sweet morphine [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
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i am the shadow driving the hearse
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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
sweet morphine [m]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 19:10:04 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]






[attr="class","textbox"] Sometimes — even, if so briefly, through a rare window of opportunity, a snippet of a life that he could have, might have, maybe lived — there were good days. Days where he did not feel the burden of all his past mistakes weighing upon him like a Wailord, days where he was not reminded of his son's sick body, of 's failing loyalty, of her ultimate betrayal. Days where he could feel like himself — days he could feel like Kris again.

[break][break] Today was not one of those days.

[break][break] In the light of a dimly lit bar somewhere in Slateport, Kristopher Flynn Edwards chugged back his drink. The golden liquid burned on it's way down his throat, a burn that only just barely dulled the pain that he had felt just walking through Slateport that morning, witnissing all the couples mingling about for the tournament's festivities, all the kids running around — playing, laughing.

[break][break] His fingers clutched — hard — around the glass of whisky in his hand, now empty. It must have been at least his fifth. "Another one," he commanded to the barkeep, eyes narrowed into a glare that had the poor NPC-character flitting away and returning with the alcoholic beverage.

[break][break] Today was not a good day.





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November 17th
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Miles Sharp DOLLARS
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Miles Sharp
sweet morphine [m]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 19:42:03 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar
Time had long since become a construct forgotten. An already bruised body sits just beneath his crumpled white dress shirt. The blank glassy-eyed stare that rests, first in his eyes, but permeated throughout the fabric of his being is hones in on the labels of liquor bottles he doesn't care enough to fully read.

He'd thought alcohol would help him run from this pain, to escape, but it's brought it even closer to the forefront of his sternum. The shadows of his eyelids reveal one of two faces every time he blinks.

The first- the girl of his dreams who'd revealed a betrayal that cut deeper than any blade could hope to. A woman who was kind, caring, put the world before herself time and time again only for her blood to be the cruelest poison he and it has ever seen. Venom made to fell Miles and the region he loved so dearly.

The second - his mother, betrayed by a system that promised to keep her safe. A face that was forgotten by all except for him regardless of what she'd sacrificed for the world. A mother who loved him unconditionally and was forced to suffer through her rotten son's failures until they eventually cost the woman her life.

The bartender cuts him off, and so he hobbles off the rickety stool, ready to wander to the next spot that cared more about his coin than his wellbeing.

In his departure, he slams against another spilling whatever poison he'd chosen to consume this evening.

Miles doesn't apologize content to push past.

"Was doing you a favor."

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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
37 height
37 height
i am the shadow driving the hearse
233 posts
part of
TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
sweet morphine [m]
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2021 4:41:13 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]






[attr="class","textbox"] The barkeep knows better than to cut Flynn off before he's ready. It isn't the barkeep's fault; anyone with a pair of eyes would be smart to wilter under the presence of an angry , especially when he's like this. When he gets into these moods, there's no telling what he can do.

[break][break] It is why the majority of people stay away from him.

[break][break] Not though.

[break][break] Something knocks against his arm just as he's about to pull another swig, and the beer glass is knocked from his hand, the glass shattering the moment that it hits the floor. Silence sounds in the bar — or at least, Flynn thinks so — as he turns a steely gaze over to the patron that did it.

[break][break] Flynn might've been willing to let it go, if it were a mistake. He might've been willing to ignore it, if nothing had been said.

[break][breka] But the fucking punk just has to open his goddamn mouth.

[break][break] He shoves himself to his feet with a clatter, twisting immediately to reach for the other's collar and pull him close. He growls, "What the fuck did you say to me?"




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