don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 20:05:30 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar











the upper area of this giant mall of a city seemed to make even less sense than the city itself.
why would people willingly choose to live above an always bustling shopping center? was it simply for convenience or something deeper? it might just possibly be that they couldn’t be bothered to move when their once peaceful city was bulldozed and converted into mall that spanned the area of what used to be their home.
well whatever their reason was, it didn’t much concern him, he wasn’t living here and did not plan to buy property here in the foreseeable future either. this place was only good as an excuse for him to call out a friend to play.
stormy silph, sibling to ferny, and if he recalls, a cute girl; only slightly bothersome. she may be in relation to his newfound councilman, but to kim, she was still someone he could get a little enjoyment out of. and hey, if she just so happened to be an interesting person, he could have the best of both worlds.
so, after a quick call, he'd start patrolling the hallways, waving at passerbys as he walked, eyes looking out for any pokemon that may have snuck in.








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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 20:38:09 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

0000 words

Stormy had just made it through Rusturf tunnel and had followed Elinda all the way to Verdanturf city when her phone began to buzz. It was an older techy phone, nothing like what the older woman had had. Though she had been assured that she would get her hands on one of those PokeNavs. For now, though, her old age flip phone would suffice.

Elinda and Stormy had most likely separated at this point, exchanging contacts for the future, but otherwise leaving each other alone.

For now, Stormy had stuck around Verdanturf looking for a reason for being there. She had been on her way to Slateport earlier in the week, but had been told to fuck off basically by some blonde teenager who convinced her that the League had everything under control and she would just get in the way.

Of course, his remark wasn't going to stop her. She had just needed a vehicle to get to Slateport. Her travel through the tunnel had gifted her a Skarmory, and she was already planning her trip to the fallen city.

Well, until her phone rang.

Stormy looked at the caller ID, puzzled by who might be calling her. She hadn't given out her phone number recently, had she? She hesitated for a moment before answering.


Turns out, it was Kim Cole. Someone on the council with her older brother. While at first irritated that, even though she had nothing to do with Fernando, she was still being pestered by political figures.

Stormy agreed regardless - she had nothing better to do. Well, she could fly off to Slateport and find out she was useless.. but talking with a fellow councilman who worked with her brother was probably more interesting.

So, she rode Rapidash between Verdanturf and Mauville, quickly reaching the bustling, mall-like city. She was immediately perplexed by the construction of the city. It didn't look anything at all like the cities she had recently visited. It looked like a shopping centre, not a place for people to live.

Stormy slipped off the back of her companion as she entered Mauville, looking up and down the streets or hallways in search of her new friend.
deltra of gangnam style
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100 height
100 height
yayaya aa
800 posts
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TAG WITH @admin
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 16:12:33 GMT
ADMIN Avatar



what will you do?

male / immunity[break]
swords dance / x-scissor / detect / close combat




what will you do?

female / technician[break]

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played by


golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 21:54:18 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar











his movements were slow and sheepish, taking each step without hurry as to not lose himself in this residential area. it was still odd for him to be here. not for the fact that it was where people live, but moreover because of the hustle and bustle that went on beneath their feet. he couldn’t shake the feeling he got from this place. the only good that came from being here was the concealment it had given him.
with everything that had happened in slateport, everyone was on edge. calls for help coming in from from all over the region, people jumping at their own shadows, afraid that their city would be next. and with league members scattered about or missing in action, more work was pushed on him, more than he had already been doing in fact. he wanted an out, needed an out, and this most recent call just so happened to prove useful to that urge. he planned to drag this out as long as he could, unwilling to heed another call from someone too jumpy from unwarranted fears.
but simply wandering these halls was quite boring, it wasn’t until a zangoose showed itself that he had something to do, and that something to do was give chase after it decided to run away. in kim’s case, give chase meant to tail it, slowly walking after the pokemon as it ran away at full speed. it got away ofcourse, but lucky for him, it led him straight to who he had called here.
making his way over, he’d await her to finish what she had on her plate before speaking, a silent wave and a casual smile given as he walked closer, hands tucking themselves into his jacket pockets after the wave.








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[newclass=.kc-tag:hover .kc-notes]transition-delay: 15.5s !important;transition: 3.5s !important;opacity: 1;transition-timing-function: ease-out;[/newclass]
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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 19:44:45 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

0000 words

With Rapidash's size, too many people were drawing attention to her. Not like it mattered, but it wasn't comfortable having so many eyes drawn to her. The city was bustling, but not really with Pokemon.

