Chiaroscuro [C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
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Xander Belmont
Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 4:10:30 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart
Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart


My life been good and bad and all around. The more things I lost, the more I found. Like fire, everything I touch I consume.




Xander was lost. Not physically, but emotionally. For weeks now, the feeling had eaten at him. Things had reached the point that alcohol no longer let him ignore it. Moments like this were rare. When they happened, there was only one place to turn.


The pages of his sketchbook.


In a crisis, his art always helped him make sense of the world. When pencil met paper, everything else sorta faded away. Somewhere in that clarity was his answer. If only he could get to it.


He'd been drawing for an hour. Slowly, he recreated the park's central fountain onto paper. His real focus was elsewhere, however. Xander couldn't shake the idea that something was off. He needed a different subject to sketch. Not an object, but...


"Isn't that - " his pencil stopped, eyes narrowing on a girl as she walked into view. Her face looked familiar. Almost exactly like, "@sumi!" he called out with a wave.


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[newclass=.morhuman3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; }.morhuman3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.morhuman3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.morhuman3-1 { border:solid 1px #232323;position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.morhuman3-title { font:800 42px VT323;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#df4567;margin-left:-5px;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.morhuman3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:172px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.morhuman3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-167px; }.morhuman3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.morhuman3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.morhuman3-tagged a:hover { color:#bd9fc9!important; }.morhuman3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#a3a3a3;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.morhuman3-pkmn { margin:25px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.morhuman3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.morhuman3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.morhuman3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.morhuman3-post { color:#E7EFE8;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.morhuman3-post i { color:#a3a3a3; }.morhuman3-post b { color:#df4567;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.morhuman3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.morhuman3-icon img { height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:3px;filter:contrast(80%); }.morhuman3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#df4567;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#2b2b2b;font-size:45px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;padding-left:110px;font:13px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#999999;height:75px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#df4567;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#272727!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 19:27:17 GMT
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[attr="class","sumi2"]It was a pretty nice day out today and she wanted to experience for herself. She didn't have any classes today, her homework was finished with no serious deadlines due anytime soon, and she was off of work today. It was one of the truly rare times Katsumi didn't have anything going on.

She was going to spend her time in the park enjoying the good weather and reading a book. Perhaps something boring to many but she figured it would be a good way to really relax. Just about anything else she might view as work and she really wanted to enjoy her day off today. Clutching her book to her chest she glanced around the park for a empty bench seat to sit. It was fairly crowded today but she just attributed that to the good weather.

"Katsumi Nakayama!" She heard someone call out her name. Her honey brown eyes widened as she quickly whipped around scanning the area until her soft gaze landed on a familiar figure. He waved at her and she smiled as she quickly made her way over to the bench he was sitting at. "Xander right?" She said with bright eyes and a smile to match. "Wow, hey. I didn't know you were here in Hoenn now." She said with a chuckle. "May I?" she asked as she gestured to the free spot next to him.

Sitting beside him she placed her book on her lap before turning to face him. "So are you just visiting or do you live here now?" She asked, curious what he was up to nowadays. They had met a few years ago back when she still was living with her family. They met in Kanto and got acquainted there, which is where she learned he was living more of the nomadic life. Never really sitting still and staying in one place for long.

As the wind blew she quickly moved to tuck a piece of her long brown hair behind her ear. That's when she saw his drawing pad and what he was working on. "Oh wow, Xander." She exclaimed as she leaned a little closer to him to get a better look. He'd manage to get a whiff of a soft citrus and vanilla scent coming from her as she did so. Turning her gaze up to him quickly after, her eyes sparkled with excitement. "I didn't know you could draw!" she exclaimed, "That's amazing!" she said before flashing him another grin.

... | xtra notes:
- t h e - p o r c e l a i n -
dandy ♫

[newclass=.sumi1]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(;width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#932f44!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #15151a;border-right:2px solid #15151a;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi3]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .sumi3]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 8:00:48 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart
Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart


My life been good and bad and all around. The more things I lost, the more I found. Like fire, everything I touch I consume.




It was her. "You actually remember me? I'm surprised." he tried to match her smile, but Xander's was dull in comparison. "I don't often leave much of an impression." and that was okay. He preferred it that way, honestly.


In contrast, Xander recalled most of everyone he met while traveling with his father. Katsumi, in particular, stood out vividly amongst his memories of Kanto. A young woman working hard to help her family? It wasn't something he'd so easily forget.


He nodded, scooting over an inch so that she could sit. "Uh...I don't really know? It was supposed to just be a visit, but that was before I got a job." and then there was the whole Ranger thing. "What about you? The way you talked, it was like you'd never leave Kanto." not without her family, at least.


A wave of anxiety hit him as she leaned in. A cute girl who smelled nice getting closer? Who wouldn't be nervous? "Oh, yeah. I suppose that never came up before. I've been drawing for years, actually." it was about the only thing that brought him any semblance of peace. "Thanks for the compliment, but this isn't really all that great." he sighed, "It's hard to explain, but it's missing something." Xander stared at the page.


Dark, depressing - much like the man who'd drawn it, the sketch lacked any kind of life. Everything he'd drawn recently had a similar problem.


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[newclass=.morhuman3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; }.morhuman3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.morhuman3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.morhuman3-1 { border:solid 1px #232323;position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.morhuman3-title { font:800 42px VT323;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#df4567;margin-left:-5px;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.morhuman3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:172px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.morhuman3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-167px; }.morhuman3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.morhuman3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.morhuman3-tagged a:hover { color:#bd9fc9!important; }.morhuman3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#a3a3a3;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.morhuman3-pkmn { margin:25px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.morhuman3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.morhuman3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.morhuman3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.morhuman3-post { color:#E7EFE8;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.morhuman3-post i { color:#a3a3a3; }.morhuman3-post b { color:#df4567;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.morhuman3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.morhuman3-icon img { height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:3px;filter:contrast(80%); }.morhuman3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#df4567;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#2b2b2b;font-size:45px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;padding-left:110px;font:13px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#999999;height:75px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#df4567;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#272727!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2021 20:51:05 GMT
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[attr="class","sumi2"]Of course, Katsumi remembered Xander. They had quite the long conversation when they first met, which is what made it a memorable encounter. She might've needed to jog her memory a little bit but there was no way she was forgetting him. She was more surprised he recognized her. When she met him she looked a little different. Her hair was much shorter than it was now and instead of contacts she wore glasses.

"What about you? The way you talked, it was like you'd never leave Kanto." "Johto actually," she corrected and then shrugged. "I had no plans on leaving. I liked how I was living life back there but my family thought otherwise. They wanted me to travel and experience the world. Something silly like that, so here I am. On a scholarship at a University here while trying to learn how to adult." She giggled.

It was good to know another familiar face was in Hoenn though. "It's nice to know you're here though! We can hang out more." she said with a bright smile. It was true. Her only close friend at the moment was Avery. She'd do well to hang out with some other people. She didn't want to always bother Avery, especially since she'd done so much for her.

"Oh, yeah. I suppose that never came up before. I've been drawing for years, actually." Xander went on to clarify, "Oh wow. That's so cool." Katsumi always wished she had a talent like that. "Thanks for the compliment, but this isn't really all that great." he sighed, "It's hard to explain, but it's missing something."

"Are you kidding?!" Katsumi exclaimed, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically as some glances were drawn their way. "This is amazing. Way better than anything I could do." She said as she tapped a slender finger against her lips. "Hmmm" she hummed as she glanced down at the picture. "What about a change in perspective? Usually that gets the inspiration flowing." she said with a shrug. "But I wouldn't really know, I'm no good with this sort of thing." she said as she laughed sheepishly.

"You should teach me sometime." She said as she took a break from looking at the picture to turn her honey brown orbs up at him. "That is, if you have the time of course. I wouldn't wanna bother you or anything." She quickly added. But she'd love to paint or draw. It would be a great way to get these creative thoughts she had floating around in her head on some paper.

... | xtra notes:
- t h e - p o r c e l a i n -
dandy ♫

[newclass=.sumi1]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(;width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#932f44!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #15151a;border-right:2px solid #15151a;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi3]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .sumi3]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 2:36:16 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart
Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart


My life been good and bad and all around. The more things I lost, the more I found. Like fire, everything I touch I consume.




"Right. Johto, my bad." and here he was praising his memory moments ago. He'd have to pay closer attention when she was speaking this time. "Your family has the right idea. A little change isn't a bad thing." if only Xander could take his own advice. Then maybe his life wouldn't feel so empty.


"What are you going to school for? Something interesting, I hope."


She smiled. Bright and radiant, it highlighted features of her face that the artist in him couldn't help but find stunning. Xander was quiet as she talked. Too busy taking in the details of her face while he listened. He doubted she'd notice all her attention seemed to be on his artwork. That was until she looked away, and their eyes met.


