Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 1:47:35 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
His ears kept burning and face stayed red, even as Chu-e reluctantly and huffily pulled his hands away from his still flushed face. He wrapped his arms around his torso, staying curled up as pet him like Chu-e was an unruly cat. "You shouldn't made it seem so tempting." Was said, sullenly, before he rolled over again. This time to face Leon once again. Quickly he wrapped an arm around Leon, nuzzling close to press his face against the other's side.

"You smell nice." Is muttered, muffled. "Most of the guys on this sub don't know how to wash their ass. Makes me think I should have a seminar with Gavin." Briefly he wondered how would react if Chu-e actually approached him with that topic. Imagining the other Underboss standing on a stage and explaining how to bathe properly was... pretty funny. Now just to see if Leon took his subject change bait or not.
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
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It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 3:54:12 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    Despite what others may think, Leon wasn’t stupid. It was obvious that Chu-e was attempting to change the subject because he didn’t want to be further embarrassed, deciding to oblige and provide them reprieve. “Ugh, don’t remind me.” A disgusted look crossed his face, recalling the variety of smells he’d been stuck with while sealed inside this submarine. “I swear to Arceus, I never see anyone in the baths. It makes me want to gag when I walk down the hallway most of the time, and I’m this close to getting one of those paintball guns and filling the capsules with soap.” Leon made the shape of a gun with one hand, firing the trigger a few times with his thumb for effect. “I’ll blast the next rancid fuck that I see.”

    A chuckle escaped his lips as one of his arms snaked their way underneath Chu-e’s form, bringing them closer to himself with a gentle pull. “Thankfully, you are safe from my wrath. You smell nice, too.” Leon thought about this seminar for a moment, mulling the concept over in his mind before giving his opinion. “I’ve seen Gavin at the baths a few times, even saw me naked once. I think he’d be good at explaining to the mongrels, though I doubt they would listen. They seem content in their filth, for some reason.” An eyebrow perked slightly, curious as to why someone would make that conscious choice. “Do they not want to get laid, or something?”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 2:12:21 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The closeness, the cuddling, the pillow talk was... unexpected. Nice.

Usually when you wanted to just fuck someone you made intentions clear, buried your bone, then that was it. Maybe Chu-e's experience with this was different than 's. Maybe Leon was muddying the water.

"I was talking to Priam the other day," He wondered if Leon knew . "and he figures we need some virgins for out next project.... at least this will make sure their chastity stays intact. Unless someone is really into sweaty cheese." He wrinkles his nose at that. If he met that person... they were banned from talking to him. Would only be put on the dangerous missions. No one should look forward to dick cheese.
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
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It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2021 7:34:29 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “Priam?” A look of recognition crossed his face at the name, though the association seemed less-than-pleasant. “I know them, the one fucking Bryan, right?” After what he’d seen and heard when he’d invited himself into their premises, it was obvious that the two were more than just roommates. “I met him when I broke into his house to steal some shit. Turns out, he lives like a toddler who has his own apartment, and the only thing worth stealing was candy bars and picture books.” Leon figured it best to not mention the Pokeball he’d stolen from their kitchen, seeing as he’d just gotten in minor trouble with Chu-e for the same thing. “Nice guy, though.” He didn’t really have much else to say, considering the two of them could have easily killed him for breaking into their residence or reported his antics to Rocket.

    “Ugh, don’t mention dick cheese.” Leon’s face twisted into an expression of disgust, feeling a bit of the vodka he’d drank start to come up before forcing it back down. “Conjures images that i’d rather never picture again, especially not while in bed with someone as lovely as you.” Something else that was mentioned brought his curiosity to the forefront, however. “What kind of project do you two need virgins for, anyways?” Unless they were planning on sacrificing them to a volcano, it seemed to be an oddly specific thing to find necessary.

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 4:57:06 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
There was a delighted and scandalized gasp from Chu-e.

"Priam is fucking Bryan? Delarosa?" Eyes crinkling up, a laugh bubbled from Chu-e's throat. A genuine one, which he looked to stifle by curling a hand over his mouth. It couldn't hide the upturn of the corners of his mouth, though, no matter how hard he tried. A small tear slipped into the corner of his eye, of joy, which he quickly wiped away. "Oh, those two will be a mess." But Chu-e was grinning through his teeth, chewing on his lower lip to keep from bursting out laughing again.

At 's visible disgust, Chu-e, ever the sadist, seemed pleased with himself for causing the reaction.

"I'm going to throw them into a volcano. Earn Ho-Oh's blessings." But he shook his head quick, to go against the silly joke. One never knew if Leon might take him seriously. "Actually, it's just based on a silly rumor about Xerneus. Some stories say it only reveals itself to virgins? Figured we should attack every angle we could."
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
26 height
It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 17, 2021 0:43:47 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “Xerneas only appears to virgins?” Leon admittedly didn’t know much about Legendary Pokemon, outside of the select few that suited his interests, so hearing that one had such a specific stipulation was odd to say the least. “Guess i’ll never meet them, then.” Eyes diverted towards the ceiling for a moment as he did some mental math, before turning back to Chu-e. “I’d have to travel back in time ten years to even stand a chance.” A small chuckle escaped his lips, letting them work out the subtraction, if the Underboss even knew how old he was in the first place.

    “So you two are going to summon Xerneas with an army of unwashed virgins, what comes after that? Capture or Kill?” Leon honestly wasn’t sure what the goals of this organization were most of the time, and if they wanted to kill a damned legend then he wouldn’t exactly be surprised, or stand in their way. “I guess there's also becoming one of those avatar things too, right? Not that I really understand how any of that shit works. Seems kinda arbitrary that a Pokemon just picks a person to imbue their power with, what do they get out of it anyways?” It didn’t make sense to him, but maybe it didn’t have to.

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 17, 2021 2:00:43 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Some legends say it does. Some says one of it's god properties is it makes people so horny they die if they don't fuck. Maybe it has a purity kink." Old lore was often contradictory at best. Neither of the statements that Chu-e said could be true. Maybe they both were. Legends were kind of just weird like that sometimes.

"Capture, most likely. Maybe see if we can get it to team up with Rocket. I'm sure someone here is unwashed or horny enough to be it's Avatar. From what I've seen, some of those Legendary assholes are less picky than they like to pretend." A few of the people he knew were Avatars came to mind. He wondered how the hell they could have even been picked to start. Low bars.

"I think they're like... chess pieces? Or something? They're only supposed to be picked in times of crisis or whatever... really tells you a lot since they didn't do shit in Kanto and only appear in Hoenn. This region is kind of a shitshow, isn't it?"

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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
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It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2021 2:39:16 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “Horny enough? Perhaps I stand a chance, after all.” Leon couldn’t help but smirk, leaning down to press his lips gently against their neck, as though proving his point. “Could be fun, being an avatar right?” Despite the obvious sensual nature of the previous action, Leon seemed content simply having cuddle up next to him, wasting away the hours of the night talking about whatever came to mind. He’d never done anything like this before and the fact that he found it fulfilling in its own way was confusing, to say the least. “We always depend on Pokemon for our power, I’d love for the chance to have some of my own.” Leon realized he never finished his thought in the middle of his befuddlement, hoping the small amount of crimson on his face could be chalked up to the alcohol. “Imagine, some asshole pulls a gun on you and suddenly they are hit with a thunderbolt that you conjured thanks to Zapdos or something.”

    Sentiments that Hoenn was less-than-ideal were not lost on Leon, offering a nod of agreement as he continued to idly caress them. “Elijah thought I actually came to this dumpster fire on purpose. Can you imagine?” A soft chuckle escaped his lips, adjusting position slightly to close even the small distance between them. “I suppose not everything is terrible here, though. Plenty of unsuspecting victims to steal from, a criminal organization to psychologically replace my shitty family and an ass that easily breaks into my top three of all time." He paused, a teasing grin plastered on his lips. "Won’t tell you where, though."
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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2021 6:43:40 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"I don't think people are supposed to have power like that." He huffs, thinking back on what he's seem, on what he's heard and experienced with Avatars. "I can't really do anything about it though." Is grumbled out, followed by a light shiver and a puff of laughter at the kiss. At least that seemed to settle some of his hackles.

"Hmmmm. I can imagine. I came here by choice. Twice. Fucked up, right?" Chu-e gave a yawn, barely covering his mouth in time, eyes drifting shut slowly. This was nice... it was warm. smelled nice. Chu-e also found, in the back of his mind, that he wasn't as used to sleeping alone as he thought he was. Getting married, sleeping in bed with someone every night, you got addicted. Then that was ripped from him, made worse with time, and sinking against Leon was like getting that hit he needed. It was dangerous.

Chu-e didn't hesitate in draping am arm around the other. A small, sly grin etched back onto his face. Voice lowered, he whispered soft and sensual between them.

"You should come back to my office tomorrow. Need to break in my desk."
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
26 height
It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 4:05:01 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “Oh?” A devious smirk crossed Leon’s lips as their invitation, able to imagine the scenario in his mind already with vivid detail. “No need to convince me, I’ll be there with bells on.” He snickered softly, settling into a more restful position with nestled into his body comfortably. “Always happy to help out an Underboss.” His tone was teasing and seductive, though he recognized that the object of his desires was slowly fading into unconsciousness.

    It was a strange feeling, wanting to fall asleep next to someone for once, with no promise of a sexual encounter for the night. The only thing keeping him tied to this bed being the company of a person he enjoyed, it was a dangerous feeling but one that he wanted to explore further. “Good night, bellissimo.” Leon presented a final kiss, though this one was placed on the crown of their head. He’d be alone with his thoughts for a while, but sleep would eventually find him, perhaps more peaceful than he’d slept in his entire life.

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October 13
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Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 5:32:30 GMT
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