i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 15:50:47 GMT
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It seemed as though while she just wanted food, fate had other plans for her. Awful ones in fact. Holy shit fuck like, what sort of ball was this where people walked up to her and expected her to dance? Well, probably a normal one but holy shit fuck she wasn't actually expecting it to happen. A hand around her waist an an unfamiliar face way too close to hers put her in shock for a moment as she stumbled into the awkward dance that she had been pulled into. This was not what she signed up for not in the slightest. Not when all she wanted was some of the delicious looking foods that she had seen around the place.

Hina wasn't a dancer in the slightest either. The most activity she usually got was from wii fit sports or occasionally playing Just Dance. Not actual dancing. So it took her a minute to find the words she was looking for, a minute extended by someone else barrelling into them dancing. Already unsteady on her feet in these stupid shoes she wobbled some, unintentionally grabbing onto the man who had decided to just start fucking twirling her.

Everything was happening way too fast and all she could really think about was how this dress would make it really hard to eat her fill. Finally she gained the ability to speak once more, hoping that there wouldn't be any real twirling for a moment as she tried. "What the fuck?" She had no idea really what got into people's heads during these sorts of things but at least maybe she could get something out of it. "I was looking for the snack bar?" Since that seemed to be the best way to solve this problem.

in the ballroom
hina doesnt know what's going on. she almost fell whenever doug bumped into her and grabbed onto kim. now she just wants to know where the snack bar is before someone tries to spin her again.
                           hina's dress

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 16:34:14 GMT
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[attr="class","twobeelyric"]NO ONE ELSE

[attr="class","twobeelyric1"]IN THE


[attr="class","twobeelyric3"]LEFT FOR ME





[attr="class","twobeelyric4"]THE ROAD GOES EVER ON


lucie supposed that, eventually, she should have actually started mingling, but she was a terribly curious type, and watching her surroundings was just as fun for her in that moment. as a pokemon researcher, it thrilled her to be surrounded by so many various species. what could she learn just by watching them? she was here to support a charitable cause, and was supposed to be on a bit of a vacation, but her work was something that she was passionate about, so it was difficult not to continue to be involved in it in some way.
a voice caught lucie's and deerling's attention; she looked to see a man and his own pokemon, a sneasel, complimenting deerling's bow tie. lucie grinned, and deerling straightened in pride, turning its head up to look at the person who'd paid the compliment. "oh, that's very nice of you!" lucie said. "thank you!" she then stepped forward to kneel down and speak to the man's pokemon kindly, "you look very dapper, too. it's nice to meet you! i'm lucie." her tone was cheerful, and deerling followed along without need for a cue. it was a strange habit, but lucie always tended to greet pokemon before their trainers. she was a researcher, after all. wasn't that always the way? maybe it was just her.


# @max ++ lucie greets noir before his owner;; deerling is very proud of the fact that he's been complimented









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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 1:43:08 GMT
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Chu-e's temper was already flaring by the time the old hag decided to butt her nose into this. So what if her pokemon were stronger? If he got at her with one of the forks or knives provided before her pokemon could react then what would she do? But he let himself be led away by Arthur's hand. "People who hide behind their pokemon like that are cowards." He said it with bite, loud enough that he hoped the older woman would hear, but the situation was diffused enough. He didn't know where Arthur was leading him but he was glad for it. His hands shook, fists clenching and unclenching, as he was reminded of people with much the same attitude of that girl. Of someone back in Sinnoh, who thought he could take and take and never be punished for it.

He took a deep breath. Arthur was close enough that he could catch a whiff of his cologne. In a weird way it grounded him, kept him from really losing himself in the moment. From lashing out and doing things he would actually regret later. When they were far enough away, so that his shoulders could shake a little more and not feel like it would be noticed, he took a wavering breath.

"I fucking hate people. But I hate people like her the most. We all die the same. What makes her any better than me? Or anyone else? What gives them the right to..." He trailed off, held his tongue, took another deep, calming breath in his mouth, let it out just as slow through the nose. Relax. He'd almost said too much.