After a moment of quieting her anxious steed, she returned him to the safety of his pokeball. However, now she had run into a sort of problem. She was ultimately lost in the fray of streets and people and sign posts throughout the city. Everywhere she turned it seemed like she was looking up at some new signpost, and she couldn't recall where she was.

This lead to the young woman running into a Smeargle along one of the back alleys. It seemed forlorn and lost, rummaging around in dumpsters and moldy cardboard boxes. Emma seemed to have found one of the areas in the city that weren't kept pristine and glamorous for tourists and the like.

Wherever she was, she seemed to be in the part of the mall that tossed out plenty of food.

Stormy had, at the time, walked right past the hungry creature. She only stopped and turned around when she heard rummaging around and her hothead assumed it was someone stealing or attempting to steal. She came back around the corner and shouted, only to find a very startled and territorial pup.

"Oh! Sorry, hun. I thought you were a petty thief."

The Smeargle didn't look all that thrilled to have been called a 'petty thief'. It looked at her with disdain as well as fearm unsure of what she might do. The Smeargle was backed into a corner after all.

Just as Stormy began to make her way down towards the creature to comfort it, she heard the rapid footsteps of someone coming towards her. She turned, heat flashing in her eyes.

"Hey, watch it! You're gonna scare it away!" she barked. Kim appeared to have slowed his pace though, and waited off to the side; her earlier outburst was no longer relevant or necessary. The only person scaring anything was herself at this point.

Sighing, the young woman began to creep her way down the hallway/alleyway, holding her breath at the smelliness. It was probably the back end of some fast food restaurant that hadn't gotten around to tossing their trash. They really needed a better garbage system.

"Hey, cutie, it's alright. You don't have to be afraid, okay? I'm a friend." she said softly. However, it seemed that the Smeargle had caught onto some sort of negative energy from the girl, and promptly made a run for it between her legs. Stormy gasped in shock, turning on her heel to see the Smeargle take off towards Kim.

"No! Come back!" she gasped, sprinting after it.

Stormy stopped for a half a second next to Kim, rummaging in her bag for an empty pokeball.

In her other hand, though, she held a pokeball containing Skarmory. She let out the beautiful metal bird, pointing at the fleeing Smeargle.

"Go stop that puppy! It's adorable and hungry, I can't let it stay on the street like that!" she ordered. The Skarmory peeked around in search of the Smeargle, opening up her wings and zooming after it.

The bird then stopped promptly in front of the Pokemon, opening its wings. The Smeargle stopped, skidding to a halt in front of Skarmory - she was confused and startled to not only see a metal bird but to also see her own reflection in the bird's wings. She looked from side to side in a panic, unsure how to react.

Stormy eventually made her way up to the pair, throwing a thumbs up to her companion as she continued to dazzle and confuse the poor puppy. She held the empty pokeball in her hands, looking at the adorable Pokemon in awe.

"Don't be scared, cutie! I'm just tryin' to help!" she said softly. For whatever reason though, the Smeargle did not seem at all interested in pairing up and seemed anxious to run again. Skarmory seemed to be quite skilled at preventing its escape, however, and continued to hop from side to side and confuse it.

Stormy wasn't willing to let it go however, and cringed a little at her next command.

"Sorry, hun. Skarmory, use STEEL WING please," she said.

The Skarmory's dazzling wing hardened and thwopped the wild Smeargle on the head. It fell to the ground in a daze and didn't get back up again to run. Stormy took this as an opportunity to throw the pokeball at it. If it caught, she would run back up to Kim to properly greet him.

"Sorry about that, I can't pass up the opportunity for a cutie like that one."

attempting capture on smeargle.
deltra of gangnam style
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,675 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 1:14:32 GMT
shiv Avatar




female / technician[break]

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,675 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 7:21:41 GMT
shiv Avatar



what will you do?

female / flash fire[break]
clear smog / overheat / shadow ball / confuse ray




what will you do?

