Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Peacemaker
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you dream of me
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Eva Morales
Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 17:48:15 GMT
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There was a certain pep in the doctor’s step as they traversed the rather uneven paths along the side of Mount Pyre. The Machamp walked steady behind the doctor, two baskets in her carefully cradled between her four arms filled to the brim with soft towels and pokemon eggs.

Eva always enjoyed spending time with , “These must be some preeeetty important eggs to ask a Head Professor and current Champ to escort them, huh?" it was half a joke but Eva was always a curious soul, “What do ya think’s in em?” she took a moment to pause, standing on her tippy toes to peer into the baskets Syah was carrying.

Xena, the Midday form Lycanroc, stopped alongside her. She poked her wet nose into the air, sniffing curiously at the plethora of smells around Mt. Pyre. Eva figured a canine companion would be most appropriate if she was traveling with Kyle.

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dog boy
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Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 1, 2021 16:38:51 GMT
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"maybe finally some guard pokemon for the caretakes of the shrines here," he answers with bitterness in his tone. "i always remembered being assigned to guard it during new years to ward off ghost-type pokemon."

no one seems to remember kyle's days as a low ranking officer before his sudden rise to ranks after the rocket occupation on hoenn. it was during those times when he suffered being thrown from one menial labor to another without his consent.

at least it has devolved to voluntary work with his new title.

"for a serious guess though, i'll take some kind of dark-type like absol. would've been fun for one appear whenever someone visits their dead."

while he blindly follows the direction of where eva was going with his peripheral, his attention had been on her lycanroc. he has no means to see any changes in expression as her reaction to his joke, although missing it for a second of staring at her pokemon was worth the trade.

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
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you dream of me
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Eva Morales
Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 2, 2021 22:39:40 GMT
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Before this adventure, Eva had only visited Mt. Pyre a few times. One of those visits was to do some volunteer work herself and clean up the place. In a surprising turn of events, someone had beat her to it so she didn’t have to do much. That was how she met . For such a dismal place, it held nothing but fond memories for the doctor.

Kyle didn’t need to look to assess her reaction to his joke. A small laugh accompanied her smile. The corner of her lips pulled into a frown, “That doesn’t sound very pleasant, actually,” she would be unnerved to see out of the blue while she mourned, “I don’t think I’d want the “bringer of doom” to show up at a loved one’s grave,” Eva knew the Absol weren’t actually the bringers of doom. That was only a silly superstition, but one that the people of Mt. Pyre probably embraced.

“You can say hi, she doesn’t bite,” Eva teased when she caught Kyle looking at the Lycanroc.

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Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 3:46:19 GMT
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he shifts the case for the egg he's carrying all to one arm, freeing up the other to reach forward and try to pet the lycanroc. he goes for the headpat first as a check, and then moves in to a chin scratch once he gets a feel of the lycanroc's temperament.

"you think we can dress him up as an absol for halloween?" he turns to ask eva. "mine's too jumpy to act sophisticated like one anywa-"

the lycanroc's charms have smitten kyle enough for him to lose attention to the egg he's supposed to be delivering as well as temporarily forget everything in his surroundings besides the dog. he freezes up as he watches the case with the egg roll down a hill ahead of them.

"uhm, you distracted me?" he mumbles out after pointing a finger at the lycanroc, trying to find an excuse.

at the very least, the egg was in an incubator with a protective glass case. external factors won't damage it easily, but they still would need to find it.

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
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you dream of me
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Eva Morales
Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 3:43:59 GMT
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“Xena!” Eva snapped her fingers and the Lycanroc stood at attention, “Go say hi,” she motioned over to Kyle.

Xena happily accepts the head pat with a wide wag of her tail back and forth, leaning into it with her head to encourage more pets. She was quite the lovable wolf which could be rare for her species, “I dun know about dressin’ her up though . . . she may not like that,” Well, it probably wouldn’t stay on for long.

“Oh! Kyle!” Eva tried to warn him the egg as starting to slip from his grip but it was too late. The incubator began rolling down the hill and Eva was quick to chase after it. Xena barked when she lost sight of Eva over the crest of the hill. Quick paws carried her swiftly after her trainer.

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dog boy
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Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 16:14:07 GMT
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"oh, kyle..." he repeats as he finally internalizes what has happened.

alongside eva, he starts chasing down the egg from the hill. dodging the multiple gravestones was the least of his worries now given the risk of the egg falling straight to a cliff.

he looks at the lycanroc, mistaking it for his own in a spur of a moment. "accel-" catching himself, he turns to eva instead. "does your lycanroc have accelerock?"

regardless of the answer, kyle tries to pick up speed. while going downhill was dangerous, it's not as dangerous as having to make the trip again and get reprimanded for it.

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played by


The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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Eva Morales
Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 11, 2021 17:29:30 GMT
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“Accelerock? No,” . . . should it? Eva wasn’t a seasoned champion by any means, perhaps she should look into teaching Xena that . . . But she could do one better!

Nothing like a trusty psychic-type to solve all your chaotic needs. A flash of light brought forth a Gardevoir who looked mighty confused as to why they were running down a hill. That was, until she followed Eva’s finger towards the runaway egg. PSYCHIC gripped the tumbling capsule in midair after it jumped over a rock. The egg rattled inside but the cushioning provided should keep it safe.

Eva smiled, “Excel- Oh!” distracted, the doctor tripped over a stone, taking a tumble herself down the hill before slowly rolling to a stop and onto her back. She pumped a thumb into the air as if to signal she as alright, “Good work, Adele!”

Gardevoir pulled the egg back with the intention of returning it to Kyle.

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dog boy
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kyle lopez
Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 13, 2021 15:24:32 GMT
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when eva tells him that her lycanroc didn't have the fast, speedy move, kyle was so ready to spring into action. his pace starts to pick up as he goes down the hill that went straight to a cliff, although the timely appearance of the gardevoir brings a halt to his antics.

his feet staggers backwards as he tries to stop himself from further running, seeing that the egg was already safe. his feet keeps up with his deceleration until he takes one careless step that gets him to stumble backwards and fall backwards. he lands on the thick patch of grass of the graveyard, only to find the egg going back to his grasps.

"haha you fell," he remarks dryly. he smiles to let her know it's not out of contempt and then gets up from his feet.

without even checking the egg if it has any cracks, kyle returns to the more important subject at hand. he looks for the lycanroc and his eyes remain at her because she's nice to look at.

"i think it's good that your lycanroc doesn't have it. you don't want them doing zoomies with it. it's their signature move, but god is it a pain outside of battles."

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played by


The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
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Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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Eva Morales
Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 4:36:31 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

Xena drives her feet into the grass, skidding herself to a halt after she heard Eva fall behind her. The Lycanroc quickly does a U-Turn to trot to her trainer’s aid.

Eva groaned, rubbing the back of her head as she sat up, frowning towards who was also flat on his ass, “You fell too!” she laughed she he seemed alright and sprang back to his feet.

“Yea those don’t sound like fun zoomies,” Eva agreed as she pushed herself back up to her feet. She reconsidered teaching her Lycanroc Accelerock, it was a useful move as Kyle pointed out.

“Alright!” she clapped, glancing up the hill with a sigh, knowing they’d have to climb it now, “Let’s get these eggs delivered before we lose em, eh?”

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dog boy
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kyle lopez
Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 15:07:01 GMT
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he gets up, picking blades of grass off of him while a hand safely secures the egg in his grasps. he wouldn't want to lose it again for a second time.

"yeah, i can't help but worry what mt. pyre attendants would do without their specially bred pokemon guarding their lawn."

the remark was a jab at the amount of times they had to recruit league officers and rangers to help them guard the place whenever they get wild ghost-type pokemon problems. it's an easy job, but still...

he looks at the egg as he paces back to their original track. part of him hopes it's a dark-type so it wouldn't actually die to the ghost-types that frequently haunt the place.

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Grade AA Extra Large Eggs [SOS, M, C]
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 22:43:21 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A DITTO HATCHES FROM THE EGG!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] GENDERLESS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] IMPOSTER
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] CONGRATULATIONS!



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A POOCHYENA HATCHES FROM THE EGG!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] RATTLED
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]PLAY ROUGH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]HYPER VOICE


[attr="class","wildnote"] CONGRATULATIONS!


[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


