Roses, and Flints...(Closed)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
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Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 6, 2021 19:35:24 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Wearing his finest black suit, with Walter trailing behind him, he perused the two penthouses he had just bought. They had tried to get him to rent them instead of just outright buying them, but Amor didn't do temporary, they were either his, or not worth his time. And thanks to a wonderful young upstart by the name of Josh Dragomir, whom he invested in, 4 years ago, money problems were simply a thing of the past to him, not that it was ever an issue to begin with. So after writing a number that he knew they wouldn't refuse he got the two penthouses underneath the top one. He was a bit disappointed that he couldn't claim the top two, but it didn't matter, he had his manor in Lilycove he could retire to if needed. Part of the reason he was buying up property in this region was because he like variety, and in case one got destroyed he would have back ups.

From what he understood this region was more like a warzone, than any other that he had been to, and he refused to be caught unawares. Adontis was on his shoulder sparking happily as they took the elevator up to their penthouses to make sure he got his monies worth, not that he doubted the person he had bought it from, but he liked to inspect his goods after buying, as well as before. Just incase they left something out. Though if Amor found out they had lied to him, he would simply buy the building, and fire the staff, because he could.

"Walter...The man who tried to haggle with me...He said there was a woman who had taken the top penthouse correct?" Amor spoke to his butler in a business like fashion, but this was simply how it was when they were in public. Walter was more like a father to him, than a butler, but appearances had to be held.

"You are correct Master Amor...Though we did not get her name. Shall I do some research?" The old man asked pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"No that won't be necessary...I think I will greet them personally, get a measure of them. After all despite these prices being low, they are by no means rock bottom. It will be nice to know someone other than Josh, that is akin to me in stature." he spoke with a chuckle, and changed the destination of the elevator to the top most room. Stepping out into the hallway he strolled up to the door, and gave it a few light taps.

"Pichu Pi Pi Pichu!" Adontis exclaimed at the door happy that they were going to get to meet someone new. Patting the little electric mouse on the head with a soft smile.

"Try to not zap them alright? Otherwise I won't let Walter give you sweets for a whole three days..." he teased his little Pokemon, and he heard the butler chuckle behind him. "I do wonder what kind of woman she is...I always have such terrible luck with women. he mused to himself.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 0:52:28 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Blissfully unaware of her new neighbor, Lulu had been poolside, getting some sun as recommended by . She lied on concrete over a towel, still unable to decide on furniture and suffering from ’s absence.

She squinted as her phone buzzed from a shadow, groaning, rolling up and retrieving it. There were no breaks in such a life…

She did not expect to see three angles of in 4K (the landlord would never find the cameras, nor would anyone else).

Her mood sunk.

Muttering, she made her way down steps, grabbing a black robe from its place thrown over a bed on an open floor plan, wrapping it around and tying it tight. She then grabbed a large  pistol out of her junk drawer in the kitchen.

There was the click of metal catching into place from the other side of the door. Eyes were as narrow, as was the crack of the door as it opened. The armed hand remained on the other side, out of sight.

“What do you want?”

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 18:24:04 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
A somewhat irate woman wearing a black robe, not that he could see much of it, but he had worn many a robe in his time. He could spot one easy enough, perhaps it was just a perk of being rich. The tone, and narrowed eyes told him immediately that she was the type who didn't like others, and that was unfortunate as he really just wanted to meet his neighbor. A soft sigh left his lips, tapping his cheek as he smiled at her.

"My apologies for the sudden appearance, I just wanted to introduce myself to you seeing as how we will be neighbors for the foreseeable future. I just purchased the two Penthouses beneath this one. So I thought I would try to be somewhat neighborly, but it appears that I have caught you at an inopportune time. I am Amor, this is my partner Adontis, and the gentlemen behind me is my butler Walter." he said to her in a soft tone. Adontis waved at her friendly enough, though he wasn't necessarily smiling at her.

Walter however as versed in manners as he was, smiled, and bowed to the woman.

"A pleasure to meet you Madam..." Ever the pinnacle of manners, and dignity that he was, Walter wasn't the least put off by her aggressive words, and questions.

Amor would have to give him a raise, though he knew that the old man wouldn't ever accept it, but he would definitely have to get him a gift of some sort to thank him for all that he did for him. It was the least he could do for him. While he had introduced himself he didn't know if the woman would return the favor, or simply slam the door in his face. The latter seemed the most likely option considering her current disposition towards him, but maybe she'd at least invite him in for a drink, or try to talk to him. Though if she didn't then he would have a measure of what kind of person she was.

"I do hope you'll forgive my slight intrusion, I am relatively new to the region, and I don't quite get all the customs, and culture around here yet. It's very different from where I am from..." he smiled easily with a chuckle. Reaching up, he pet Adontis while waiting for some reply from the woman before him.

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[googlefont=La Belle Aurore]
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 22:52:57 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Lulu shifted on a hip, pressing the barrel of the gun flush against the other side of the door. Her eyes attempted to read him, putting together elaborate scenarios in which the mafia might have sent someone to live in her building in order to shake her up. Yeah. That was something they would do.


It wasn’t until he pointed out his company that they were even noticed. The crack opened a little wider and her eyes shifted to the butler and then back to him. If one of them had a gun, it was probably that guy. Walter. She didn’t trust him. The barrel of the gun behind the door shifted.

A pleasure to meet her. “Is it, really?”

She didn’t shut the door in their faces. Rather, since avatarship, Lulu had decided to fully take back control of her life. She wouldn’t panic. She wouldn’t live in fear of them, or change addresses. Rather, she would let them inside, and if she found she needed to send a couple of men to hell in her own home, at least marble was easy to clean.

“Hold on.” She replied, sort of gruffly. The door was shut, and minutes later, she returned—in plain black shirt and pants, a combination which rarely changed. “Come in, then.”

The entryway went wide, revealing an open floor plan with angles likely varying slightly from his own. The ceiling was towering, with a wall of windows which overlooked Mossdeep’s developed cityscape. On bright white walls were paintings selected from the collection of the princess of Galar, . Her eye had decorated the room. Art, sculptures, fashionable furniture.

A large Houndoom immediately noticed the guests. As Lulu rarely had any, a low ground rumbled as it placed itself between them and its master.

“Djall, sh.”

The kitchen was fully visible, and she went to work with a brew. “Coffee?” The pistol sat hidden in an oven mitt beside her, within reach. Extra comfort. Some things didn’t change.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 7:55:00 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
When she invited them in his opinion of her shifted ever so slightly, perhaps she was just prickly, and nothing more. Never one to turn down an invitation Amor graciously stepped past the threshold into her home, Walter close behind him, and he began to take in the state of her home. Many fine works of art adorned the walls, and the ceiling have way to look at the entirety of Mossdeep. This was in essence what someone would think of when they thought about the "fine life". While he was still sad he didn't get the top house, it was trivial he had a home in Lilycove as well, so he couldn't be to greedy. The sculptures, and furniture that decorated the rest of the interior showed off her sense of fashion. The silver haired male couldn't help, but be mildly impressed, though he refrained from applauding, lest he be seen as sarcastic.

"What a lovely home you have...You do have quite the eye for decor..." he stated as he marveled over it. Adontis was just as engrossed at staring at everything as he was, until they were snapped out of it by the low growl of a pokemon. A Houndoom who was obviously guarding his trainer perked up, setting itself between the guests, and the woman. Adontis immediately narrowed his little eyes at the much larger pokemon, but when it calmed down so did the electric mouse. Amor patted his little Pichu on the head.

"No coffee for us...Caffeine makes the little one here far to energetic." he chuckled as Adontis had already been holding his hand out for a cup of whatever the woman was offering, but immediately pouted when his trainer told her no. Human treats tasted so good he couldn't help but be a glutton. "So mysterious neighbor of mine...Do I get to know your name? Or should I just call you mysterious lady who lives above me." he chuckled a bit obviously joking...Or was he?

She seemed to be of a similar stature to him, so it made him wonder what kind of things she did for a living. From the way she lived, and decorated old money was the immediate thought that came to his mind, but you could never be entirely sure. Some people did work to earn what they had, like Josh for instance. Though his friend was occupied more recently with two children, and learning to take over the business that Amor had invested in. So despite Walter, and Adontis, Amor found himself without a lot of other acquaintances in this strange land. Hopefully things would go well, and he would gain a friend with this woman, but knowing his luck, that was not going to happen.

Chances are she would just pull a gun out of nowhere, and shoot him, and that would be a pain to explain to everyone. Shaking those thoughts from his head, he kept his eyes forward as he conversed with her. There was no way she was going to shoot him, that was just silliness.

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[googlefont=La Belle Aurore]
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 19:14:39 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

“I don’t, really. Girlfriend’s the one with the eye.” She’d never referred to as such, but at that moment, it was the easiest way to explain things, and it served a multitude of purposes.

Her eyes passed to the Pichu on the man’s shoulder. The pairing couldn’t seem any less ironic. No coffee for the mouse. “Right.” But he had to have a drink, right? Otherwise, he was just standing in her home awkwardly. “Herbal tea, then? Water? … Wine?” Loosen the lips. She looked to the butler, not leaving him out, although her tone was notably more suspicious as she asked for his preference. Walter?

The coffee sat in the press, infusing. “Lulu.” She was stony. Face flat, eyes discerning. Thick silence pervaded the room for a long moment. Under the crossing of her arms, one finger ran along another to distract herself from her heartrate.

So. Where did you all come from?”

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 11, 2021 18:13:33 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Some interesting information floated in the air between the two of them as she mentioned her girlfriend was the one who decorated the place, and he had to admit he was curious to meet her. Maybe she could give him a hand or two when he was decorating his places, at least tell him where some shops were where he could find some snazzy stuff. Tucking that mental note away for the time being she was going down the list of things that she could offer them to drink. Tapping his cheek lazily he looked to Adontis, and they both nodded their heads at the same time.

"Tea...But if you have Lemonade that would be preferable. We will make due with whatever you have obviously since we are uninvited guests." he smiled brightly at her, she looked to Walter when she mentioned wine, and the older man simply chuckled at her.

"I would be a terrible butler if I got drunk while looking after the Young Master here...Someone has to make sure that he keeps his nose clean. You would not believe the trouble he is capable of finding himself in sometimes...It amazes me..." the older man poked fun at Amor good naturedly, which caused the silver haired trainer to blush lightly. "I will however take a cup of tea if you don't mind." the entire time the older man never took his eyes off the woman.

"Ah yeah...Walter here is sort of my catch all...He drives me around, helps me set up appointments, tells me where things are that I want...I'd be pretty helpless without him." he laughed lightly as he continued to admire the room. Was he lying, or not? She would never know, but it was obvious that the two had a great deal of trust in each other, they didn't bother to hide it. "As for where we all come from...All over the place...In a region very far away there is a city called Caravella, that I just moved from, but before that Kalos...We stayed in Unova for a while as well, but we don't tend to stick to one place very long. Though I might make an exception for this lovely region. So much water, and open space..." he simply marveled a bit.

"Not to mention the Space Center...RaiCorp is here, along with Infinity Industries...There are many things here that are intriguing to me. So much industry in one little region...It's wonderful..." he let the words trail off a bit before realizing he had been rambling. "Ah sorry again...I sort of just get caught up in all the new things before me...It is nice to meet you officially Miss Lulu." he nodded to her, and Adontis did the same as he waited for their drinks.

It was a very auspicious meeting, but perhaps he would glean something about this strange land he had decided to waltz into. There were never any guarantees in business, or life though so he doubted it.

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[googlefont=La Belle Aurore]
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 5:44:31 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Lemonade? Her eyes bore into him for a moment. What did he think this was? A Mendy’s?

“No; no lemonade. Tea it is.”

A butler not wanting to get drunk was reasonable, but she’d figured it was worth a shot. Eyes shifted between the two of them as she then went to work on tea, flipping on a kettle closer to the stove. Her stare, unabashedly suspicious in the moment she left the oven mitt, went to Walter again. When she returned to the coffee press, however, she was more at ease.

Although, Lulu did find the relationship between these two decidedly uncomfortable.

She cleared her throat, pressing plunger down into beaker and trapping blonde-roasted coffee grounds at the bottom. Poured herself a cup, and the smell wafted more. The remainder was stored in a stylish thermal carafe.

His interest in Hoenn’s powerful companies caused a shift in her. “Don’t be sorry. Of course, I would have wanted to meet my neighbors.” If only to ensure they weren’t serial killers. “I work for Infinity Industries, actually. Are you in business?”

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 15, 2021 9:36:52 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
The moment she mentioned that she worked for Infinity Industries his eyes lit up like a kids on christmas. It was hard to contain his excitement at having been so fortuitous. A gentle nod of his head in her direction as he took a sip of his tea, and tapped his cheek as Walter stood silently behind him almost like a statue. He knew that when Amor got excited it was best to not interrupt.

"I am in business yes actually...You could say it's something I've always been interested in, I don't own a business per se, but I enjoy investing in promising ventures, and getting to learn more about the world at large through my investments. Like this for example..." He slid back one of the sleeves of his suit to reveal his Holowatch a product of RaiCorp that was part of. It was a wonderful little invention that took the place of a phone, and computer almost all in one. There were very few limitations in it's functions, and the next time he was with Josh he was going to pester him about perhaps adding a Pokedex feature to it so that he could more easily record, and document Pokemon.

"This is my Holowatch...It's a sort of catch all device...Has all the functions of a phone built into it with holographic projection capabilities, and if I remember correctly can also act as a computer, though not as powerful obviously, a computer I can wear on my wrist is infinitely more useful to me..." as if to prove his point he tapped the screen, and a projection of the known globe sprang to life before them. Spinning in rotation almost like it was real time. Tapping the globe as it spun it zoomed in on the region of Hoenn, and outlined the entire region before him. "And if you don't want to type mundanely, it does have voice activation, and it only recognizes your unique voice so not just anyone can access it." clearing his voice he spoke clearly. "Siris open up the Battle Broadcaster...I want to know who wants to battle within a ten kilometer radius."

"Of course sir...Battle Broadcaster open...There are sixty two trainers broadcasting their desire to battle within ten kilometers...Shall we answer one?" a slightly feminine voice came from his watch. "No Siris...That is all return to rest mode..." he stated to the machine, and the holographic interface faded, and his watch powered down.

"It's by no means revolutionary yet...But people can build their own applications for it for everyone else to use. The Battle Broadcaster is one such app, I am sure there are a myriad of others that I've yet to see yet, but I only use the ones that interest me. It wouldn't surprise me if there was one for trading, or the like. In the other regions I've visited that have a RaiCorp branch these do very well, but they haven't seem to take to Hoenn quite yet, but it is no problem for me." he explained to the woman as he took another drink of his tea. "I like technology, and those who don't progress with it, are simply doomed to be left behind...So I am always interested in what the big corporations are doing..." A child like gleam in his eyes.

[]background-color:#fff;padding:2px;border-left:#9463c9 10px solid;font-family:century gothic;font-size:10px;color:#693a9b;width:120px;margin-top:10px;opacity:0;transition: 1s all;text-align:left;[/newclass]

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
whispering me away
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5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 16, 2021 5:23:14 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Why did he tap his cheek?

Her amber eyes cut for only a moment, sharp as nails. They still drifted to the butler. The oven mitt was at five ‘o’ clock, two feet away. Her arm was roughly twenty-two inches long. That would not take but .2 seconds to grab.

His words glazed over her eyes at a certain point. Her mouth was dry. She pressed a plunger down into a beaker, making coffee that did nothing for her. Attention was only piqued by his watch.

'…and if I remember correctly can also act as a computer.'

She blinked.

'Siris open up the Battle Broadcaster...I want to know who wants to battle within a ten kilometer radius.'

She stared at the hologram. It was nothing new to her. They had these on the sub, but this was a new idea. Silently, she absorbed. Most everything Rocket dealt with was stolen--just strung together. Maybe this was worth something.

Sixty-two trainers desired to battle. Lulu raised her eyebrows. Asking for lemonade was already too much. This was not how she wanted to spend her Thursday morning.

Effectively stressed, Lulu poured herself a mug. It honestly didn’t surprise her that businesses weren’t interested in Hoenn. She was stuck here. You get what you get.

She gave a heavy sigh. This guy had a lot of money.

Maybe she would give him her email.

The kettle chimed and she went to pour him his tea, realizing she hadn’t asked: “I’ve got all kinds of shit.” What was this? She rifled through. “Lum, Qualot, Hondew.. What do you prefer?” The choices were endless. You name it, they had it.

She would let him keep talking.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 16, 2021 8:49:30 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
This woman seemed oddly tense for some reason, but that was not truly any of his business, and he didn't wish to pry into someones life that he barely knew. That could be considered incredibly rude, but she seemed to be somewhat intrigued by the Holowatch on his wrist. That was at least one step into the right direction, and when she went back to get the tea for him, he smiled as she began rifling through all the kinds that she had. Resting his cheek on his palm as he thought about it for a moment.

"I'll take Hondew...That would be delightful thank you very much." he smiled brightly at her, and then he went right back to the point. Amor was not one who was keen on lingering on things that were trivial, like tea. No she had told him something interesting, and he viewed it as a gateway to something much bigger. "So you work at Infinity Industries? Judging by your lodgings you are no mere desk jockey...So tell me Miss Lulu, if I were interested in speaking to your boss, the man in charge of it all I presume. Could you steer me in the right direction?" Very direct, and to the point he was, he was a man who simply knew what he wanted, and there wasn't much that could get in his way when he decided he would have something.

"Of course if you are unable I completely understand, after all I am a stranger to you, and there is no reason for you to help me out. I can make due without your aid I assure you, so don't worry either way." he spoke to her with his normal charming smile upon his lips. "I have heard a few stray things about Infinity Industries that they are researching some new kind of energy, right? That is something I would gladly spend my money on, to help aid." There was a true sincerity in his voice, whatever motives he might have, Amor truly did want to help make the world a better place through his own means.

"It is a given that archaic energy sources will eventually run out, or be destroyed, so looking for new alternatives that are easily renewed that is something I think is admirable. Though I of course would like to know more, so if you can tell me more I would be delighted to listen, though gauging by your character thus far, I think you are slightly adverse to conversation." He chuckled lightly as he simply watched the woman.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 3:41:11 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

. The expensive looking one. She didn’t know if even drank tea—Lulu wasn’t that attentive—but they had it, supposedly with the assumption that one day, a guest would request such a thing in a typically empty apartment.

That time was now.

She poured a kettle into a plain white mug and set a bag into it to brew. Three minutes, the instructions said. Her amber eyes flashed to the clock. Had to do things right. This guy had a hologram watch.

No mere desk jockey. No, most certainly not. The computer hidden away, never to be suspected in such an open layout, would rival the best in the world.

The man in charge…

That pissed her off, but it wouldn’t be seen. Her face was the same steel as the gun in the oven mitt.

If you are unable…

The complicated thing was, that there was a man in charge. was in charge of the money and investments, and perhaps half of the engineering work which had gone into the whole thing. Smart cookie. But Lulu, and the team behind her, were the science. The revolution, and the progress. Of course, they died beneath the name of money, and the shadow of a dick.

Lulu was an easily riled person. It didn’t take much, but this man had a lot of money. A lot. He was new. He was interested in the big corporations. He had just bought half of the building, apparently. This kind of situation sucked. All bitches existed for the glory of Rocket.

Slightly adverse. That was on the lighter end of the spectrum these days.

She tapped fingers on a mug too hot yet to sip from. His tea still brewed. “I don’t mean to be rude Amor. I don’t have many guests.” What else did she even have to say at that moment? She usually did meetings with people. This was very unexpected. Her brain didn’t work well like this. She needed time.

His interest in renewable resources was as cast aside as @lev ’s astrology.

“The energy is the namesake: infinity. It’s very powerful.” As far as renewable, she wasn’t so sure. Sources were high-dollar rarities, as of yet. She didn’t typically dig in the dirt. Time would tell. “It’s derived from mega stones. They’re not all that easy to come by in large quantities, so research has been a bit of a journey.” She glanced at the clock. “If you’d like to get in contact with the CEO, I do have a business card…”

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 17:56:43 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
He listened to her, and just smiled his normal charming smile, shaking his head. Hearing her apologize he realized that she must be like how he use to be. Alone, and un-reliant on others, that was something he could respect, but at the end of the day, a field was made up of a thousand blades of grass. Unity could do beautiful things when it was used properly, however for now he wouldn't pry to far. He was after all just a guest, a stranger with a lot of money, it wouldn't do for him to try, and get to know someone brand new on their first meeting. They were neighbors after all, perhaps he would come borrow a cup of sugar another time, and chat with her more.

"You've nothing to apologize for, I showed up unannounced asking for lemonade, and an introduction to your boss. If anyone should apologize it's me...I sometimes forget my manners, and tact when I get excited about new opportunities. I'm actually quite bad with people, but no one seems to care as long as the checks clear...So I've grown accustomed to dealing with people differently. Do forgive my rudeness...I would appreciate a business card, but you say Mega Stones?" It was obvious he was quite intrigued in the thought process.

"That doesn't seem sustainable for a long period of time, they are rare if I recall correctly. I would think that in a region with such a vast ocean, you would focus your efforts on Geo-Thermal energy, and utlizing the ocean currents with underwater windmills...Erm turbines? Whatever they are. While it wouldn't be quite as effective, they are far more sustainable, and would help with any energy costs of a majority of the cities would it not?" He actually seemed perplexed if they hadn't already thought of this. "Though if this is something you, and your board have already considered then just ignore me..." he tapped his cheek curiously as he mulled over the information she had just given him.

"You are correct that Mega Stones are hard to come by, but if you are pursuing this line of thought, then I am going to assume you are working on a way to replicate them, or make something similar to them...If you studied their energy signature it would theoretically be possible...In Kalos they have a legend about how a meteor once fell upon their home, and it's strange energy caused Pokemon to evolve past their limits." He just kept talking not really thinking at the moment, it was just a continuous train of thought.

It would appear that Amor wasn't an entirely stupid rich kid, there was a brain in his skull, even if he rarely got to use it. Most people he didn't view as worthy to hold a real conversation with, but she was someone that was of similar stature to him, someone who was comparably intelligent to him, or so he hoped.

"Didn't a meteor fall here not so long ago? During a war with the interdimensional Pokemon...I wasn't here for it, but I have done my due diligence on this place." It was more a statement than a question, but he looked at her. "Have your people thought of looking into that Meteor to see what it's composition was, and to see if it could be similar to the Mega stones, or have their energy cloned on to it?" Teal eyes bore into hers as he waited for an answer.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,440 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 22:49:15 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Lulu had no loose bag of sugar to borrow from. She couldn’t, and didn’t cook. would know well enough. The oven mitt had never been used before.

I'm actually quite bad with people.

She quirked a brow. Two peas in the same penthouse, perhaps.

Hydraulics were certainly a part of their generator. The water propelled functions, but it was the mega stones which contained the energy—the true source—which nothing else on earth could emulate; not even Rocket. Life.

This guy reminded her a little of . Help the people. Help the earth. Sustainability. Woo.

Except this one was about money, maybe. Honestly, Lulu could get more on board with that. She liked someone with teeth and a cold heart.

Lulu didn’t care. Lulu had one goal, and that was to put the next two next pieces together. Money bought pieces. It didn’t matter what the puzzle was. It didn’t matter what the destination was—although it would be pretty cool if that destination were to wind up in Ultra Space or perhaps a different time entirely to redeem her lost life. The possibilities of achieving her dreams (?) were low. At this point, everything was one step in front of the other, and she kept her eyes focused on her own two feet—except when someone else fucked up.

Or when a Rotom set them all weeks back.

'… you, and your board…'

He was backpedaling, and she heard it. It resonated. She appreciated it. But unfortunately, it still wasn’t true.

He was right.

She had no control over anything. She was just a big brain behind the curtain. She'd give him that business card, at the end of the day, but they had tea to share still.

This man was chockfull of questions. It overflowed the cup of coffee in front of her which was still yet too hot to drink. His tea finished, though, by the look of the clock, and she went to go set it in front of him. Her steps were evenly spaced, careful, confident. Her amber eyes flashed for a moment to the butler.

The mug of Hondew tea was set down for him at a coffee table near a window, ceiling to floor, overlooking the city. Around it was a leather couch and loveseat. She took the loveseat, setting down her cup of coffee, plain. The plate across from her, for him, was presented on a small plate with gold detailing. Snug in between was a cute napkin, with sugar cubes (the only form which they kept) and a spoon.


She sat, new leather creaking under her weight.

The mention of the Kalos legend made her think of ’s recent, glittering presentation involving mega evolution. She would look into that. She let it go, for now.

“Mm. Meteors haven’t fallen here in quite a long time, but perhaps you’re thinking of Meteor Falls. That city exists in a crater. Bit of a tourist trap, but you could probably buy the lot, so… I dunno, explore...”

“As far as the mega stones go, there is no way to replicate them.” She was firm on it. Did she know? She certainly felt confident that she did. Of course, they’d thought of this. They were in it for the money just like him. How do we make more of it? More, more. “Readings don’t matter, in the end. Some things, you can pull apart at the molecular level and still not understand.”

And that pissed her off, too. Maybe that was why she was so angry all the time.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Roses, and Flints...(Closed)
POSTED ON May 18, 2021 17:55:29 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Amor watched her finish preparing his Hondew tea, Walter was ever silent behind as he waited, and when she moved over to the lounge area he followed behind her, his butler standing behind him a few feet to maintain some distance. Adontis was happily staying on his trainers shoulder so as to not be rude to the lady. Despite being a baby, and being spoiled there was a modicum of manners imprinted upon him. So as they lounged, and he grabbed the cup of tea, and began to sip it, he let out a satisfied sigh. Listening to her speak of the meteors, and the city of Meteor Falls, he tapped his chin thoughtfully as if he was in deep thought. Then she gave him her thoughts on the Mega Stones, and how they couldn't be replicated, but he just smiled at her.

"Well first thing is first...I am aware of Meteor Falls, it is where the meteor I am interested in fell. Though it seems you don't know much about the incident, or perhaps I miss spoke. I just know that a meteor fell from the sky, and released something...Though my ambitions are a bit fanciful to others, I think it's possible to potentially harness the power of the stars. So I was interested in that meteor to see if it had an energy signature, but it seems I have hit a dead end for the moment." he chuckled a bit.

"As for Mega Stones being impossible to replicate...Miss Lulu nothing is impossible, it only appears that way. Without enough patience we could never achieve much. I think with enough time you will figure it out, just don't give up, I've seen stranger things happen." he smiled lightly. Leaning back on the fine sofa he relaxed, seemingly completely content as he thought for a moment. "What other projects is Infinity working on aside from the Mega Stone generators? Do you have an alternative for your infinite energy since I do believe the Mega Stones won't work for long. While I am more than willing to fund the research to replicate the Mega Stone energy, or the generators that you use, I am not the kind of man to put all my eggs in one basket." he asked her curiously.

Amor was cautious, he didn't make it all the way to the top by just callously throwing his money everywhere. With the exception of RaiCorp he had never taken a true chance on a company, he preferred to weigh the pros, and cons, figure out what was going to be optimal, and then invest in that. It had worked for him so well, so he hoped that they had a viable alternative to this Mega Stone energy, or were at least open to the suggestion, but if they didn't he would have to think about it a bit more before speaking to the man in charge. If he didn't have a great sales pitch that could alleviate his worries, there was no way he would invest in them, but he hoped that wouldn't be the case.

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