Fructose [GYM]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 1:30:41 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

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[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]


Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]BUILD TROPIUS/SLURPUFF

Doors opened and the next challenger entered! The rays of early morning sun beamed down on the barely awake blonde, rocking his bedtime couture. Keeping him vividly lost in the rays of a dewy morning and shaggy hair. “yyayaawwwnnnn” the sound of his yawn echoed through the vegetation like an empty hallway. Nature seemed to be waking up with him, as he rested on his Galvantula, who was soft and fuzzy.

“oh...hello,” Billi greeted with a big wave! “I’m Billi!” the lethargy in his tone of voice carried on. “Guess you had to be up this early to beat the line… did I he” he gave a weak laugh. ” So….first things first. My gym is completely open for use, even my personal home. At least...for your challenge,” [break][break]

He paused for a moment, “can you make something that looks yummy… a tropius….or slurpuff,” there you had it. The THEME, Tropius or Slurpuff![break][break]


[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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played by


FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
340 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 7:02:41 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar




dancing with the devil


have a drink, make a scene




Gyms weren't her thing — or at least, in the past, they hadn't been. It hadn't been an option for her, back then, being part of a crime syndicate who's main focus was to commit nefarious crime. And it was sort of difficult to complete said nefarious crime if people knew who you were. So Mila, and many people like her, had laid low. Because that was what she'd been told to do, by her parents, by her superiors, by the general law of rule and reason that she had abided by back then.

[break][break] But part of a fresh start meant actually starting afresh, and meant starting new things. New exciting things.

[break][break] "This'll be fun, don't you think Vicky?" she said cheerfully, to the Alolan Ninetales at her side.

[break][break] And that was how Mila Alexopoulos found herself standing in front of 's gym.

[break][break] The fashion designer walked in with a flourish, opening the doors with a gust of cool air and a bang, stepping onto the fresh grass and soil of the ground. Normally, dirt wasn't really her thing, considering that it didn't really lend so easily to the 5 inch heels that were strapped to her ankle. But Mila had spent many years running around in heels to know exactly how to walk on the heels of her feet, or rather how not to. Her strides were smooth and easy as she crossed the pavilion, greeting the new gym leader with a dazzling smile.

[break][break] "Hi handsome," she said with a wink. "I'm Mila. And this is Vickey." The fox at her side raised his tails in greeting, but otherwise said nothing else.

[break][break] Up early? Well, that was one way of putting it. Or maybe, she had just never slept. It was impossible to tell, with the put-together nature of her outfit from her heels to her full face of makeup to the hat adorned just right on her person. Either way, Billi eventually went off to explain the conditions of the battle to her and Mila listened.

[break][break] Mila had been preparing for a boring old gym battle, but the challenge that the blond man offered her was intriguing. Her eyes brightened with interest, mind already churning with the possibilities. Vincenzo looked at his trainer, already recognizing the look on her face. It was the same face she wore when she had a new design in mind. Before he could even ponder what that meant, Mila was already stepping back from Billi and putting several yards of distance between them. With a twirl, she grabbed the pokeball at her waist and flipped it into the air, light sprawling onto the soft earth in the form of a snom.

[break][break]With a snap of her fingers, she directed them both. "Coco, use Powder Snow and Vickey help him out." Obediently, the ivory bug turned his mouth skyward and immediately began spewing a pool of beautiful, soft snow in the shape of a fountain. Vincenzo leaped backwards and opened his maw, releasing a Blizzard with his mouth to speed up the process. It was only a matter of time before they were able to turn Billi's forest haven into a winter wonderland.

[break][break] Mila, who was already slipping on the gloves she had pocketed, clapped her hands together with finality. She grinned. "Let's get started, huh boys?"

[break][break] as7WgOvE

[attr="class","tags"][attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"] TAGS for
[attr=class","notes"]sorry for the wait hehe [break][break]



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played by


August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 19:39:58 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

The bright blue eyes allowed the girl to continue on with her fashions as the blizzard raged on. A section of his gym turned into this icy wonderland! While her attempt to freeze it all with powder snow, failed, however the tree’s and the ground look like elegant crystals glistening in the morning sun. Billi’s yawn left his mouth as he shivered. “Is it gonna be a cold morning brunch?” he asked the girl as his toes touched the cold and he laughed.[break][break]

As the snow glistened into a packy, light confection, Billi dragged his feet along the way. The other insects peeked their heads out from their dens as the sun arose and began their daily chores. As pokemon awakened they peered their heads out and work began. The snow the women had created began to quickly become rolled into balls, by Billi’s own snom and frosmoth, while the volcarona melted any that got it too high to it’s nesting place at the top of the center tree.[break][break]

With scraggy hair and baggy eyes, he noticed the heels, “Wow….you can walk in uneven dirt in your heels, you must have good balance.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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played by


FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
340 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 15:14:38 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar




dancing with the devil


have a drink, make a scene




Though her snowy winter wonderland was perhaps not as expansive as she might have liked, it was at least something. Mila smiled as she appraised her surroundings, the combination of powder and snow having turned the Petalburg Gym's soil and dirt into a collection of frost and ice. She reached down to grab a pocket of it, rubbing her fingers together to press against the semi-hard crystals.

[break][break] Mila smiled blithely at . "Huh? Oh, you know, " she said, the corners of her mouth creasing into a bit of a smirk. Her eyes twinkled. "Practice makes perfect? Or whatever." She laughed a little, and then began packing some of the ice carefully in front of her, mimicking the ice balls that the bug pokemon around her were making. Vincenzo attempted to help, once again using Blizzard to provide his trainer with more material to work with. Raising his snout, he released yet another fountain of cold snow in an arc, away from the talking humans.

[break][break] She hummed lightly as she set to work, yet that didn't mean it had to be all work and no play. She was fine with some idle conversation. "I've been wearing heels since I was a teenager, probably even earlier." She'd always liked to wear her mother's heels, though something told her that her mother might not have liked it as much. "I can run in them too, you know, even with five or six inches." The memory of her running down and chasing a ranger on five-inch heels on a soaked, rainy day for a particular mission struck her mind, as snuck away with the stolen jewels. It was a brief memory, but she recalled it with affection.

[break][break] A pause.

[break][break] "I can teach you, if you like." She winked.

[break][break] 6dBVE9Y5

[attr="class","tags"][attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"] TAGS for
[attr=class","notes"]sorry for the wait hehe [break][break]



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played by


August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 22:48:25 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

The blizzard raged on, and yeah while it worked a second time, it just seemed to pilo more snow, and Billi’s pokemon only assisted the women in rolling up the snow that she required. Then Billi grinned, granting her a fun piece of information, “ooh you don’t need to teach me, I can do cartwheels in heels,” he clapped his hands, but running in dirt was another thing. “so what you making,?” Billi asked then looked down at his watch.[break][break]

“You might wanna...move fast it’s almost time for volcarona to fly across the gym,”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
340 posts
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TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 0:27:22 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar




dancing with the devil


have a drink, make a scene




If she was at all surprised about his admission, Mila didn't mention it. Instead, a laugh bubbled to her lips. "In that case, we need to go for a walk on the town. You can show me all the local places here." A pause as she patted at the snow in front of her, which was beginning to take shape. She had created a round ball in front of her, and 's bug pokemon seemed to be helping her, rolling around the pillowy snow into smaller spheres. Mila grabbed one of the snow spheres and placed it on top of the other, though it still wasn't entirely clear of the shape she was making just yet.

[break][break] "It's a surprise," she quipped playfully, winking at him, and then at his warning for the Volcarona that was apparently about to fly past, she reached into her belt and released her Bergmite. Bernhardt blinked owlish eyes at her, almost questioning, and she explained, "Use Protect, sweetpea. We don't want anything to melt before we're ready." Obediently, the pokemon released a shimmering PROTECT in an high arch, which would have protected her art piece from any heat before it was ready.

[break][break] Then, looking to Billi, she said, "Art takes time."

[break][break] She laughed, as she grabbed a stick on the ground and began making swirly shapes in the snow with it's point. "But I can multitask. Tell me something about Petalburg! I don't know much — I spent most of my time in Mauville, actually."

[break][break] 2NTrX0lE

[attr="class","tags"][attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"] TAGS for
[attr=class","notes"]sorry for the wait hehe [break][break]



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[ .notes] font:9px roboto; [/newclass]

[ .fas]font-size:25px; float:left; padding-right:5px; [/newclass]

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played by


August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 2:39:48 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

As Billi said, volcarona did pass, but the protect, kept most of the snow that was made safe from melting, which was lucky for the women considering Billi didn’t really think much about it. Though Billi laughed at the girl, “Only at night time!” he mentioned as he stared, wandering what the stick had to with anything.[break][break]

“oh welllll To be honest, They offered me the job, I only moved here at the beginning of the month,” the blonde admitted, “But hey they're starting to like me!” he nodded moved up, creeping on her art, “Yeah it does, you just might want to be careful, some of my pokemon wake up at later times,”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
340 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 7:20:04 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar




dancing with the devil


have a drink, make a scene




The swirly shapes in the snow were more of a decoration than anything, but they were important too. After all, there was nothing to a masterpiece without intricate design work either. She stood up and continued making more dedicated shapes in the earth - some swirls, some lines, some straight up squigglies.

[break][break] She placed a hand on her hip, a smile on her face. There were several flowers now imprinted into the snow design around her unfinished "creation", in addition to a large collection of swirls that looked suspiciously like a cloud.

[break][break] Glancing back at , she said, "Oh, don't worry. I'm almost done!"

[break][break] She looked for her Snom, who seemed to be camoflouged nearly perfectly, with the combination of the surrounding snow and all the other bug types that were in the area. "Give me a helping hand, why don't you?" she called to Coco, who immediately began to glow slightly with the power of HELPING HAND. Sure enough, a giant hand appeared in front of her. "And grab those snow balls - and yep - just place them, just like that." With the help of the pokemon's move, the work was much faster, though Mila would have preferred herself to do the design.

[break][break] The woman's snow figures, though previously indistinguishable, was beginning to make shapes as perfect little snow Slurpuffs. Again, reaching for the stick, she added some details and created imprints in the snow, drawing on them like stencil, tongue sticking a little bit out of her mouth.

[break][break] "There!" she said, with a gentle laugh. "Almost good enough to eat."

[break][break] Though, Mila wasn't entirely finished yet. She still had plans - but she could afford to take a break for now. To the remainder of Billi's words, she inclined her head slightly. "Well, that doesn't surprise me. You're easy to like." She said with a wink. "Maybe we could learn about Petalburg together."

[break][break] Keeping her voice light, she turned to Vincenzo. "Vinny! I need you to Ice Shard. But like, a big one. Take a big breath!" The Alolan Ninetales took a step back, tails flaring behind him and took a deep breath, before aiming an ICE SHARD at the ground.

[break][break] bocQJL1u

[attr="class","tags"][attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"] TAGS for
[attr=class","notes"]sorry for the wait hehe [break][break]



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[ .notes] font:9px roboto; [/newclass]

[ .fas]font-size:25px; float:left; padding-right:5px; [/newclass]

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played by


August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2021 23:03:19 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkiwofmainbg"]background: #212121;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

Mila’s work seemed to be paying off! The work she had done with the snow and ice, appeared to be shimmering and glistening to how she wanted, and Billi seemed impressed that even with volcarona’s heat that he was producing. Granted even the girl was showing interest in learning petalburg with him “Oh wow! Thats looking nice! And sure! It’ll be fun! There’s lots of unique shops here surprisingly! I haven’t even seen them all.”[break][break]

After your next post will be the target amount! You may finish your peace, and end on my post if you like!

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
340 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 6:22:44 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar




dancing with the devil


have a drink, make a scene




With the two snow Slurpuffs on the side, it was time for the main event. Mila called for her Alolan Ninetales, and the pokemon leaped forward, tails flaring out behind him. With a deep, gasping breath he released a powerful ICE SHARD — tiny daggers that shot out from his maw, first starting from the floor and then rising up, creating a column of perfectly sparkling ice right in front of them. To an unknown passerby, or even Billi himself, it might have looked like a shoddy attempt at a Duraludon -- but that was not what Mila was going for.

[break][break] Reaching into her pokeball, she released two pokemon. The first was Mickey, her Camerupt. The fire pokemon's natural heat and large footprints left imprints in the snow, but he was placed far enough that he would not cause damage to Mila's sculpture. On the other hand, her Hatterene Dior materialized into view, the light that spilled through the canopy falling beautifully onto the the pokemon's cottoncandy frame.

[break][break] "Now, " she started. "I know you two don't get along the best, but I'm gonna need you to for me." She winked, particularly at the grumpy Camperupt, before raising her hands like a conductor. "Let's create the main event!" Mila raised her hands into the air and clapped twice.

[break][break] All at once, the Hatterene let out a PSYCHO CUT in the form of several slashes in the air that crashed into the middle ice sculpture with a million, extremely precise cuts. Simultaneously, Mickey lot out a roar and used ROCK SLIDE. Rather than creating rocks out of thin air, the ground beneath the ice sculpture cracked and splintered, before raising the piece like a pedestal in the midddle. The sun beams shone in from the gym's tall canopy, glittering upon the snow sculptures, and casting the finished sculpture as a beautiful, shimmering effigy.

[break][break] The silver smoke and clouds cleared, revealing the final product. A giant ice Tropius, flanked by two snow Slurpuffs. A masterpiece, if Mila did say so herself.

[break][break] Clapping her hands around her back, she twirled and smiled brightly at . "So? What do you think?"
[break][break] s|3_59VJ

[attr="class","tags"][attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"] TAGS for @/billi

Mickey and Dior work together, using ROCK SLIDE and PSYCHO CUT !


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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2021 21:11:11 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

“Wow! I can’t believe you made it in the heat too!” Billi commented on the womens power to create something artistic out of nothing. Then again it was clear that she had some talent and maybe the heat benefited her more. Pulling his fingers to his mouth, Billi whistled for his pokemon to return to him, “Okay! Go pick it up and move it to the Frosmoth Nest,” Billi ordered the shiny bermite and durant to lift the creation, using protect to transport it to keep it safe from damage. ”I’ll keep it so you can always come see it! And you get the badge too!” he smiled brighter.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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TAG WITH @shiv
Fructose [GYM]
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2021 1:13:47 GMT
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