
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 17th
Head I.E Engineer
Head Scientist
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Miles Sharp DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @miles
Miles Sharp
POSTED ON May 26, 2021 14:35:25 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar

How many nights of this had it been? His body is folded amidst trash hidden in a Rustboro alleyway. Whether it's a lack of will or an overdose of pain the man is unable to determine, but in the moment he can't move. Glass eyes focus on the moon through the narrow slits the alley provides. He peeks through fire escapes and evening lights from apartments far out of reach. Droplets of rain begin to fall a premonition of what was to come, even so, Miles remains still.

He can't help but remember a time so similar to this. It's a hazy memory, but pieces he can still recount. Here in this city before it'd gotten so complicated. He's younger then, focused on the present, and all the selfishness that entails.


An argument escalated into a street fight and so the Lavaridge native had been forced into a 3 on 1. A testament to his pigheadedness more than any idea of strength and thus he'd ended up splayed against a dumpster. For all the pain his body felt he doesn't seem to mind. Around him, two of the three attackers lie unconscious the third had managed to run and Miles hadn't the strength to chase. Still, he was in no condition to move and so he'd wait. More concerned with how he'd explain his injuries to the university in the coming days.
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FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
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TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 22:55:23 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar
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loving you's my achilles' heel




There were not many who could say that they left successfully — even for the ones that had managed to slide from beneath Silas' thumb, scattering into the sewers like the rats they were, they were always connected somehow. A sliver of darkness, snaking out around an ankle; a breath of a memory.

[break][break] These days, Mila could be confidently sure that she had managed to leave it all behind — at least in the ways that mattered. Everyone she had known or cared about was either dead or declared dead — no one to follow her, no one to chase her, no one to remind her —

[break][break] Of the mistakes that she'd made.

[attr="class","line"]7 YEARS AGO...

[break][break] Where was ?

[break][break] A twenty-year old Mila walks along the streets of RUSTBURO CITY, heels clicking against the pavement. She needs a new pair — but payment isn't due for another week, and Mama isn't too keen on giving it. She wonders if she'll be able to pry it from Jackie's pockets — 'From my cold dead hands,' he would say with a snicker, just as she manages to slip his wallet from him.

[break][break] Just as she's thinking this, a thug of a man runs out from the alleyway she'd meant to pass. Mila doesn't bother giving chase — even as an underling, her few years in Rocket have taught her this. Instead, she darts a heel out, causing the man to stumble and knock into a low-hanging lantern. It is pure luck — the man is knocked unconcious, at least temporarily, and Mila thinks about pickpocketing him when there is a shift of movement deeper in the alleway.

[break][break] She tenses. Then relaxes.

[break][break] It's a kid. Probably only a year younger than her, but a kid nonetheless. That being said, even in the low-light of the alley, Mila can tell — his beaten up face does little to hide his curved jaw and pretty lips, his beautiful bangs. A work of art.

[break][break] Mila's smile is coy as she approaches, friendly. She laughs, offering a hand to his crumpled form.

[break][break] "You look like you've had a rough night," she says.


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