Sunshine and Sweetness of course followed, loyal to their owner. The Growlithe stayed close to Chu-e's side, not quite pressed to him, and Sweetness hung a few paces behind. Her eyes were sharp on Arthur, not on her trainer, as they moved.

i migth have missed something orz

@ball, @arthurwright , , @elinda

➣ he doesn't directly talk to stormy or elinda but i thought i would tag u anyway
➣ chu-e is led away by arthur
➣ reminded of some pretty dark things
➣ has a little rant

➣ chu-e is in the dining room, chomper is in the rose garden, whimsicott is in the ball room, stray is at the food tables
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 2:55:07 GMT
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He was nervous being in a place like this. He wasn't really sure what sort of things were expected of him but at least he was dressed nicely. His bowtie was a little bit awkward but he thought that he had done it up well enough. Algae was also wearing a bowtie much to the poor frog's dismay. But Izekial couldn't be the only one dressed up and he didn't want his Pokemon to be left out of the fun either. His nerves were getting the better of him as he felt like he wanted to bolt. But at least the crowds weren't too bad outside like this.

Most of the people had gathered inside due to the cold weather and he wasn't going to rush in there himself just yet. Even if something warm to drink did sound nice and inviting. But the stars and the garden were enough for him at the moment as he began to stroll slowly through. He didn't want to wander too far off from the rest of the group in case anything happened. Though he wasn't quite sure exactly what could happen... Everything outside of his home was new to him still.

>> izekial is in the rose gardens admiring the garden
>> i tagged drake in this but feel free to do whatever
>> algae the croagunk is watching

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 3:24:51 GMT
no one gets in his way. they can try but none can put a damper on an unstoppable force. his will is transcendent. as long as the heavens don't turn against him, then no mere man can impede his purpose. which is why it takes evelyn to break the hold. the name that slips from her lips does not go unheard. he doesn't make it out but he knows the why.

she knows him, which means one thing - fernando doesn't give a fuck. her attempt to wrestle away catches him by surprise. he doesn't expect resistance and that's why she's allowed to free herself. fernando won't make that mistake again. his arm is a vice and shackles to her forearm. he drags past dominic without regard, the same way a spiral coils without regard for those in its way. anything that dares interfere will be mercilessly accosted. it's in his eyes.


gengar is not alone in the shadows. it's harder considering the overall exposure of the event but in the same crevice that gengar finds solace in is the one that mimikyu remains in its SHADOW SNEAK. a mild giggle is the only warning it gives off, TAUNTING the pokemon to start trouble. outside, responsibilities lies strictly on the guest. in here, the safety of those in attendance belong to the league and a certain someone's pokemon will allow no rascality.

› grabs evelyn again
› ignore dominic as he drags her to the danger room 
› mimikyu taunts gengar from the shadows
› ghost of a feather flock together


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 3:28:01 GMT
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xxx for
"suit yourself." arthur mutters, mostly relieved that the two were not going to devolve into a punching match, after all. the brownie he originally offered now went back onto the plate since he is still using his other hand to guide chu-e elsewhere. it looks like he and this other girl have seen each other before after all, since she had the same look he had when he first saw her. nonetheless, they were going their separate ways and maybe they won't see each other again, unless they decide to roam around the ball some more. he recalls that he had rented one of the hotel rooms in case of wanting to retreat to somewhere. it turns out that it would be of use tonight, lucky him.

he turns his attention to his companion, who is understandably seething from the encounter. too bad, he really liked the earlier interaction they were having, and he's not sure how long he'd take to be able to calm down after that. "sometimes cowards are the ones who live to fight another day, though." he mutters, mostly to himself but chu-e should be able to hear it too. he supposes that this man is indeed fit to be a rocket. after all, the reason why this whole mess started was because someone decided to step over the line on the tradition of pokemon battles. why humans are so much more fragile than these creatures was beyond him, and because pokemon were usually the ones getting hurt, technology developed in ways that catered to their injuries better than their own. a bit ironic, he thinks, that the potions and whatnot they have invented do not work as well on themselves.

anyway, enough of that. arthur makes sure to lead them much closer to the hallway, still keeping the tray on his other hand. he makes sure to keep it stable. he does not intend on wasting more food tonight. it is when the noise around them starts to thin that chu-e speaks again, and he listens. "they don't have the right to, but they do it anyway. i think you of all people know how unfair the world is." the hallway has much fewer people, which arthur notes are those who seem to also want to take a breather from the ball. he reaches for something in his pants pocket and pulls out a small set of keys, jingling it a little in front of his companion before letting it rest on his palm. "how about we find someplace quiet? unless hating everyone includes me, so i assume that means i should leave you alone." he closes his hand at the last phrase, and his lips are curved into a small, almost sheepish smile. he would go elsewhere if he is asked to, but half of him does not want to. he doesn't expect anything to happen in the room. they could be ten feet apart for all he cared, yet he is actually getting tired of the party itself and feels he needs a couple of minutes in relative silence. he could venture out again later, maybe make some more connections, but he finds that a lower priority right now.

tl;dr - as it turns out, arthur isn't really much of a party person and had rented a small hotel room in the event that he needed a breather, to which he offers chu-e if he decides to accept. he still has that plate of sweets.
(he has moved chu-e to a hallway on the second floor)

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 3:45:02 GMT
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xxx for @tag
so, senri finds him fashionably late. or well, not even fashionable, just late. he isn't wearing anything outlandish; just a clean, white collared shirt and some blank pants since almost all the suits in lilycove have been rented out for this particular party. it turns out a lot of people did not have suits on them, or maybe there are a huge gathering of travelers that just wanted to join the party. whichever the case, there are a shitton of people here and senri feels very lost on what to do. he does not even know if he will find a familiar face here, but hey, he heard that there was free food, and maybe there might still be some left for him to take. so with that, he takes in a deep breath before going inside.

the place is packed, moreso inside the ballroom. he sees people dancing and more people talking but it's a huge mess and he has no idea where to look. he immediately tries to be a wallflower and touches base with the edge, which coincidentally leads him to the table full of food goodies. nice. he decides to take some kind of chocolate pastry and hopes to find someone that he knows around here. he hasn't brought out hikaru yet since he doesn't do well in crowds either, but being alone is getting him a bit anxious. he wishes that he had just opted out of going here instead.

tl;dr - senri is doin' a heckin' confuse but he's in the ballroom by the snacks. someone talk to him pls.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 4:20:09 GMT
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it was obvious to him that others would not be quite as adept as him when it came to dancing, and she did her best to keep up with him, but with how awkward she moved he would opt to slow his pace even moreso; his already docile movements turning into that akin to light steps from left to right.

a bump pushed against his partner, and it was what seemed to be a hunk of a drunk. after seeing the man, kim would almost hand off the one he had currently been dancing with to care for him until she spoke up.

snack bar? ah! that makes sense. people do often come to these kinds of things for the food more than anything, and from how she acted, she didn’t seem to be an exception to that stereotype.

understood.” he’d say with a smile. “try to keep up though.

his movements would begin to quicken ever so slightly, moving himself backwards while looking over his shoulder, wide strides taken backwards as he waltzed his way towards the snack table with @verbatim2 in his hold; stepping in key with those around him.

slowly, they would arrive at their location, the man promptly releasing his hold on her before looking to the gothorita he had left unattended. she seemed to be enjoying herself well enough, finding the snack she liked the best of the assortments, gingerbread cookies; she stuffed her face with them.

bella, leave some for everyone else.” was kim’s command, and to that, she would squint at him; wiping her face clean of any crumbs before snagging a few more of the sweets, setting them on a plate and levitating them to an empty table, taking her seat there and continuing to chow down.

with a bow to his former partner, a light smile would form perfectly on his face as he rose to speak.

enjoy the rest of your night.

were his last words before blending back in with the other dancers, continuing to intercept unsuspecting dancers. this would continue for a bit, the lavender haired charmer stopping only when he reached the opposing side of the ballroom.

with a light sigh he would rest, taking a seat at the table his gothorita had chosen to sit at and snag one of her treats, leaning back in the chair as he watched others continue to have their fun.

ღ went and left @verbatim2 at the snack table so i'm not holding her hostage

ღ is chilling out at a table with his gothorita, eating her snacks

-gothita's dress-

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph DOLLARS
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 12:09:11 GMT
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once more he took her by force--this time with strength and a tight grip. "ngh!" she winced, holding the pain in. as they made way toward the dungeon that withheld danger, it was an unpleasant walk. but she was used to this by now, this was her life and she could not fight back. to go against fernando would be foolish; though silas blackwell, leader of team rocket was truly someone to fear, she had already been bounded to the devil himself. perhaps not through blood ties, but by bond.

", please don't worry. i have some business with this man..." as she was tugged away, that was all she wrote. "please don't cause a scene, fernando. do you wish for people to assume things..." she icily stated, a tone without color. act calm all you want, evelyn. let's see if you'll be able to stay this way once you've entered the dungeon.

notes:fuck you, .

