the ball had started, so my friends left without me." he answers nonchalantly, though in reality he had not called any friends to speak of, and he is really here mostly to take a look at the festivities and maybe steal some food. "care to keep me company for a while?" if their conversation becomes a drag, at least she's good eye candy, and she's willing to entertain him too.

but it doesn't look like that's the only thing entertaining tonight. a wind billows through them as the ballroom is suddenly covered soft trickles of snow, and in front of them is a pokemon he recognises from the book he had read as a kid. "articuno..." he mutters, finding himself in awe, confusion, and spikes of fear. what was a legendary doing here? looking for an avatar, no less? he watches for a moment as people offer themselves in front of the deity, but fritz isn't inclined to join them. still he doesn't resist the urge to take a picture. how often does one get one of a legendary bird, right. "click, aaaand save." he mutters to himself before pocketing his phone. it doesn't look like his companion is eager to offer herself either. that's good on him, at least he won't be left alone. "with everyone's attention on the bird, it would be very easy to just take something from them, huh." he says idly before letting out a small laugh, "i kid, of course." but he's only really half joking. "still makes me wonder why articuno would show itself here, though. imagine if it sides with a faction..."

it's not that big of a deal if it decides to ally itself with someone that has their own selfish goals, but if it becomes aligned with league? yikes. with rocket? also yikes, but at least he's on the right side.

tags: @jennifer
notes: ball reference! the cold never bothered them anyway
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 5:25:46 GMT
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And so, in a twist of fate, it seemed that Camryn and Alex had been abandoned for the wolves so that Victor and David could chat... she was both relived and disappointed at the same time. Maybe she could slip off while she had the chance and try to salvage her night.

"You're not really married to him, right?" Was all she said, grateful in her own way to Alex, so he attempted to grab his hand and tug him... further away from whatever disaster was brewing between the other two men. "Want to visit the snack table with me?"

Camryn gave a small smile, trying to be polite and kind, when there was a gust of chilled air and it seemed like she wouldn't be getting warmed up that easy. A massive flying pokemon appeared, spoke to her and many others mentally, and she knew instantly that she wasn't fit to be an avatar, or whatever, but she did know she wanted to get a better look.

"Oh, hey, let's go see what happens!" She said, excited, to Alex and tried to guide him closer to where the action was. People were already trying to be avatars! How exciting!

@ball, , ,

dress inspo

➣ she has been abandoned lmao
➣ talks to alex some nad tries to jump ship with him
➣ oh shit articuno
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 14:25:50 GMT
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ultimately they aren't able to move away from the ballroom because they got to converse some more (though it was really more of abel flirting while arthur trying to deflect his advances out of awkwardness). somehow the room continues to lower in temperature but no one is really sure as to why. they continue talking as normal until a much stronger billow of wind enters the room, blowing in both chills and snow as a large pokemon seems to arrive out of nowhere--a pokemon all too recognisable for those who have lived in the kanto and johto region.

"articuno..." he isn't much for the deities, but he knows them. he's seen them in paintings and murals and museums and...well, they are an icon. a symbol of power that is beyond human comprehension. and somehow, tonight, one of them is right here in the same room as he is, calling for an avatar. it all seems so surreal. it unsettles him in more ways than he could fantom. he notes that people are beginning to crowd, but cautiously, quietly. there are murmurs in the audience, though. of course not everyone is going to try to offer themselves to the legendary. they know that articuno is searching for something, though what exactly is a mystery. nonetheless, he is surprised to see that chu-e has given a shot at it, and he damn hopes that the bird doesn't peer into him and find that he's actually a rocket.

or maybe it does, and it does not care. worthiness in this case can perhaps extend to both factions, or factionless individuals. what a terrifying thought. he does not dare approach the pokemon, but he finds that being able to see it in the flesh is enough. surely that's a story for the books, and it would be a moment that would start a chain reaction for the months to come.

because if one legendary makes its appearance here, he is sure that the others are to follow.

tags: @abel (mostly bc i'm sort of shortcutting the convo)
notes: i just want that chance encounter award ok
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 19:21:52 GMT
'we have a situation.'

that's putting it lightly. their moment is cut short and fernando can barely tear himself away. duty calls, he reminds himself, and takes perse by the hand as he leads her to the source of the commotion. "you'll want to see this," he explains, coupling the idea that the sighting of a legendary pokemon goes hand in hand with history. while not necessarily correct, it's still something that most trainers would find fascinating. fernando too finds himself bewildered but only due to the spontaneous factor behind articuno's arrival.

amidst the ballroom lies a gathering of people who flock to the center of attention. fernando's pokemon are no different but they keep their distance. while he has no doubt on his ability to handle the situation, the fall the beast, he errs on the side of caution. things seem composed, for now. that's his priority - keep things calm. observe, digest, calculate, and adapt.

a feeling of EXTRASENSORY plagues fernando and he can hear the bird call to him. tch. so even the legendaries can resort to such a tactic. if it can trespass in the inner realms of his mind then it shouldn't require a vocal answer. from afar, behind the rest, fernando observes, staring the bird down as he concentrates his thoughts. a specialist of psychic type pokemon, he has a penchant for tinkering with their telepathic abilities. and, if the articuno cannot hear his thoughts, then so be it.

'if you seek someone pure of heart, someone riddled with well intentions then take your pick from those who dream. i do not wish - i do.'

his eyes narrow.

'but if you seek someone who can change the fate of this land, someone who can turn your chill into true ice there is no one else who knows the winter like i do. observe, watch, know.'

thoughts linger toward a previous time. his expedition in shoal cave, the chance encounter with @reagan , the preparation for ABSOLUTE ZERO comes to mind. the inhabitants that call the cave home found themselves on the receiving end of what it means to be cold. to pit ice against ice shows who truly understands the power of the SHEER COLD.

'with or without you matters not. i will make the change that hoenn needs.'

the vast array of ice type pokemon that make up his roster come to mind. abomasnow, froslass, glaceon, glalie. no matter the cause, their backstory, they've come together as hoenn's representation of a premiere ice type specialist.

with a pained grunt, fernando loosens his concentration and nurses the newfound throbbing that comes from his self-inflicted headache. "you should try, perse. if anyone is suited for an occasion with something as unnatural as this, it's you." or so he says. his eyes never leave the great beast. they had always called him cold, callous. it's articuno's turn to face his frigid gaze. what he seeks is an understanding from the bird's gaze. what he leaves is a dare that threatens frostbite.


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stormy, bronwen
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2019 5:18:24 GMT
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0000 words@articuno

A lot happened in the span of a few minutes.. or maybe it was hours. How long had she been standing by the food table taking samples of the different kinds of chocolates and desserts?

Long enough for Articuno to arrive, apparently!

The sharp gust of wind that blasted open the windows for good this time caught the tail end of her dress. In a desperate gasp, the young woman quickly attempted to pat it down to make sure no one had seen her delicates.

She looked quite perturbed and suddenly very uncomfortable with the sudden temperature change. As she turned to look at the open windows, she saw many people leave her side at the table. Everyone appeared to be flocking to the main entrance and dancing hall.

Curious, Stormy followed as she tended to, only to find her jaw had dropped to the floor in surprise.

Behold, Articuno.

It didn't seem to speak, necessarily, but there was definitely a voice in her head that was quite bold and assuming. It stated it's purpose for arrival and demanded or requested, it was a little bit of both, she figured, someone to become it's avatar.

At first, Stormy had no idea what that even meant. However, not long after the bird had delivered it's cryptic speech, several people stepped forward and began showering the Articuno in frivolous compliments and pleasantries.

Stormy, not at all impressed with how cold the room was, decided to take out her phone and snap a quick picture of the bird. There were too many people vying for it's attention, and ice and snow just wasn't her cup of hot cocoa, as it were. She much preferred to keep nice and toasty warm, and having an Articuno follow her around and turn an entire gala to ice wasn't on her list of things to do before she died.

Maybe next time!

tldr: stormy was stuffing her face
stormy notices people flocking to articuno
stormy also snaps a pic, but not a selfie, of the birb
stormy leaves because its too fuckin cold mate
deltra of gangnam style
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persephone amavi
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2019 18:05:10 GMT
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she feels the legendary pokemon's voice like a physical strike raking her head, a numbing cold that's almost painful followed by the tingling sensation of ice gnawing at the back of her scalp.

the sight of it was majestic; beautiful azure wings folded in wait, inquisitive and regal as it received proposals, but the residual discomfort in her head is enough to almost make persephone turn away. awed fascination primarily, and fernando's hand in hers secondarily, keep her gaze and posture steady.

persephone ponders his suggestion for several moments, expression impassive, as she tries to remember any record of such borderline contractual obligations between legendary pokemon and mere humans. ultimately, she discards those thoughts as well. playing to a certain type or trying to guess what the articuno expects in a game of appeasement is pointless when all she can offer his her own value.

she releases fernando's hand and steps forward to speak softly as though to share a secret, perhaps closer than anyone else had yet dared.

"origin is what binds us, pulls us back and keeps us in our place. even though your home is oceans away, you came here, to this land because it called to you."

persephone halts, a long meaningful pause. the words feel like chips of ice cutting her tongue.

"no one here knows or loves every drop of water and every grain of dust as much as i. i'm hoenn's daughter, let me show you its truths and secrets."

≫ offers articuno access to deep hoenn MYSTICISM & LORE


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 9:55:43 GMT

"i will not help you." 

he says to @devo1.

"your path leads to nothing but violence and death. hope exists, sure, but it's slim, and i cannot risk it all for that. not even for you." 

the coldness in the air is combated with the warmness in his voice. for once, he's genuine.

