isle of the dead, r

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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isle of the dead, r
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2020 23:50:13 GMT
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how you gonna get the soil and the glory when you want to be a harvester of light
It’s an evening at the office like any other. Carmilla’s records revenue, expenditures, and losses carefully in her blue notebook. She must not be too hasty about pledging half their funds towards developing the new territory by the beach, as tempting as the projected profits would be. It is impossible to predict disaster, and yet too many businesspeople planned their ventures as if it did not exist.

“Miss Zhao!” She does not look up from her record-keeping. The voice belonged to Lucas, a new recruit who was only too eager to show Team Rocket his worth. She believed in giving everyone a chance, and yet- “This bastard won’t pay up his protection money, so what should I do with him?”

She doesn’t have time for this. She had been very clear about the debtors: they would pay up, or they would be thrown into the freezing Slateport waters as a warning. “I already told you, Lucas - ”

Carmilla looks up to the face of a psychopomp. The pen goes slack in her hand.

It’s not his fault. Not everyone was unfortunate enough to have met the Four Beasts. But she has enough to deal with this week, and Lucas just brought another complication to her doorstep. She won’t yell at him, but it’s a tempting idea.

“Let go of him.”

His pride gives way to confusion. “But miss, he’s taking advantage of our excellent protection.”

She raises her voice, and her intonation is sharp. “Now.”

Very reluctantly, her subordinate lets go of the man’s shoulder. Carmilla doesn’t relax, but she’s glad that she hasn’t lost a man tonight.

“Thank you for being lenient with him.” She sets down her pen for the first time in hours. “Though you probably wanted to speak to me, correct?”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
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5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
isle of the dead, r
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2020 5:03:01 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e was more amused than anything.

He had come to Slateport to indulge in some shopping, the kind he couldn't do back on Mossadeep, when he had been accosted. The guy recognized him, funny, but not enough which was the real kicker. It was a unique situation he hadn't been in so far. Usually, the people recognized him as the Beast before the man or his affiliations.

And color him curious. It was the only reason that Chu-e didn't slit the guy from elbow to asshole and leave him to bleed out in an alleyway. Someone knew enough about Rocket, about the old ones who scattered like roaches after Silas had died, to be running a profit off them. There weren't many people he could think of brave or stupid enough to do that, let alone with the resources to make it work.

So he let Lucas hold a too-tight grip on his arm and be led around, keeping on his pleasant facade as he did. Amusing. Maybe more amusing than the guy who tried to steal his Gardevoir not knowing who he was at all.

"Yes and no." It's clear she knows him, not just surface level like the man next to him. After a few moments, his own recognition clicks and he gives her a warm (false) smile. "Ah, Miss 'Vampire'. It's good to see you're still alive." They had never known each other very well. He couldn't say if she looked better or worse than the last time they had spoke simply because of how long ago it had been.

Yet, Chu-e was not about to let this chance pass him by. Her office was nice. Upon release, he stepped away from Lucas and made himself comfortable in the chair across from her desk. He was tired. He wasn't the man she might remember, having lost weight and muscle and pale sickness eating away under his skin unlike their last meeting. It made him no less dangerous.

"I was mostly curious. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised it would be you running all this. You always had a talent for taking opportunity by the horns and getting things done."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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isle of the dead, r
POSTED ON Dec 31, 2020 19:54:45 GMT
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how you gonna get the soil and the glory when you want to be a harvester of light
She’s not moved by his flattery. The Vampire never was.

He truly had no aims on her territory? Carmilla found that hard to believe when it came to other members of Rocket. But maybe Choi was telling the truth. He was an attack dog, not a schemer of plots. What was he, without a firm hand on his leash? She looks at him carefully from behind her desk. Time had also been cruel to him, but in different ways. But despite everything that he had done in Kanto, he was alive.

“You seem well, Choi.”
She smiles ever-so-slightly, as if acknowledging the irony. Scarred and sickly was better than dead. "It's not every day that I receive a legendary Rocket in my office."

Her success was not displayed in gaudy status symbols, but the number of digits in her accounts. She preferred to keep it that way.

She waves dismissively. “Anyone can rent an office in the Lower District these days. I wanted to get away from the bustle downtown.” There’s no polite way to dismiss him. Very well, she will play the gracious host. And Lucas might as well make himself useful. “Would you like coffee or tea?”

Whether or not she can spin this meeting into an advantage remains to be seen.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
isle of the dead, r
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2021 4:17:08 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"'Legendary'... that's a new one on me." A small puff of laughter. "Please, that high praise is uncomfortable. I'm just a man with low empathy. Nothing more." He wasn't insulted or anything of the like, mostly just finding humor in her words. He thought most people who still had some shred of respect, false or not, for his bloodied name were quite funny.

"Tea." He wondered how much she knew about the current Rocket. Old faces were an absolute minefield of having to play mental gymnastics. Imposing himself on Carmilla's hospitality would be the spice to shake up his rather uneventful day. It would also most likely leave him tired.

"Ah, I wouldn't know. I don't live in Slateport. At least it's recovering as well as it can." To be fair, he was just doing some shopping before getting accosted into coming here. Still he pinched his face up some. "Aliens. Can you believe it?" While he hadn't been here when it happened, that whole debacle had been on the news pretty much everywhere. Cannibal aliens. He never thought he would see the day.
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
isle of the dead, r
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 21:42:19 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


