seraphim on the ring [gym]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2021 4:43:12 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
When Chu-e had requested an appointment with the Gym Leader, he had been happy to grab what seemed to be the last slot on the list he was shown. You see, Chu-e knew a lot of things about pokemon. Fairy pokemon and Normal types. He did not know jack or even shit about Fighting types. Which worried him, since he had a Machamp and little idea how to take proper care of her. Did he really have to buy her protein shakes or was that just someone trying to sell him something? See, this is why he needed help from someone who knew more about them than he did!

Except, Chu-e was probably also stupid, and it wasn't until he showed up for his appointed time to realize.... oh. He had challenged the Gym Leader. Not just, you know, imposed on him trying to figure out the ethics of making his Machamp wear a bra.

"I think I made a mistake." He spoke into the air, to no one in particular, when he was led by a assistant to a room with a... caged wrestling ring? Ah.

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the machampion
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 2:05:25 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 "no, you're in the right place, man."

noah calls out. he's already positioned on the other side of the ring, both hands stretched around pokeballs. their crimson shape catches the light of the source fours above. diamonds of light are captured in the links of the cage ring's fencing, casting everything in a blurry white glow.

"ji-hoon, right?" noah says, tossing his balls against the cage. the balls bounce back and crack open before summoning a hariyama and medicham into the ring. "i'm noah. but you already know that."

his voice is loud. it expands, lungs filled with breath like those of a performer.

"we're here to teach you close-quarters battling," noah says, referencing the cage with an open palm, "so if you can show me what you got when you have your back against the wall, this knockout badge is yours."

his hariyama and medicham huff, already poised to strike.

"first move's yours though." noah says. "come at me, buddy."

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"]

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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call you tonight?
5'8" height
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 10:58:11 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Oh my god." Chu-e spoke to himself. Still, he scrambled for the pokeballs in his pocket. "I'm a fucking idiot."

Who had he even brought with him today? When the hell was the last time he had a League sanctioned battle? Arecus on a stick, this was a cut above some of the stupid shit he had done recently. So why was he going along with it? Well... that would be too simple. And less fun.

But pokemon, pokemon... no, too young. No, too violent! No, too nervous.... Ah, here he goes. After what was probably Much Too Long, Chu-e tossed two pokeballs of his own out. The bounced back as well, releasing his choices into the ring. One was Slurpuff, who blinked at his surroundings, then the other pokemon, before going along with it and clapping in place, doing a little standing dance. The other, an Inciniroar, took one look at his surroundings before giving a big flex, a showboat at heart. There. The two most inoffensive pokemon he had with him.

"Okay guys, we're in a battle! Don't do anything stupid! Go team!" Chu-e didn't sound particularly enthused, but he did seem fond of his two pokemon at least.

Said pokemon responded to this by glancing at one another for a moment, then the opponent pokemon. Puff, the Inciniroar, sized up the Hariyama... and then he took a deep breath and shrugged it off, as if the other pokemon was nothing to him. His Swagger was immeasurable. Next to him, Snacks, the Slurpuff, took one look at the Medicham before bursting into Fake Tears, whining puppy sobs leaving his slobbering mouth and sticky sweet tears pouring from his eyes.

Inciniroar used Swagger on Hariyama! Attack +2 and Confusion!
Slurpuff used Fake Tears on Medicham! -2 Special Defense!

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 8:02:00 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 the make of noah's gym causes the mind to predict bombastic entrances, frenetic announcements made by commentators with hoarse, mustached voices, and bravado slathered parades set to odd entrance themes. and yet, the genre is subverted. ji-hoon's pokemon initiate their challenge with emotive shapes, like masks of the commedia dell'arte.

the confusion extends to his hariyama. as the incineroar blows him off, the hariyama attempts to summon a SURF; however, in its confusion, the hariyama summons a circular wave that spreads outward from its feet rather than surge forth toward its opponents.

"gah— c'mon, fong. the incineroar doesn't actually think that. it's wrestling!" noah shouts, "fake!"

as his hariyama draws in deep breaths to clear its head, the medicham rushes for the slurpuff with wet steps. its dash toward the cotton candy canine is quick, for the enclosed ring forces claustrophobic combat.

without hesitance, noah's medicham aims to BULLET PUNCH more tears out of the dog.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"]

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 12:02:41 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"No, don't listen, Fong! Puff is a bad-ass! It's not fake at all!" Yelling at the other trainer's pokemon typically wasn't the style of most trainers. Chu-e Choi was not most trainers, since that was what he had just done.

In the confusion, Puff saw his chance and rushed forward, back paws (legs? feet???) slapping the water as he rushed in to try and close the distance. A Drain Punch was aimed square at the Hariyama's face; alternatively, Puff also had the intentions to try and grapple the other pokemon, regardless of if his hit landed or not.

Snacks was having less luck. The Bullet punch landed squarely on it's target, making the Slurpuff leak out an actual tear or two, like the Medicham wanted. One significant ones lands on Snacks gut, making the pokemon cry out. However, it usually was not a good idea to punch people in the stomach, since it could make them throw up! Which is what happened, with the Medicham so close, a Sticky Web of vomit was launched at the other pokemon. It was pink and thick and sticky, more like taffy in consistency than real vomit at least.

"Nasty! Keep it up, Snacks!"

Puff used Drain Punch on Hariyama!
Snacks threw up used Sticky Web on Medicham!

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2021 3:54:57 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 "keep him close!"

noah's hariyama takes the hit. although the incineroar's strike lands with conspicuous power, the hariyama's glare persists underneath the pokemon's fist. as the incineroar grapples the wrestler, the hariyama's large hands wrap around the tiger too. using the momentum of the other's attack, the hariyama attempts to swivel around to HEAVY SLAM the incineroar on to its back.

as the sugary spew expels itself from snacks, noah's medicham barely manages to DETECT the web. leaping back, the medicham retreats— and refocuses. with eyes trained on chu-e's slurpuff, noah's medicham attempts to reroute itself to the preoccupied incineroar.

quietly, noah wonders if the slurpuff's STICKY WEB is edible.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"]

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,595 posts
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Chu-e Choi
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2021 12:37:44 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Hell yeah, Puff! You got him right where you want him!"

The slam had went over how the Hariyama wanted, with Puff on his back and gritting through his teeth at the pain. But, he's nowhere near downed so far. He lashes out, trying to sink his claws into the Hariyama to pull him closer, to make sure he can't get away, trapped just as much as Puff is right now.

Puff opens his mouth and fire sings up his throat before being unleashed as a Flamethrower at the other pokemon.

Snacks, meanwhile, is confused for the moment when he's left alone. But, he bounces back into action quick, his short legs chasing after the Medicham. He is very small and very slow, though, compared to the other; plus, the Medicham had a head start. So, he does what he thinks is the next best course of action: cut it off at the pass.

From his mouth comes not vomit, this time, but a green sphere. The Energy Ball sets a course for the Medicham, aimed for it's feet.

Puff used Flamethrower on Hariyama!
Snacks used Energy Ball on Medicham!

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2021 7:58:16 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 flames ensnare the hariyama's body like a venus flytrap. as the fire thins, the hariyama's expression is revealed through the wreath of crimson. it seems relatively unphased— or at least, the pokemon reveals little pain in the way of its staunch, stern glare toward the incineroar.

"THICK FAT," noah shouts, rubbing his nose, "makes the flames easier to handle. but can puff handle the sea?"

the hariyama's hand pulse as it attempts to drench themselves with an expanding SURF. although the medicham is poised to deliver DRAIN PUNCHES toward the occupied tiger, an ENERGY BALL forces the pink fighter to withdraw. the attack lands, singeing the medicham's feet.

unlike the hariyama, the medicham remains cool. its eyes do not betray any aggression— but it stares down its pink rival with fists raised.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"]

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,595 posts
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Chu-e Choi
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2021 4:33:31 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Puff made a choked yowl as the Surf practically drowned him from his prone position, unable to do much more than brace himself for the attack. The water soaks his fur and weakens him- only for his belt to start to sizzle and fur start to steam with heat. His Blaze kicked in as he panted, the air warping as it left his nose and mouth.

Resisting fire or not, it seemed Puff didn't know when to let up. He gripped his claws tight into fists, dark flames bursting from his palms before he tried to slam the attack into the Hariyama's face- a Darkest Lariat without all of the fanfare and spinning he normally gave the move.

Meanwhile, Snacks blinked when the Medicham raised it's fists. Slowly, the pink pokemon also raised up his own fists. It was less than intimidating, unlike what the fighting type had going on. For a moment, he simply met the other pokemon's eyes in an intense stare down... then he jumped forward! Not to punch the other pokemon, since that wouldn't do much anyway, but to try and press a big ole' smooch on the other, wherever he could land it.

- Puff hit by Surf!
- Puff's Blaze activated!
- Puff used Darkest Lariat on Hariyama!
- Snacks used Draining Kiss on Medicham!
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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2021 6:23:13 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 the hariyama expects the usual fanfare of a heel. so, when the incineroar crashes into him with all the force of a DARKEST LARIAT, the sumo wrestler is taken back. figuratively. literally.

as the hariyama is buffeted, the injured wrestler claps its hands. a ROCK TOMB is summoned from above. boulders materialize, hovering briefly before coming towards them both.

a laugh is elicited from noah's lips as the slurpuff manages to land a kiss on his medicham. "cute." the gym leader mutters.

while the slurpuff drains health from the pink martial artist, the medicham attempts to hoist the slurpuff's rotund body. hands tighten around the dog's waist. with a harsh cry, the medicham attempts to hurl the dog toward the falling stones and the other duelists.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"]

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2021 2:46:10 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The rain of stones comes down around Puff and the Incineroar only barely reacts in time- he rolls from his newly freed position on the ground, hopping up on his feet and narrowly avoiding being taken out. He's on his last legs, clearly panting and ragged, even if the heat from the Blaze warps the air around him with it's heat. Steam rises off him slowly, from the previous surf dying out quicker than anticipated. He lifts his fists in a more defensive position, staring the Hariyama down with narrowed eyes; clearly taking this a bit more seriously now than when he was showboating earlier.

Movement catches his eye as well as a yelp. Snacks, being small and light, was easily grappled and tossed by the Medicham. He sails straight for the rocks- only Puff darts out first, quick, and grabs Snacks in the air. Only he doesn't stop him, no, he spins with him in his arms to keep the force the Medicham started, adding his own strength to the throw as well and hurling him at the Hariyama.

Snacks cries out but goes with it, puckering up again to try and at least hit the sumo pokemon with another Draining Kiss if he connects.

Puff moves with the toss, though, making his move to follow behind Snacks and aim a fist at the Hariyama- a Drain Punch to hopefully replenish a little of his flagging energy.

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 23:16:24 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 noah catches his breath within his chest. to witness ji-hoon's incineroar furthering the slurpuff's trajectory is not only a startling strategy— it is one noah employs. during the heat of battle, should it be called for, his machamp throws noah around like a slurpuff too.

despite his initial shock, his wide eyes settle into softer shapes. he smiles and is enamored with deja vu. his hariyama falls from the combo. a slurpuff's skull is harder than its kiss.

"where'd you learn that technique?!" noah asks— but he wonders if it was simply recklessness: a fault he is often criticized of as well.

medicham keeps its distance. tracing the slurpuff's form, the medicham fires precise PSYCHO CUTS towards the weakened candy canine. his hariyama is swiftly returned to its ball.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"]

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 4:53:24 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar

"Puff just likes to show off!" Chu-e calls back to , answering honestly. Snacks was usually just the type to go with the flow in battle, so it turns out their combo had worked nicely together for what they were. So, basically, recklessness. Still, Chu-e was pleased with how his pokemon had reacted. Spontaneity and creativity in battle could be the difference between success and defeat, in his experience.

Snacks sat up, vision blurry from the hit, and was quickly smacked down by the Psycho Cuts. Chu-e called him back as well, which left just Puff and the Medicham on the field- a one verses one to really determine who would win. Chu-e leaned against the edge of the arena a bit, hand in his chin, relaxed. Even if Puff lost he was happy with the results of this little endeavor. His pokemon had fought hard, in the end.

Puff, instead of doing the smart thing and taking a shot while the Medicham was busy attacking Snacks, raised his fists and waited for the other pokemon. There wasn't any honor in attacking your opponent when they couldn't retaliate.

Only after the Medicham was focused on him again did he launch his attack, a flashy and twirling Darkest Lariat. Flames danced around him as he span like a ballerina, aiming to slam his fists into the other pokemon.
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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 1:42:31 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 noah understands the desire to show off. for his past work as a bodyguard involved the throwing of his own body by his machamp's hands. in the moment, despite the ridiculous trajectory of his person, the gym leader is serious about his intent— but memories recollected in the third person allow him to revel in the movement's action movie-like flair.

as snacks is withdrawn, noah's medicham is quick to engage the incineroar. although PSYCHO CUTS are unleashed in the approach, such attacks do nothing against a feline so immune. the tiger's DARKEST LARIAT is hard to contend with. at first, the medicham is able to block blows with its own BULLET PUNCH, but ultimately, it is overcome by the incineroar's strength.

the medicham is struck finally and flies against the metal cage in a resounding rattle of defeat.

as noah recalls his partner, he flashes a thumbs up toward jihoon. "and there we have it!" he leaves his side of the stage and produces a knockout badge. the interlocking gloves glisten under the stage lights as the gym leader nears the disguised rocket. "congrats, jihoon! you've won the knockout badge fair and square. y'know, i'd say you have a ton of potential."

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
seraphim on the ring [gym]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 1:52:59 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The dust clears and Puff is left panting. The feline realizes that his appointment isn't moving- and he gives a great Roar as he lifts his arms to the sky in triumph. When approaches Chu-e, Puff is already also on his way over, having hauled himself out of the cage so he can lift his Trainer up and sit Chu-e on his shoulder.

Puff beams at Noah, trying to use his large paws to ruffle the gym leader's hair before giving a thumbs up.

"It was all Snacks and Puff." He rubs the Incineroar's ear from his position but leans over to accept the badge. "I think they had a lot of fun!"

A small laugh leaves him.

"You know, I came here to ask how to properly take care of my Machamp, but I signed up for a battle by accident, I guess. At least it seemed to work out?"