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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 7:01:09 GMT
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He had never been a fan of heists. 

[break][break] In fact, it was the entire reason why had recruited him over to intel. After spotting a younger Flynn nearly vomiting into a garbage can after completing a particularly unsavory task, the former Admin had taken it upon himself to switch his department. Not that Flynn particularly minded -- he hadn't minded either, months later, when it had been suggested to him in no uncertain terms that he take the police exam and officially station himself within Lilycove. A corrupt police officer was not as uncommon as the public would've liked to believe. 

[break][break] That being said, that didn't mean Flynn wasn't required to do regular missions now and again. The man was currently standing atop one of the building's rooftops, several blocks away from the target. He was waiting for his mission partner, inhaling smoke into his lungs but when he heard footsteps, his head jerked to the sound. 

[break][break] When they approached, he tossed them a pair of binoculars. "Here, take a look."


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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 7:41:47 GMT
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She’d taken an extra job that evening, prior to heading home. It was like one of those situations where you get a new job, but your old boss is still hanging on and attempts to call you in anyways, even though you don’t work there anymore, and somehow, for some reason, you go and do the job anyways. That was this. This was that mindfuck.

Boots hit the ground, and a flash of red light pulled the Hydreigon back into its ball.

She was dressed in black, the large hood of a coat covering most of her face in shadow. It didn’t hide the smirk. Flynn. Their time brushing elbows in intel together had seen few interactions, amounting to little more than a few quips. Lulu had been an asshole to Flynn. Now that she was in a position of some type of authority, she wasn’t sure if it was still appropriate. Nor could she help herself.

“Thanks. How's the force?” She took the binoculars and peered through them.

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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 8:04:27 GMT
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"How's the force?"

He exhaled, smoke curling out in the cold January air like a Gyarados tail.

[break][break] She didn't say it, but he could tell the bite behind her words. Though they weren't very close, Flynn knew enough about to know the hidden disdain that she had for cops. Not that it was particularly uncommon or ungranted.

[break][break] All cops were bastards. He told her that.

[break][break] "They're bastards, as usual, but what can you do?" He shrugged, flicking the cigarette into the ground in front of him and crushing it with the heel of his boot. He folded his arms over his chest as he looked over at their target. It was the typical posh jewelry store you'd find in a city like Mauville, probably full of diamonds, rubies, and sapphires or some shit. Flynn himself didn't care.

[break][break] In fact, Rocket probably didn't either. There was something else of interest.

[break][break] "The report says that they're hiding something special in their vault too. No idea what it is, or if it's even actually valuable, but it must be special if they sent you along too." He glanced at her, sideways. They'd been co-workers, technically, but she'd always been a step above him. The fact that she arrived on a Hydreigon of all things was proof enough for it.


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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 8:33:26 GMT
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“Shoot ‘em dead.” She stuck her tongue out a bit, biting it, the dark glint in her eyes still hidden.

Few saw this sort of unabashed aggression out of Lulu anymore, but he was right, it didn’t come without warrant—no pun intended, not at all.

Lulu had watched friends in the Dragons be gunned down by police in a multitude of regions—many of whom had arguably deserved it, but it still had planted the feeling of danger and tension. She had been to prison, where she’d been beaten. Handcuffs had robbed her of the only time she’d ever truly felt family. They’d turned her adoptive mother against her. They’d robbed her of Rinc, and costed him his life.

She focused. I know what the report says. There was a little more force behind how she handed the binoculars back to him than she meant. She tilted her chin at him. “So, how would you go about this?” Her hidden eyes roamed him momentarily, looking for anything techy. “They give you any fancy gadgets?”

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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 8:47:42 GMT
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"Shoot 'em dead." [break][break]

Now there was a thought. It wasn't a thought that Flynn hadn't once considered before, especially when the precinct's commissioner was spitting in the face of their captain, probably over something stupid like numbers. Just like in Rocket, Flynn rarely had any weight in the way that the precinct worked. His existence there was intended only to be physical - just stay there, lie low, and do your shit. Any special acrobatics were better left to people more fancy than him.

[break][break] But Lulu knew that. There wasn't a need for the reminder.

[break][break] Though, she felt the need to remind him that she had read the report. Flynn said nothing in response to that, fingers clutching over a bicep, and trying to hide his aggression. There was no need to get feisty - after all, they were on the same team anyways.

[break][break] At her question, though, he was at a bit of a loss. He shook his head. "Nope." She could look over him all she wanted, but there weren't any fancy gadgets to be found on his possession. He wasn't sure if they just didn't have it, or they thought he wouldn't need. Most of his rocket jobs were intended with him - or people like him - in mind anyway, and usually meant that he had to just muscle his way out of any situation if he found himself in one.

[break][break] In other words, they usually left him to the dogs.

[break][break] "Sometimes simple's best. We could just go in through the back, and fuck up anyone who gets in our way." A pause, as he glanced as the horizon where the sun was beginning to dip past the skyline, bleeding orange and purple. "I do know my way around a lockpick." He looked back at her, then added, "I'm pretty good with my hands."



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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 9:24:42 GMT
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She shook her head at him and shrugged a backpack off her shoulder. “You even think like a cop.”

A bit of velcro and a couple of zippers later, a few devices were scattered over the railing of the roof. She handed him an earpiece so they could communicate, as well as a small thermal imaging camera, so he’d be able to see anyone inside through the walls. “I don’t really like to play rough, anymore, to be honest with you. I’d rather play smart.”

Lastly, she opened her palm to him. A tiny robot that sort of resembled a large ant stared at him with infrared eyes. “Take it. It’ll grip onto clothing. It sends video to me, so I’ll know what you're seeing while I take care of the cameras and alarms.”

She then pulled a Klefki from the inner breast pocket of her coat. Its large collection of master keys jangled in the wind. “You can keep your hands to yourself.”

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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 9:34:51 GMT
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Unsurprisingly, she doesn't like his idea and she tells him as much.

[break][break] It doesn't come as much of a shock to Flynn, who already knew who would be pulling the strings from the moment that landed on the rooftop. Her reputation precedes her, and sure enough, she is pulling out gadgets and gizmos that Flynn has seen more than enough times before. It reminds him all too much of the first time that he had to get his cop gear all set up, too many things to keep track of, too many things to remember.

[break][break] He doesn't fight her on it, though.

[break][break] Instead, Flynn puts on the ear piece and puts the thermal imaging camera into his pocket, to be used for later. His interest, however, is piqued when she offers her palm to him and an ant-like device is staring up at him with beady eyes. Fingers close around the small object, and he watches it - impressed - as it attaches itself to the fabric of his jacket. "You make this?"

[break][break] As she pulls out a Klefki and makes a comment, Flynn's tone is wry with his response. "Duly note." He glances back towards the smokestack buildings, and then says, "So, you wanna take my bike, or you have a different way you wanna travel?"



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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 10:20:20 GMT
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Yes. She smiled at it with a warmness Lulu presented no human on the planet, in a similar way that a mother might look at a child. She watched proudly as the small discs of its “feet” locked in a staggered grip around the material of his jacket. It did lots of things, more of which she would inform him of later. Maybe.

She paused for a moment at the options. Just a couple of months prior, a nightmare that ended with several murders, a broken nose and a bullet-wound had started out with a motorcycle accident. Or, rather, someone had driven into her. They’d thrown her into a trunk and left her bike behind. She’d never looked for it again, and hadn’t since felt the desire to ride. “Let’s take my Hydreigon.” She released it from its pokeball and ushered him up.

Once all aboard, they would fly down over to the building and descend towards a dark alleyway. Lulu tossed up another pokeball, and released a Magnezone. She pointed at the camera below. “Fry it.” The Pokemon went lower ahead of them and released a THUNDER WAVE which short-circuited the camera with a visible spark. When they were close enough to the ground, she returned the Magnezone and slid of the Hydreigon's back. As the Klefki went to work with the lock, Lulu handed Flynn one more thing: a flashlight.

“I'm cutting the lights--that's why I gave you that camera. I'll be looking for the security office, assuming there is one. Once I've got the door unlocked, I'll send my Klefki to find you.” It would hopefully help access anything they had locked up. If it didn't, Lulu would almost certainly be able to figure it out, one way or another. The lock clicked, and they were in. “Find the breaker.” The Magnezone levitated 90 degrees and went through the doorway, off on a mission, hopefully without any interruption.

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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2021 6:36:46 GMT
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Uh. Flynn blinked with surprised at the passion in which Lulu responded; he wasn't used to seeing her exhibit such an amount of warmth and affection to any human being on the planet. Honestly, like many Rockets, Flynn had once wondered if she was capable of it.

[break][break] But... it was kind of cute. Not that he was going to tell her that.

[break][break] "It's pretty neat," he admitted, even though these days he rarely complimented anything, and then let it latch onto his clothes. It was only a few moments later, but he let Lulu call the shots. After all, she seemed to already know how things were going to go, so there was hardly a point in trying to fight her about it. He nodded and then hauled himself on top of the Hydreigon.

[break][break] Flynn had never had a pokemon quite as big as the beast - frankly, he much preferred his feet on land - but it wasn't too difficult. In a matter of moments, the descended into another dark alleyway and Flynn watched as she released a Magnezone as he slid off of the dragon and onto to the ground below. For his part, he released Blue from his pokeball and the Mightyena was instantly on high alert, recognizing the feeling in the air for what it was.

[break][break] Work.

[break][break] The Team Rocket grunt nodded as she relayed the instructions to him, grabbing the flashlight from her grip. Blue may not have been any of the fun gadgets that Lulu had, but her senses were sharper than any human he'd ever known and the two of them were familiar with each other. If Lulu was going to act behind the scenes from the outside, then he needed someone on the inside to watch his back.

[break][break] "I'll find the safe," he told her, since that seemed to be the only thing left in their agenda. With any luck, their mission would be a quick and clean one - no causalities. Or so Flynn hoped.


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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2021 22:45:45 GMT
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The Magnezone made its way quickly through the building, homing in on the breaker quickly as though it were gravitational to it. It descended a flight of stairs and found the breaker, and then send a THUNDER WAVE through it.

All power in the building cut off, and resetting would no longer work. They needed repairs. The Magnezone hovered back up the stairs, narrowly evading a couple of late-working employees who went around the corner in the direction of the two stalking the safe.

Meanwhile, Lulu had broken into the security office. Reaching into her bag again, she pulled out a power bank, removed their cables from their surge protector and proceeded to boot up the computer, then removing the video that had just been created of her Magnezone and their entry into the building. Once she’d cleared the evidence, she began looking through old footage, searching all visible rooms at once for the safe.

The speaker would crackle a little in his ear. “I’m looking at security footage now. I don’t see anything obvious. It might be hidden.” There was a pause, the audio cutting at for a moment as she commanded her fairy. “Klefki is on its way.”

Attempting to levitate as quietly as its collection of keys would allow it, the Pokemon eventually caught up with him, clicking two pieces of metal together once to signal its arrival.

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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 20:20:52 GMT
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The Magnezone went first, and it was only a matter of moments before the electricity was cut and the lights went black. Though, this was all in Flynn's favor, as he was hiding along a corner when a night-shift bodyguard was about to end a corner. When the lights above them flickered and shut off, they let out a bewildered shout, which was muffled by Flynn's gloved hand. His hand snapped lightly but firmly against a pressure point in the back of his neck, and it was only a matter of seconds before the bodyguard went limp in his arms.

[break][break] Flynn placed him on the ground, gingerly, but out of sight, just as 's words came in crackling through his earpiece. He pressed his fingers against it to hear better. "Unfortunate," he said back, his voice probably transmitting as a crackle of sound.

[break][break] The Team Rocket grunt pushed himself to his feet and flicked on his flashlight. Blue went ahead of him, clearing a path and making sure that there were no others before turning back to him and wagging her tail to signal him that it was ok to pass. Fortunately, that one guard was the only one - it seemed - in the vicinity, or the rest were on a late dinner or early breakfast break. Or maybe asleep, somewhere. Either way, it made things easier.

[break][break] Like Lulu said, there were no obvious signs for the safe but Flynn had done enough of these heists to know better. Plus, the nose of a dog - or rather, wolf - was always far better than that of a human. He looked down at Blue and grunted, "Smell anything?"

[break][break] Sure enough, she led him to a piece of the wall that looked fairly normal yet ... He grabbed the painting off it's hinge and placed it gingerly on the floor. Jackpot. "Think I found something," he reported through his earpiece, just as her Klefki came into view.


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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 23:46:00 GMT
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The Klefki jangled its keys briefly in great excitement before one that would fit the manual lock on the machine levitated forward from on its ring, fitting perfectly into the hole with a satisfying click. The Pokemon turned theatrically and then pulled the safe door open for its assigned partner, thoroughly pleased with itself and proud of its great collection. It lived for this.

“Brilliant.” Lulu abandoned the archive of video and began to pack up her equipment. “Find it?” She shot back after a moment, holding her speaker in her ear as well before slipping out of the security closet. She made her way quickly for the door. There was no longer any reason for her to be in the building. “I’m headed for the exit.” Hurry up.

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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 6:46:10 GMT
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[break][break] The Klefki turned it's body into the keyhole of the safe and it fit perfectly. The door swung open wide, showing a pile of glittering gems and dollar bills, all of which Flynn shoved quickly into a dufflebag and then threw over his shoulder. He nodded at the Klefki, signaling that it was good to close the door, and waited as the door shut closed before placing the picture frame back on the wall. He stared at it crically for a second, making sure that it looked exactly how it'd been placed, before ducking back down the corridor whence he had came.

[break][break] Flynn quickly made it to the door, but before the exit there was an obstacle. Likely for Lulu too, if she was coming down the steps of the security office.

[break][break] Luckily, Flynn had a plan for it. Shutting off his flashlight, he reached into his pokeball and released the Magcargo that he had caught of Lilycove's beaches. The pokemon sludged forward carefully, emanating heat, as the two bodyguards remained ignorant to the approach of both Team Rockets and their pokemon.

[break][break] Opening it's maw, the pokemon released a YAWN which let out in slow-moving puffs of air and then hit the two guards in the back of the head. Within seconds, they crumpled to the ground, asleep, and Flynn jerked his head towards Blue to use THIEF on them to steal any important information, though he doubted they had anything relevant.

[break][break] Swiftly, Flynn made it back to the entrance that they had come from, stepping over the bodies. With any luck, due to the shuttered security cameras, any passerby would have just assumed the two nightguards had just taken too many night shifts and though they could sneak in a nap or two.

[break][break] Left in the cold air of the outside, Flynn waited until he spotted . He tossed her the items that Blue had pried off of the guards, which would be a small camera and a keyset that looked sort of peculiar, a skull-shaped key that didn't look like it belonged to the jewelry store they'd just ransacked. "Thought this might be interesting."


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saoirse quinn
october 27th
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POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 8:06:05 GMT
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The bodies fell with a thud that could be heard just as Lulu came around the corner. There was some light coming through the window near to the entrance, the moon highlighted the folds of clothing over the heap on the floor. She looked up at him. “Just sleeping I hope.” And then headed out the door, around the corner to release her Hydreigon again to take them away from the scene.

When she turned back, things were thrown her way. She reached out a hand, but the toss was intercepted by the Klefki, who swooped in to grab the key out of the air. Lulu was not the keeper of keys, thank you.

A small smile of appreciation appeared on her face at him, and she was even a bit surprised at it. “Look at you, Flynn.” Half genuine, half still fucking with him. She didn’t work with other intel in the field often.

The Klefki levitated high. Lulu stowed the other items away in the bag and slung it back up on her shoulders. Red eyes looked back at Flynn. “Ready?”

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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2021 2:45:17 GMT
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"Yeah," Flynn confirmed with a nod, looking as the woman appeared just around the corner. The moonlight illuminated the unconscious heaps of body on the floor, but just as well, the woman's short-cropped hair as she stepped back into the alleyway. "Thought they needed a little nap." His tone was dry.

[break][break] There was a flash of light as the Klefki swooped and intercepted the keys that had been thrown it's way, and Flynn could not help but give a look of appreciation. "Nice catch," he commented. "Ever try baseball?"

[break][break] Was Flynn actually joking?

[break][break] Maybe the relief of their successful heist had gotten to him. For some reason, he felt like he needed a drink.

[break][break] "Yeah, yeah, " he huffed, returning back to his normal, grouchy self. "I'm not half bad, sometimes." He nodded as she looked to him, calling her Zweilous back for their escape. He gave a slight courtesy. "Ladies first."


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