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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2019 8:04:55 GMT
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Kyle Lopez and Noah Faber cyber-stalked him on Twitter, threatening to kidnap and rape him unless he sent them his bank account password.

Lopez and Faber, who both live in West Hollywood, then sent a message to his home phone, saying they would kill him if he did not give them his password.

The couple then threatened to kill him if he didn't provide them with his password, police said.

"We will kill you," Lopez and Faber told the teenager.

The victim later told police he believed that Lopez and Faber had a grudge against him and that they had tried to blackmail him in the past.

Lopez and Faber were arrested after the incident on Tuesday, and they are each being held on $1 million bail.

Click for more from KTLA.
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elijah gardner
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POSTED ON Nov 11, 2019 8:50:16 GMT
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i want elijah to beat morgan up. :angrypepe:

but in all seriousness, i'd like to help you round out morgan's relationships on hoenn with someone a little more antagonistic. it does not need to be dragon clan related, necessarily. however, i'd love elijah to battle morgan in some capacity. if the dragon clan has some special area they call their home or consecrated area, maybe elijah trespasses there in order to harvest some special plant.

in the process of being requested to leave, elijah's defiance eventually ends up in them fighting (either with pokemon or FISTS 1v1 me on the howling abyss!!11122).

what do you think bb blue?
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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2019 23:38:47 GMT
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Okay so Evan is a published author and as such I see him taking an interest in the rocket invasion and following rise of avatars/other things that have been happening in the region because while they may not be old stories by any means he will feel like it is something that should be chronicled all the same just like most everything else he writes. Considering how the current state of society is though he's not stupid enough to just willy nilly seek officials out and try to get information for a book and I could see him coming straight to Dahlia in the hopes of booking a meeting with her to discuss the project and more or less see if he can get the book commissioner sanctioned before pursuing it too heavily. He'd specifically want to know where to cross the line with information contained in it (regardless of what others might tell him) and who she'd advise he speak to concerning the subject etc etc. because as interested in pursuing the project as he is he'd totally understand that sensitive information would be abundant and while there's plenty of people talking about it Evan's more interested in hard facts and information from the sources.

He'd likely use his pen name when trying to book the meeting with her, just because he knows it would kind of set the tone ahead of time and he has a reputation that usually precedes him when it comes to his writing. Not to mention that he'd be hoping that what he's known for writing would make her more willing to talk with him instead of him potentially being brushed off. Dahlia seems like the sort he could have a rather cordial meeting with and have reasonable progress on his want to pursue the project, especially since they both seem like the type of people that would rather come to an acceptable agreement over making a scene.

Depending on the impression he gets from her during such a meeting I could see him possibly offering to be available to her on the subject of the legendary pokemon and the avatars because while there's sure to be more than enough academics that can give their opinion he's aware his direct experience with worshippers/the areas the legends come from over the years can offer a unique perspective that won't be found in books and may have even been looked over in the past but may have relevance now.

plus he's super chill about things so it'd be a pretty low stress meeting for her given what's been going on \ovo/

eta: that's a lot more words than i thought i'm sorry i only initiate plotting with text walls ;w;

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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A Blue Person

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2019 17:34:03 GMT
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Morgan himself can be quite stubborn so I think when the two come face to face and clash will cause some sort of hardheadedness fun!

The entirety of their home is sacred ground, thus you being there is reason for aggravation. I wholeheartedly want this to occur so lets make this happen shiv-san uwu

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shinra Redgrave
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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2019 0:22:10 GMT
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let me be your senpai and i'll teach you how to be the best machampion you can ever be. but yeah shinra would so be that annoying older brother who likes to play pranks on noah. and by pranks i mean surprise suplexes. ok i'm half joking mostly. cause shinra will teach this boi how to punch n stuff.

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2019 10:25:03 GMT
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So I don't know if you still wanted to, but I was thinking about how you said could come to Petra or something while she's on the run? It's definitely something that'd tear her heart up, as she wants to believe Dahlia is innocent. The evidence is hard to argue with, though, so it also can't be dismissed so easily.

On the plus side, Petra is a lorekeeper for Hoenn region. This kind of gives me the impression she's one of the people dealing with the kind of information that ends up as the pokedex entries for pokemon. The possibility of it actually being a pokemon being used to frame their commissioner could be something she contemplates in secret. She wouldn't have gone public with it just yet, cause she wouldn't want to come off as a senseless sympathizer and immediately jeopardize her recent promotion to the council. After all, Dahlia did run, which makes her seem guilty. But probably just really scared. ;n; I rly hope so!

If we do wanna explore the option, I'd like if we could hash it out just a little further. Here or Discord works, so just let me know if this is something that we should pursue or not. For Dahlia's sake?
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2019 9:08:26 GMT
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thank you all for your patience!! i rarely have time to get to my plotter (it's not updated i know), but i still appreciate the effort and opportunity to rp with yall. <3

omg, i love this idea! being able to use evan's backstory and world building is gonna be so rewarding. dahlia is an avid reader, and so she would have definitely heard atticus maine evan. in fact, she might have some of his books- so the meeting would definitely be booked.

she'd be curious about his interest in hoenn's history, about why he is interested... and what he may want to pursue. of course, we can set this before the whole dahlia-murder controversy.

we can run with this! see where it goes, and see if any potential conflicts arise too. i'm all for writing with you, endless!

okay blue we're doing this bb boo. let me know if i should make the thread by msging me on discord!

@monty &
LMAOOOOO. actually, this could be a good idea. maybe she can also enlist his help with researching the galarian species. but we'll have to flesh this out a bit more for sure!

maybe they can go on an expedition together or something. :sob: cute nerd things.

yes please!! that older brother figure is going to be an interesting dynamic, and to have someone to practice his sparring with would be perfect!! they probably have met each other here and there in local fighting tournaments- and so i'm sure noah has had a bunch of suplexes done on him already :pepehands:

in any case, i love this idea and we can make it canon that they know each other in this regard!

@noblesse &
yess! i actually tagged you while you were sick- and i'm glad you're feeling okay now, it seems.

in any case, we can say that dahlia and petra have known each other before. dahlia's on the run because yes, she's scared. she feels as if she can't trust anyone, and if she is arrested or seized, that her life may be in danger.

i love that we can use petra's lorekeeper angle to help figure out what has actually happened- and we can definitely explore that together!!

we can hash this out on discord (alongside discussing your research thread, oopsies!).

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the stray
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2019 2:51:33 GMT
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<3 I'm glad you like it! to be honest he would think it was charming if she had his books because despite their popularity he firmly believes it's not that big of a deal, but would be glad she thought well enough of them to let him speak with her.

Evan would try to answer her inquiries as best he can, as it's kind of an odd topic for him to approach from his side. However, he being commissioner may earn her some leeway in getting answers others don't because he feels things with officials go better if he doesn't dodge around the bush all the time.

either way I'd be really excited to get a thread up and see how it goes between them and if it goes well enough maybe more will come out of it <3

since i know you're busy I can throw a thread up for them whenever or you can when you get the chance. Just let me know here or ping me in the discord to let me know <3

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 29, 2019 21:59:00 GMT
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& rowan

hi shiv i'm here to plot and the plot is that rowan thinks elijah is hella cute uwu

no but for real rowan is a reckless baby and gets hurt more than she should (its her own fault she seeks it out, girls gotta fite) so she'll be rolling up to elijah's all "hey waddup i'm here again fix me up" semi-weekly. please tell her to stop getting in trouble like. she won't listen, but please try.
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may 15
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2019 7:32:17 GMT
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& @rowan
yes, yes, yes, yes. elijah will not be happy seeing rowan all the time- but it's because he just doesn't think she should be getting hurt this much. LMAO. i think this would be fun to thread out (a healing/check-up session) to figure out their dynamic in written form!! it'd be fun if we can establish, perhaps, if elijah knows about @bean5. if he's wary of him or mistrusting (or dislikes her drinking habit), it could make for an interesting dynamic between the three!

i can see elijah also accompanying her to places to make sure she's not getting hurt after the 18274981274th time she comes to him. throughout, maybe elijah can tease out her aspirations and dreams, if she confides in him. she could also punch him in the face, but we'll see if it comes to that!!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2019 10:04:18 GMT
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& rowan

yesss that sounds perfect \o/ she would be so annoyed if he insists on accompanying her LOL she's not a child ok please she can handle herself just fine

i'm totally down to thread a healing/check-up session!! i can start it if you like uwu

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2020 19:32:56 GMT
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I could see these too possibly workin out a rivalry/friendship :3 Alec is from Johto, maybe they know each other? I'll leave that up to ye if you wanna go that route xD if not we can always do a thread for to get to know each other. Just a fair warning, Alec can get pretty distracted especially if he sees a Pokemon that he has never seen before which happens a lot now that he is in Hoenn xD oh and he will talk your ear off :3 maybe we can have the two battle each other some time? 

@kieren & Shiv's charries

Also, if you like rping with a potential super villain that has a raspy voice as well very badly chapped lips and a creepy fetish for hands, then Look no further! Kieren Natas would be your guy! He likes: Blowing things up with Nomu's Hyper Beam, causing chaos and destruction in his wake, and watching ppl suffer! He is also interested in joining Team Rocket so ye there's that too. :3 



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