Pour Me Another (s,c)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2021 7:28:13 GMT
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“You think so?”

His smirk agreed, despite his teasing. There it was. This woman had placed her trust in him, that easily. It was sort of jarring, considering the haul. He liked her; she was cute. For this reason alone, he would not take advantage.

When they went down the steps, an unseen eye was already watching them, and opened the door. A gruff looking, armed man and his Tepig looked up at them and grunted, stepping aside and then closing the door when they’d entered. His eye hung on , suspiciously, but Roach kept walking, paying him no mind and sparing nary a passing glance. He ran this place.

At first it would look like an extension of the bar. The stairs that led down, visible from a certain angle upstairs if you leaned over the counter. Always off-limits. Below, another two pool tables, several gaudy rugs, more cigars, leather. Moody lighting.

He kept walking. Opened a door and held it for her. A couple of turns, and they came to another door which opened to what appeared to be a dead-end cave. It was cold and whispery. There were outlines in the dust where cages had come and gone, since it’d been swept last--yesterday. His hand went for a pokeball, and a Malamar was released.

“This is what’s really down ‘ere. Don’ tell nobody.”

The Malamar glowed and so did the rocky wall in front of them. It shook, and lowered, to reveal what was actually going on.

Underneath the unassuming pub known as Ritual was a tunnel that went all the way under Slateport City, and eventually towards water—and a port. Several of Rocket knew about it. Of course, the higher ups, but maybe not someone as new as Lex. Then again, maybe she did. Or, maybe she'd heard rumors.

“Goes all the way out t’ the water.”

He reached to the side, grabbed a large lever and pulled it up with a light grunt. Beams of low light gradually flickered on, down to the next ‘door’ which opened to sea breeze and salty air. His chin nodded towards it, although it was so far that it was impossible to see. Luckily, a small sedan and a boxtruck sat close by.

“Wan’ go t’ the beach?” He’d show her where to dock everything. Or drive it. Either worked, really. This was still the route. He removed another cigarette from his pocket and lit it casually.

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She / Her
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Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
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POSTED ON Mar 25, 2021 6:14:52 GMT
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Lex was extremely curious to see what Roach was hiding underneath Ritual. It seemed all the rumors had heard were true. Whispers weren’t her specialty, so she took a real gamble opening up to Roach. The whiskey, no doubt, helped with that. Lex also got extremely lucky she didn’t make a fool out of herself and didn’t go barking up the wrong tree. She took a risk, and it seemed to have paid off for the both of them.

She made sure to follow closely behind Roach. At first, the secret area of Ritual looked a lot like what she was used to. The familiar, heavy scent of cigars weighed in the air while the smoke hung in whisps in the dull lighting. It was a bit underwhelming, but there was more

And more.

It felt like a never ending series of doors and turns until Roach finally stopped and addressed her, “Our little secret,” she promised in a playful whisper with a small grin. He released a Malamar to reveal the way.

Lex was met with a puff of cold air. The hair on her bare arms rose and body stiffened. She watched a string of light flicker on into the dark void of the tunnel, “Huh, no shit,” she commented, staring off towards the other end of the tunnel, “Look like you’ve got a nice little thing goin on here,” she stepped further into the tunnel, placing her hands on her hips, “I’m impressed,” not like he was looking for her approval or anything.

“Alright,” she responded to his offer to check out the beach. She moved towards the two vehicles, assuming they weren’t going to walk all the way there.

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
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POSTED ON Mar 26, 2021 1:09:40 GMT
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Roach drew from his cigarette with a neutral look, if not a touch smug, and returned the Malamar in a red glow. Damn straight.

Another pokemon was released. This time, a Mandibuzz appeared. It screeched loudly as it began to fly down the tunnel, disappearing. Patrolling, to be sure no one was using the tunnel ahead of them. “I always send ‘er out ahead.” He explained, turning to walk towards the car. “Le’s go, then.”

It was a dirt-cheap sedan with some black paint peeling off the original silver—one that wouldn’t cost him a dime to drive into the water if need be. Old as it was, the door shut with a similar clang to the truck in the parking lot above them. It sputtered. A police scanner fuzzed to finicky life along with it, a signal booster only doing so much to support it underground.

A puff of smoke blew out the window.

Even without the drag of Slateport traffic, the drive was several miles. It would take a few minutes to reach the other end, despite maintaining a speed of around 50 mph.

The air in the cool tunnel whipped wildly and his baritone spoke loudly over it. “So, how’d you find out?” About his business, of course.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
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Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2021 4:55:03 GMT
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Lex watched the Mandbuzz disappear down the tunnel, nodding as Roach spoke. Smart. She used her Braviary in a similar manner. The eagle’s Keen Eyes were a valuable asset to her team as a sentinel, always having her back.

The sedan was worse than the old truck. Lex was afraid the thing wouldn’t even run when she climbed in with a frown. She settled into the seat, casually hanging an arm out the open window as Roach fired it up. The cold tunnel air whipped into the vehicle interior, sending a fresh shiver through her. The unexpected speed tossed her scarlet hair wildly around her face, forcing her to tame it by combing her fingers through it.

“Huh?” at first it was hard to make out what Roach was asking over the roar of the old vehicle’s engine echoing off the tunnel’s walls. After a moment of consideration, she understood the question.

Now, how to answer that. Despite having heard about it through Rocket, she wasn’t about to admit that. The organization was quite secretive, even if they worked closely with Roach. Perhaps he could make his own assumptions . . . but his track record for assumptions about Lex wasn’t quite a good example, “We have . . . mutual friends,” she grinned, deciding to leave it at that.

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 3:03:07 GMT
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Roach side-eyed her, clearly not amused. “Huh.” His head nodded around the syllable, and he took one last, long drag, and flicked the remainder of his smoke into the wall with a flurry of sparks.

He’d decided not to take advantage of her. That didn’t mean she was exempt from being shaken down when it came to the security of his livelihood. A foot switched and the rotation of rubber beneath them slowed with a whine. They never stopped, but it was clearly meant to be intimidating.

Thicker gravel in his voice scuffed against the question, again. Come on, neither of them wanted to do this, right? “I got all kinds of friends, Lex. Why don’t you tell me which ones?”

Casualness shone through a light edge, his gaze looking back ahead to give her a bit of space.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
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Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
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POSTED ON Apr 4, 2021 23:01:25 GMT
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Of course, that answer wasn’t satisfying. She could feel the mild frustration in the side-eyed glance she received while he took a long drag from his cigarette. Her lips tightened, body tensing as the silence set in. Lex was good at reading people. And with the whiskey starting to ware off, she started picking up on the subtle hints. She could see his mind working through a few thoughts – likely none of them good. Afterall, she was being difficult.

Lex should have put on her seatbelt on. The car’s sudden decrease in speed sent her lurching forward. Fast reflexes, not even phased by a mild buzz, brought her forearms up to the dashboard to keep her from smacking into it. Momentum snapped her back into the seat with a sharp breath.

Fingers curled around the handle, an icy glare shifting towards Roach. So, he wanted to play like that?

This wasn’t the first time, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, someone had tried to shake Lex down. Much to Roach’s irritation, it wouldn’t be that easy.

Really, she didn’t have much of a choice. The consequences of Rocket finding out she even mentioned the name out loud would be far worse than whatever Roach could cook up. Although she lived in a pretty much constant state of fear and anxiety, that was the only thing she feared. There was nothing else left for her to lose. And in all honesty, as long as it wasn’t Kaito that took her out, she’d be happy. She couldn’t let the man have that satisfaction.

The grin across her red lips spoke volumes, “Lots of people to talk to then, huh?” the hint of a tease bled through the stubbornness.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2021 23:54:08 GMT
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[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
[attr="class","lnr lnr-gift"]




THE EASTER LOPUNNY HAS ARRIVED! from its basket of eggs and gifts, it grants you the following item:[break]
(ooc: you do not need to engage with the lopunny icly).[break][break]

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 22:47:08 GMT
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He slouched, looking through the valleys of forever-swollen knuckles into the abyss of the tunnel for tailfeathers. His stare circled back through melancholy at it always did. He hated this.

When she’d been flung forward, Roach inwardly kicked himself, and the following descent was like molasses. His steel toe compressed the pedal with the anxious care of someone smuggling a carful of eggs.

But he still wouldn’t look at her.

At some point, they stopped slowing, and coasted at a low speed. His head bounced loose on his neck at potholes on a poorly maintained, unregulated road. 

“Yuh’.” He gave a heavy sigh. “Lots people willin' t'get ya for the right price, too.” 

An eye finally glared her way, briefly, before it fell back on what could be seen of the road. “How do I know I can trust you?”

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
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Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 23:29:30 GMT
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His eye remained forward, fixated on the dark road ahead of them. Her lips pursed when she noticed the car drifting without the encouragement of the gas pedal. There was still no end in sight, only darkness. Why slow the car down? The threatening nature of the previous tactic still hung heavy in the air. But not as heavy as the next words.

The right price.

A set of now wild amber eyes flashed to her left, only one thing coming to the front of Lex’s mind.

He knew

How could she be so fucking stupid? The weight of their situation suddenly hit her all at once. Get her drunk, gain her trust, get her in a dark, lonely tunnel . . . For all she knew Kaito was waiting at the end of this thing.

“You can’t,” And I can’t trust you, a bitter realization that turned a knot in her stomach. Lex bided her time, waiting for the car to reach a speed she was comfortable enough with rolling out (wouldn’t be the first time). A hand slowly moved towards the door’s handle.

A quick pop and Lex was gone.

The initial impact of the ground knocked the wind out of her but after a few rolls across the dirt, a sharp inhale brought it right back and she was on her feet, sprinting down the tunnel in no time. She wasn’t ready to die – not today.

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 10:45:33 GMT
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Roach’s lips pursed and skewed at her response. It wasn’t what he was expecting, and it certainly wasn’t what he’d wanted to hear. Strike two. Then, she was gone out the door.

Shocked, he did a doubletake at the empty seat next to him and the door she’d left bouncing a couple of times until it clanked shut on its own. “The hell?” The brakes were slammed and the car came to an ugly, screeching halt.

Roach stepped halfway out of the car to yell after her, obviously baffled by the turn of events. AYE! his voice echoed down the tunnel at her. Briefly, he chewed a nail, brow furrowed as he considered what to do, before swinging back into the car. Alright. he sighed, throwing the cheap sedan into reverse. A large arm went around the passenger seat and the car rolled backwards towards the woman, only as fast as it needed to go.

When he reached her, he would roll down the passenger side window and stare. “The hell’re yew doin’? You crazy?” He shook his head to emphasize his bewilderment, fingers lifting off the steering wheel some as the car continued to roll. “Actin’ like I’m gon’ kill ya er sum’m, goddamnCan you calm down, please? Get back in the car?”

He nodded towards the rearview mirror, to the side of the tunnel from which they’d come, where the rock wall had been replaced. “Ya can’t even get outta here.”

Of course, the man had no idea who he was challenging.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
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Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 20:00:13 GMT
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His deep voice echoed through the tunnel, but it was lost in the rush of wind, heavy breathing, and wild thoughts racing through her head. Desperation fueled the release of adrenaline, pushing her legs faster. Even as the roar of the sedan approaching in reverse, she didn’t let up. A survival instinct made people do some crazy things.

Yeah, what the hell was she doing? Good question, Roach. She didn’t have a clue either. Lex was running on pure adrenaline and instinct at the moment. Rational thought was reserved for those special occasions she didn’t think her life was in danger.

Wild eye stole a glance at him, narrow in suspicion but an unmistakable fear clouded her judgement. Fine. Other way.

Lex disappeared from beside the sedan that was conveniently rolling along at her pace. A loud creak and gentle rock of the car would clue Roach into her new location. Feet could be heard climbing over the roof. A flash of light broke through the darkness, a loud screech disrupting the roar of the engine.

The last he’d see of Lex was her shadow leaping onto the back of a Braviary before a TAILWIND boosted them forward into the darkness of the tunnel.

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POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 5:07:22 GMT
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What in the world?

He felt the weight of the rumbling tin can shift, and then she was gone in a flash of eagle feathers, the bird seeming to scream at him, which made him jump in his seat. “Damnit.” He muttered. The brakes screeched and turned, and he was driving after her again.

He struggled to yell out the window through the cold tunnel air whipping at his face, “I don’ know what the fuck yer runnin’ from Lex, but you cut out on this deal n’ that ain’t no good!” She'd seen his location. She'd better do something incriminating, or at least leave a contact. Fair's fair.

“Betty! Git ‘em!

Turning to the straight-oncoming targets, the Mandibuzz let out a scream and dove, attempting to KNOCK OFF Lex.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
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Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
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POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 19:46:46 GMT
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Son of a bitch . . . she forgot about the Mandibuzz.

Aubie’s Keen Eyes spotted his female counterpart in the darkness. The tunnel may have been wide enough for the vehicle, but two large birds of prey? Not so much room to dodge. The buzzard’s loud screech was met with Aubie’s own challenging cry. His body shifted, taking the brunt of the KNOCK OFF to spare Lex the pain of the attack.

Lex’s thighs gripped the Braviary firmly, fingers tangled in his soft plumage. She braced, but it wasn’t enough. The momentum of the collision knocked her right off Aubie’s back. The redhead tucked and rolled, similar to the way she left the vehicle. This time however, the roll was out of control. She bounced along the cavern floor, spinning until the wall of the tunnel stopped her progress with a numbing thump.

The fall left her more dazed than usual. A sharp inhale brought the air rushing back into her lungs. She propped herself up on her elbows, a sharp cough stung her aching body. A hand rubbed the back of her head, a soft groan left scarlet lips as she slowly picked up the pieces of her scattered senses.

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nimbasa, unova
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POSTED ON Apr 29, 2021 22:15:26 GMT
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The car slowed before stopping—no screeching tires or added drama, just an easy approach. He poked his head out of the window and looked down at her.

“Now, Lex. I’m gonn’ tell ya agyain. You can’t get out. Not that way,” he pointed left, “’n not that way.” He pointed right. “Secondly, I got a rifle in the backseat. If I was gonna do some’m, woulda been done. N' that's the thing. I ain't about t' do shit to ya, I jus' wanna make sure y'aint gonna fuck me over.”

He looked her over from where he was sitting still within a cracking interior. “The hell yew think is goin’ on here?”

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2021 23:59:23 GMT
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A soft grunt escaped her lips as she sat herself up against the wall of the tunnel. The once soaked top was now all dusty and torn from having taken two falls onto the cavern’s rough floor. Surprisingly, she only managed to get a bonk on the head and a few abrasions across her bare arms.

The grunt turned into a sigh as the car calmly rolled to a stop. The Braviary skidding to a halt beside her. His beak pressed against her shoulder, encouraging her to rise. The mechanical whirl of the window elicited a loud, piecing shriek of warning from the raptor, his wings unfurling to demonstrate his threatening size, “Alright, that’s enough, Aubie!” The predator cooed in disproval as he tucked his wings to his side and stepped back.

A pair of hazy ambers fixated on Roach. There was still a hint of suspicion behind them. He had a point though; she couldn’t get out. She was stuck with him whether he meant well or not. After getting to her feet, a rush of dizziness made her stumble forward. With a quick reaction, she caught herself on the car, a tight-lipped frown and dazed eyes met his as she leaned over the driver’s side window, “If you must know,” she sighed, her words slower than normal as she gathered her thoughts, “I thought you were gonna kill me,” the frown turned to a smirk. It sounded ridiculous but in her reality it wasn’t, “You know, the whole… ‘willin t’get ya for the right price’ and all that,” The hand that wasn’t supporting her against the car rose to rub her forehead, a splitting headache creeping in. Arceus, she hoped she didn’t concuss herself from that fall . . . wouldn’t be the first time.

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