"get out while you can. i'll help you if you need me to. but there's nothing left for you there. hoenn will tremble but it will not fall. i won't allow it to." 

a fleeting touch; perhaps the last he'll share with her.

"i'm sorry, athena." 


one moment: nothing; and the next: everything

he watches as he weaves through the vastness of the crowd, eyes never once leaving the legendary because he knows how important this is: this turns the tide.

he doesn't possess the love offers nor the knowledge bestows. he wasn't worthy, he's not worthy, but he will be because he knows loss better than anyone else.

tonight, he'll bare his heart for lives lost.

lives he's taken.

"your land—your home—fell because of me. not one day goes by where i don't regret the things i've done. i ask for your forgiveness, but that's not why i'm here." 

he takes a step, breaking away from the crowd to stand isolated by himself. he looks over to , oblivious to the events that transpired that night with . but that doesn't matter, not in the moment. he smiles for her.

"i will not let hoenn suffer the same fate. i'm done running. i will fight for the region, for the people; all i ask is for your help." 

ex-rocket beast, nikolai petrov, reveals his true past to the majority present at the ball. no more lies. no more deceit. this is who he is and there's no changing that.

the past cannot be rewritten but the future remains blank.

"i offer you my body, my life, my soul."


≫ :HeyGuys:
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elijah gardner
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2019 5:08:44 GMT
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elijah relents. the threat of murder eventually rings hollow like a pepper's seeds scraped out with a dulled knife. there's no escape.

victor's finger disarms him and his practiced posture slumps. the dissection of the act peels apart the rubber of his balloon. a sigh, like trapped air squealing out of his popped body, responds to the threats.

"i don't drink." elijah says, not knowing the glass is for someone else. "look. if i give you a ride, you keep your mouth shut. got it?"

the rock in his shoe becomes too apparent, and as he witnesses the articuno alight upon the ball, elijah frowns.

"too much shit's going on. i'll drive you home. c'mon."

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POSTED ON Jan 11, 2019 7:02:47 GMT
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the articuno listens— or at least seems to be. its crest reigns high above its expressive reddish eyes, rendering its countenance stern or magnanimous: articunian multiple choice.[break][break]

it appreciates everyone's approach. every honorable sentiment, every brave testimony captures the articuno's respectful attention.[break][break]

for a brief moment, articuno's turning head rests upon , his words bolstered by 's sincere support; however, the bird of ice's eyes slide further and rest upon @senri.[break][break]

the bird lurches forth, the ice indomitable and unmoved even under the mythical's weight. finally, it stops right in front of @senri, clearing others from their union.[break][break]

it speaks, psychically: "i see that you are shaking. yet there is strength in fragility. only in understanding our vulnerabilities do we discover our calm." with a dramatic spread of its wings, the articuno suddenly showers the ballroom in a hurricane of snow.[break][break]

only the two find themselves within the eye of the snowstorm. from the bird's beak, ice forms like crystallizing quartz. it descends for @senri to grasp. for a moment, it's intensely cold— but his skin acclimates to the intense temperature.[break][break]

"this ice will never melt and will be a symbol of our pact. you may call upon me whenever you require my aid. i will be watching."[break][break]

for a moment, the articuno stares in to through the storm. the winds start to settle and before anyone else can approach through the gale, the articuno brandishes their wings and flies away.[break][break][break]



@senri has forged a pact with articuno, becoming articuno's avatar (award to come soon). senri will be able to summon articuno at any time in their threads within reason, and will receive these following benefits:[break][break]

  • 20 infamy points
  • senri's pokemon are immune to the freezing condition.
  • senri's pokemon's ice-type moves are boosted in strength (within reason/flavour text).
  • senri, himself, is immune to the cold/freezing climates.

NOTES: more benefits may be added/edits or "balancing" may occur. feel free to add articuno to your pc as well even though articuno will not be with senri in a physical sense all the time.[break][break]

the winter ball will continue until 01/13 PST. event thread rewards and the criteria for choosing articuno's avatar will be revealed in that post as well. the criteria, by the way, was thought of since the very conception of this event!![break][break]

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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 5:28:58 GMT
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+ +
  • a type 1 rare candy, level tutor, and a free safari ticket.
  • the type 1 rare candy + level tutor are redeemable in the site shop thread.
  • the ticket is redeemable in the safari zone safety thread.
  • ice king and queen were unable to be decided due to the articuno's presence.

, , , , @arthurwright, @fritz, , , , , , @sen2, , , @winter, , , , @jennifer.[break][break]


5 infamy.

, , , @max, , , , , @elora, @mihai.[break][break]



articuno selected someone who had gone through struggles and maintained composure— or at least, tried to. serenity, staying cool, and working through one's anxiety was exemplified by senri (gilbert was also another choice, but yuko is currently busy with her masters)![break][break]


thank you for participating in the aurorus winter ball, everyone! if you have recently spent pokedollars to evolve/use a level tutor item, let me know in the site shop with the total pokedollars spent and i can refund the amount. ♥

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