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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Skids, Uncle
June 7
Fallabar Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Skids Lawrence
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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 8:44:41 GMT
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Skids Lawrence- 53- league

Skids is a loving uncle with a untamed wandrlust, the feeling for adventure still holds him strongly. Despite his age, he's going strong but there's only so much his body can take and he might be having to learn this lesson the hard way.

Making friends is very easy given how kind and friendly he is. Skids enjoys helping people smile or find some joy in something. This has led him to being a very goofy person in general. Even if you don't say your friends, if you're in trouble and Skids notices, he's gonna step into whatever is going on and trying to help you. This of course can lead to issues but his heart is in the right place.

Getting on Skids' bad side is possible, if you're cruel to your pokemon and don't care about the effect you cause on them or if you do that to people in general. You'll get on his bad list fast in those ways but the quickest way is to do this to people he knows or cares for. After all, he still has a grudge and hatred against his own brother-in-law for how they raised Henry along with their efforts to make him a trainer.  Of course, some people might just hate him for how he acts. Which is fine, not everyone can keep up with a high energy individual that clearly pushes himself and doesn't know when to quit for his own safety an health.

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PLOTS: (Da fun part)

Duncle antics:
Skids is a fun loving and adventure seeking man, however he values the happiness of others. Need some cheering up? Let him try to cheer you up either from his attempt to be funny, helping you out with some practice, or even a pep talk. Skids encourages others and wants them to rise up to any of their challenges. If ya need some form of support, just ask Skids ^^

Skids isn't without his own issues sadly. He holds a lot of grief and resentment toward himself due to how he believes he failed two of his pokemon in his original journey in Hoenn. Some characters around his age might've heard of that one elite four battle years ago when some thirteen year old lost their start pokemon in the battle, yep that was Skids. Skids has lost two of his beloved teammates and it was something he never got over. He hasn't raised a pokemon from the Mightyena or Blaziken lines since and believes he's unable to properly raise either of them due to how deeply rooted his mindset is on the matter.

The dude has had multiple decades for this to stew in his head, every way it has he's blamed himself over every other variable. This will take multiple attempts to help fix due to how deep this goes, and depending on how people try to help him with it. Just telling him to get over it and accept it will do more harm than good. There's also the fact that Skids doesn't want to admit these issues.

This goes even farther than just two loved ones he never got over. Skids is okay in gym battles but the man has never taken up battling against hte Elite four. The man is reasonably still afraid of that place, afraid of repeating his mistakes, afraid of losing even more. IT goes to the point where he won't even step NEAR the building let alone go into it. When tournament battles for any other event show up, he's the same way. To him a tournament battle feels just like a elite four battle.

Old Friends and old Rivals:
Skids is a oldie, so in his youth it stands to reason that he made friends and enemies/rivals during that time. These people can be from Hoenn or even Kalos; where he was stuck having to spend many years due to a debt. This can go a little further and the friends or rivals having kids could even be invovled. Maybe they heard stories of battles between their parents and Skids? Or the strange jovial man with the very grumpy but scary salamence? There's a lot of potiental new bonds and old ones that can be created.

Maybe he pissed someone off so much, that person might try something now that he's back in Hoenn once they learn about this? After all, the reason that Skids' mightyena died was a rival battle gone wrong due to said rival getting fed up with losing against him and tried to have their pokemon lash out at skids.

Mochi Watanabe- 19- League

A young kantonain soul that knows nothing of their parents or life in Kanto, they've lived within Hoenn for all they can remember in the care of a temple. Now almost a adult, Mochi has many things opening up to him that he isn't sure on what to do with. There are times when he experiments with wearing a long haired wig that males his already femmine build look even more so, causing people to mistake him for a lady in which he doesn't correct them. As when wearing the wig, he's trying to escape from things.

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Skids, Uncle
June 7
Fallabar Town
unemployed at the moment
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Skids Lawrence
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POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 5:05:59 GMT
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Mercutio Kyle- 28- Rocket

Mercutio is a reserved individual due to his physical oddity. he operates as his place in the Apricot family has dictated all his life. A butler, a servant...but this man has some more layers to him that he just hides away. So keep your eyes open and you'll see them.

These are rare and new to him, so best to be slow and steady growth with him. When you get close to him, you'll see he's really a nice guy. He's not in team rocket to gain fame or power, or anything like that. He's there to feel he belongs somewhere, that he fits in. You'll also notice that he's not too fond of things that are overly pretty and gorgeous looking, more often than not he'll wake away from something like that. Beauty and high status is how he understands the world works, if you have something that pushes you away from that, then you'll be like him. After all, a physical deformity while not a worse one, that he was born with was enough for him to be stripped of any potiental life as a real member of his birth family. So just know that he has some baggage.

Those who would hurt the heirs of the Apricot family. While he hates the two leads of the Apricot family; his mother and father, he cares deeply for the two young heirs. In truth they're his little siblings and never once has his hate and pain been directed at them. So if you even dare to make them upset, this man will be on yer arse to kick it straight to Kanto. Mercutio is also a secret fighter in a underground fighter ring, there he's known as The Underbiter, a strong fighter that while he has his loses, he does hit hard. This ring more operates under the humans being the fighters although there are special matches were fighters can have one pokemon out each and the pokemon fight at the same time as their trainer; a sort of odd double battle. Someone could be angry they lost a bet due to The Underbiter winning or losing, or one of the other fighters is angry at him. Who knows.

Hm good luck with this. Mercutio isn't used to romance, the idea hasn't hit his noggin due to his underbite and his views on the world.


Rocket chaos:
As a new member of Team rocket, Mercutio has much to learn.  He was more brought on due to his strength but that doesn't he won't get stuck doing some other mission where muscle isn't required. He could be shown around base or who knows just socialize with fellow rockets. A lot can happen.

MORE to come

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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
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Gym Receptionist
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michiko maeda
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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 14:59:22 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar
Hey ! First of all, happy to see another older character on site!

That said, since Skids is from Hoenn that opens up a ton of possibilities with Michi here, if you want. She's from Petalburg City and has lived there her whole life, so has tons of connections in the area and around the region.

They could be previously acquainted from the past (she's never battled, done challenges, or owned her own Pokemon, so those avenues are limited.) More slice-of-life aspects are possible though! She's a receptionist in a local hotel, her husband is a well-known professor of archaeology, or they could have met literally anywhere. If he's from Petalburg they could have gone to school together, he could be a friend of her husband...

...Or they could literally not know each other at all and just connect to chat about the Old Days of Hoenn (TM) canon established as we go. Anything sounds fun! A character in this age demographic has a lot of opportunity though.

It's feasible she would have watched the Elite 4 Battle on TV as a child, too!

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Skids, Uncle
June 7
Fallabar Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Skids Lawrence
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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 21:10:38 GMT
Skids Lawrence Avatar
 Greetings !

Indeed, Skids is from Hoenn and he was born in Fallarbor town, so that rules out him going to school with her sadly. However when Skids was thirteen he started his journey. HOWEVER since Meteor Falls is so close to Fallarbor, he could've met her if her father took her on any of his expeditions since I do remember that place being special in the games, so I think some neat things could be found here on site for it. If not, he could meet her when he started his journey.

I do enjoy the idea of them talking about the old Hoenn and commenting on the changes made to the region since his absence from it. OH if she watched the Elite Four matches on tv, there's a strong chance she might've seen Skids's match that went horribly wrong. As his starter died during a elite four match, so she could know about that? Skids left the region shortly after that and didn't rechallenge the elite four at all. Or help him with the trauma that he keeps trying to ignore.

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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
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michiko maeda
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 1:17:39 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar
Does live anywhere, presently? If he's just returned to Hoenn, maybe he could be temporarily staying at the hotel where Michi works and they could strike up a conversation over the desk (or over hotel breakfast or something.) There could be an elite 4 match on the generic lobby TV or something.

Would be HAPPY to help deal with trauma. She's a very comforting person!
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Skids, Uncle
June 7
Fallabar Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Skids Lawrence
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 1:41:16 GMT
Skids Lawrence Avatar

Currently he doesn't live anywhere so we can totally have him be living in a hotel. He's not sure on where he'll settle down yet if he really does, so a hotel works perfectly. Where's the hotel at?

I say let's have them reunite in the area where breakfest is being served and they're catching up. A little into the thread we can have a elite four match be turned on and then Michiko can notice how tense and uncomfortable he gets. She'll have to poke and prod a few times to get him to admit to issues ^^

Do you want to start the thread or should I?
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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
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Gym Receptionist
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michiko maeda
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 16:16:57 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar
Petalburg City! I’d be happy to start it tomorrow or the day after.

Regarding Meteor Falls, I don’t think she would have explored there (except maybe on a school field trip) or have had much contact with Pokemon trainers apart from seeing them on TV (at least at the time Skids was starting his journey.) So maybe it’s best they don’t know each other from the past, but can still reminisce about the region at that time!
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Skids, Uncle
June 7
Fallabar Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Skids Lawrence
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 23:40:07 GMT
Skids Lawrence Avatar

It's okay, they don't have to meet each other at Meteor falls, it was just the first idea I had. I can see them having known each other in the past despite that. After all, when Skids started his journey, he'd easily be able to meet her back then. Even with his wanderlust back then, he'd stay in a place for more than a day as he'd get to explore the town or city he'd come to back then.
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leo, leonício
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leo del río
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 20:03:07 GMT
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leo x     [break][break]

little brother mochi?! 

[break][break] leo grew up as an only child, so he's always looking for people to befriend and make into siblings! they also both grew up in hoenn, so there's a possibility they know each other already (depending where mochi grew up!) 

[break][break] we should do a slice of life mission, social, or dual wild with them! im up for anything ^^ 

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August 13
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mochi Watanabe
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 21:43:27 GMT
Mochi Watanabe Avatar
and Mochi

OH my gosh they look like they could be siblings!!!

Mochi's lived in multiple places in Hoenn but he's lived in Oldale's temple the longest. He's from Kanto but he hasn't been there since he was born and has no memory of there. ^^ Perhaps a social would be best? I'm a bit filled with missions for other characters, and Mochi is in two dual wilds right now lol.

Where should it be?
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing