i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2018 22:11:22 GMT
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"Of course. I'll be back in a moment." Nodding, Drake turned to go grab them both something. He felt like he needed a drink himself. The food table looked worse up close, maybe letting people have pokemon out here was a bad idea, but the drink station was thankfully well maintained and being watched over by a staff member. Drake grabbed them both something fruity that had snowflakes decorating the glasses, having no real idea what they were other than they smelled nice. Little did he know, these were packed with alcohol. He almost stepped away, then saw plain glasses of water and grabbed one of those, too, for Algae.

Sitting one in front of Izekial before taking a seat across from him, Drake took a sip through the little blue straw provided to match the drink and seemed pleased. It had a small kick but mostly just tasted sweet, which he liked. He scooted the glass of water closer to the pokemon, as well.

"I hope this is okay. I don't know what it is but it looked good."

@ball, @verbatim

➣ in the ballroom still
➣ goes to get a drink for himself and izekial

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2018 0:18:40 GMT
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Anything beyond a small sip of wine was outside of Izekial's experience with alcohol. His family had been strict on the consumption of things like that so he hadn't ever really given it a thought. So when Drake set a drink in front of him he hadn't even considered that it could possibly be something alcoholic. After all it wasn't like people just drank it all the time or anything. "I'm sure it's fine, the glasses look lovely." Delicate things like that were pretty and interesting after coming from a place where everything you owned on your own was supposed to be rather plain and humble.

So without a care or worry he grabbed his glass and took a longer sip than he probably should have. Not having had alcohol in any real capacity he didn't even really notice the tang that came from it. Instead focusing on the sweetness instead. He liked the sweetness and the smell of it filled his nose and his head just a little bit. At least he seemed to be warming up quickly. "How have you been? Since the last time we met?" It had been rude of him not to ask about that after all and as he sipped on his drink he continued to get warmer.

>> in the ballroom

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2018 14:43:50 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



late, but here.

It wasn’t his fault that he’d been kept out so later the entire day due to the sudden rush of deliveries he had to make. If he had a Flying-type, this would’ve been loads easier to accomplish; he’d be able to deliver packages all the way out to Mossdeep, too. But unfortunately he didn’t have one that could fly far enough (or at the very least accommodate his weight plus the packages that he had to lug around) so he was stuck to delivering packages, parcels and documents on the mainland.

…and there was also a reason why he avoided taking deliveries to his home city; even if it cheesed off the other couriers. Not until he explained a bit of the family situation he had did they understand why, and he was therefore left to take care of most of the mainland deliveries. Which suited him fine, of course.

But now that he’d delivered everything, and still had time to spare, he decided to drop by the Winter Ball. Mostly to check things out, but the real reason was because of one thing: food. As long as there was food, he’d be a happy camper. And if it was free? Even more so.

Once he’d pulled up, he then parked his bike somewhere and then checked his suit for any sign of wrinkles or folds. Finding none, he then straightened his necktie and went through the security check, eyeing the pair of Magneton slightly—wasn’t it a little strange to have Pokémon for guards instead of actual humans doing the inspection check? After clearing said check, he then cut a path as quickly as he could through the crowded ground floor, snatching a glass of some drink from a roaming waiter and heading towards the second floor, where he was informed the food would be located.

He’d had a long day, and he just wanted something to eat, okay?

* arrives a little late due to completing so many deliveries from his job as a courier
* heads towards the second floor dining room. A man needs to EAT

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2018 15:53:34 GMT
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Learning to dance had probably been one of the best lessons he'd ever been taught. Mainly because his father hadn't been his teacher for it. As the son of a wealthy military leader he was taught it all; business, battle, strategy, politics and even the finer things of life such as dancing. It was the main reason he was here after all.
Mihai rarely if ever got to dance except maybe with his siblings. Except he wouldn't really call it dancing. More like random movements to music for fun. Still, it probably was in a way dancing so he didn't dance as little as he thought.
He wore an all-white suit trimmed in black. Something a little different from the normal black suit with white shirts. He thought it fit the theme of a winter ball; though if he had his way he'd probably be in his uniform instead. He just felt more comfortable and sure of himself in it. However, his balls were as ever at his waist.
His feet tapped across the hardwood floors as he stepped into the ballroom. The music was slow for the moment and many couples as he assumed they were, were dancing. Which left him to find a dance partner before the next song. He gently edged his way along the outside. Casting a glance at a glass of pale colored champagne before passing by it. Later perhaps but he was not too keen on getting drunk and making a fool of himself this early.
Rather his eyes caught sight of a lovely woman with purple eyes. An unusual color at least in his mind but they were bright and filled with joy. He couldn't help himself but to walk up to her even as she seemed to be searching for the same thing glass in hand.
"Excuse me ma'am,"
Mihai said stopping her a moment. "May I have the pleasure of your next dance?" A polite smile on his features as he spoke and took in her face. A lovely woman to be sure.
Enters Ballroom[break]
Asks @verbatim4 to dance



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 3:22:15 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

"Oh yeah, the train..."

Shit. The guy just went there. Vague as it was, Elijah feels alarmed by the sudden resurgence of the Slateportian chaos. The redirection toward the warmer inside is followed. Trapped by a one-track ride of feigned romance, Elijah complies. He gestures for his Florges to follow— and the flower pokemon responds with a skeptical look.

"Thanks." Elijah says. He supposes he should respond back— and the words spill out plainly like Times New Roman on A4 paper. "You two are cute... too."

As the entrance beckons them, Elijah clears his throat. The insistence of a kiss tugs at his ears— and he refuses to be defeated by Victor's prodding.

"Well..." Elijah takes Camryn's hand, and attempts to plant a kiss delicately on it. He gestures to Alex and Victor, the nice cut of his suit sharpening as he pivots toward them. "My girl wants a more gentlemanly approach. Are you two going to kiss or what, now?"

The music from inside billows forth like the intervals of cold winds.

@camryn, , / elijah tries to kiss camryn on the hand / moves to the entrance

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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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persephone amavi
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 8:33:15 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

the logistics of it don't matter; not really, not in a tangible way. is he serious? that doesn't matter either. it feels overdue and like the only natural occurrence of the evening. maybe she foresaw it, once, as a kid or a teenager; this exact moment only cast in a different hue.

she expected something like this once (idealistic, young, before anything happened with or to elysia) that something like this could be romantic. instead, it feels like a clawing and desperate search for meaning when she places her hand on his chest. her fingers curl into the fabric in a way that isn't meant to be possessive bet feels that way regardless.

"alright," persephone says, an answer that's given almost too easily. it's like a contract without the terms, gaps that they can fill in later.

it's not like she couldn't walk away; persephone has denied fernando more than agreed with him. a smile spreads itself slowly across her face, faltering because she couldn't help but think about her mother at moments like this.

"it's long overdue."

≫ introspective af
≫ some kinda deal with the devil i guess??
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 16:13:33 GMT
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A white tuxedo was a bit of a bold choice and one that Cray couldn't exactly say that he agreed with. Perhaps with a gold trim instead of the harsh black it would have made a much better impression on him. But he wasn't here exactly to judge other people's fashions. After all that was rude. But as long as it was just inside his head and not out loud it wasn't too terrible was it? After all this was looking to be his next dance after all. Setting his now mostly empty champagne glass on one of the tables he gave a small nod with the tilt of his head.

"I would be delighted." Cray had a gentle voice that was smooth due to how relaxed he was. His voice often was a neutral sound where others might be an octave too high or too low to remain as such. Unless he got really heated. But for now he was relaxed and having a good time and dealing with his voice wasn't an issue. Not that he was in any way trying to hide who he was that was simply just the way things were. So he offered his hand to the gentleman and gave @mihai another smile.

> agreed to dance with mihai

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 0:32:08 GMT
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"Mihai Sala, Miss," Mihai said introducing himself as he took her hand. The music's tempo picking up just a bit as another song started. Mihai escorted her onto the floor his hold becoming prim and proper as they fell into step with the dance.
"I have to admit dancing is the only reason I'm even here. I don't get much chance for it,"
Mihai said making casual conversation as they moved about the dance floor. Seeing his opportunity in the music he gave her a spin. It was a fun move especially for the women who always seemed to love it.
"Do you enjoy dancing as well,"
he asked. It was a good subject to start off with since it was something they shared in common right at that moment. If she didn't he hoped she hadn't felt it was obligatory to accept.
Enters Ballroom[break]
Dances With @verbatim4



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 11:10:28 GMT
the conquest, the answer, the vindication - it all evaporates with the simplest of acceptances. he hears it but doesn't believe her. it's surreal. all his hopes and dreams brought to an abrupt end, just like that.


his eyes shine with a resignation that's clouded with joy. inside, he's ecstatic. finally, he's able to keep an eye on his most precious treasure. he'll surround himself in her, embrace her for all she's worth. it's a stark fantasy that's beholden by years of persistence - all for this very moment. yet his mouth can't find the life to twist into a smile. the muscles of his cheeks are kept at bay, deadpan and resting into the same pensive, contemplative visage that settles as his default expression.

his hand reaches out to grasp her out stretched wrist. fatigue brings it to rest against her, tugging for her consolement.


the weight of her choice bring their baggage to the surface. the tantalizing smell of her person lulls him into a sense of desperation. it breaks through his facade with the wave of his voice. she's caught him unguarded.

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 0:29:40 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

cait popped a sugary and frost-laden treat into her mouth, minding her lipstick as she enjoyed the savory treat. she'd offer her companion one as well, though the decidueye merely granted the pastry a look of disinterest before returning to the task of 'people watching' as both humans and pokemon danced and socialized at their own pacing. the woman couldn't blame the dual-type for being transfixed by such a sight, the flight-capable creature likely never having occupied such a populated location prior to this very moment. 

'the punch is pretty good,' cait thought. 'i'm just thankful they have plenty of non-alcoholic beverages available.' 

she took a careful sip, enjoying the refreshments due to them being readily available and blessedly free. 

"it's a pity we don't know too many people here," cait remarked, addressing her feathered companion directly. "it's a bit lonely standing on your own.

she'd selected one of her own dresses for this particular occasion, the fabric colored a light shading of blue that exposed her freckled shoulders and a good portion of her legs. it was a simple design - but one she favored.

- cait's gettin' her munchies on. 
- occupying the dining area and enjoyin' the free food. 


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20 height
20 height
You knew who I was with every step that I ran to you
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gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 1:23:41 GMT
gilbert valeria Avatar

"councilman valeria! welcome!"

a hand reaches out to the doorman -- attached to it is the primmest, most proper tuxedo available in the hoenn region. beneath the tuxedo is the honey-kissed skin of gilbert valeria, the mossdeep native and current member of the commissioner's council. "hello, hello! you look fantastic! thank you for making everyone feel safe here at this wonderful event!" beneath the words is the tone of friendly authenticity. gilbert smiles the same smile he gives to every person who helps him; it is so practiced that it has surpassed outward believability.

it's his goal for the night: make everyone feel important. he is late but the circumstances are out of his control -- he's just assigned another new gym leader and he was in charge of some of the internal affairs regarding said assignment. the people here may not be all of the people that have been displaced by the massacre that took place in slateport city, but surely each of them has been affected. each of them has had a family member die, or a business fail, or a night of lost sleep from fear.

rocket and must know the rippling effect of the havoc they have wreaked; gilbert often thinks about how that information sits in their psyches.

gilbert is a combee, bouncing from conglomeration to conglomeration to share a few words and hear a few concerns. at the end of the day, he is a new employee with a desperate desire to feel accepted.

the lack of a commissioner is apparent in his eyes, but he wonders just how noticed her lack of presence is. in his rounds through, he notices a lot of faces that he recognizes, among them -- to stop and speak with him would be to ignore others who may not have the opportunity to speak with a councilman ever again. gilbert knows that he and fernando will be in contact, so he passes him with nothing more than a mere wave.

"sometimes it's hard to resist the urge to just stand here and eat all the hors d'oeuvres." gilbert hears the lonely mumblings of a green-haired woman with a decidueye and approaches her with a danish in hand. everywhere around them, people mingle with plates of appetizers and glasses of wine. he, too, has acquired a glass of kalosian wine.

his lips curl around the rim of the glass and sip in the sweet nectar while his eyes scan the room; gilbert has positioned his body such that he and are standing side by side, both looking out onto the greater room beyond them. servers crawl between the cliques that have formed, trays of snacks above them for picking, but a table sits behind cait and gilbert with a hearty selection of sweets.

"perhaps if we stand here in front of the table...nobody will steal all of the good stuff...particularly the lady locks." he turns and plucks one of the powdery desserts from the buffet and takes a bite, the other danish now precariously cradled between the pinky and ring finger of the other hand.

- went around being super friendly so feel free to talk to him!
- waved to bc i enjoy tagging spiral
- stands next to to chat and eat goodies

[newclass=.valeria]width:300px; font-size:10px; text-align:justify; line-height:12.5px; text-transform:lowercase[/newclass]
[newclass=.valeria b]font-size:10.5px; color:#e7a000[/newclass]vIh1QFUB
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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
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596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 2:24:46 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

'a primly-wrapped blessing, surely.' 

cait's smile was one of practiced ease, her head tilted just enough so that she could subtly sweep her green-eyed gaze across the length of the nameless stranger's form. the fellow whom had sought to join her at the table stocked full of delectable refreshments was an undeniably handsome specimen, his facial features chiseled to near-perfection. his white mane and neatly groomed brows succeeded at accentuating his attributes, the overall coloration of his locks complimenting his skin tone excellently. 

"'lady locks'?"

'what a curious name for a baked treat.' 

she followed his lead, plucking one up and eyeing the cream-filled delight with a glimmer of interest that danced within her gaze. 

"i've never had one before," she admitted. 

cait popped the delicacy into her mouth without ceremony, a quiet and appreciative hum soon to follow as she chewed the pastry with an open display of relish. 

"i's good.

she covered her mouth after realizing her error, not intending to speak around the mouthful.

"that was rude," she said, a bashful look upon her face after she had swallowed thickly around the snack. "ah - all of my manners have up and fled, i'm afraid.

cait's grin returned, full and enhanced by the shimmering of her painted lips as she offered the man a proper greeting. 

"i am cait - cait alfric. it's a pleasure, sir.

she gesture toward her decidueye, the great bird dipping his head politely toward the stranger as he was introduced.

"and my companion, decidueye.

- introduces herself and her pokemon to gilbert after appreciatin' the handsome boi . 

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20 height
20 height
You knew who I was with every step that I ran to you
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TAG WITH @valeria
gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 3:23:41 GMT
gilbert valeria Avatar

the green-haired woman fixates on the lady locks, her behavior following his as they both take their share of the treat. she expresses her lack of knowledge regarding the dessert; it shocks gilbert enough to cock his head to the side and raise his eyebrows, as if to say he's taken aback. a friendly smirk indicates that it is in jest, the screwed up face acting as his response instead of a verbal one.

he prefers to let her try it before speaking on the matter; when she says it's good, he smiles, a chuckle escaping from beneath his incredibly perfect teeth. "i'm glad you like them! so good, they're kalosian, i believe! i'm sure there's some bakery in lumiose that specializes in these." his eyes immediately return to the table in search of a galette, but return to the girl's after an unsuccessful search.

"manners are a tad overrated! though i'm glad you still remembered to introduce yourself." again he smiles, his handing slipping into hers just firmly enough. his entire body leans forward into the handshake, eyes bouncing over to acknowledge the decidueye before resting on cait. "it's a pleasure to meet you, cait and decidueye. i'm gilbert valeria. gilbert or gil works just fine though!" the irony of talking about manners with the best-mannered man in hoenn flies miles over gilbert's head.

"and, i have to say, you look wonderful, truly..." the even, chipper timbre that often coats his words falters for a second -- not out of embarrassment, but hesitation. "...but you've got some powdered sugar right on the tip of your nose. riiiight on the tip. barely noticeable, but we're friends. friends need to keep an eye out, right?" by this point he has released her hand and returned to a more upright, proper posture, and acknowledges the thought of the old woman who trained him in etiquette watching his every move here tonight.

appearance is everything when you're in power. "...actually you have some on your cheek, too. so sorry. now we're real friends."

- officially meets and decidueye
- suuuper prim and proper
- still tells her she has powdered sugar on her nose and cheek
- tells cait that they're friends!!

[newclass=.valeria]width:300px; font-size:10px; text-align:justify; line-height:12.5px; text-transform:lowercase[/newclass]
[newclass=.valeria b]font-size:10.5px; color:#e7a000[/newclass]
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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 4:20:37 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

"'gilbert valeria'?"

cait had only just released her hold upon the man's hand, deriving a small amount of enjoyment from the brief interaction. her eyes grew increasingly round as she pulled the title from memory, a hint of incredulity coloring her tone as she continued to speak. 

"the 'gilbert valeria'? one of the few who hold a seat on the council?

'he's the correct age for it, i think. just shy of thirty, if memory serves. and i believe i even saw a picture somewhere.' 

he helpfully pointed out the powder that lightly dusted her face, the woman's cheeks growing hot as she realized she likely appeared to be a terrible mess. 

'i have terrible luck,' she thought, grimacing. 'i really need to be more careful about my appearance in a place like this.' 

she fished out a small and round mirror from her little so so that she could more effectively wipe away the bit of sugary dust. 

"i didn't realize i was in the presence of someone so - well - prestigious," she said, gaze flitting between the mirror and the man. "i'm honored, truly.

cait maintained a formal air about her as she addressed the individual whom she considered to be her superior. but her eyes maintained their warmth, her smile still bordering on flirtatious as she addressed him. 

"it's curious to see someone such as yourself alone in a place like this. you appear to be the popular sort, councilman.

her mirror was quickly placed back into the confines of her purse, her eyes shifting only to indicate that the other party goers would likely be just as delighted to partake in the man's good company. 

"not that i'm complaining, of course," she continued. "it's a rare treat to meet someone such as yourself.

- identifies gilbert and his position - she's quite good at recalling names and titles - especially if they're related to work. 

- wipes off her face of the powder 

- asks gilbert why he's alone when he's probably far more popular than she ever hopes to be. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 7:07:56 GMT
Deleted Avatar

"I've been busy but it's been nice. I enjoy having something to do than nothing at all, usually." Everyone needed rest from time to time as it were. Drake didn't enjoy not having anything to do and found most conventional means of relaxation boring. Maybe he should pick up another hobby if he found the time.

"Did you... receive the flowers I sent you?" Drake had to keep his cheeks from heating up at that one, thankful for the drink in his hands. He hadn't been able to help himself after meeting Izekial last time. While he might not have been clear on his interest, maybe that had helped? He had taken such care to pick them out, too, and made sure they were safe for the grass types and other potential pokemon the Izekial might have. He was too shy to deliver them himself but at least made sure the delivery man had included his name on the card.

@ball, @verbatim

➣ in the ballroom still
➣ idle chatter

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