Finding Directions (open)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
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Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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Keenan Toral
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2021 0:18:53 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
A five foot eight blond walked along the park's edge. Keenan was bouncing a ball and occasionally tossing it, letting his Houndour go fetch it and bring it back, looking triumphantly for it too. Like what he did was the biggest deal of all. It brought a smile to the boy's face, even as he did it again and again. If his little brother would hurry up with everything he needed to do, they could be off to Oldale town, then Petalburg. Keenan thought more about it...he already had a full team with him. He also had it set up so that any extra Pokemon he caught would end up at Derek's place in Olivine. He also had his clothes packed, a laptop to do at least a few classes online, and more. He was already very prepared.

Keenan also had amber eyes, and was wearing a plain red T-shirt with a black Houndoom skull head on the front, a light blue shirt over it, brown capris, and pink sneakers. The amber eyed teenager almost forgot to pick up the ball his Houndour brought back. But instead of throwing it, he sat down and watched the other people in the park play with their Pokemon. Patting his canine friend on the head, he spoke. "Hopefully we can get going after lunch. Then we can make some new friends, get to know the new ones that just joined us, and see what we can really do...our first gym is in Petalburg City. You ready for that, boy?" Houndour howled in confirmation and sat down, putting one of his paws on Kee's arm. The fire and dark type nodded resolutely, ready to be by his side...

And hopefully he'll find himself gravitating towards a direction...
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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2021 0:36:35 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 no matter keenan's gravitation, noah's own orbit overlaps with his. his electrike leads the charge like an electron moving about its shell, looking for others to join it.

naturally, the green puppy arrives first. it is quick to greet the houndour snout first. lightning-like markings galvanize interest, directing the electrike toward the other dog's bum.

"glen, hey! get back here!" noah says. he runs over, thin hoodie flapping behind him, his bare arms taking in the stinging sun. "sorry! he's friendly. maybe a bit too much, haha."

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon electrike"]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
322 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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Keenan Toral
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2021 17:16:43 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
It wasn't long before an Electrike showed up. And started to greet his Houndour first, acting like the traditional dog. Keenan's Houndour seemed perplexed and tried put his paw on the electric type's face and shove it away. Houndour wasn't the most...he didn't like overly pushy Pokemon. Spheal at least offered food first before being sociable with him. The Electrike's trainer, or at least he assumed so, ran up towards them, calling his Pokemon "Glen." The nickname actually made Keenan giggle a little bit. Might have helped the guy was...rather attractive.

The guy apologized, saying that his Pokemon was a bit too friendly. "That's not necessarily a bad thing." The blond gave the green little guy a few tentative pets to see how it reacted. He felt the static from the fur on the cute little guy, but wasn't shocked. He was pretty well groomed. Looking at the trainer, he didn't recognize him. Littleroot wasn't exactly a big town. It wasn't small, but generally you can recognize people. "I don't recognize you...just moved here or passing through?" Not that it mattered much. With any luck, he'd be leaving this afternoon.
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played by


the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,578 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 0:06:40 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 like an old rusty lever for water, a whimper dribbles out from the electrike's muzzle as it is pushed down.
"just passing through for some errands." noah rubs his neck, giving it a quick crack. "but i had some time for a dog walk. what's your name?"

he extends a hand. his electrike barks, the quiet crackle of excited electricity galvanizing the space of their encounter.

"you a hoenn native?" noah asks, an amused smile forming on his face.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon electrike"]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
322 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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Keenan Toral
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 2:51:43 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
Kee poked his Houndour and gave him a stern look after the little lightning guy whimpered. The fire type rolled his eyes and head, but kicked the ball over to the hyper green ball of energy. "Kind of rude not introducing yourself when asked, isn't it? I'm Keenan." He actually pouted a little bit. What person without ulterior motives or a very good reason doesn't introduce themselves when asked? It was odd, and hopefully him calling out this guy would get him to at least share his first name.

"Not especially. Moved here when I was ten. We're from Olivine City in Johto. I take it you are? What city?" Kee watched his Houndour play with the Electrike. Just to make sure his friend didn't do something drastic. Generally, his Houndour was fairly calm about most things. Of course, he liked to play and all, but he didn't like the overly extraverted Pokemon. Or people for that matter. Which it kind of seemed like this guy was. Though for some reason, he thought that Kee was amusing? If his interpretation of that smile was right...he could be wrong...but hopefully the guy wasn't just playing with him. He'd seen people pull pranks on complete strangers before. And it was hard trying to keep his suspicions about the guy from bleeding over in his tone.
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played by


the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,578 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 3:03:50 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 noah laughs loosely, embarrassment colouring his thoughts as he quickly rifles through the folders of his memory. his hand returns to his neck. rubs it pink.

"sorry, my bad, haha. didn't know you were asking." noah nods, the johtian city's lighthouse rippling across his mind in watercolour. "i moved from kanto, to johto, then here."

noah straightens his back. lungs fill with air. his electrike, matching the houndour's level of calm, pays no mind to its trainer's bravado.

"i'm noah. verdanturf's gym leader." his grin grows bright with pride. "i'm not quite a household name yet, though."

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon electrike"]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
322 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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Keenan Toral
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 21:03:12 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
Kee kind of stopped and thought back. He didn't really explicitly say it. Blushing a bit, he responded between the man's comments. "Sorry, I meant to ask that too! I really wasn't clear, was I..." The poor boy was a little bit socially awkward, though not any more than others might be. Still, it was surprising to hear that the guy originated from Kanto, then went to Johto, and then here. What a way to travel. Then came the dramatic introduction. It took a couple minutes for the introduction to actually catch up to Keenan. "Eh? Eh?! EEEEEHHHH?!" His voice got louder with each syllable. With wide eyes he was shocked that a gym leader would be here of all places.

His houndour just watched his trainer have a mini-freak out. He was mumbling something about a gym leader already. "Gym leaders do more than just manage a gym and test trainers. Some do go outside of their towns for errands or various other reasons that aren't vacation related." A boy four inches shorter than him appeared. The guy had blond hair, and one of his eyes was blue, while the other was amber, the same as Keenan's. Keenan just looked at his brother. "Aaron!" Keenan hugged his brother after hiding a little bit behind him. Aaron just looked at Noah. "Sorry, he's hoping to challenge each gym...we were going to get started after to join us? He's a little bit socially awkward, but he's good." Aaron had a magnemite hovering over his shoulder. Kee tentatively looked back at the gym leader and nodded, even as Aaron was stroking his hair.
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played by


the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,578 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 0:04:42 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 noah laughs and finds in the colour of his own voice, the dried memories of an old domestic life.

"i don't think he's socially awkward." the gym leader cocks an eyebrow at aaron— nothing critical, just an amused, humorous arch. "first time meetings are always weird anyway, man. anyway, i'm down."

pulling a machamp-design wallet from his shorts, noah is quick to peek inside.

"i can treat you both."

his electrike wags its tail and presses its paws into the comforting cool grass.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon electrike"]
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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
322 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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Keenan Toral
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 18:25:11 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
Aaron deadpanned at Noah. "If you're compatible with him, he's a lot better." Kee wrapped an arm around his brother's neck, and started to put him in a headlock. "Oi, don't talk about me like I'm not even here!" Aaron, for his part, just stomped on Kee's foot, making him let go. Then both boys saw the gym leader pull out a wallet. Both of them frowned. "Put that away!" Both of them yelled at Noah with quite a bit of force. Even Houndour was a little startled by it. "Mom's cooking a feast that'll take her ages to consume even after giving us some for the road. You come with us and help out with that, okay?" Keenan tried to grab the man's wrist and drag him towards their house. With Houndour right on his heels, along with hopefully Electrike. The elder blonde was more quiet along the way, but his little brother picked up conversation.

"So, what kind of gym do you operate? And what kind of projects do you assist on?"

Luckily, their home wasn't that far off. Just on the outskirts of the town, more for room for their Pokemon. Their mom works from home, but still has a variety of her Pokemon from when she adventured through the regions. Her Walrien was in the small pond next to the house and waved at them, as her Arcanine came out from around the building and crouched down in front of the Electrike. The large Pokemon gave it a small, but friendly boop with its nose. And started to trot off like the giant kid that it was. Kee continued to drag Noah inside, to be greeted into the kitchen with a larger woman and a huge feast on the table. "Hey Mom! We brought a guest! This is Noah! He's the gym leader from Virdanturf Town!" The woman greeted the man warmly and told all of them to sit down and dig in.

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played by


the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,578 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 2:07:08 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 noah quickly tucks his wallet away. his electrike mirrors his startled look as it falls back into the depths of his pocket. however, his expression falls away too in the face of generosity.

his electrike follows along, green paws paddling away at the grasses. "fighting-type! don't do anything special like some of the people i know." a laugh leaves him in the softest curve as he rests his hands on the back of his head. "just training. self-defense."

when he enters the home, noah is struck by the homemade. the domestic. although he has found his own diamond of home here in hoenn— keenan's world is an old memory thrust into the present. no sepia. just the colour of the current.

"thanks for having me!" noah says as his electrike sniffs the arcanine curiously. he turns to keenan as he sits, "does your mom normally cook as if she's expecting guests?"

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon electrike"]
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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
322 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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Keenan Toral
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 21:44:43 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
Keenan listened carefully. So the guy was a fighting type gym, that specialized in close range combat. Psychic and flying types would be effective against him, but how did that explain the guy's Electrike? Kee just stayed quiet as Aaron kind of raised an eyebrow. "Then what brings you here? Surely Team Rocket isn't in the area?" That's right! Kee completely forgot why his mother was so worried. And his father for that matter.

The childlike Arcanine just let the Electrike do as it pleased, though also offered up some of its toys so they could play. "Oh, you're alright hun! Thanks for coming over...I may have gone a bit eat to your fill and then some!" The overweight woman bellowed out with a hearty laugh.

Noah turned to Kee as he was sitting down and asked if she normally cooked this much. "Nope. Aaron and I plan on leaving and starting our adventure after lunch. This is kind of a goodbye lunch. Well, goodbye for now. I...don't really know what to do...whether I want to continue my education, become a Pokemon trainer, a ranger, or whatever. Mom and dad's adventure helped them figure out what they wanted to do for a I figured I'd do the same. And hopefully find a direction. Of course, that also means that I'll be challenging the gym leaders. So you'll see me again in Virdanturf town for a challenge. Hopefully I'll be much stronger then..." Kee was a little bit embarrassed by it. And kind of hoped Noah didn't laugh at him. "The Walrein and Arcanine are both mom's Pokemon. The rest of her team is somewhere around here. Dad is an archeologist and has been assisting the rangers and other allies of the League with Team Rocket every so often, particularly with ancient ruins. Mom works as an IT professional and works from home. Our older brother still lives in Olivine, he's a Pokemon Breeder and caretaker. If I catch any new Pokemon, that's where they'll be going. At least that's where it's set up for them to go."

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played by


the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,578 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 23:43:39 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 "just passing through. nothing to be worried about."

as noah listens, he takes a polite morsel from the banquet before them. a pleased chirp rings from pursed lips. like a fan, his hand covers his mouthful. although he remains courteous as a guest— his manners are certainly not as refined at home.

he sets his spoon down. "seems like you're set, man! a lotta kids set off without a good support system." noah thinks. "wouldn't it be easier to try following in your parents' footsteps for a little bit? y'know. just test the waters or something."

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon electrike"]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
322 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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Keenan Toral
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 3:35:20 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
Both Aaron and Kee piled on the food and started chowing down like the ravenous teenagers that they were. It was good to hear that it wasn't anything like Team Rocket being in the area. Just quite literally passing through. He did compliment Keenan, making him blush a little, about having a good support system. Though he did ask if he tried to follow his parents' footsteps a little bit. "Both fields require at least a college education, though dad's would be easiest for in the field learning. I'm good enough with computers to not need to go to mom for everything, but I'm still just a basic computer literate teenager, like most people are. So there's really nothing I can do to help mom out and just listening to the tales of what she had to do before getting into her current position makes me cringe. Dad's job is more hazardous, but also more exciting I guess. But...yeah...never took me with him for anything because I think of Team Rocket. Sure, there is the risk that I'll run into them during my adventure, but there's a guarantee with him." Keenan shrugged.

"Plus, ancient ruins are very dangerous even without Team Rocket. He'll need a proper Pokemon team to help him with that. His Houndour is fairly well trained, but it takes more than that. Experience helps tremendously. That's why I think your Tyrunt will certainly be one of your more powerful Pokemon friends." Their mother came in wiping her hands with a towel before sitting down and started digging in herself. "I don't really have much advice, aside from keeping your wits about you and make smart choices. And when you inevitably get into serious trouble, trust not only in yourselves, but in your Pokemon as well. They're as much your family as we are. Mr. Faber, I hope your gym will teach some valuable skills to my son. Even if you do have to knock him out a time or two." The chubby woman winked at Noah as Aaron chuckled and Keenan groaned.

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played by


the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,578 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 5:24:43 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 noah laughs with his hand over a full stomach. again, he's transported back to a kantonian kitchen. a johtian home. he wonders whether moving out early was a mistake— before promptly being reassured by the warmth of his phone in his pocket.

"you'll be okay." noah says, hand reaching over to grab keenan's shoulder. "you've got an ally in me if you ever run into rocket, alright man?" taking another spoonful, he continues to speak, bravado filling his chest, "'sides, like your mom said, we can toughen you up a bit. your brother's gonna be jealous."

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon electrike"]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
322 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun
Keenan Toral
Finding Directions (open)
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2021 19:25:11 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
Noah seemed pretty confident in Keenan, making him look away and blush. The encouragement made him smile, especially if he'll always have an ally in the gym leader should they ever run into Rocket. Though at the thought of making his brother jealous, Aaron snorted as their mother gave a mischievous grin. "I have the day off, and know enough how to referee Pokemon battles. Littleroot does have a small nursing station for injured Pokemon, so it should be alright. If all three of you are up for one on one matches. Just to test yourselves against a gym leader. At least, I'm assuming you brought more than just your cute Electrike with you."

" mean...if Noah doesn't mind...I'm sure Houndour could use the practice..." Keenan kind of twitched in his seat. He was curious how he matched up right now, and how far he needed to go.

Aaron piped up. "Trevenant needs something to do beyond scarring kids and giving loggers a heart attack. Again, if Noah doesn't mind."

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