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 22:16:35 GMT
"since when do you care," is his only retort. she had left him once before. if she truly cared, if she had any consideration for him, would she have left? it's a question that faced at his own departure but he's too self centered to realize the hypocrisy. his thought are only on his own wants and needs. everyone else is second hand.

the room lies in the far end of the second floor, away from the prying eyes of the main area, and hidden behind a hallway. it's placement was deliberate, planned out before hand as with all things when concerned with fernando and proper prep time. it only opens when he pulls out a specific card from his pocket, the rfid chip unique to it and considered a one-off by the hotel. fernando will not allow any intrusion on tonight's main event. the fact that its evelyn goes against his initial plans but it'll do. he can adapt.

the room itself is decorated like every other one but there's been an additional touch themed by the hotel staff. it seems more reminiscent of the hotels in celadon, meant for after hours. it was purposed to set the room for someone special. instead, evelyn is the recipient. the door locks behind him and his riolu and kirlia are already there. kirlia sits in a chair in the furthest corner of the room while riolu stays by the door. they're purpose is two fold, as an enforcement of whatever happens in this room and to detect any possible intrusions.

he tosses evelyn into the bed without care. it'll serve as a soft landing for her. fernando leaves it at that, he stands at the foot of the bed, glaring, eyes narrowed. it's a look she knows well. it's the same look he's raised her on.

it's the same look that made her leave.

› brings evelyn into the room
› only he has the key and he locks it
› kirlia and riolu serve as guard and detectors
› throws her onto the bed

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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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elijah gardner
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 22:41:07 GMT
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elijah fights the urge to lean lazily against the planter. pinching his toe against the pebble, he prompts himself of his thespian subterfuge.

"is this ball a little treat then, too?"

as she blushes, the groomed man celebrates a small victory. he's still got it; perhaps, he did have an allure about him. one that was caked in layers and layers of rich aerated soil and fertilizer.

"that's a shame..." elijah's words taper off like snakes, and as he struggles to harvest the ripe fruit of his next line, he's interrupted.

elijah's head swings toward the balcony.

"oh fuck." elijah pivots, snapping back to camryn like a repulsed boomerang. "i gotta get going... people are already getting wasted, and i'm not really about that life."

@camryn / elijah attempts to escape aHHH!!!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 23:12:12 GMT
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The drifter's amber irises seemed to light up as he observed Lucie's interaction with Noir. Her approach definitely meant that she was more passionate about pokemon than people, something that he resonated with and considered valuable. It also became apparent that she may have dealt with pokemon at a professional level. Even so, some pokemon played hard to get no matter how well they are treated.

As a sneasel, Noir enjoyed being difficult. The tuft of darkness appeared to understand the woman, but he lifted his chin and turned his head away in response to the compliment. If his fur wasn't so dark then one might be able to see the heat beneath his cheeks that betrayed his actions. He certainly appreciated the stranger's recognition, but he also preferred to feign indifference.

"You just gonna pretend that didn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, Noir?" Sebastian teased. Noir reacted by tilting his head back even further, nostrils flaring at his human for not understanding the way of the cool.

But his human had already turned his attention back to Lucie, causing Noir to sigh in frustration at the lack of appreciation for his coolness. Sebastian reviewed his observations of the woman and finally spat out his conclusion, not even bothering to introduce himself.

"Are you a Pokemon breeder by any chance?"

→ noir being edgy
→ bas inquires about 's field of work

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 0:20:36 GMT
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Drake was nonplussed by the security detail.

He had arrived earlier, not as early as other guests but early enough. Were two Magneton really all that were going to be scanning people? It wasn't very effective in this day and age except for maybe keeping out petty criminals. A knife, maybe, something small. So far it seemed to only amount to causing a man with prosthetic harassment.

Any smart man, or any idiot with enough money, knew that synthetic polymers and plastics were much lighter and easier to sneak into places like this. They were small enough that you could hide them on your person easily and not set off any metal detectors- was this really all the League had on detail? This was pathetic. If Rocket, or anyone else wanting to cause harm, god forbid, wanted to deal some damage, there was a very good chance they already could have something dangerous in the building.

It was upsetting. Enough to make Drake want a drink. He knew that no one could be expected to anticipate everything but he hadn't been contacted about this. As far as he knew, no one had. Metals were practically a fool's game at this point. What the hell were Magneton supposed to do? You would need a pokemon with a good sense of smell and specially trained to sniff out the materials to worry about.

Damn it.

Walking inside, Drake fumed quietly and bee-lined it for one of the staff.

"Whoever is security here, tell them that Drake Cohen wants to speak to them immediately. I'll be waiting in the gardens." His name didn't have much weight, yet, but he hoped to flex what little he had.

Out in the gardens, Drake sighed and ran his hand through his hair. It was too messy to try and tame too much so he wasn't worried about mussing it up. This was already a far more stressful event than he had hoped. Maybe he could get Metang to try and douse the area for them; the steel type had been in a lab environment all his life and might be able to tell....

But then he spotted Izekial, and while Drake was still tense, he tried to force his shoulders to relax. He hadn't expected to see the other man all the way on the other side of the continent. Anything was possible, though, so he approached.

"Izekial? I didn't expect you to be here." Drake tried to lighten up his voice, to easy some of the worry lines off his face, but the strain was still there. He just hoped the other man not to pick up on it.

@ball, @verbatim,

➣ starts outside, where he is appaled by how shitty of a job he thinks security is doing
➣ demands from a staff to speak to whoever is running security at once
➣ goes out to the gardens since it's less crowded to fume and try to plan for the worst
➣ finds izekial and starts to talk to him to make himself calm down

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 1:43:25 GMT
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Oh my god!!! It really was him! Despite the sweet innocent girl waving back at him, Victor was overwhelmed with anger and confusion. First of all, how had this guy managed to slip into a place like this. First it was from one party train to another and now it was in some heavily guarded party? Seriously who was in charge of security in this place? Fernando? Commence firing immediately!

"HEY YOU STOP!!" Before he could react the guy had locked eyes with him and Victor knew at once he had chosen flee from his game menu. Frantically he pointed at the mistress beside the villain. The excitement and urgency of seeing Elijah was too much for Victor. He jumped up and down frantically, his high tops hitting the cold balcony floor twice in a row. "HEY HEY HEY!!"

He looked around in a panic. Eventually his eyes landed on the friendly waving girl. "You! Lady! Don't let tht man out of your sight! He...he....!!" Victor gasped for air as he shrieked. "HE EATS BABIES! FOR BREAKFAST!!!!" Victor turned around to scan at the bathroom. What was Ami doing?! Was she pooping for the first time this week or something? He wanted to bolt down the stairs - heck he'd even jump off the balcony if gravity allowed it. But he couldn't leave his sister here like that.

Victor picked up a pebble nearby and tossed it at the tuxedo clad man before springing away. Tossing the bathroom door open, and ignoring and privacy concerns Victor screamed into the enclosed chambers. "Ami come on! We have to get downstairs right now!" Slamming the door shut he bolted for the stairway.

: xo @camryn : victor heading downstairs into floor one next post @marsh1 : just read my post

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2018 2:22:41 GMT
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If Elijah is the snake in this scenario, Camryn would be the little mouse who doesn't know it's about to get bit. She leans in and nods when he speaks, eyes wide and full of a naivety born of watching one too many romantic comedies growing up. This is how they start, right? The darling heroine meets a dashing man in an unconventional place....

But then the moment is broken. "Huh?" Is about all she gets out, snapping when he turns back to her from where she was subconsciously leaning in. "Oh, uh.... okay. It was nice meeting you, David. Have a safe trip home." She gives him a polite smile and doesn't let the sting of a little disappointment color her voice. There was always next time and more fish to catch in the fryer or... something like that. Camryn wasn't great at those old sayings.

The crazy man on the balcony seems to be getting more riled up, and Camryn can be dense but she isn't stupid, really she isn't. That guy losing it on the balcony, who is yelling about eating babies or something?, must know David for the other man to want to run off so suddenly. Maybe it was an ex.

Oh no. What if she was the bimbo at the party in their romantic comedy?! This would be the point in the movie when one of them would rush to the other and realize they should be together all along, not with a cheap hussie like her. Which, ow, she didn't think she was cheap or a hussie! But that's all the audience would know her as, sadly. The cheap hussie who tried to ruin the relationship between David and Crazy Balcony Man....

There wasn't really much for her to do, now. Camryn liked to hear herself talk, yeah, but she also wasn't going to force a conversation to try and keep David around if he wanted to leave. She guessed the best course of action was to just let things happen and maybe move to another area when things had settled around her. The party had gotten livelier from what she had seen and there must have been other people to talk with, right?

@ball, ,

dress inspo

➣ very confused about everything happening
➣ there are a lot of weird allusions to romantic comedies
➣ has convinced herself that elijah/victor is totally a thing that's happening
➣ decides the best thing to do is just wait and see how this resolves itself

in the gardens still
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing