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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 7:21:33 GMT
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    “Team Rocket?” Rowan noticed the shift in tone take place nearly immediately after the information was successfully in their hands, moving from an aggressive interrogation to almost casual conversation. “I don’t really know much, aside from what everyone else has been saying.” Crossing his arms over his chest, Rowan offered a shrug towards the question. “People say they are evil, an organization filled with murderers and psychopaths that want to send Hoenn into chaos.” Gavin might have recognized the propaganda, often repeated among the citizens of the region that didn’t know the truth about their workings.

    “I haven’t met any of them myself…” Mulling this over for a moment, Rowan quickly corrected himself. “...or rather, if I have then I didn’t know they were part of Team Rocket.” He’d met many people since coming to Hoenn, it wasn’t unreasonable to expect that one of them could have been from the group. “That isn’t the only thing I’ve heard though. I also heard they only do what they have to because they want to be free from the control of the League. If that’s true...I can relate.” Rowan wasn’t sure what to believe at this point, the politics of the region not having concerned him much. “Why do you want to know all this?”

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the Harbinger
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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 8:11:49 GMT
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Gavin lets out a sharp, unimpressed laugh.

"Ah, I suppose that's fair," he reasons, shoulders lifting in a bored shrug. "They've not heard much of Rocket since Blackwell, and it was all of that and worse, back then." There's something deliberate in the way he says it, back then, a hint of disgust edging the words. He opens his mouth as if to correct 's assumption that he'd never met a Rocket, then closes it with a smirk when the youth corrects himself. "Yes, well, they're well practiced at hiding."

That smirk curls into something sinister as Rowan continues. Yes, there's the trip. The moment Rowan had claimed a lust for freedom, well, it was like looking into his past: kindred spirits.

"I joined Rocket to escape the shackles of the League. They've given me my freedom, and so much more."

Red eyes blink in the darkness beyond.

"Hoenn can't make you strong... but Rocket can. I can."
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 21:11:25 GMT
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    So that was it, huh? Not only was this stranger in possession of these Shadow Pokemon, but was part of the enigmatic Team Rocket as well. Either one of these associations on their own made this man dangerous, but together? Rowan was almost surprised that someone of this caliber had taken an interest in him, even if only to silence his investigation from proceeding further. “So much more? Like what?” Amber eyes locked onto the crimson orbs that appeared in the darkness, wondering what manner of beast to which they belonged, awaiting the next surprise they were bringing to the table at this confrontational meeting turned recruitment drive. “Make me strong…”

    Admittedly, there was an appeal to being brought under the wing of someone so powerful and made part of an organization that valued the freedom of the citizens of Hoenn as well as their members. They could protect him from the destiny he’d worked so hard to avoid, nurture the embers of his will, the drive within him to become stronger and independent, until it became a mighty flame that couldn’t be stopped. “Even if I wanted to am I supposed to trust someone whose name I don’t know, or their face?” All of this seemed too good to be true, as if he was making a wish with a monkey’s paw. How long before the promised treasure became nothing more than the taste of ash in his mouth?

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the Harbinger
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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 21:38:36 GMT
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Gavin regards for a long moment, smile sinister in the gloom. Then, slowly, he lifts his hands to remove the diving apparatus. A soft shake of his head casts disheveled blond strands across his forehead, and Rocket's underboss locks his own amber eyes with those of the fly caught in his web.

"My name is Gavin."

As for what more Rocket had done for him...?

A Rotom phone slips free of his belt, electronic gaze blinking to life before a broad flashlight beam cuts through the gloom. Gavin gestures toward the cavern's entrance, and Rotom shifts itself to illuminate Lugia's menacing majesty. Light catches on the whites around its eyes and the ridges of its spine, a sinister intelligence returned to its ruby glare by Rocket's own hand. Beads of dark water slide down its neck and drip softly against the cavern's floor.

A risk, to show his hand to a near-stranger, but Gavin hopes to snare a kindred spirit with his display of power. Freedom. So he returns his gaze to Rowan and lifts his arm, allows sickening miasma to pour forth in earnest and swirl around his silhouette.

"I was like you, once. Running from the past. Now, I can make it run from me."
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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POSTED ON Apr 4, 2021 1:24:50 GMT
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    Rowan’s eyes followed the light of the Rotom, curious exactly what Gavin intended to show him. Before long the Rotom would illuminate the form of a Pokémon that Rowan scarcely recognized, so far removed from how he’d seen them depicted in books and documentaries. “Is that...Lugia?” Genuinely unsure, Rowan took a step forward so that his eyes could better adjust, observing the twisted appearance of the once majestic and pure legend. “It’s been shadowed, hasn’t it?” The idea was practically inconceivable to an outsider, unable to reconcile that not only had Team Rocket possessed such a powerful Pokémon but they had transformed it into the same phenomena that afflicted the others in this room.

    “How…?” Saying that Rowan was perplexed was an understatement, but there was a strange curiosity in his eyes, morbid as it may have been. The surprises wouldn’t end with the appearance of Lugia, the step forward he’d made suddenly became retracted as the miasma billowed around Gavin. There was a moment before recognition of what he was viewing struck Rowan, having heard about those that were chosen by powerful Pokémon and given a modicum of their energies. “’re an avatar, as well?” Gavin wasn’t lying when he described the strength that had been afforded to him by walking this path, making Rowan question the path he’d been attempting to walk before. “You’re can offer me the same?” At this point, he wasn’t sure if there was anything that was out of reach for Gavin, he didn’t know what to expect and what could be provided. Nevertheless, it was tempting, the power to make sure no one could control him again.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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POSTED ON Apr 4, 2021 15:10:51 GMT
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As Rowan steps closer, Lugia rears back its head. Darkness swirls in its maw, a fierce gale buffeting the pair of trainers as the shadowed legendary shifts its wings in the gloom. Though Rocket's machine had restored its intelligence, the aggression bred by its corruption remained.

Gavin inclines his head when asked of its identity, smirks when asked of its corruption. "Yes, though not by our hand. Rocket rescued Lugia from the Beasts that corrupted it, and it has helped me in turn."

He feels Lugia's anger toward the Ultra Beasts through their bond, a simmering rage that isn't his own. His lip curls; he doesn't seem to notice.

Shadowy miasma pools around Gavin's feet; his initial reaction to the question of avatarship is a mischievous glint in his gaze. "Rocket didn't make me an avatar. That was Lugia's choice." He steps back, placing a hand on Lugia's neck as if to placate its ire. It seems to work, for the avian snaps its jaws shut with the soft whoosh of dispelled energy. "But Rocket has made me strong. That is what I'm offering."
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 2:02:17 GMT
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    “You’re offering me an awful lot, even though I'm a perfect stranger.” Being skeptical seemed entirely with his rights, considering the strange turn this encounter had taken since the beginning. “Makes me wonder…” Rowan’s curious gaze exchanged between Gavin and Lugia, crossing his arms over his chest once more. “...what do you have to gain, doing this for me?” The world had been harsh to Rowan since he was young, knowing all too well the selfishness that lay within the hearts of others, even those closest to him. “I’m a nobody, you have everything I can offer in that capsule. I won’t be able to bring anything to your organization that anyone else could do just as easily, and likely with less baggage.” It was clear that the youth didn’t think very highly of himself or his skills, especially considering most of his Pokémon wouldn’t even listen to him most of the time.

    “I can’t say I’m not interested, but...I don’t know who I can trust anymore.” Except for Adrian, and even then if he accepted this offer, what would his boyfriend think of the decision to join Team Rocket? “How do I know if I can trust you, Gavin?”

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the Harbinger
october 28th
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 13:59:46 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
"You don't."

Gavin lifts his shoulders in a shrug, folds his arms and leans his weight against the curve of Lugia's broad neck. It's nice, he thinks, to be able to get those close without fear of rebuke or injury. He can feel its muscles contract as it shifts its weight.

"But I could just as easily have killed you the second you handed over the information I want, and yet here we are having a nice, civil discussion." His canines flash in the gloom, sharp. "I gain an agent, and I tie up a loose end without anyone getting hurt. It's how I prefer to do things, really."

He gestures dismissively with a hand. There's implication in his words should care to look for it: how he prefers to do things, rather than how he always does them. There had been a point in their confrontation where Rowan had been in more danger than he'd realized, but it appeared that such danger had passed.

"More importantly, I offer sanctuary to yet another the League has failed to protect." He sighs dramatically, picks at a well-manicured nail. "I'll make them wish they had."
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 18:33:01 GMT
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    “You don’t.” At least they were honest, there was no reason to trust Gavin and most rational people wouldn’t have in this situation. Rowan was desperate and quickly running out of options and they were using that hopelessness to their advantage, the immaculately unwitting mark for recruitment to such an organization. “You’re right.” It was strange to feel grateful that Gavin hadn’t killed him when they had the opportunity, almost like thanking an executioner for a stay of execution. “Freedom is the one thing in this world that I care about above all else, I can’t look away from what is being offered to me.” Looking towards Mistral with searching eyes, Rowan was hoping to find acceptance in the face of his long-time partner, and so he did. As much of a pain that the Piplup tended to be, he wanted the best for Rowan and would always look out for him no matter what he chose.

    “Okay, Gavin.” Despite the trepidation that radiated from that pit in his stomach, Rowan stepped forward towards both them and their Lugia. “I want to join Team Rocket.” A hand extended towards the underboss, unsure of his future and the implications this may have upon his destiny.

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the Harbinger
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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 17:58:42 GMT
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I'd suspected as much. He is as relieved as he is satisfied to find he was right to assume 's lust for freedom outweighed any moral quandaries. He had sensed a kindred spirit, but his judgement was not infallible and he'd certainly been wrong about others before.

Rowan steps forward, and this time Lugia matches Gavin's calm with its own unwavering stare.


Rowan extends his hand, and Gavin lifts his own to grasp it. His grip is firm, unyielding, and with his other hand he unclips a luxury ball from his belt. A single shake, business-like, and he releases Rowan's hand to place the ball in his palm.

"They know your partners, they'll know what to look for. This ought to help you stay under the radar." Should Rowan choose to release the Pokémon, now or later, it would be revealed as a strange-colored Greninja with a peculiar moveset, clearly designed toward covert operations. It appears well-cared for. "Take good care of her."

The way he says it, it sounds more threat than suggestion.
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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POSTED ON Apr 14, 2021 3:22:41 GMT
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    “Good idea, thank you.” Amber eyes glanced down at the Luxury Ball that rested in his palm, wondering what Pokemon was contained within. “Don’t worry, I’ll do my best.” This was all that Rowan could offer, considering his own Pokemon struggled to listen to him most of the time. “You know, it’s strange…” Rowan began, depositing the Pokeball into his belongings and looking Gavin over now that they were in proximity. “...I feel as though we’ve met before.” Galarian accent aside, Rowan was certain that he’d seen their face before, albeit a younger version. “Probably nothing, though.” He didn’t want to push the issue further, assuming that they wished their identity to remain something of a mystery since they’d gone through the effort of concealing their surname, and until now, their face.

    “What do I do now?” Rowan figured this wasn’t an unreasonable question, considering he’d just accepted membership into a clandestine criminal organization that had their roots buried into the darkness of society he’d never been witness to before. “Is there a uniform or something?” He was obviously being sarcastic, mostly because he was uncomfortable and didn’t know how to address where to go from here.

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the Harbinger
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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2021 5:21:33 GMT
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Gavin squints when mentions having met before; had they? Rowan certainly didn't look familiar to him. It was the family name that had clued him in.


If it were Cillian Quinn whom Rowan had met, rather than Gavin Merlino, well that could pose a problem. With a mental note to keep a closer eye on this new recruit for any further hints of recognition, he shakes his head. "Doubt it. Haven't spent much time in Galar of late and you look a bit green."

Gavin lets out a sharp laugh at mention of a uniform, reminded of a few recruits who'd taken that whole thing quite seriously.

"No uniform, no." Rowan hadn't sounded serious, and Gavin's tone is amused to match. "We do have headquarters. You do a few things for me, cursory steps of recruitment to make sure you're cut out for this, and if you pass, you're in."

He doesn't mention what happens if he doesn't. Gavin's confident it won't come to that.
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2021 4:36:46 GMT
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    “Sounds simple enough.” Rowan was confident in his ability to surmount any challenges that may be presented to him in the recruitment process, knowing that he was skilled and stubborn enough to not fail. Curiosity wanted to inquire about the location of this headquarters, but he knew that likely wouldn’t give out any more information about the organization until he passed their test. “I’m ready to get started as soon as possible.” Rowan knelt down and scooped up Mistral, holding the Piplup close to his chest to abate the frightened shivering of the Pokémon.

    “The longer that i’m exposed without protection, the sooner they will find me.” Rowan reached up with a hand to tuck some strands of hair behind his ear, letting out a soft sigh. “I’d rather that didn’t happen, obviously.” Worst case scenario was definitely an understatement, and not something he was willing to gamble with. “So, tell me what I need to do.”

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POSTED ON Apr 23, 2021 3:51:14 GMT
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