pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 4:04:16 GMT
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the sudden words of zac as if they appeared out of no where gave the trio of kazimir and his pokemon a scare as all three of them noticeably jumped in place with kaz turning around a bit red in the face. "geez at least knock before ya scare someone like that!" of course words like that might as well go deaf as another friend of theirs seconded zac's need for better directions the next time kazimir lets it slip that he was going to be trying to do something incredibly stupid. "yeah yeah i'll be sure to put it on the 'trips to another dimension' forum next time ok?" he whined as he threw his arms up in a bit of frustration.

it didn't help said frustration when he noticed that they were packing a lot of supplies, even some major heat thanks to john just letting a pistol slip out of his belongings. kaz was reminded of how well equipped he and his group were when they decided to go into ultra space. even all those supplies couldn't prepare them for what was on the other side, and really kazimir felt like these two might not be able to stomach it either. kaz vomited the first time he saw some megalopolans eat a person, he didn't want to do it a second time. so it was lucky, or unfortunate for them, that such a thing might be pretty much avoided at the rate of success he was having.

"well i got bad news, you boys might have packed up for nothing. we've been trying to get a damn hole open but...we aren't having much luck." at his words both of his ultra beasts seemed dejected as they lowered their heads, at least that's what kaz was assuming they were feeling, it was hard to tell how they were emoting a bit sometimes. now he was feeling bad for just about everyone in this cave. "i know these guys come here through those holes back when the war was going on but...lately it seems like they just can't muster the strength to do it. i'm starting to think whatever i and some rangers did to make them more tame kinda...messed that up. we'd probably have better luck reach it through that space tower we made. sorry fellas."

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pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 13:53:22 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

"I've got an idea," Zac said, emerging from the back of the cave. He was orbited by his two Minior, the violet Lucretia and the indigo Davenport, "next time give me some bloody better directions!" Zac said, grabbing Kaz in a rough hug. "Okay, so I got your message and I brought all the weird shit I can think of."
    Zac dropped Golden Explorer's Duffel Bag onto the ground and unzipped it. Inside were an assortment of power tools, Tupperware containers of food, and more than the league recommended number of Pokeballs. He looked at Kazimir and winked, "perks of being a gym leader."

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
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John Sullivan
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 20:06:50 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

A military backpack was dropped besides Zac's Duffel's bag shortly after, a relieved sigh following as a particular bugcatcher dropped on the ground on his bum, folding his legs in front of himself.

"Gotta secon' that. Let's just PokéMaps this crap next time." Said Doug while rubbing his shoulders, before he pushed himself onto his knees and crawled up to his bag, unzipping it.

Much like Zac's, it was packed heavy mostly with Net Balls, some military provisions (tasty? No. Filling? Maybe.)... and a gun.

"Whoops! Never min' that!" Said Doug as he grabbed the pistol, slipping it under his jacket with a chuckle. "I actually didn't ask before takin' these-"

He gestured towards the rations, before holding a finger to his lips and winking with a nervous grin.

"So let's keep it to ourselves, shall we?" He only had an inkling of what they were intending to do in there, but if it worked at all, he imagined they would need quite a lot of... well, everything.

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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 2:29:16 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the sudden words of zac as if they appeared out of no where gave the trio of kazimir and his pokemon a scare as all three of them noticeably jumped in place with kaz turning around a bit red in the face. "geez at least knock before ya scare someone like that!" of course words like that might as well go deaf as another friend of theirs seconded zac's need for better directions the next time kazimir lets it slip that he was going to be trying to do something incredibly stupid. "yeah yeah i'll be sure to put it on the 'trips to another dimension' forum next time ok?" he whined as he threw his arms up in a bit of frustration.

it didn't help said frustration when he noticed that they were packing a lot of supplies, even some major heat thanks to john just letting a pistol slip out of his belongings. kaz was reminded of how well equipped he and his group were when they decided to go into ultra space. even all those supplies couldn't prepare them for what was on the other side, and really kazimir felt like these two might not be able to stomach it either. kaz vomited the first time he saw some megalopolans eat a person, he didn't want to do it a second time. so it was lucky, or unfortunate for them, that such a thing might be pretty much avoided at the rate of success he was having.

"well i got bad news, you boys might have packed up for nothing. we've been trying to get a damn hole open but...we aren't having much luck." at his words both of his ultra beasts seemed dejected as they lowered their heads, at least that's what kaz was assuming they were feeling, it was hard to tell how they were emoting a bit sometimes. now he was feeling bad for just about everyone in this cave. "i know these guys come here through those holes back when the war was going on but...lately it seems like they just can't muster the strength to do it. i'm starting to think whatever i and some rangers did to make them more tame kinda...messed that up. we'd probably have better luck reach it through that space tower we made. sorry fellas."

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2021 10:02:52 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

"No problem mate, I figured as much." Zac pulled 16 Pokeballs out of his bag, pilling them in the crook of one of his arms. "This is more of an experimental test, right?" he asked, moving to one side of the cave. "Safer to try out some weird shit here, so that we know what to try on the space tower."
    Zac tossed out the  Pokeballs, and the cave filled with roars, and scales as a horde of dragons filled the space. "When you talked about your current method, you mentioned Draco Meteor. Well, many hands make light work, ay? Let's see if we can't widen that portal a little, or pull through something a bit bigger than these." Zac kicked one of the tennis-ball sized rocks that Naganadel's Draco Meteor had produced previously. 
    Working together, they repeated the same process as before, only this time with almost twenty dragons working together. Naganadel opened the initial portal, and Zac's dragons poured their energy into it, summoning forth their own Draco Meteors to add to the attack. The result was an apocalyptic stream of crackling Draco Meteors so dense that it was like a stream of solar fire beamed directly into the cave. Zac screamed and shouted, blinded by the blue light, and his Pokemon stopped. The portal quickly closed, and he surveyed the damage. 
    The attack had gouged a pit straight down into the cave floor, its sides dripping with molten rock and guttering blue flame.
"No go on the combined Draco Meteor then," he said, scratching his beard as he returned the dragons one-by-one. "But on the plus side we just dug the world's quickest wishing well."

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2021 1:06:39 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"That figures. Was hopin' otherwise, though." Said Doug from where he leaned against the wall, disappointment clear in his tone... before he laughed. "Now I'm just hopin' they don't find m'out takin' these!"

It was unlikely that anything in his arsenal could help open up this mortal they spoke of. For one, he had not yet gotten around to teaching Guirus Draco Meteor, and he was the only pokemon in his ranks capable of learning it.

Not that the meteors had worked, but it would have been nice to at least be able to say he had helped. As things were, he simply peered around Zac for a moment before causally flicking a coin into the hole they had made, clapping his hands together.

"Portal to Ultra bugs, please." He begged of the wishing well, closing his eyes before mumbling furtively to Zac and Kaz. "Is it working yet?"

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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2021 16:33:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

kazimir stood to the side rubbing his eyes as the light of their various draco meteors nearly blinded him. "well...i think its safe to say that plan failed.." he mumbled as his vision began to return clearly to him and he overlooked their handywork. there may not have been a whole in time and space like they wanted but at least they dug a massive hole into the earth, that was an accomplishment in some book right? still it wasn't their goal in the slightest, so even that didn't really lift up his spirits.

so with a sigh he placed his hands on his back and arched it, stretching his body out as he gazed at the murals that towered over the trio. he swore he could see the gaze of one of the pokemon depicted on it look down on them. its eyes reminded him of something, or rather some creature. a creature that he knew of that would probably do the trick if only...it was still around. "maybe the problem is the pokemon we're using. yeah i have ultra beasts here but like...maybe they're just not strong enough? the ones that attacked were crazy tough i heard, maybe these guys just don't have it in them anymore."

he side eyed his two ultra beasts, his naganadel tilting its head in confusion as if he didn't understand what his trainer was talking about and his buzzwole decided to flex his muscles as if to prove kazimir wrong. seeing them did leave kazimir with a grin on his face however, he wasn't mad at them for not being able to pull it off, he was mad that he wasn't sure how to take another step forward.

maybe searching for "that" creature was the one he was going to have to take.

"I think i might know a pokemon that can help us though. any of you guys know about legendary pokemon?" his eyes glanced over at his two fellow explorers, "i heard there's one called Solgaleo that could open up portals on its own. i think it bonded to someone but then...it disappeared after that attack on new years. no one's seen it since, been keeping an ear out for any clues but no luck so far. you guys know of any crazy pokemon like that?" not that they could, it wasn't like solgaleo was likely even in this world for that matter.

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 5:56:30 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

"No sweat man, it's always worth trying." Zac said taking off his Golden Explorer's Jacket. The draconic blast had warmed up the cave to a nice basalt steam, and he rolled up his sleeves as he approached the portal location. "Dina, arms," Zac said, and his Ditto slorped over to mold around his arms. "See what big fella over there?" Zac said, motioning over at Buzzwole. The Ditto on his arms shuddered and reformed, swelling to form bulging, crimson muscles.
    They'd been practicing with transforming into legendaries for weeks now, but Dina could still only hold a partial form for a few moments. Who knows how long it would be able to maintain these Ultra Biceps.
"On my count open the portal. Me and that big fella will hold it open. Ready? 3..2..1-"

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pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 4:42:23 GMT
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BRIEFLY, THE BEGINNINGS OF AN ULTRA WORMHOLE materializes before your eyes. A staticky ring vibrates in the air, the webbing of ultra space sprawling to its edges; however, the portal begins to close with a violent snap. Holding the portal open may prove to be dangerous— and as the energy crackles, it is clear the rift can not maintain itself.

It closes with a violent BANG! Something seems to be interfering with it, but what?

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 16:13:56 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug peered at the Buzzwole with open interest while it did its hardest to prove Kazimir's assesstment of its strength wrong.

"So this is one of 'em Ultra Beasts." Doug said in a mutter while cupping his chin, approached the muscular mosquito and walking around it slowly. "So interesting. Never seen a member of the order Diptera this large."

He would've poked, but he didn't know anything about it; he did not want to test the temper of something that looked like it could tear his head off with a flick.

"Is it an Endopterygota?" He wondered. There was no way to know; all of the reported Buzzwoles that had come from Ultra Space were fully grown specimens. There were not enough of them to breed them and find out either, if they could even breed at that and didn't go through a completely alien reproduction process.

Doug couldn't help but grin wide. It had been a while since a bug he knew nothing of appeared before him.

He wasn't really qualified, but damn it, he wanted to study this thing.

Unfortunately, that wasn't what they were here for. was thankfully more on task than him.

Interestingly, the Ditto couldn't fully imitate the Buzzwole either. Was this because it was an Alien pokemon? Did Ditto not have enough shared DNA with it to pull it off?

Either way, it proved good enough.

"Holy SHIT!" Doug screamed as something actually happened.

He had never actually seen an ultra wormhole, but whatever it was the Buzzwole and Ditto were doing seemed about right.

Not right enough, however. With a snapping crack and a booming sound, it closed after mere moments, nearly throwing them all back on their asses.

"... So we know what we gotta do now." Doug observed awkwardly after a moment, cupping his chin for a moment as he began approaching the spot were the portal had been opened.

"Why did it close, though?" He wondered outloud. "That didn't seem like a matter of power."

The portal was open, the energy had already been utilized- it seemed like they had the power to pull it off alright. Why had it snapped shut?

"Is that how those portals usually behave?" He wondered as he turned to , tilting his head. Was it possible that a machine of some sort was required to stabilize it, maybe? Or...

He cupped his cheek, brows coming together as he tried to switch from redneck bugcatcher thinking to officer thinking.

"Perhaps the Megalopolans on the other side are running interference." He said, brow furrowing slightly.

If one weaponized a method to travel through Ultra Space, it made sense to develop a countermeasure against it, in case it fell in the Enemy's hands.

"Hn... That's just my guess, though."

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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 7:40:04 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"its...a buzzwole. least that's what they call it." unfortunately for kazimir was not an expert in bug type pokemon, heck those were probably one of the few types he actually went after when searching for new pokemon. heck all of the terms he was throwing out were completely alien to him just like his buzzwole. "besides can we really class this thing like normal bug types? it is from a different dimension after all."

as if on cue a tear in teh fabric of space and time began to form above the trio as it started to expand into the familiar shape of an ultra wormhole. however as soon as it appeared it quickly snapped back to a smaller shape which garnered one response from kazimir, "ayogon shock wave! jorgen hold it open!"

the two ultra beasts moved together in tandem with his naganadel firing off a bolt of lightning from its stinger right at the portal, freezing its closing just long enough for the buzzwole to stick his hands into it and spread them as wide as he could with his strength, forcing the portal open as mcuh as it would allow. "damn looks too small to jump in, anyone got a fishing rod or something?! c'mon we can probably snag something out of it at least!" he was going to be damned if he let something like this slip him by.

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 8:08:16 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Something small heading into space? Well, there was only one option really: Kibou. Zac grabbed a length of thick, acid-proof rope from his bag, tied a slip knot one-handed, and wrapped it around the Dunsparce just below his wings. "Kibou! Get in there and grab hold of anything on the other side!"
The Dunsparce hissed happily and bounced towards the hole. Even for such a small Pokemon it was going to be a tight fit. 
"Kyle! work your magic on Ayogon!" The Oranguru waved his fan in a managerial way at the Ultra Beast, using Instruct to prompt a second Shock Wave. The Ultra Wormhole widened slightly. 
    "Now Kibou! Get in there and bring back the goods!-

                        VENOMOUS HEAVEN-BUSTER!"

    The Dunsparce bounced into position under the hole, pointed its drill upwards, and took flight. A jet of high-pressure venom blasted from Kibou's mouth, sending him corkscrewing upwards and into the hole. The rope rapidly unraveled as Dunsparce flew deeper into the wormhole. Zac gripped the end of the rope with white knuckles, ready.

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pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 22:39:57 GMT
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AS THEY TRY TO PULL SOMETHING FROM THE OTHER SIDE, the Dunsparce leaps into the whole of Ultra Space. However, there is nothing the Dunsparce can pull back. It is Ultra Space after all: an endless sprawl of purplish black. However, the hole can not hold for much longer. Within seconds, the portal begins to close and tears at the rope.

If nothing is done within a split second, the Dunsparce will be lost to Ultra Space forever.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 2:09:26 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Dunno if it's a bug-type, but it's definitely an Arthropod; one way or another, big guy's an insect." He said, grinning up at the massive 'Buzzwole'.

He wanted- nay, needed one of these in his team. With any luck, the experiments here would help him find one.

Calling it a experiment however, might have been a tad too generous, considering what came next. It all happened rather quickly. Following the excitement of the other two men from managing to open a hole, Zac went at it again... and then proceeded to actually send one of his pokemon inside, with a grand display, too.

... Of course, relying on a single man, no matter how big, to pull a pokemon boosted through a Z-move to a full stop, and then pull them back, without getting yanked off his feet...

"Er, give me a sec. Garo, Mega Evolve!" Shouted Doug as he threw a net ball, releasing his Orbeetle into the field, power and aura immediately surrounding the pokemon as he transformed mid-flight.

It 'landed' in a hover in front of the portal, the grotesquely oversized-brained pokemon seeming to grasp the circumstances in an instant, staring at the other's with a nonexistent brow tilted.

Well, at least it was interesting.

When things went wrong, the Mega Orbeetle acted immediately.


A field of reversed gravity and overpowering psychic force settled upon the portal as the Mega Orbeetle attempted to utilize every bit of its psychic capacity to force the portal to temporarily broaden once more and stop it from eating completely into the rope.

For his part, Doug's hands were around the rope like Zac's, the youth yanking back firmly.

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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger the movie: go ultra beyond [o]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 5:32:18 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

he had to commend the little dunsparse for being a trooper and going in on their behalf to try and bring something out. however when the portal started to close it was becoming clear that they were messing with some pretty dangerous stuff and if they weren't careful they would lose one of their own all in the name of curisosity. kazimir was not going to let that happen on his watch. "shit! zac you better pull! doug get your hands dirty and help us!" kaz yelled out as he joined zac in pulling on the rope to try and drag kibou out before it was too late. still the hole was shrinking, closing around the rope and threatening to choke it until it snapped.

"jorgen! help us out! pull out kibou!" the buzzwole let out a roar as its muscles tensed up and BULKED UP as it held one end of the wormhole with one hand and gripped the rope with another and started to pull on the rope to drag the little dragonfly back to their plane of existence. meanwhile the naganadel was busy shooting off a DRAGON PULSE to try and keep the gate open as much as it could while floating down with and @kaz and using its small arms to help pull as well. there didn't seem to be any way to expand the darn thing so at the very least they could try and slow it down. "C'MON YOU BOZOS PULL!"