female / synchronize[break]
disarming voice / hypnosis / psychic / heal pulse

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played by


golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 5:59:26 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar











understandable.” were his first words, said in a light voice, an understanding smile accompanying it.
he’s not sure he’d be able to stop himself from doing the same if he had seen it before her, smeargle was a cute pokemon, with potential he’d have liked to behold if it were his own.
nice to meet you, miss stormy.” he’d extend hand, hoping to intercept her own until his attention was caught by a kirlia pushing her way through crowds, psychic floating clothing over her head while accessories adorned her every which way. an angered employee would run behind the pokemon shouting “someone catch that thief!” as it sped by.
... excuse me.” his hand would retract, as he took off after the pokemon, turning halfway as he ran forward, he’s shout, “meet me by the nearest elevator!
pursuing the pokemon came before the girl, simply for the fact that this pokemon had good taste in fashion. sure it was a thief, but damn did it look good in all of that finery, he had to have a pokemon with such a good eye for fashion on his team at all cost.
he’d rush through the hallways, catching up with the pokemon. the amount of things it had on itself as well as the chase had gave way to fatigue, slowing it down, but kim was all but tired. he quickly caught up to it, tossing an empty pokeball at the kirlia, it too tired to put up a real fight.
a quick flash from the ball and what the pokemon had on itself would fall to the ground around her, the ball moving to an fro before it clicked shut, signalling a successful capture. kim would smile, clipping the ball to his side before picking up the stolen goods, aiming to return them from whence they came. after everything was sorted he would take a rest by an elevator nearest to the location they were, waiting to have a decent conversation with the girl he had called out here.








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[newclass=.kc-tag:hover .kc-notes]transition-delay: 15.5s !important;transition: 3.5s !important;opacity: 1;transition-timing-function: ease-out;[/newclass]
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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 19:24:08 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

0000 words

Good, her companion wasn't at all discouraged by her earlier rudeness. The woman reaches out with her free hand to accept his greeting and handshake, only to be left hanging in surprise as Kim takes off at a dead sprint. She turns to look at what he might possibly be chasing if not for herself, and sees a flash of brilliantly stylish clothes worn by a very cute green and white Pokemon.

Stormy blinks in surprise, her hand left hanging in the air. She drops it after a moment of awkwardness, before shifting her weight and waiting a moment before following after him. He shouts behind him eventually, asking her to meet him at the nearest elevator. The woman is stunned but seems too interested in meeting Kim to turn around and leave.

"O-okay, sure thing." she shouts back, but half-heartedly. Her voice doesn't carry very far as she didn't put much effort in to really call out to him.

Instead, she strolls casually towards the nearest elevator, window shopping as she goes. She stops short in a very abrupt manner as her eyes latch onto a candle shop. What catches her eye isn't necessarily all of the candles, its the fact that one particular candle is lit.. and appears to be moving?

Almost immediately after she stops to look, the Litwick opens its eye to watch her with equal curiosity. Unfortunately, one of the employees at the candle store comes up to shoo away the Litwick.

The tiny candle Pokemon immediately startles, running rampant through the store and effectively setting fire to all of the open lidded wicks. The smell of floral and scented wax fills the surrounding area, and Stormy is startled.

"Woah, wait a minute!" she begins, just as the employee takes a broom to the candle Pokemon and kicks it out of the store.

"Don't be a bully, it was just trying to fit in!" she says hotly, scooping up the terrified little purple Pokemon. It's wax drips onto her hand and she gasps a little bit at the sudden heat of it. But she wipes it off on her pants and holds up the tiny little monster.

"You are adorable." she gasps, turning it around slowly. "Are you a fire-type?" she asks, as if assuming it will answer her.

Suddenly remembering she was meant to meet Kim at one of the closest elevators, she looks up in surprise to make sure she hasn't already missed him. Stormy quickly approaches the elevator, still holding the tiny Litwick in her hands.

The employee shouts from behind her, threatening that if the Litwick comes back again, she'll have to pay for all the candles it ruined. Stormy throws back the middle finger in response.

When she approaches Kim, she holds out the Litwick to show him.

"Look what I found! Isn't she the sweetest?"

attempting capture of litwick
deltra of gangnam style
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October 13
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808 height
40,675 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 4:20:59 GMT
shiv Avatar



what will you do?

female / technician[break]
tail slap / bullet seed / rock blast / sing




what will you do?

genderless / download[break]
magic coat / zap cannon / tri attack / agility

's and 's captures are successful!

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played by


golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
part of
kim cole-essam
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 0:54:51 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar











straightening himself out as she approached, fearing his clothes may have ruffled and rolled from the chase, he’d return his look to the girl, eyeing the litwick with a smile.
it was just as absolutely adorable, it’s simple features almost as cute as his teddiursa’s. unfortunately, it had the same sort of lineage of teddiursa, it’s cuteness traded off for a less appealing evolution.
she’s really cute.
he’d reply with a smile, his words as genuine as her adoration for it.
it looks like me running off wasn’t such a bad thing after all, was it?
chuckling he’d look both ways before pushing off the wall, beckoning for her to join him.
shall we walk and talk?
the offer staying up even after a cinccino rushed by and he promptly sent out a skitty, issuing the command, “please, catch it and get it out of here.” the skitty meowing in acceptance as she rushed off.








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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 3:14:08 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

0000 words

Stormy beamed from ear to eat as Kim agreed with her earlier statement. The tiny little candle was absolutely adorable and she was more than thrilled to spend some quality time learning what it was later.

Now was not the time, though. Kim had called her out for a reason, surely, other than simply hanging out and catching wild Pokemon.

"I suppose it wasn't."

She laughed a little bit, almost forgetting that she had been abandoned earlier by Kim running after a Kirlia.

Her eyes widened in surprise and interest as he pushed off against the wall, nodding at her to follow him. Walking and talking was exactly what she had been hoping for.

The woman's eyes caught the flash of the cute Cinccino as it was chased by Kim's Skitty. In the back of an alley, she could see the bright flash of pink. It didn't catch her attention for long, however, and the Porygon had disappeared.

"What had you called me to talk about? It seemed urgent."
deltra of gangnam style
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,675 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 8:16:32 GMT
shiv Avatar



what will you do?

female / serene grace[break]
egg bomb / healing wish / sing / soft-boiled




what will you do?

male / unaware[break]
super fang / yawn / crunch / amnesia

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
part of
kim cole-essam
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 22:36:18 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar











the skitty returned, white hair mixed with its own pink pigmented fur. as it climbed kim's leg, laying over his shoulder. he would give it a pet, bits of the white hair rubbing off on his hand in the process.
as he walked, he would think to himself, how could he twist his words in her favor; make it seem like the underlying reason for calling her here wasn’t just for intel of his newly found councilman.
his train of thought would break once he spotted another intruder, a bidoof starting to wander into the ladies bathroom. a stoic confusion formed on his face as he sent the skitty in after it.
with his mind boggled he might as well just start speaking. leaving her in silence for this long was probably unnerving.
you know what happened in slateport, right?








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[newclass=.kc-tag:hover .kc-notes]transition-delay: 15.5s !important;transition: 3.5s !important;opacity: 1;transition-timing-function: ease-out;[/newclass]
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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
don't worry, we'll be watching you [wild]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 4:47:20 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

0000 words

The silence stretched on for eons. In the time spent waiting and listening, she had counted how many times the two of them had taken breaths. For some reason the whole situation seemed a little bit tense or awkward, like the pair of them were stepping on hot coals and performing an odd dance.

Stormy coughed, trying to at least encourage some sort of communication or vocalization between the pair.

She noted the cute Skitty returning from its.. hunt of sorts. But it quickly seemed to take off again, hunting down a waddling Bidoof that looked too confused and lost to be harassed.

Not too far away, a lovely Chansey seemed to be busy picking up litter on the side of the road. She continued to pace back and forth worriedly as she cleared up the sidewalk and made it look nicer.

Stormy hesitated, the silence between her and Kim extending so long she felt like she might flee and help pick up garbage with the rotund, plushy Pokemon.

Kim spoke just as she took a step to encounter the Chansey, who continued to mind her own business.

"Slateport? Yes. Fernando informed me of what happened. He didn't really give me details, but he made it seem like what happened in Kanto almost happened again, here in Hoenn. He neglected to tell me what there is to be done about it, however."

Once again, her eyes trail off to the Chansey.

Without really thinking about how it might look to abandon Kim once again, she approaches the pink Pokemon cautiously. It seems startled to be addressed so brazenly, and holds a candy wrapper in her hand fiercely.

"Hey there, sweetheart. Would you like a hand?"

Stormy offers her hand in a truce. The Chansey plops the wrapper in her hand eagerly, squealing with bliss at the strangers help. Stormy looks to Kim with a small smile on her face as she kneels down to help the wild Pokemon clean up.

"If only the rest of the citizens were as diligent as this sweet thing, huh?"

Stormy tucks a loose strand of hair out of her face, curling it behind her ear.

"Do you have a home? I know it's very forward of me, but I'd like to offer you a nice home-cooked meal and a comfy bed alongside the rest of my little family, if you're interested? You seem to be such a kind Pokemon, and I could use a little more kindness in my life."

She winks at the Pokemon, who has begun to blush intensely at the compliments and the generous offer. She appears to accept, though, holding onto both of Stormy's outstretched hands eagerly.

It's a little odd, seeing Stormy in such a charming and calm light. Her usual hotheaded severity is virtually nonexistent in this scenario. Turns out its probably all Fernando's fault she's such an asshole.

attempting capture of chansey
deltra of gangnam style
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP