i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
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sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 11:33:35 GMT
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[newclass=.leagueangelonfire] --leagueaofAccent:#dea02c; [/newclass]
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further and further down the rabbit hole. of every little lie, even if becoming gradually distinct, placed the unknowing in an unsettling world. alex could see it in the gesture of the woman. even if it had not been apparent in words, it was the same inkling for his own which eased the act of old friends and lovers. [break][break]

at least he was not alone.[break][break]

he held onto his breath, forcing it beneath the hovering conversation. just when he thought the warmth would blanket the tension of the merciless winter, victor thought otherwise. the determination was unfaltering. not an ounce of fear, which was more—so perceived in the onlookers. what had just been serenity for the retreat, became unbearable worry. [break][break]

dismissal for the odd demand was unsuspecting. at least, alex had not been entirely confident on the outcome. the man still made a move in a more— respectable notion. what came next was a counter to what had been requested, the fragment of every word cutting through the music from within. the creeping bite of the gentle pass of a breeze had him returning to this distressing reality with a newfound spirit. [break][break]

"is the cold affecting you both?" he starts, leaning in a bit closer to victor, "i guess weirdness is contagious." the smile is bright, void of hostility in what is crowded by jest for her previous comment. a slight tug is made, encouraging their approach into the lobby. "come on, we can talk inside." he is genuine in his urgency for the glow of this icy opposite.

notes @camryn hello darkness,,


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You knew who I was with every step that I ran to you
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TAG WITH @valeria
gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 23:53:31 GMT
gilbert valeria Avatar

gilbert's demeanor predisposes him to discomfort at certain levels of...worship, for lack of a better term. he tells himself the over-friendly, over-eager, over...everything that seems to come from certain people is always good natured. it isn't of course: he knows this from years in power.

the predicament only recently has ramped up, his appointment to council making people fawn over him constantly. only now the stakes are higher than they were when he was just running the space center; trusting the wrong person in present-day hoenn can be fatal.

cait's bumbling, however, strikes him as honest. nevertheless, he shifts awkwardly for a moment, disguising the discomfort with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yes, that gilbert valeria. but the honor is mine, miss alfric!" his posture eases back into its perfect form as the moment passes and things return to something resembling normal conversation. he turns and plucks another lady lock from the table, his eyes searching some realm beyond the snacks for something.

the last name strikes him now. alfric.

"pardon me if i'm wrong, but i was reading reports regarding the...confrontation in slateport. you were there, yes? your name is starting to ring a bell." it's so inappropriate, potentially traumatic, but he does not hold his tongue. some have shied away from the topic, some have resented him for his absence.

her last line only hits him now, and he looks around to see that truly nobody is looking at him. "oh, right, this is more than ideal. it's easier to connect with people one-on-one, you know?" the smile eases back across his features, the smooth one that is known to allure.

it is, of course, not intentional.

- doesn't like hero worship (not that that's what this is necessarily)
- recalls cait's name from slateport reports
- promises that one on one conversations are better

[newclass=.valeria]width:300px; font-size:10px; text-align:justify; line-height:12.5px; text-transform:lowercase[/newclass]
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may 15
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slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2018 0:40:54 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

cait stared at the man for perhaps several seconds longer than she had originally intended, the young woman's mental faculties appearing to have halted momentarily. 

she blinked rapidly, vivid imagery that could be considered grotesque in quality having shoved itself to the very forefront of her mind. the green-eyed girl had been in the midst of reaching for a treat when he saw fit to mention such a terrible day; and her appetite would be thoroughly ruined as a result as her stomach churned and twisted uncomfortably with the confines of her flesh. 

"yes, i was there," she confirmed. 

cait pulled her hand from the table, reaching to brush aside a few curled locks of hair despite the slight trembling that coursed throughout her limbs. 

"though i doubt my being there bore much weight.

she had, perhaps, had a hand in ensuring team rocket hadn't taken the shipyard master. but she had been ordered to prioritize his life over the lives of the civilians whom had been caught in the crossfire. at the time it felt as though she had done the right thing - but now

"i was promoted from cadet to officer after managing to survive that ordeal," she said. 

the officer took a sip of her drink, plucking up the half-finished drink from the table to polish off the remainder of the fruity concoction. 

"it's a terrible pity that we lost slateport.

- cait freezes for a moment at the mention of slateport. 

- she recovers and attempts to cover up her discomfort by maintaining a somewhat indifferent tone by dismissing the part she played.

- mentions her promotion. 

- states how terrible it was that they lost slateport. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2018 8:01:55 GMT
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Hm. It was almost gross watching the public display of affection in front of him. What a cop out - ugh! He should have known Elijah would pull this crap. After that top ten betrayal moment on the trains Victor didn't know what to expect from this man. Well, Victor Hyun was no wuss. When the the offer to kiss was returned back to them Victor beamed with pride. Patiently he waited. And waited. And waited. Wait, what the hell was Alex doing?

Victor turned to his 'husband' and frowned. "What?" Really? Was this guy serious. Who thought the day when Victor Hyun would have to be the man would come? Sighing he looked sorrowfully over at Alex. "Yeah, sure babe." Leaning in he quickly stole a kiss on the blond's cheek with his eyes closed. Victor was not about to chicken out like this guy. "Lets head in, I'm starting to get chilly too. Here-"

As if to show Victor pulled his expensive Ralph Lauren jacket off of himself and draped it over Alex. It was kind of weird how casual he was with this make believe... Once inside Victor was quit to tug at Elijah's sleeves, pulling at the man's expensive formalwear. "Come on, lets get our uh...dates..drinks." Victor pulled and dragged Elijah away from the two. "You two get to know each other! We'll be right back - don't miss us!"

Victor couldn't play this charade forever. They weren't even out of earshot before he hissed at the man he was pulling towards the champagne table. "What the hell are you doing here!" Before the other could respond Victor reached up and smacked Elijah across the face. "That's for your bs from the train."

@camryn ; :  you're both freed for a moment

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2018 18:16:57 GMT
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Dancing was one of the better things that he had been doing at this party. While the drinks were good and the food was delicious he loved dancing. It made him feel important and pretty to be all dolled up like this at a party. It made him forget that his first choice career had been ruined by a jackass with a beedrill up his ass. So he smiled nicely at the man who spun him around and tried to forget the bitterness that was welling up inside of him. "I'm from Kalos so these sorts of parties are where I thrive." 

Everyone and their mother it seemed in Kalos knew how to dance and he missed that just a little bit. It was more fun when all the partners knew exactly what they were doing. But he didn't mind dealing with a bumblefoot every now and again. "After all they say you can tell a lot about a man from the way he treats his dance partners." And he held that to be astutely true. You could tell a lot about a person from the way they danced.

> agreed to dance with @mihai

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2018 19:56:53 GMT
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The drink made him a little bit warm in the face, something that Algae had noticed of his trainer as he sipped his water. He would have to put a stop to this once and for all somehow. He croaked loudly and put his drink next to Drake's, croaking at him and trying to stare him down from being lower than the other human. He knew what he wanted out of this and there was no way in Giratina's good name he was going to let him get it either. With a croak he settled back in a little bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry Algae do you need something?" He gently patted the frog on the head and handed him one of the small treats on the table. Because he was a good boy and obviously just a little bit on the hungry side. While Izekial could feel his cheeks and ears getting pinker at the mention of the flowers. "I loved them. I love flowers a lot. I hope to get a real garden started soon." One that he could have that would flourish in this weather. "I want to make the whole world a garden." And he let out a small laugh at that. "But that's silly, isn't it?"

>> in the ballroom
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 24, 2018 5:25:16 GMT
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"I suppose that is true," Mihai responded to her. He always treated the women he danced with on equal footing. Sometimes they looked delicate but if he had learned one thing from his mother was many women had a quiet strength about them. One that he admittedly admired.
Mihai lead her into a wing maneuver only to use her as a telemark then whisk her to the side. His steps sure of themselves as they continued their dance. She seemed to be quite the polite person and perhaps someone he could talk to off the dance floor more as well. He was sure she was an interesting person.
"Dancing was my favorite thing learning growing up. It's a family tradition to learn swordsmanship and how to be a ranger," Mihai said smiling lightly. "If I hadn't become a ranger I'd probably do this for a living."
Which he might have truthfully. It was never going to happen though; not now anyway with his duties as they were. A lot of competitions relied on winning and he had his siblings to look after. They needed a steadier income than him following something just because he fancied it.
"What work do you do," Mihai enquired as their bodies moved with the rest of the dancers.
Ballroom Lingo[break]
Dances with @verbatim4 [break]
One more round?



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2018 7:54:01 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

the weirdness was contagious. inescapable. he felt like a doomed patient zero. a gwyneth paltrow with a handful of bat and pig disease.

elijah lamented this lack of escape. although he dressed the part of a smooth operative, his maneuvers were anything but smooth. tugged away by the current of victor's rage, elijah surrendered to the inevitable. in this case, a slap.

a stinging palm print graced his cheek. one eye winced close, elijah rearranged his jaw before patting the raw red on his face.

"can't a man have fun?" elijah responded slowly. his eyes wandered to the unopened champagne bottles and their pebbled gold foil. "you're lucky i haven't punched you back. yet."

he glared at him.

"if you say anything more about the train station, i won't hesitate."

@camryn, , / elijah agrees with alex's appraisal of the weirdness. he gets pulled away from camryn and is slapped by victor i cry

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 4:35:56 GMT
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fashionably laaaate


It was called being fashionably late. [break][break]

And damn her if she didn't pull it off. Make up done, hair down with that corsage clipped, paired with that dress that both covered and teased with some of that subtle transparency she had going on at the front. It was screaming out shameless and modest all the same, with a generally covered up front and skirt - yet it was backless to the waist and only held up by a somewhat transparent collar decorating around her neck. The skirt itself, though long and nearly reached the ground, hugged onto her legs in a mermaid-tail style. Man, she felt fancy as heck. [break][break]

Ah, and we mustn't forget the fancy little black mask she worse over her eyes, lined with silver and accented with gold to emphasize the piercing, amber orbs of her own. It was partially because of the ball itself and her own little aesthetic, and also a nice disguise. Might actually bring more attention than not but.. A woman with mystery is always attractive, no? God, she felt great and she looked great; she felt great about looking great. [break][break]

This was one of the few times where she was going to take a break, kick back and relax for herself. Instead of going on an adrenaline run, she took a moment to strut her way down the corridors and to the main foyer. For the past few days, she decided to take up residence in the hotel (not like she had anywhere else to stay; she jumped back and forth like the fickle thing she was. No place to really call home right now) and so it wasn't too difficult for her to get herself ready. Just her, and her trusty suitcase when she travelled around. [break][break]

That, and her pokemon. Always made things easier. [break][break]

"Lets see~.." The woman struts her way into the ballroom with a small smirk across her lips, arms crossed under her bust whilst eyeing the other participants from under the mask. Mmn.. Looks like everyone was dancing already. [break][break]


tl;dr: She's fashionably late and needs someone to talk to >D



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 14:15:44 GMT
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when did the ball start again? he has no clue, but at least by the time he gets there, it's still ongoing but has significantly slowed from its peak earlier in the evening. he has heard that some trouble had occurred too, which is to be expected with an event as open as this. he would be surprised if there isn't any rockets snooping around for some free grub, whether it be food or something more valuable. the guard magneton stare at him when he goes through their version of a scanner; he fixes his glasses and clears his throat. they let him pass, despite the fact that he has two steel type pokemon tucked on his belt. it's probably because they're only tasked to look for metal on the person, otherwise there would've been plenty more hits.

anyway, the place is still crowded as ever, though not as energetic. he still grumbles a little at the sea of people and prefers to be in a quiet hotel room, whether he is alone or with someone else. is there anyone even here who is alone? it seems like everyone is talking with everyone else, and because of that his eyes shift around awkwardly before he tugs a little on his coat. he's not used to wearing tighter clothing, but he has to put on a show. he just hopes that he does not encounter anyone here from his previous line of work. ah, that would be...difficult.

as he makes his way past the lobby and into the ballroom, he notes that in the hubbub there is someone else who is perhaps late, or is just alone. better than standing around awkwardly, he supposes, as he decides to approach her and--damn she is stunning. "what's a pretty thing like you doing all alone this evening?" he is wearing contacts today and has to resist the urge to press on his nose bridge. "at least i can take comfort in the fact that i'm not the only one who's late, hm?" he does not offer her a dance. not yet, partially because he hasn't danced in a long time and isn't sure if he remembers how. he just offers an invitation to converse. he is curious to see where this goes, and if she were rocket, it would be unlikely for him to be recognized. he's not very prominent even if he has been head scientist for a little while.

tags: @jennifer
notes: ball reference! fritz is more of cute than hot, unfortunately, and may not be jen's type
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You knew who I was with every step that I ran to you
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TAG WITH @valeria
gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 17:37:40 GMT
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if he hadn't immediately felt the inappropriateness of the conversation choice when it first came out of his mouth, he'd feel it the instant cait responded. she's visibly uncomfortable; enough so to force gilbert's ashamed eyes to the floor. they stay there until his counterpart says she probably did not do much.

"you being there, slowing down rockets, occupying them, battling them -- it had to have saved one person. Or dozens, hundreds." he forces a smile onto his visage; it is a soft, comforting one. it does not lead on that gilbert himself is shaken by cait's mere reaction. what exactly had he missed?

he nods at the mention of a promotion. it's a congratulation. "i just wanted to personally thank you for putting yourself on the line for slateport and its citizens. not everybody could have done that. the promotion was well-deserved." even if they'd lost the city. gilbert had seen what was left of it in person himself -- it was a mess. it makes him think of @lily and wonders if she ever made it to mauville.

he sips the glass of wine that has been sitting idly in one of his hands before finally responding to cait once again. "it is a shame. but it isn't permanent." his voice feigns something omniscient, but he has no idea. only hope. silph will have to be the one to take the city back.

"sorry, my manners have flown by the wayside! i apologize for digging up any skeletons."

- conversational misstep
- thanks cait and reassures her that her presence saved lives
- also assures her that slateport will belong to the league again
- apologizes for bringing it up

[newclass=.valeria]width:300px; font-size:10px; text-align:justify; line-height:12.5px; text-transform:lowercase[/newclass]
[newclass=.valeria b]font-size:10.5px; color:#e7a000[/newclass]

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she / her
november 23
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elite four
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185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 18:39:10 GMT
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she folds against him in a fluid motion, brings him close. any desire to fight him bled out long ago, ichor from the many wounds he'd inflicted, consciously or not, merciless or not. even that distinction becomes irrelevant; she knows she would reflect the pain back to him if she could. they are a violent race.

it doesn't feel like finality because it can't be. could they live together and prosper?

persephone can't conceptualise it. every moment is just action, its consequence, a series of pre-determined events, and a pain that she calls something like an error but is actually nothing more than her own longing for a hypothetical where neither of them could hurt.

so she says, "how did we get ourselves so lost?"

she has to stretch up to whisper into his ear, pressing against him. persephone can't read his expression and doesn't try. the embrace that follows is a mutual statement of claim, too close, too stifling, too brief. her fingers momentarily dig into the back of his shirt and untensing them to let go is a conscious effort.

persephone never does quite move away, having to narrow her eyes to look at him because the alternative is an expression so lost and powerless that it could only shame her.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 21:01:56 GMT
her touch lingers but never stays for too long - never long enough. she's an amavi first and foremost which means that persephone will never be able to live independent from the inescapable clutch of her mother's shadows. as pronounced as the white etches that bear into her skin, persephone is destined to be a tease, a toy to be dangled in front of him. he doesn't know it and refuses to accept the fate idly. fate may whisk him away but he will always find her. he's stubborn, tenacious, and it shows in his answer.

"i will always find you."

he doesn't answer her question. persephone lingers on the past and fernando sees nothing but the future. he refuses to submit to yesteryear and carries on with the mantle of his providence. if he cannot control it then he will pry his free will from the lock jaws of happenstance. persephone lets go but fernando never loosens his grip on her. she can stare but his hands remained fixed. the physical presence of her gown in his fingers reaffirms that she's here. in front of him.

he had lost one amavi already. he will not lose the other. to time, to fate, to another.

desires are taken, never given.

fernando is not one to be denied. he refuses to take no for an answer. perse is his and his alone.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 7:50:13 GMT
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"I think that would be very pretty." Drake nods, a wistful smile on his face as he thinks of Izekial's dream... in a world like that there would surely be no violence, no need for people like him to plan for war, for people to lock their door at night. "Don't talk down about what you want. It's more noble than you might realize." Which was maybe a little cheesy but he didn't want Izekial to feel bad. His dream was no sillier than Drake's was, after all.

"Have you ever been to Floraoma town in Sinnoh? It's whole town city covered in flowers. It sounds like the kind of place you would like." Drake had been once, years ago, with his parents. The memories were grainy and fuzzy around the edges for the most part but he couldn't forget how amazed he was at some many lovely things planted here and there. That kind of soft place would suit the other man, he thought.

@ball, @verbatim

➣ in the ballroom still
➣ cute chatter

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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 22:08:50 GMT
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once again, the cold winds surge through the ball. frost resumes to sprawl forth to the edges of the building's windows and snow flurries through like frenzied faeries. however, this time, the winds do not stop. they do not falter. instead, they grow fiercer. in the distance, the keenest of ears will be able to hear heavy beating. like a heart... or a pair of wings. then it lands with a peaceful perch. the gale dies down. quietly, quietly, the air stills to soothing whistles of wind.[break][break]

articuno alights upon the ground with a graceful spread of frost. the rose gardens freeze white and the towering french doors swing open, exposing the ballroom to a magical breeze of snow.[break][break]


with a regal caw, the legendary bird enters and graces the ballroom floor. its talons are careful of the flooring, but they crown the tiles with ice. with hoenn wrestling with the scales of chaos and order, the articuno has made its calm presence realized.[break][break]

suddenly, everyone is struck with a similar psychic sensation that seemingly resonates from the bird's crest. the articuno desires something— and in that metal space, a voice expands. one that is almost unintelligible, but with a halycon heart of comprehensibility that teases the human brain. it speaks, but the beak does not move.[break][break]

"i have no stance in the matters of humans, but i can not remain uninvolved in the fate of this land. your celebration of the season has summoned me here with an offer. i wish to determine an avatar for myself. someone who can summon me at will as this gathering has." the articuno spreads a shimmering blue wing, casting ice across the entirety of the dance floor.
"for those who dare approach me, prove your worthiness and i will bestow upon you my patronage. i have been watching."[break][break]



  • for those who would like to win the patronage of the articuno, respond with a post dictating your character's advance and what they do to show their worth.
  • please roll with your post; however, rolls will not entirely dictate the success of your character's performance.
  • 100s and 1s are not automatic successes or fails.
  • your characters do not need to participate; they can watch or continue to enjoy the festivities!

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