i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
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i am the shadow driving the hearse
233 posts
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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 9:00:40 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar




It was not surprising that Flynn was to be chosen for the job. Even still, that didn't mean he had to like it.

[break][break] The Lilycove policeman looked distinctly uncomfortable as he stood on the shores of Lilycove's port, as the women from the conservation gave him the instructions for the route they would be taking. The local Corsola population needed chaperones, apparently. For whatever reason, their predators - Huntails, mainly - had been particularly aggressive as of late, and they required assistance in getting to their normal migration spot.

[break][break] Flynn had been elected — been volunteered, actually, without his choice. The precinct's captain had offered him up for the job because, "Well, aren't you off your shift anyway?" and "You're always helping people in the community, I'm sure they would love your help." And because Flynn was a dumbass who somehow still couldn't say no for an answer, he found himself stripped to his swimming trunks and getting the keys for the conservations jet skis getting shoved into his hands.

[break][break] "There are two of them," the researcher told him cheerfully, patting his hands. "So both you and your partner — hey, where is your partner?" Her brow furrowed in concern.

[break][break] Flynn frowned, though his face probably looked more like an angry scowl from the way the woman shrunk back. He placed his hand on his face. Ugh. He didn't want to scare her... "Look," he said, frustrated. "If they don't show up, I'm sure I can do it on my own."

[break][break] "Oh no!" she gasped. "I can't have you do that. Do you know how many Corsola there are? One person couldn't handle all that. I couldn't put that all on you."

[break][break] Well shit. What was he supposed to do now? Flynn looked around, eyes narrowed. There was only one thing to do — pull a random stranger in. "Oi! You!" he said, pointing at a random passerby. "C'mere."

+ corsola conservation w/

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2021 22:19:10 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
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Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

Billi was swimming and relaxing for a while! To be honest he heard of the glorious corsola migration, and it was something to see! With Skyler’s teaching he had figured out how to take underwater pictures, so he wanted to take as many pictures as he wanted. Though it was clear there were a lot...rangers??? Yeah rangers helping out to move things along, he was unsure why but heck he wasn’t gonna question it.[break][break]

After all Billi was relaxing on his Cloyster who was super chill. Just enjoying the water, and relaxing, it wasn’t a fast mover or anything. One would say it was, claming, around. At least until Billi was called, “Me?! Oh hi!” he waved to the stranger as the cloyster float its way over towards the stranger. “Do you need something,” Of course Billi was in his bergmite themed trunks, if anything a bit smaller then they should be but they still fit.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay