Digging Deeper [C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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oscar clayton
Digging Deeper [C]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 22:21:03 GMT
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Oscar took a long sip of coffee, wincing at the taste. He kept hearing about how Slateport's coffee was unmatched throughout the region, yet Oscar has yet to enjoy a single cup within the city. The mix of salt and pollution in the air was so thick that it ruined the taste of him, and it didn't help that their blends tasted like dirt. He put the cup down roughly, sighing heavily as he checked the time. It was still a while before the official time of his meeting, and that fact made him groan with impatience.

Perhaps it was foolish of Oscar to believe that a café within Slateport's Central Mall was a discreet place to meet a contact, but then again when was the last time anyone paid attention to anything in Slateport? Damn city was practically run by the supposedly dead Team Rocket and no one has noticed, surely this little meeting of his won't be picked up on either. Besides, Emma the Ariados was patrolling the café while Camouflaged. If she spotted any snooping eyes, she would be quick to subdue them.

Thus the only thing Oscar felt anxious about was waiting. The information this contact had was invaluable, and he was itching to get his hands on it. He was very lucky that had referred him to this mysterious Lulu, and while he knew nothing about her Oscar was sure she'd deliver. After all Gavin's opinion had never failed him before. Yet the waiting was agony, he was beside himself with anticipation. It almost drove him to grab more coffee to occupy his mind--almost.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
Digging Deeper [C]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 23:46:47 GMT
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coffee was coffee. this was lulu’s take, at least.

she was already carrying around a reused cup. it might’ve looked new, but this was a deception. it contained lukewarm store-bought coffee that would have made oscar wretch.

she strolled in with such discreetness, and with such confidence that no one noticed, and no one would dare say anything if they had. she slid into a seat across from him, a solrock descending to hover at a ‘polite’ level beneath the table off to the side like a well-behaved dog.

oscar clayton. one of the new beasts. gavin had filled her in on the common knowledge of him, and she’d done her research.

she said nothing and sipped her coffee, waiting for him to initiate the conversation, in part because of their public location and his authority, and also because she felt it unnecessary to say anything.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Digging Deeper [C]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 20:53:05 GMT
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Lulu slipped in so discreetly that Oscar hadn't noticed her until she sat down. His eyes went from staring into his coffee to her face, and immediately his brows furrowed with confusion. His first instinct was to curse this intruder out, instead however he listened to his second instinct and simply sized her up. After a minute he decided that this had to be Lulu, and she was waiting for Oscar to speak.

Oscar sat up straight, his face still slightly puzzled. "Hello--um Miss Flint I presume?" In a fluid motion Oscar reached into his coat and pulled out a cigarette case, flipping it open and pointing it toward his guest. "I suppose we have a lot to talk about. What have you heard about--the local swarms?"

Oscar said 'local swarms' in such a way as to indicate that he was masking their true topic. He probably should have thought of something more relevant to power plants or devon but he was put on the spot and blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. Hopefully she would catch it.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
Digging Deeper [C]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 20:18:00 GMT
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she watched the man’s face go through a couple of changes, stealing a sip of her room temp coffee as they sat in silence for a moment too long for comfort.

“yes.” she answered simply, about the name. she glanced at the cigarette case, noting its quality. taking one and nodding a thanks, she then pulled a matchbook from her pocket and dragged one across the phosphorus. perhaps with all of the money she would make, she would purchase a lighter. a nice one.

lulu was sharp, and immediately understood. “plenty.” along with the matchbook, she had retrieved a flash drive from her person and flicked it across the table at him and into his lap. “raikousquare. one word, lowercase.” the resettable passcode.

“it’s all you need.” she assured, having already picked through it herself.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Digging Deeper [C]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 19:47:06 GMT
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Oscar raised his eyebrows as the drive was flicked over to him, a straight forward approach to the transaction. Probably for the best, Oscar would have hopelessly fumbled through trying to be too discreet. He grabbed the drive and examined it below the table. Raikousquare, got it. Oscar looked up to Lulu, his eyes not staying on any particular emotion.

Eventually he reached to his side and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He pressed through a few screens, speaking softly as he navigated toward his bank app. "I would normally ask for proof and whatnot, but Gavin had exceptional trust in you. And since I trust him I will take his lead." Oscar pressed one last button on his screen with a flourish before leaning in and pointing the screen toward Lulu.

The screen displayed a transaction confirmation, showing proof that an exceptional amount of money was just deposited into Lulu's account. He did not bother asking if the amount was sufficient, he knew it was. "It's been a pleasure, if this all works out I would be happy to do business again."

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
Digging Deeper [C]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2021 0:01:20 GMT
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Amber eyes regarded him carefully as he showed her nothing in terms of a reaction for a long moment. She hit her cigarette and took a sip of cold coffee, reclining back in her chair some. Was it the wrong way to get the info to him? She tilted her head, her stare almost prying, asking him without asking him.

He answered by taking out his phone and beginning with her payment. It wasn’t what she’d expected, but she wasn’t about to turn him down. He trusted her by proxy. Thanks again, Cil ().

Her phone pinged, and she checked it habitually. She blew air out of pursed lips. “Thanks.” Brain melting a bit from the sight of the number, she nearly forgot an important detail. She leaned over the table at him. “One more thing. I’ve encrypted everything in a way only the program on that drive can recover.” She reached into her jacket to pull out a couple of pieces of small, lined paper on which somewhat sloppy handwriting explained an installation and decryption process. It also listed a phone number, which was different than the one whoever might have had on file with Team Rocket. Lulu laid the folded square on the table in front of him and tapped it with the pads of her fingers. “There’s a number if you have any issues. Please don’t use the one they’ve provided you with.”

When he got up, she raised her cup to him as though to cheers and let him leave without a goodbye. She sat in her seat for a moment, a smile warming her face out of sight as she waited for him to get a good distance before getting up and leaving as well.

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October 13
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Digging Deeper [C]
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2021 6:57:07 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


