i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 22:22:02 GMT
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He hadn't heard anyone ever tell him that his dream wasn't silly. He loved the idea of filling places with flowers and making sure that everything was beautiful. He wanted a garden to make sure that everything in his life was in his control and that he could take care of them. It made him feel good to know that someone out there thought that he wasn't an absolute idiot for wanting it. For wanting anything other than to be a member of the church. But there was nothing more to be said about that for the moment when wind began to howl and heads began to turn at the idea that there was a disturbance in the room.

The disturbance being a very large bird, or rather legendary bird, come to join in the party. "It's... beautiful." With red cheeks and wide eyes he hadn't really seen a Pokemon that commanded so much grace before. He was a man who loved grass types but he could definitely appreciate the Pokemon in front of him. It was something to behold and even though he was listening to the speech he knew that he had no place in this. Not when there were others here who could make a real difference with the offer given.

>> in the ballroom

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 23:04:26 GMT
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between the mix of drinks falsely sipped and honeyed words bordering modesty, marie was having a delightfully boring time.

the people here acted as you would expect, drunk, lively, and forgetful of their manners, and to top it off, what she could only assume to be was causing chaos on the upper floors; the sound off from released pokemon challenging the structure of the building. whatever, it’s not like it mattered to her, she had a facade to keep up.

and she would, careful to speak to those still lucid enough to actually understand what she was saying. that is until a certain legendary bird wrapped its icy grip around the throats of those within the building, silence overtaking all as it’s cool countenance pushed it forward.

it heeded an envoy. a call she was not willing to answer.

while the thought of making team rocket stronger with an articuno by her side was tempting, it would draw too much attention to her if she was chosen by the pokemon. watchful eyes always on her, people breathing down her neck, league actually giving a damn about her. it would make living her life as is impossible.

she decided against it, falling back into the crowd carefully, some feigned fearfulness bestowing an escort to her side.

but before she fully left she would look back, spotting those she had previously seen on her ventures around the room. the two beast that shared the title with herself.

she could only hope they wouldn’t be as dumb as previous events had led her to believe them to be; surely they wouldn’t risk exposing themselves so easily. this ball was heavily guarded, and if they jumped so easily at bait, they could end up biting off of more than they can chew.

⇝ schmoozed about for a while

⇝ oh shit articuno, could try having it by her side but that's too much attention

⇝ being escorted out by a guest and looks back toward both and like, "you better fuckin not"

⇝ leaving thread, i'm out this bitch

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 23:47:26 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


dreaming of[break]black & white


There's a small, knowing smile creeping across her lips. While not the type to express outright emotion, she isn't exactly a statue, either.

So, when Chu-e addresses her and shows some resemblance of relief that she's still alive, she expresses a similar reaction.

"A little bit of chaos never really killed anyone, right?"

The regal woman brushes the skirt of her dress closer to her, sweeping the floor with it as she turns to fully face her fellow beast.

"I wouldn't say it's the best party I've ever been to.. but it's not bad."

Somewhere along the like she had found a bottle of sparkling champagne. While she wasn't carrying the entire bottle for herself, she did have an exquisite crystal champagne glass between her fingers that she brought to her lips.

"The drinks are especially good."

Their conversation is cut a bit abrupt, however, as Emma catches sight of the curtains in the main room snapping and tugging off of the walls.

She immediately springs from her casual leaning position on the balcony, brushing past Chu-e on her way to the doors. Inside, she could see a great disturbance.

Her hand pressed up against the cool glass of the door as she pushed it open. She glanced briefly behind her to see if her fellow beast was following before she reentered the ball.

As she did so, Articuno appears. It blows through the windows and with it, a flurry of ice and snow. The spiral frost climbs the walls and the windows, sheathing them in frosty beauty. What really captures Emma's attention through are the talons of the great bird.

It rests them neatly on the tile floor, ice spreading from underneath its incredible weight. The cool air tugs at her dress, snowflakes falling in her black hair and refusing to melt. It has become a snowglobe in the ballroom, and the citizens are trapped in the shaken vortex of ice and wind, bound by the Articuno's words.

Emma's gaze very slowly takes in the room and the reactions of the citizens. In their eyes, she sees fear, awe, greed. Her eyes lock with those of Marie's. She wasn't even aware the woman was attending tonight.

The look the beast gave her was enough to turn her to stone. It reeked of warning and contempt, a threat.

Marie then left the party in a flash, abandoning all chances of further encountering the legendary bird.

Where once Emma had been driven to pursue this rare opportunity, Marie's stare and the Articuno's speech dictating his need for an avatar - and insinuating that he had been watching - it all began to raise red flags for the dark woman.

Emma did not yet leave, however, and instead glanced at Chu-e, as if waiting for what his reaction may be.

[attr="class","runruntag"] @articuno


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 1:18:23 GMT
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Mihai felt the chill settle on his shoulders a bit before he noticed the area outside becoming more white. His attention drifting from his partner towards the windows before the doors burst open and the chill became even stronger. He pulled Cray closer to him his body ready to shield her even as he watched in silent awe of the legendary bird before him.
The silence in the room was almost deafening and when the bird spoke it was with such strength it shook even him. An avatar? Someone, to bestow its powers onto whether it be for good or evil? Mihai was uncertain if he had what it took. He was certainly not the strongest person or the wisest. Nor the cleanest; he'd heard it before that once a man kills they have a certain smell about them and not many could claim to have killed their own father. No matter his reasoning he couldn't see himself as worthy of the Articuno's grace.
No one else had stepped forth yet. The awe and shock of seeing such a thing had left most speechless. Not that he could blame them. In a situation like this, no one knew what to do. Yet something had to be done and the Articuno could not be left hanging. Someone had to get the motion started.
"Excuse me,"
he pardoned himself from Cray's side and stepped forward.
"I may not be worthy of your grace Articuno,"
he spoke up loud and clear. Was it Lady or Lord? He couldn't quite figure it out. "I will offer myself up to you as a candidate if you would have me. My name is Mihai Sala and I serve this country as a ranger." He introduced himself and bowed his head in respect. His heart began pounding though as he now felt the eyes of the room on the first person who dared to step forward.
Dances interrupted with @verbatim4 [break]
Offers self to Articuno



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 1:56:33 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar

quickly rushing up to the bird with a smile, he’d stop in front of it, pulling out a phone then picking up his gothorita in his arm. the psychic type would quickly float the two of them up to eye level with the articuno.


he’d say quickly, angling the three of them into the frame perfectly and snapping a selfie with the legendary bird; before having the gothorita float the two for them back down.

thanks for the new screensaver, m’dear, and good luck finding an avatar.

and with that he’d return to his previous engagement with whom he put on hold.

ღ took a selfie with the bird and his gothorita then returned to @elinda

-gothorita's dress-

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 2:32:25 GMT
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dress reference [2]


She felt out of place. [break][break]

The lights, the people, the gowns, the beauty; this wasn't for her. This was never for her. She knew that this was a public party, thrown for the people both league and rocket (she says that, because she won't doubt that some from that organization have come to flock in both pocket picking or to enjoy the festivities). She never could have imagined herself approaching something as grand as this, nevermind having the chance to wear such a.. bold(?) gown herself. It was a gorgeous dress - she admitted that much - and though this dress was worthy of the event and vice versa.. She questioned if the wearer herself was worthy of wearing this dress. [break][break]

Her hair had been let down, both feathers and ribbons adorning her dress and her hair. On her neck and resting against her chest was a simple silver chain of her own, with a few pearls that have been hanging at the bottom arch. To any other eye, she was beautiful. To most looking her way, she was graceful, elegant, and looking relatively sure and composed herself. [break][break]

Arceus almighty, could they be any more wrong. [break][break]

She was freaking out, man. In the back of her mind, she was trying not to bring her gloved hands up to cover her chest. It showed too much skin. This dress was beautiful. They were staring at the dress, not her. Oh gods, please, don't stare at her. Was there something on her face? Maybe her hair looked bad? She knew this was a bad idea. She knew that she was just going to ruin this dress. She knew it. Why did she let Minnie convince her to come in the first place? Why did she let the model throw her into this mess? [break][break]

Elora rests her elbows against the sides of her waist, holding her hands in front of her to have her fingers gently fiddle around in an attempt to calm down the building anxiety. Please, stop looking at her. Please let her walk down like a normal person. Please, if there is a god, do something that can take the attention away--[break][break]

Lord arceus answered her prayers. [break][break]

Shortly after she entered the ballroom, there was a caw sounding out, only then for a giant, magnificent bird pokemon to come out and land its talons and feet against the ground of the ball. Its words didn't go unheard, as the majority of hoenn itself seemed to be either awestruck, or intent on offering it gifts to prove their worthiness. Worthiness.. Something that she knew that she clearly lacked. Yet at the same time.. she found that the pokemon was just.. Breathtakingly beautiful. [break][break]

The floor turned to ice, and now she just.. Almost wished that she had brought her ice skates. If there was anything that she loved to do when she went to visit Sinnoh.. It was to skate in snowpoint. But then she has to ask herself; why woul Articuno like that? To have this legendary bird watch her, as an audience member, skate? That was preposterous. She shouldn't even try. There was no point. [break][break]

Yet she still approached the bird, fingers pressed together to tent them whilst the butterflies in her stomach threatened to flutter quicker. Her heart raced, azure eyes unable to make eye contact and yet unable to look away from its grace. That was when she felt.. Something. Something that the bird pokemon radiated; the utter calmness of the bird - and just the presence - was enough to prompt the girl to taking a deep breath. She takes a few more steps forwards, making sure to catch the bird pokemon's attention while attempting to ignore others. [break][break]

"A-Articuno.." The woman starts, fighting the lump in her throat from forming while taking yet another deep breath. ".. I'm.. Not worth much.. M-Myself but.." She's stuttering. get on with it. She was waste its time and everyone else's time. "B-But if possible.. I--... Th-The only thing I can show for is my.. Ice skating.." But certainly, Articuno wouldn't want to see that. She feels the anxiety beginning to kick up once again, fingers trembling and hands clutching onto each other in an attempt not to break from the fear. ".. I-I'm so sorry.. A-Asking for an audience.." [break][break]

She should be ashamed.

tl;dr: Offering to ice skate with the ice bird because she has zero value rip



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 3:58:25 GMT
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Humming, Chu-e nodded as he took in what Emma said. He had to agree. "Not all the company's been great, but overall it's been solid." Was about all he could chime in, his remembering the Stormy girl he had met earlier in mind, before all hell broke loose, in a figurative way.

Of course he followed after Emma, close at her side as she opened the door for them. He watches as the massive bird lands, rights itself and his head feels fuzzy and like it's being prickled as it 'speaks' to them.

He also sees Marie, running away. He is glad she is alive, much like he was when seeing Emma. He is shamed by her cowardice as she leaves.

Emma stills, seemingly cowed in place by Marie's harsh looks. But when has Chu-e ever done the smart thing? Anyone who didn't step forward now would be the ones regretting this day for years to come. What ifs would plague them. Even if he wasn't chosen, he doubted he would be, he had still placed himself on a pedestal before the great bird as an offering. He only had so much to give.

"You'll regret not trying, Emma." Is all he says. There is a time to play the smart cards and hold back. There is also a time to bum rush in and throw caution to the wind. He feels this is that time.

Earlier in the night, upset in a borrowed hotel room, he had told Arthur that if he died, he died. He still felt this, to his very soul. Any consequence would be what he sewed and its just want would happen. He never saw himself as having much to lose, anyway.

So Chu-e took a deep breath, steeled his nerves the best he could and straightened his back. Two approached before him, one a dapper man and the other an anxious woman. He pauses by her as he approaches, takes the time to smooth his hand over her shoulder and give her a firm pat as if it may her steady her. She shouldn't be so nervous. She had move guts than most of the party at this point.

"Articuno." Chu-e starts, while unsure if he is doing this right he is still firm in voice for now. "I don't have anything to offer you, I have nothing of value you may enjoy, but I will offer you myself, in body and soul, if you desire to have me."

@ball, , @elora , @articuno

>> chatting with emma when oh fuck articuno
>> he wants to be friends with articuno, too
>> encourages emma to have a go at it lest she regret it
>> pats elora as he approaches since she seems nervous and he doesn't want her to feel that way
>> probably not gunna amount to much other than trouble but it seemed fun to try c:

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20 height
20 height
You knew who I was with every step that I ran to you
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gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 3:58:54 GMT
gilbert valeria Avatar

"what was that?" his eyes glaze over, passing cait's and looking off toward the ballroom. a chill charges through him, and gilbert loses all interest in his glass of wine. setting it on the snack table, he makes toward the commotion in an attempt to satiate his curiosity. he dare not appear concerned, dare not blame rocket before he must -- nevertheless, hairs raise on the back of his neck for fear of the worst.

the walk is quick but lasts a lifetime; what awaits him at his destination is worth the eternal jaunt. "articuno..." the name slips out under his breath, perhaps forced by the sheer majesty of the elegant cerulean beast before him. its voice calls to each of them individually but commands the attention of every face in the room as if its words boom off the walls.

it is awe that strikes gilbert valeria silent, but it is duty that makes him want to speak up again. his face goes numb and leaves only his ocular muscles active. he watches one person, two people approach the regal legendary, each offering something of themselves to hold articuno's spirit.

he wonders if it is for the good of hoenn that they do so. no offer in the world can assure him of their sanctity, thus nothing will ease him if an unknown individual bears the burden.

he must try for the sake of his loved ones.

he steps forward, eyes straying for an instant to watch his fellow councilman snap a selfie with the bird -- they snap back to the cosmic eyes that seem to look at everyone in the room all at once.

suddenly, gilbert is compelled to grasp the ring that dangles around his neck on his father's gold chain -- rosalie's engagement ring. his hand shows it to articuno, tugging the chain until it is taut around his neck, begging articuno to see it for what it is and what it stands for -- the last reminder of a pure relationship that drowned itself in mental anguish and turmoil.

"all i have to offer you are times of strife. i've seen my life change in many ways in the last few years, for better...and for worse..." the gaze between them breaks; gilbert cannot help but look at the ring, turning it over in his hand to marvel at its beauty. "This ring reminds me of the good...the love...that still existed in my life during that period. I hope that in it you can see what I have been through and what I can survive."

his voice carries with enough bravado for everyone to hear it, but beneath the smooth elegy, he quivers in both sadness and fear.

- goes to the ballroom, marvels at articuno
- doesn't trust anyone else to be responsible for this
- offers dead fiancee's engagement ring
- says it is a reminder of love that existed in times of personal turmoil


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 17:00:02 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar




He’d been enjoying himself at the dining hall.

While the serving sizes were a little on the small side he’d compensated for that by piling his plate as much as he could. Although that earned him a bit of an outraged stare from some of the serving staff, he’d paid them no mind and had managed to sequester a smaller table all to himself.

After finishing almost three plates’ worth of the food (who was he kidding the servings were incredibly tiny, what the hell, why were they holding back on the food here) he was about to go back for another round when a sudden blast of wind shook the entire building. Wondering if it was related to the cold air that had been blowing through before he arrived at the venue, he paid it no mind…

…at least, until all the windows were flung unceremoniously open and the cold, biting air blew inside. What was going on?!

His senses were on high alert now, abandoning the plate he’d picked up on the pile and sprinting down the crowded stairwell down to the ground floor as fast as he could manage. The next thing he saw there, was something he couldn’t immediately comprehend.

The dance floor had been seemingly coated with a layer of frost; but that wasn’t the thing that had caught his attention. It wasn’t until he heard the voice in his head did he look around—he was just about ready to send out Ro just in case something bad went down. When he caught sight of the ethereal bird did his mind register—it was something he hadn’t seen yet.

Well, he was aware of the legends surrounding the Weather Trio, having grown up in Sootopolis and hearing of them passed down through the generations. But this definitely was not one of those he was aware of…

And then he caught sight of individuals going forward—hell, one of them even took a picture with the Pokémon in question! There was something in the back of his mind, though… would he be able to have an actual chance? What could he offer?

He tested the icy coating on the dance floor—okay, it wasn’t slippery. Hoping that he wasn’t out of his mind as he walked forward, he eventually came to a stop in front of the Legendary, before looking at it as calmly as he could without betraying the fact that internally he was hoping that he wouldn’t get struck down.

“I… I only have my determination to offer,” he began quietly. “Determination… that I hope can prove its worth, as I’ve always been telling myself. To keep going forward, to not give up… and hopefully, save them,” he added a few moments later. While explicitly not revealing the entirety of what he had to say, if it was true that Legendaries could see directly into an individual’s memories, as well as their heart…

…let that be the judge for him.


[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2018 22:34:35 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

A smile crept across her face. She should have been deterred by the snow and the gusts but Isra saw something else in the frost that came in the legendary bird's wake- she saw magic and beauty and something worthy of being beheld. The cold left her brimming with energy in a manner she couldn't quite explain. Her eyes were alight with the childlike wonder she could never quite seem to contain, the world could see it in the smile on her lips and the fullness of her cheeks as she stood to dance through the snow flurries the bird brought with them. She watched as the frost took over, admiring the branching of the ice crystals across the world before her.

For Isra this was easy to be lost in, a simple pleasure her young life had never given her. Simply put, despite her distant outlook towards humans she found the natural world something to marvel at, it enchanted her in ways no person had ever been capable of. Somewhere amidst her fascination it donned on her that a living marvel was right there, the trail led to the open ballroom doors. The words that filled her mind made her giggle through the giddiness of it all.

Worthiness. She wondered how many would be hung up on that word, how many would be lost in something that was not decided by a single action but by all that they were. She would contemplate this as she walked through the doors, entering the one place she had tried to stay away from. She would have avoided it now too but she felt the need to say something, something that meant more to her than she imagined it would to anyone else but she could already feel the phrase on her lips.

The ballroom was full of people of course, and many were staring towards the bird and those that had approached it. Isra did not shove her way past, she would be patient, she had plenty of time. She watched others approach, listened to what they had to say and what they offered the creature. It was interesting what people put weight into, figurative or otherwise.

Eventually she made it to the front, stepped forward. She lowered her parasol and waited patiently for the pokemon's attention. Despite the fact she had managed to contain her energy and amazement at the night enough for it to not be so obvious on her face her eyes still betrayed her, filled with wonder as she spoke. "Thank you."

It didn't feel like it was enough.

"I know it is not what you ask for but I do not believe a single action made on a single night can show you a worthiness of any kind. To try and do so feels like a waste of opportunity." She couldn't stop herself from smiling again. "Instead I would like to give you my thanks. The snow and the frost is marvelous, I can only imagine what it is like on a mountainside with nothing to stop the storms. Even the biting cold is invigorating, the beauty you've brought to this place simply by being here is beyond words." she motioned to the frost at the birds feet with her parasol, lost in the patterns for a moment before returning to the bird. "Thank you for this, for the snow on my parasol and the cold on my lips, thank you for all that you are."

The woman stepped forward again, a single step with her hand out in front of her. The child in her wanted to reach out and pet the bird but instinct told her it was still just as much a wild pokemon as any other and to approach suddenly was not in her favor. She could only hope the opportunity to feel the reality before her would be given. She didn't care for the rest, to be able to say an image from her childhood story books was a real part of the world would be enough for her for the night.

-Isra has abandoned her post in the garden after being mesmerized by the snow gusts.
-she apparently doesn't care about being seen as worthy
-Thank you pretty birdy
-the 5 yr old wants to pet the pretty birdy
-like really bad
posting this before i can forget


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Luke / Boomer
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 7:38:59 GMT
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He'd spent the earlier part of the night hard at work at Devon Corp's lab, the last one to leave as per usual. The rest of his coworkers much less zealous in their work. Most had families and went home to spend time with them, as one might expect during the holiday season.[break][break]

Lucas arrives at the Lilycove hotel well past the time the ball had started. As he makes his way through the front doors he finds guests in a rush through the lobby. "It's over there, c'mon man hurry, I'm not kidding!" One college aged man says to his friend. "Best not be pulling me leg George, last time ya said there was a legendary bird it was a pidgeh." The latter half of the stranger's sentence intrigued the latecomer. He follows the pair closely through the winding corridors and steep steps of the hotel. Eventually finding himself in the hotel's ballroom.[break][break]

He's as shocked as the other guests at the legendary bird's presence, if not more. Arriving as the bird begins to mention avatars his brain would start racing. If articuno could have an avatar did that mean all legendary pokemon could? Did Regirock have one? What else did being an avatar entail? So many questions yet so little answers.[break][break]

As others begin to offer themselves to legendary he thought of doing the same for a brief moment. But decides not to, as he thought there were many more worthy than him. And besides, what were the risks of being an avatar? The decision not to confront the bird is retracted as a man he recognizes from the news offers himself to be an avatar. It was newly appointed councilman , a man he'd never spoken to or met. But had heard and read about recently. Lucas thought he was a respectable man and the most fitting candidate. A man that cared about the Hoenn region and its citizens. A man he could stand behind.[break][break]

Shifting through the crowds, and uttering apologies as he went, Lucas makes his way to the clearing around the bird. Standing just to the right of and behind the councilman. "Articuno, if I may" he looks to the bird for any signs of disapproval before continuing. "This man here, Gilbert Valeria is a man with a good heart and upstanding morals. He's a man who I personally believe cares about this region and its citizens like no other. He may speak of himself lightly, but I believe him to be the most worthy of us all." A bow follows his final words. It was important to him that someone righteous and well intentioned received Articuno's blessing.[break][break]


Vouches for Valeria as a worthy candidate. Attire.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 14:12:02 GMT
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honestly, when senri hears the commotion, he is more of surprised than anything to find a large, powerful presence in the room. he hears the bird's declaration just like everyone else, but his head is swimming with more of questions than awe. would this celebration really be enough to pull in a legendary pokemon from what appears to be nothingness? where did it even come from? where are zapdos and moltres, its supposed siblings from the sky? everything just seems so odd that it almost feels like a dream, seeing articuno like this.

but the chill is real, and people are approaching the blue avian. tiny bits of chaos erupt here and there in a haphazard attempt to get closer, but the room is more or less silent with ballroom goers either taking pictures or taking a chance at becoming articuno's avatar. he hears mutters from people beside him that amongst those who tried are part of the council. really top tier positions. he feels small when he approaches, thinking that he has no place with these important people. surely they are more worthy than he is--a lone sinnoh boy that had decided to run away because of his own weakness.

yet here he is--his feet somehow carry him towards the large creature in its full awe and majesty. he feels his chest tighten and he wonders for a moment if he is going to faint. but as with many other trials before him, he steels himself and stands his ground. he looks at articuno straight in the eye and clenches his teeth, trying not to tremble. "i honestly don't know why you're here, or why you are suddenly seeking an avatar," he begins with his brows furrowed, "but you must be here for a reason. something beyond any of us has an inkling of." he could be crushed under this pokemon's claw; he realizes this. "i thank you for this...humbling experience. i can only echo the thanks of another, and while i..." he shakes his head, letting out a small laugh, "i don't compare to these guys. hell, i am still trying to overcome my own failure." he then lets out a sharp exhale; his breath becoming fog in front of the chill. "but i am trying, and...if you are interested, i would be honored to have you watch over me."

throughout his little, shaky speech, he finds himself unable to meet articuno in the eye the whole time, but at the very end he gives the most determined gaze he can muster. to have a pokemon like articuno on his side...well, he wouldn't use it for battle or anything. it would be enough to know that he would have such a powerful being guiding him, like a mother to a child.

tags: none!
notes: i mean, why not
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 14:39:36 GMT
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"this can't be right - "

cait's wide eyed gaze remained fixated upon the sight of articuno, the magnificence of its presence leaving her in a state not dissembler to that of shock. and as multiple individuals stepped forth to request the god's aid, the girl turned away and slapped her hand over her mouth. her pulse had quickened and her eyes had grown round. 

'it can't be - ' 

the implications behind the legendary's appearance were vast and almost incomprehensible to the novice officer. 

'the gods are involving themselves in this - this terrible war.' 

she had no doubt that once word had spread a great number of people would clamor for the mere opportunity to be awarded the god's favor. it felt almost blasphemous to partake in such an act - especially if the unsavory managed to successfully tether themselves to such a rare and blessed creature. 

"i need to leave - i need to - i'm going to be sick," she gasped. 

the delectable treats she had previously consumed in bulk felt as though they had gone sour - her innards churning and twisting painfully beneath her flesh. 


her companion stoically eyed her, detecting her discomfort as she swayed and struggled to maintain some semblance of calm. 

"deci," he churred, sympathetically. 

cait leaned heavily against her bird as he escorted her out of the ballroom, the woman's face pulled into a tight grimace as she took her leave. she doubted anyone would care for her abrupt exit - their attention likely drawn to the articuno whom listened and judged. 

'and what's to become of my god? what will become of celebi?'

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 19:38:30 GMT
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Since Lucie's departure, Sebastian and Noir had been searching the area for any clues about the suspicious gales. He had finally resolved to consider it a natural phenomena when another startling gust arrived, along with the loud echo of wings beating against the air. None other than the Freeze Pokemon, Articuno, presented itself among the gathering and Sebastian had to stare blankly for a moment as he attempted to process the pokemon's appearance. As a Johto expatriate, Sebastian was more familiar with the legends of Kanto and Johto, though he still couldn't quite fathom the sight before him. It was equally as majestic as it was terrifying, and the two sides of wonder seemed to be magnified by the Articuno's calm demeanor.

Its voice rang out through the crowd in what Sebastian could only assume was telepathy, but he knew better than to try applying logic to beings not truly bound by such. Instead, he focused on the terms of its proposition. It was here to choose someone worthy enough to call upon it at whim. As much as Sebastian loved to perform, he preferred to reach the hearts of many as opposed to appealing to the heart of one. As tragedy spread across the news, he sought to show people that here was more to life. However, tragedy eventually became so loud amidst the war that people could no longer hear him over it. It seemed that tragedy also became too loud for legends such as Articuno.

"I perform so that people and pokemon can remember that mystery and fear didn't always mean their wellbeing was at stake, and that they were able to smile and laugh before the war." He paused, looking to Noir. The sneasel's arms uncrossed and his eyes opened as they focused upon the blue myth before them with anticipation and eagerness.

"My partners perform for this reason as well. If you found me worthy, would you be alright with lending your talent to that cause?"

Noir now stepped forward and flourished his claws, already knowing what Sebastian's next words were. 

"If that's alright with you, then let us proceed with the tryouts!"

The two understood that a battle probably would not end in their favor, but they also knew that victory most likely would not have been the determining factor of whether or not they were worthy. However, they figured they might be able to reach that halcyon heart if they showed enough resolve through battle.

→ bas offers to battle articuno if it agrees with his vision

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 22:56:07 GMT
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wowowow I'm late


Looks like everyone had gathered up into their own little groups. [break][break]

Figures. That's what she got for being late - but in her defence, she likes to think that she was relatively attractive as well. She pulled the saying off pretty good, if she did say so herself. Jennifer however, eyes the crowds while slowly raising her hand to her hair and gently flips it behind her shoulder. "Mmn.." A discontent hum rings against her lips as she continues to eye the crowds. No one of interest - or rather, no one to speak to - made the ball bland. She thought that, surely, her appearance should attract some sort of straying eye? Catch the attention.. Ah well. It just means that, next time, she'll have to put in a bit more effort to put emphasis on herself. After all, she did like her fair share of attention. [break][break]

But she speaks too soon; a young man seems to approach her with a smile on his face - the same grin was returned, her eyes meeting his from beneath the mask. "Well hello, there~" she returns a casual greeting that he never seem to give, seemingly coming out from the crowds with that opening question. Though it wasn't fully evident, the young woman takes a quick moment to have her eyes roam around his figure. It was brief - no longer than a second or two - before her lips curled more into a small smirk. "You flatter me~. I'm here for a little bit of.. Entertainment? I heard that this ball was to die for~" Her voice chimes, she rings like a bird. Once again she shamelessly gives him a once over, maintaining the smile on her face. "... Yourself?~ Rare to see a guy like you all alone~" Because he'd be a catch, right? While she didn't exactly pursue people like him, that never once stopped her from being able to appreciate what was in front of her. [break][break]

The conversation is momentarily cut short as there is a sudden chill in the air, only then for a large, blue bird to descend from the skies. For a moment, Jennifer can only stare in awe before slowly regaining her composure. While the woman would love to pouch such an elegant pokemon.. She wasn't stupid. She wasn't about to offer herself in front of all those people and attract even more attention to herself. The goal of tonight was for her to enjoy herself - to act like a relatively normal person - and not try her hand at pickpocketing; although knowing her and her petty criminal habits, she'd probably would have snatched a few pokemon now and then. Just from the pockets. [break][break]

She just hasn't. Yet.

not touching that bird nope[break]
ooo is that a cute boy there?[break]
She chattin' that up



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The Shula Region
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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