There was so much light inside her honey browns it was almost blinding. Had she always looked like this? Or was he just so caught up in his darkness that anyone cheerful turned into an angel? He lingered, perhaps a little too long, before glancing away.


"Teach you?" teaching someone had never crossed his mind. Not that he hadn't tried before. Kiara had been interested once upon a time, but it hadn't gone over very well.


"I wouldn't mind, but are you sure?" he questioned, turning back to her.


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[attr="class","morhuman3-bot"][attr="class","th th-pencil"]

[newclass=.morhuman3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; }.morhuman3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.morhuman3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.morhuman3-1 { border:solid 1px #232323;position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.morhuman3-title { font:800 42px VT323;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#df4567;margin-left:-5px;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.morhuman3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:172px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.morhuman3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-167px; }.morhuman3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.morhuman3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.morhuman3-tagged a:hover { color:#bd9fc9!important; }.morhuman3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#a3a3a3;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.morhuman3-pkmn { margin:25px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.morhuman3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.morhuman3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.morhuman3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.morhuman3-post { color:#E7EFE8;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.morhuman3-post i { color:#a3a3a3; }.morhuman3-post b { color:#df4567;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.morhuman3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.morhuman3-icon img { height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:3px;filter:contrast(80%); }.morhuman3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#df4567;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#2b2b2b;font-size:45px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;padding-left:110px;font:13px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#999999;height:75px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#df4567;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#272727!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 5:25:43 GMT
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[attr="class","sumi2"]"What are you going to school for? Something interesting, I hope." Xander asked which immediately brought a crimson flush to Katsumi's cheeks. She was always embarrassed to disclose her major to people that asked despite it being something totally normal and nothing worthy of her feeling ashamed over. She couldn't help but feel nervous, since it was something she believed to be far left field of anything anyone that knew her expected her to do.

"I...double major in Theater and Fashion Marketing." she said softly as she glanced down and picked at her manicured nails. If one paid close enough attention they could notice the blush reach the tips of her ears and color them the faintest shade of pink. When she was in school people often would tell her they expected her to become some well renowned researcher or someone that worked in the medical field. Her grades were always top notch and those two job fields certainly had their appeal with their reliability.

However, Katsumi's heart has always been in a different place. She's known what she's loved for a long time but she couldn't help but feel people would disapprove or thing she's wasting her talents on something unreliable. It always made her feel weird. Not to mention Katsumi has always been embarrassed of her gifts, despite being blessed with talent. When she was still in school her friends forced her to audition for a school musical.

One she ended up being casted as a lead for, simply because of her skills. But the road to get there was filled of nervous breakdowns before she even stepped foot into the audition room. However, something was different when she began to sing or when she was on stage acting. It was like all that nervousness and shyness melted away and she was truly in her element. It was a sight to behold. It's also how she managed to land really good scholarships to go to school, because there's was no way she could afford to go through normal means.

"I know it's not the most secure thing but, I really love what I'm getting to do right now." she went on and added, assuming what he was thinking due to the silence. "Teach you?" he asked, going back towards her statement before when she asked him to teach her how to draw. He seemed hesitant and she didn't want to push him, so she was going to tell him it was okay if he didn't want to but he spoke first. "I wouldn't mind, but are you sure?" he asked.

Katsumi paused for a moment as she stared back at him, studying his features as if to try and read his thoughts. A moment later she clasped his hand in both of hers earnestly and nodded emphatically. "Oh yes, I'm absolutely sure." she reassured him. "You're so talented! If I'm taught by someone with skills like yours I'm sure I'll learn to draw in no time." She said with a smile back at him. Plus it would be a good excuse for her to get to hand out with him more. She wanted to make more friends, for her sake more than anyone else's. "Besides, it'll be fun getting to hang out with you again." she echoed her thoughts as she finally released his hand and chuckled back at him.

... | xtra notes:
- t h e - p o r c e l a i n -
dandy ♫

[newclass=.sumi1]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(;width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#932f44!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #15151a;border-right:2px solid #15151a;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi3]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .sumi3]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON May 18, 2021 13:24:37 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart
Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart


My life been good and bad and all around. The more things I lost, the more I found. Like fire, everything I touch I consume.




"You're cute when you blush." he says without thinking. It's true. He's been watching her so closely since they've started talking it was hard not to notice. Even if she's not looking right at him but picking at her nails. Xander sees the beauty in her profile.


Said blush only gets brighter at the mention of her schooling. Why she seems so embarrassed by her majors, Xander's not sure. "Theaters pretty cool." he replies casually, "I saw a few plays when I was in Kalos once. They were great." he couldn't comment on the fashion side of things. Clothing had never been something he paid much attention to.


Still, she seems happy with what she's doing - even says as much, and that's what's important. "Secure is overrated. Do what you love, at least then you'll live a happy life." that was easy for him to say. He'd never had to worry about security. Not in the same way that she had anyway.


He returns her stare as she studies his face. Katsumi really is gorgeous. Such delicate features, there's an urge to reach out and touch her. To let his hand carcass her cheek and feel its warmth. Part of him hopes that if he did, some of her light would rub off on him.


Before he even gets the chance, she's suddenly clasping his hand. Her skin is soft and her fingers slender. They seem to curl around his own in a way that makes his heart race. He doesn't blush, not like her. He's a little too dead inside for something like that. But he does smile, this one a touch more genuine than the others.


"Okay, I'll teach you." he's disappointed when she pulls her hands away.


"But only if you'll let me sketch you."


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one thread starter.
[attr="class","morhuman3-bot"][attr="class","th th-pencil"]

[newclass=.morhuman3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; }.morhuman3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.morhuman3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.morhuman3-1 { border:solid 1px #232323;position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.morhuman3-title { font:800 42px VT323;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#df4567;margin-left:-5px;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.morhuman3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:172px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.morhuman3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-167px; }.morhuman3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.morhuman3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.morhuman3-tagged a:hover { color:#bd9fc9!important; }.morhuman3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#a3a3a3;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.morhuman3-pkmn { margin:25px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.morhuman3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.morhuman3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.morhuman3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.morhuman3-post { color:#E7EFE8;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.morhuman3-post i { color:#a3a3a3; }.morhuman3-post b { color:#df4567;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.morhuman3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.morhuman3-icon img { height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:3px;filter:contrast(80%); }.morhuman3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#df4567;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#2b2b2b;font-size:45px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;padding-left:110px;font:13px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#999999;height:75px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#df4567;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#272727!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON May 18, 2021 15:03:47 GMT
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[attr="class","sumi2"]"You're cute when you blush." Xander's compliment hadn't gone unnoticed when he spoke it. It only made Katsumi's face heat up more as the crimson across her cheeks and ears deepened and became way more obvious. She wasn't quite sure what to say, nor was she sure she could say anything without making herself sound stupid so she did her best. A softly muttered "Thanks", was all she could manage for now. Her heart was beating so loudly she feared he might be able to hear it from where she sat.

Xander really was a nice guy. She thought so ever since she first met him. While he carried this air about him that almost left her afraid to approach him when they first met, she learned that he was really considerate and sweet. She was glad that hadn't changed about him since the last time they met.

"Secure is overrated. Do what you love, at least then you'll live a happy life." Was what he had said in regards to her studies. She wasn't sure if he understood just how much his words meant, but they did a lot to reassure her. Katsumi often had doubts, like any normal person but she'd been struggling a bit more recently.

Her future was on the line and she had people with expectations back home that she couldn't disappoint. Was playing dress up and make-believe something she could really stake her future on? Those were some of the thoughts she'd been having recently. But with his genuine words he reminded her why she chose this path in the first place. She'd give it her all so that she wouldn't be left with any regrets in the end.

Xander offer's her a smile, which was probably the first since they'd started talking. "Okay, I'll teach you." he says and Katsumi's eyes light up even more. She had to resist the urge to hug him and thank him over and over. She was a visual person so all she could imagine now was how their friendship would grow with this, not just her skills. That was what she was looking forward to the most. Her heart longed for the solid friendships she always saw in movies or read about in books.

"Aw yes!" Katsumi cheered. "You won't regret it, Xander. I'll be the best student yet, just you watch." She said with a giggle before he continued. "But only if you'll let me sketch you." Katsumi froze as her eyes widened. It was silent for a moment as the cogs in her brain began to turn as she registered what he said. "Wha--?!" she exclaimed as she pointed a finger to her chest in disbelief. "Me?!" she asked as that familiar blush came to play on her cheeks again.

She'd never been someone's muse before. She didn't know the first thing to do! Would she even be a good muse? She didn't think she was all that great. "A-are you sure? I mean, I don't know what I'm doing....I'm sure there are better people..." she trailed off before biting her lip. But she really wanted those art lessons. They were key to her mission; Operation: Make friends. With a soft gulp she glanced back at Xander shyly. "I-I mean. If it helps solve your art block, then I don't mind." she said softly. "You'll have to tell me what to do though." she said sheepishly. After all, she'd never done modeling in this sense before.


Quick reply again, but take your time responding! I don't want to make you feel rushed! | xtra notes:
- t h e - p o r c e l a i n -
dandy ♫

[newclass=.sumi1]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(;width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#932f44!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #15151a;border-right:2px solid #15151a;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi3]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .sumi3]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON May 28, 2021 1:07:57 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart
Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart


My life been good and bad and all around. The more things I lost, the more I found. Like fire, everything I touch I consume.




"I know you will be." he affirms with a nod. She seemed like the type to put her all into learning.


Sumi goes from excited to flustered in the blink of an eye. He chuckles to himself at the frantic display of embarrassment. It's cute, and while the smile is still only halfway to being a real one, it's there.


"Yes, I'm sure."


The way she bites her lip gets his heart racing and his mind wandering. He's already trying to figure out the kind of pose he wants her to make. Not all of the ones that run through his head are pure. Could you blame him, though? She's gorgeous - the kind of beauty that any artist would long to sketch.


She agrees, and Xander takes her by the hand. "Right, then come with me." if allowed, he'd stand and lead her over to the fountain. There's a subtle urge to lock his fingers into hers. Tempting as it is, he keeps his hormones in check.



"All I need is for you to sit down right there." he points to a spot on the cobblestone ring that surrounds the water fountain. From his tone, it's clear more instructions will follow once she sits.


notes about this post

If I take more than 3-4 days to reply. Please just pester me until I do.
[attr="class","morhuman3-bot"][attr="class","th th-pencil"]

[newclass=.morhuman3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; }.morhuman3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.morhuman3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.morhuman3-1 { border:solid 1px #232323;position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.morhuman3-title { font:800 42px VT323;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#df4567;margin-left:-5px;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.morhuman3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:172px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.morhuman3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-167px; }.morhuman3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.morhuman3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.morhuman3-tagged a:hover { color:#bd9fc9!important; }.morhuman3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#a3a3a3;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.morhuman3-pkmn { margin:25px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.morhuman3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.morhuman3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.morhuman3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.morhuman3-post { color:#E7EFE8;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.morhuman3-post i { color:#a3a3a3; }.morhuman3-post b { color:#df4567;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.morhuman3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.morhuman3-icon img { height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:3px;filter:contrast(80%); }.morhuman3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#df4567;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#2b2b2b;font-size:45px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;padding-left:110px;font:13px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#999999;height:75px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#df4567;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#272727!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 0:07:19 GMT
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[attr="class","sumi2"]"Yes, I'm sure." Xander replies and Katsumi feels her pulse quicken. She fidgets in her seat as she nods. Well, she had agreed after all so there was nothing left to do but to follow the instructions to the best of her ability she supposed. She just hoped he wouldn't regret it later if she wasn't everything he thought she might be.

After a beat, Xander gets up from his seat and offers her his hand. She hesitantly takes it and allows him to lead her to his desired destination. "Right, then come with me." she nods and quickly follows after him, the blush still evident and warming her cheeks. He leads her to the fountain and points at the cobblestone ring around it. "All I need is for you to sit down right there." he instructs and Katsumi nodded.

Releasing his hand, she moved over to sit on the edge of the ring, placing her hands in her lap. "Is this okay?" she asked as she reached to tuck a piece of her long brown hair behind her ear. Glancing around, the backdrop was actually really beautiful. Plus the weather was really nice. Katsumi felt herself relaxing a little bit. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. She'd get the opportunity to people watch and take in all the beautiful sights around her. "Okay." she said with newfound enthusiasm, "What next?" she asked with a smile.


Sorry for the wait! | xtra notes:
- t h e - p o r c e l a i n -
dandy ♫

[newclass=.sumi1]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(;width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#932f44!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #15151a;border-right:2px solid #15151a;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi3]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .sumi3]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
394 posts
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2021 21:48:38 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart
Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart


My life been good and bad and all around. The more things I lost, the more I found. Like fire, everything I touch I consume.




He stares at her with an analyzing eye. She'd been nervous a second ago, but all that tension looks to have left her shoulders. That's good.


Xander had sketched anxious models before. The pent-up nerves always translated onto the page and gave the drawing chaotic energy. It wasn't always a bad thing, but he wanted to avoid that here. Anything that could distract from Sumi's beauty, her light - he couldn't risk.


"That's..." he leans closer, taking in the full radiance of her smile from inches away. A gentle breeze blows and carries the scent of her shampoo to his nose. Citrus and vanilla come together in an alluring aroma.


"You're perfect." he pulls back, "But something's still missing." and he can't place his finger on what. There's silence as he glances around the park. Left, right, behind the fountain - everywhere Xander looks, people alongside their Pokemon enjoy the weather.


Realization hits like a bullet.


Of course, a Pokemon. Which one should he use? One of hers - had she even brought any with her? Hell, did she train Pokemon? Xander couldn't recall. The better question is what type of Pokemon. One that contrasts with his subject or compliments her?


"Chiaroscuro." the term rolls off his tongue in a muffled mutter. Light unevenly contrasted across the shadows.


Xander releases Gloomtail from his Poke Ball. The spectral dragon floats beside his trainer with a composed expression.


"Um, this is Gloomtail. Do you mind if I have him pose with you for the sketch?"


notes about this post

You brighten up my world.
[attr="class","morhuman3-bot"][attr="class","th th-pencil"]

[newclass=.morhuman3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; }.morhuman3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.morhuman3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.morhuman3-1 { border:solid 1px #232323;position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.morhuman3-title { font:800 42px VT323;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#df4567;margin-left:-5px;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.morhuman3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:172px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.morhuman3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-167px; }.morhuman3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.morhuman3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.morhuman3-tagged a:hover { color:#bd9fc9!important; }.morhuman3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#a3a3a3;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.morhuman3-pkmn { margin:25px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.morhuman3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.morhuman3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.morhuman3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.morhuman3-post { color:#E7EFE8;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.morhuman3-post i { color:#a3a3a3; }.morhuman3-post b { color:#df4567;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.morhuman3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.morhuman3-icon img { height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:3px;filter:contrast(80%); }.morhuman3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#df4567;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#2b2b2b;font-size:45px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;padding-left:110px;font:13px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#999999;height:75px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#df4567;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#272727!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 8:43:39 GMT
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[attr="class","sumi2"]Xander unexpectedly leaned in closer and caused the blush to return to her face. She blinked at him bewildered for a moment while he studied her features. She remained still, not wanting to mess up whatever it was that he was trying to figure out or do. "You're perfect." he pulls back, "But something's still missing."

Katsumi released a breath she forgot she was holding when he pulled away. She tilted her head to the side. Something missing? She wondered what it could be. It was only ever her and Xander to begin with. She figured it had to be some artistic thing that she lacked. After a second he summoned his Dragapult to his side.

"Um, this is Gloomtail. Do you mind if I have him pose with you for the sketch?" he asked. Katsumi peered over at the floating pokémon before offering a smile. "No, I don't mind." she said before turning her attention to Gloomtail. "Nice to meet you Gloomtail, I'm Katsumi." She said softly before glancing back at Xander.

"Do we need to do anything special?" she asked him, curious how this all was going to shape out to be.


Sorry for the wait! | xtra notes:
- t h e - p o r c e l a i n -
dandy ♫

[newclass=.sumi1]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(;width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#932f44!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #15151a;border-right:2px solid #15151a;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi3]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .sumi3]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
394 posts
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 9:31:48 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart
Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart


My life been good and bad and all around. The more things I lost, the more I found. Like fire, everything I touch I consume.




Gloomtail's trying his best to look as serious as possible, but Sumi's smile is infectious, and he's a goofball. His lips part into a ridiculously goofy and toothy grin. He wiggles his tail through the air to return her greeting.


"Looks like I'm not the only one who likes you." an offhanded comment with a flirtatious undertone. The fact they'll get along makes him all the more eager to get started sketching.


"Yeah, actually." he nods at the Dragapult. "If you're comfortable with it, I'd like to have Gloomtail stand behind you with his tail wrapped around your body." an intimidating dragon behind a beautiful princess.


Like something ripped straight from the pages of a storybook.


notes about this post

You brighten up my world.
[attr="class","morhuman3-bot"][attr="class","th th-pencil"]

[newclass=.morhuman3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; }.morhuman3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.morhuman3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.morhuman3-1 { border:solid 1px #232323;position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.morhuman3-title { font:800 42px VT323;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#df4567;margin-left:-5px;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.morhuman3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:172px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.morhuman3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-167px; }.morhuman3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.morhuman3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.morhuman3-tagged a:hover { color:#bd9fc9!important; }.morhuman3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#a3a3a3;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.morhuman3-pkmn { margin:25px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.morhuman3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.morhuman3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.morhuman3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.morhuman3-post { color:#E7EFE8;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.morhuman3-post i { color:#a3a3a3; }.morhuman3-post b { color:#df4567;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.morhuman3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.morhuman3-icon img { height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:3px;filter:contrast(80%); }.morhuman3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#df4567;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#2b2b2b;font-size:45px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;padding-left:110px;font:13px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#999999;height:75px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#df4567;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#272727!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 21:48:03 GMT
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[attr="class","sumi2"]Gloomtail stared at her for a moment before cracking a goofy smile and waving his tail at her. Sumi chuckled at the display, it was awfully cute. "Looks like I'm not the only one who likes you." Katsumi beamed at his words before laughing. "I like you guys too, so this works out perfectly." Seems like this time, the flirtatious tease went over her little head.

Xander confirmed there would be more for the pair to do so Katsumi made sure to listen carefully. "If you're comfortable with it, I'd like to have Gloomtail stand behind you with his tail wrapped around your body." Glancing over at Gloomtail for a second she nodded and smiled back at Xander. "Sure, I don't mind." she said before bowing her head slightly to Gloomtail. "I look forward to working with you." she said respectfully as Gloomtail joined her near the fountain.

While Gloomtail moved to wrap his tail around her body she made sure to brush her hair back so it wouldn't be in her face. Glancing over to Xander, she waited for her next instructions should she have them. With Gloomtail beside her she was excited just thinking about how the sketch would turn out. She wondered what Xander was thinking about when he worked, but she didn't want to bother him with a bunch of questions, so she'd save them for now. "Okay, ready when you are." she said with a bright grin.


Gloomtail and Xander are so cute! ^.^ | xtra notes:
- t h e - p o r c e l a i n -
dandy ♫

[newclass=.sumi1]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(;width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#932f44!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi2::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #15151a;border-right:2px solid #15151a;[/newclass][newclass=.sumi3]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .sumi3]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
394 posts
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
Chiaroscuro [C]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2021 2:32:47 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart
Melt Away The Ice[break]Around My Frozen Heart


My life been good and bad and all around. The more things I lost, the more I found. Like fire, everything I touch I consume.




She looked, well - Sumi looked perfect. He thought she'd be a little uncomfortable with Dragapult's tail coiled around her. An assumption she proved wrong with the bright smile on her face.


"Hold that pose." Xander instructs, sitting down on the ground with his legs crossed. The moment his pencil hits the paper, the world fills with static. He's lost in a sea of white noise with the beautiful brunette acting as his guide.


It's a slow process that requires Xander's full attention. He takes in every detail on her face. Every imperfection that he sees as flawless - it's all captured inside his pencil and released onto paper. Meloetta herself graces Xander with inspiration, transforming Sumi into a muse that tears him away from an artistic slump.


Two hours pass without a word between them.


Xander sets his pencil down and stares at the page. "Okay." gold eyes drift up toward her.


"It's finished. You promise not to judge it too harshly?"


notes about this post

You brighten up my world.
[attr="class","morhuman3-bot"][attr="class","th th-pencil"]

[newclass=.morhuman3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; }.morhuman3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.morhuman3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.morhuman3-1 { border:solid 1px #232323;position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.morhuman3-title { font:800 42px VT323;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#df4567;margin-left:-5px;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.morhuman3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:172px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.morhuman3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-167px; }.morhuman3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.morhuman3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.morhuman3-tagged a:hover { color:#bd9fc9!important; }.morhuman3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#a3a3a3;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.morhuman3-pkmn { margin:25px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.morhuman3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.morhuman3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.morhuman3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.morhuman3-post { color:#E7EFE8;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.morhuman3-post i { color:#a3a3a3; }.morhuman3-post b { color:#df4567;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.morhuman3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.morhuman3-icon img { height:90px;width:90px;border-radius:3px;filter:contrast(80%); }.morhuman3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#df4567;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#2b2b2b;font-size:45px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;padding-left:110px;font:13px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#999999;height:75px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#df4567;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.morhuman3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#272727!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
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Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP