A-B-Sea [closed]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 2:16:26 GMT
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"-and just look at these runes!" Zac said, running his hands over the raised markings on the cavern walls. His touch left little trails across the wet rock, and broke the salt flakes that had formed on the surface."Reminds me of some of the ruins in the desert, though those were more pictograms than lettering."
    One of Zac's Minior rose to his eye level, washing the wall in pale green light. "It almost makes sense, doesn't it?" Zac asked as he leaned in closer, squinting at the odd symbols. "Like trying to read bad handwriting."
    There were a series of soft clicks as one of his other Minior snapped pictures of the runes. Zac let out a short breath, rubbed his eyes, and moved to a fresh section of wall. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON May 20, 2021 15:44:11 GMT
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“They certainly are magnificent” Gina responds to Zac's comment with enthusiasm. Her eyes seemingly glued onto the ancient text engraved into the cavern's walls. She feels slightly flustered, Zac was a talkative man and Gina preferred to keep talking at a minimum.

“Bad handwriting..?” Her facial features scrunch with confusion at the comment, she shrugs. “I mean, i guess it does.” Gina’s focus drifted down to a small book she held with one hand, it looked to be very old but contained some information on how to decipher the writing.

A hand scribbled in some notes, and she moved along with Zac as the man moved towards a new section. From the beginning Gina found it hard to talk with him, she had doubts that they would work well together, but that was something out of control.

“Never got a chance to say this, but thank you for coming with me.” She dips her head respectfully, “I look forward to exploring this cavern with you.”

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON May 21, 2021 3:06:18 GMT
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    "No problem!" Zac said, fixing Gina with his most excited smile. "Thanks for the hot tip! I've read all about these sea caves but haven't had much of a chance or reason to check 'em out." They were in the outermost of the sunken caves, barely a hundred feet from where they had surfaced. Zac's worn duffel bag lay nearby, filled with all manner of exploring tools and snacks.
    "From the look of the walls this place is volcanic." Zac said, voice echoing down the branching tunnels. "I'll bet they connect to the tunnels near Dewford and Shoal Cave."
    He ran his hand over the bumpy runes that covered the walls of the cave. They made neat rows, broken by irregular gaps and squared off, as if each of the walls was a page from the Hoenn's most secret book. The chunks of runes were definitely writing, only each letter was a foot tall and it wasn't in any language Zac knew. 
    "So why the interest in these letters?"


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A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON May 21, 2021 6:08:16 GMT
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Gina’s unsure what Zac meant by hot tip, to her knowledge she didn’t give him any advice. She chose not to question it and simply nodded, “this is my first time coming to one in years, not many opportunities to visit such a place.” She glanced around, still in awe at how well preserved it was - she wondered how long it’s been since another person had looked upon these ancient walls.

She followed Zac’s gaze, what he said was certainly a possibility. However they couldn’t explore each cave, it would take too much time. One day perhaps, but today wasn’t that day.

Truthfully I was hoping to get more information on unowns.” Gina clicks one of her pokeballs open, releasing the strange creature to just pointless hover around the two of them. She observes the pokemon and then looks back towards the writing engraved in the walls.

There’s little known about them, I was hoping I could understand them more by coming here.” The unown who is shaped as an ‘a’ hovers around Zac, giving him a dazed stare. “Have you seen them before?”

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 13:12:18 GMT
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    "Not in person," Zac said, his eyes meeting the single, floating eye of the 'A'. He smiled, watching it bob up and down. It had the same rounded shape as the runes on the walls. "You'd think that Pokemon had already given us enough, but to think that they're the source of written language too?" He shook his head in amazement.
    "Mostly I've read about them in journals," he said, walking around the floating Pokemon, inspecting it carefully. One of his Minior flew close, snapping some more pictures. "Just the usual stuff mainly. Sightings and pictures from ruins sites, mainly in Johto. Some lab tests dealing with their scaling psychic power." Zac moved closer to the Unown, keeping eye contact with the Pokemon as its one large eye followed his movements. "Cute little devil, isn't he? Did you run into him on an expedition?"


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A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON May 25, 2021 18:13:54 GMT
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She isn’t surprised, not many people get to see unowns. Apart from her own unown, Gina has yet to see them in their natural habit. “Guess humans were slacking at the time, we depend on pokemon to much.” She chuckles, joking lightheartedly. Her unown didn’t seem to be bothered by the sudden celebrity like treatment, in fact it almost looked like it was enjoying it, suddenly being more energized. It was difficult to tell as the pokemon was rather limited in conveying emotion.

Yes from a few years back” It was easier to lie, she wasn’t in the mood for giving a lengthy explanation. She sighs, examining the letters on the wall again and writing something down on her notes. “So, Mr. Ramsay I’ve heard that your tapu bulu’s avatar?” it was her attempt in making small talk, Zac’s avatar status was more public compared to others something she found interesting.

Suddenly a strange noise catches her attention, and she looks towards the direction it came from. “You hear something?” Failing to notice her unowns strange behavior.

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A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON May 26, 2021 4:56:03 GMT
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FROM DEEP WITHIN THE CAVERN, a swarm of Unown are expelled. They flood outward like bats at impossible speeds. Save for their white sclera, their black bodies darken the space before suddenly, without warning, they all disappear in a blip.

Briefly, the phantom image of a narrow vein-like rift having opened and closed remains in the air. Just an image. Nothing physical. However, the Unown are no where to be seen. It eventually fades like a thunderbolt blurring into the palette of some stormy sky.

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The Robust
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See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2021 15:56:00 GMT
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    "Yeah! A pretty public Avatar too. That was a bit of a given though, considering the Vital Spirit Festival. Do you know if you'll be working closely with AQUA?"
Zac didn't hear anything, but he did feel something.  Many somethings, rushing, pushing at the air. He'd felt something similar in Rustboro, filming Golbat swarms leaving their cave at dusk, but those were noisy as hell. All flapping wings and squeaking sonar. This time there was only a sleek, black, silence. 
    The Unown swarm came and went, leaving no evidence of their passing, or where their passage had taken them.
 "Whoa! We got that right?" Zac asked his floating Minior. They bobbed and turned, astral eyes unsure. "I'll have to check the footage later, but I'm sure I got a bit of that at least!" Zac grinned at Gina. "That's gotta help your research, right? Couldn't have asked for more!"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 13:11:43 GMT
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she heard of what happened at the festival a few months back, it was truly impressive how zac rebuilt the reputation of tapu-bulu all in a short time frame too. Her head shakes lightly at the mention of aqua, "not entirely sure yet still need to speak with dahlia and other council members."

There were still many questions she had about the initiative, ones that have yet to be addressed.

The noise she heard earlier fades into the caverns walls, and a strange sensation consumes her. She glances around, her gut telling her that something big was coming. Turns out her feeling was correct, not long after a swarm of unown appear, flooding the area in complete darkness and vanishing within the blnik of an eye.

Her heartbeat accelerates, the event had bewildered her. Everything happened so quickly it was difficult to process, eyes linger towards where the rift had appeared. "y-ya.." she responds with a bright smile, it was the first time witnessing such an event she was thrilled.

"any thoughts on where they went?" Gina's own unown's behavior is bizarre it continues to float around the area the swarm vanished to, seemingly trying to join them.

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The Robust
October 30th
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See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2021 12:38:56 GMT
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"Not a clue, but I bet we can find them again," Zac said, eager to hunt down the disappearing swarm. "There's only two passages that branch off this one." Zac pointed them out. "My Minior keep coming back confused, so there must be something whack down there. You take one path and I'll take the other."

Zac headed towards one of the tunnels, then looked back at Gina. "If anything happpens, uh, stamp three times. Kev's around here somewhere and he'll come and help."


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A-B-Sea [closed]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2021 5:07:52 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


