Zac vs Noah [H✩T]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2021 7:41:21 GMT
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Tapu Bulu fell back into the shade of his palm tree grove, soundly defeated by Noah's last attack.
"Tapu Bulu is unable to battle!" Shouted the announcer. 

Zac wiped his forehead with one of his Lars and Articuno sweatband. They were soaked through. This is it. Down to the wire. He went to take a sip of his Charja-Cola, but the can was empty. Not only that, but Noah had defeated his Frost Rotom earlier, so all the remaining cans were warm.

"Those were some pretty slick moves you just pulled," Zac said, meeting the eyes of the other gym leader. "Good thing I saved the best for last, ay?"

Zac reached into his bag and threw out his final Pokeball. It cracked on the sand like a coconut, and a bolt of red lightning solidified into a familiar shape: Charjabug. "Go! Don!"

Tapu Bulu fainted
Zac sent out Charjabug!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 0:07:49 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 the battered temple of noah's machamp reverts from mega form. above, the sun tans the field. warms bruises with a sadistic tenderness— but fails to thaw the fervor of fans wearing merchandise.

"you too! i'm on the ropes."

noah says. mirroring zac, he wipes sweat off his brow as he looks upon his final pokemon on the field. the brief respite allows him to suck in much needed air. his heartbeat pulses in his ears— before the crackling of a charjabug's summoning interrupts it.

"yo, that's kinda smart. saving him for last. you're like, sponsored by charja-cola, right?" noah says as he matches eyes with his machamp. "be careful, cobra! don't underestimate it!"

his worn machamp grunts, circling around the charjabug in cautious orbit as the fight resumes.

parched, noah begins to crave for cola. fruit. something in the incoming aftermath.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon crabominable"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hitmonchan"]

notes: POG
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 1:05:58 GMT
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No Charja-Cola. No Dr. Pika. Not even a can of Zapsi to empty out and fill with seawater for a salty refresher. "More than sponsored mate, I own the company! I'd offer you a can but they're all warm by now. After the match. My treat!" Zac said, grinning at Noah.

Gym leaders were always teaching, whether they were in their gym or not. Zac knew that there was a lot to learn from facing down such an experienced opponent. Namely, Noah's unique Educational Objective.

"Close quarters combat. No backing down," Zac said softly, repeating his mantra for the match. "Okay Don! Go for his weak spot!" Zac shouted, and the Charjabug wriggled across the sizzling sands. It crouched down, preparing to leap up and bite at Machamp's nose, but at the last second Don launched himself sideways and behind his opponent, aiming for the ankles in a vicious Skitter Smack!  

Charjabug used Skitter Smack for a sneaky ankle attack!

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the machampion
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 6:37:57 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 "you OWN the company?!" noah's eyes are as wide as his machamp's shoulders.

the charjabug's compact size, like a segment of bubblegum, conceals its speed. fists collide with the earth as noah's machamp plays whack-a-mole. the flooring cracks— but the SKITTER SMACK is what causes the earth to spin off-kilter.

his machamp almost trips, swerving toward the ground as it seeks the bug with all four arms.

"does charja cola have a secret ingredient, by the way?" noah hollers after issuing a command to his machamp.
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]

notes: POG
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 8:03:35 GMT
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Don dodged the first fist, skirted the second, but the third and forth piledrove the little bug into the sand. Despite being the cutest mascot in Hoenn, the natural charm and rampant popularity of the Charjabug did nothing to ward off the absolutely outrageous strength of Noah's famous wrestler. 

A nearby bell dinged the end of the match, and Zac shook Noah's hand. "Awesome fight mate! I was sure I had you at the end there, but you got me fair and square." 

Zac grinned and leaned in closer, and whispered in Noah's ear.
"Oh, and the secret ingredient is Dunsparce venom. Just trace amounts to jump-start your adrenal gland and supercharge your immune system. In small doses it's quite medicinal!" He let out a pleased sigh, and nodded slowly, looking at the ruined battlefield. "Time for a bit of refreshments, I reckon. You ready for some fruit?" 

The pair headed over to the broad tent where the watermelon contest was taking place. Each of them had a long table set up, with seats for all six of their Pokemon and themselves. "Okay Noah, ready?" Zac asked, tucking in his bib. 

The bell rang, and Yucca the Sceptile slashed at her watermelon with bladed wrists. Uneven chunks tumbled across the table, and she shoveled the red and green chunks into her mouth, gulping the cold fruit down greedily. 


7v7 Watermelon contest rules:
-Roll with your post
-If you roll 80+, that Pokemon will throw up in your next post (awarding you 0 points)
-At the end, highest total score wins!

Noah wins the battle

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the machampion
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 2:27:00 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 noah offers words of praise for the other's charjabug. it was clear that the pokemon was not a simple poster child— but a fierce battler too that matches the meteoric rise of its beverage in the public eye.

still, the fighting-type gym leader is SKITTER SMACKED by the revelation that venom may be running through his veins. whether it is truth or some twisted jest doesn't matter.

for he has consumed it already.


"ready!" noah says, adjusting the bib on his machamp. "i've got a big stomach y'know." he lies through a smug mask.

his machamp karate chops a watermelon. multiple hands grasp at red flesh and toss the gore into a wide beak.


[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon crabominable"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hitmonchan"]

notes: LOVE THIS
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The Robust
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 2:52:07 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

Sceptile leaned back, picking seeds from her teeth with a sharp leaf. "Great work Yucca!" Zac said, flashing her a grin and a thumbs up before turning to Snow White.

"Open wide!" Zac said, and the Frost Rotom opened both of its doors. Thankfully, Zac had already drank most of the Charja-Cola that he kept stored in her, so there was some room for the watermelon.

Zac stuffed in as many pieces as possible, and then two more, and with his muscles and Snow White's pneumatics, they managed to close the doors. Zac stepped back, eyeing the Rotom carefully. "See? Easy as that!" He said. Something deep within the machine started to chug, as it struggled to hold the doors shut against the entire watermelon that they had just stuffed into the little robot. 


7v7 Watermelon contest rules:
-Roll with your post
-If you roll 80+, that Pokemon will throw up in your next post (awarding you 0 points)
-At the end, highest total score wins!

ZAC: 65 points
NOAH: 65 points

Weavile vs Space Watermelons

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the machampion
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kyle lopez
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2021 5:46:33 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 noah's hitmonchan struggles to devour its watermelon chunks. the smooth rind slips off its glove-like hands. water-logged fruit flesh slaps against the table and scatters as the pokemon huffs in frustration.

in the meantime, noah is busy chomping away. mouth as bulbous as a greedent's, pink watermelon streams dribble in between his fingers.

"what'smmff- goin' on with yournnghmff," noah's adam's apple bobs, "rotom, man?!"


[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon crabominable"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hitmonchan"]

zac: 94
noah: 82

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2021 6:00:39 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

"Nothing mate! Nothing at all," Zac said, convincingly. "Why? Uh, what's going on with your Rotom?" It was a cunning reply, and sure to keep Noah distracted for a few seconds.

Thankfully, the pressure inside the fridge lessened, and Snow White settled down. A moment later a stream of black seeds shot out of her ice cube dispenser.

Next up was Garth the Aggron. Garth was a dab hand at eating huge round things. Truck tires, wrecking balls, extra large donuts. He couldn't get enough. "Ready mate? Aley-oop!" Zac shouted, tossing the watermelon high into the air. It soared back down, right into the waiting, gaping, jaws of the hungry metal monster.  


7v7 Watermelon contest rules:
-Roll with your post
-If you roll 80+, that Pokemon will throw up in your next post (awarding you 0 points)
-At the end, highest total score wins!

ZAC: 162 points
NOAH: 82 points

Weavile vs Space Watermelons


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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 22:46:25 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 the question is a sucker punch and briefly, noah is forced to contend with considering a reality in which he owned a rotom. he did not.

as seeds fly from the rotom frost, noah's urshifu furrows its brow. knit together like rope, it is the face of intense focus.

and in a single strike that rocks the table, the watermelon before it bursts into several chunks that fly into the mouths of its peers.

rinds litter the table. the fruit juice becomes sticky against the skin under the summer eat. "getting full yetmmphf??" noah taunts, watermelons growing in his gut.


[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon crabominable"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hitmonchan"]

zac: 162

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The Robust
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 10:50:02 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

"Full? Please mate, this is my third eating contest today!" Zac said, not realizing that such close-knit experience was not a boon in this situation. "What about you? Your Urshifu is looking a bit green around the gills!"

"Okay Kibou ready-" Zac stopped. The watermelon in front of Kibou was already gone. The little Dunsparce looked up at him with an unreadable squint. What had happened to the watermelon? Zac frowned, trying to tell if the Dunsparce had already swallowed it whole. He was the right size...


7v7 Watermelon contest rules:
-Roll with your post
-If you roll 80+, that Pokemon will throw up in your next post (awarding you 0 points)
-At the end, highest total score wins!

ZAC: 166 points
NOAH: 82 points

Weavile vs Space Watermelons


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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 7:24:38 GMT
noah faber Avatar

the bear's technique draws the awe of spectators— but it is the encore that summons the standing ovation. noah's urshifu, from the tower of vomit, runs from the table to unleash a flurry of pink on nearby sand.

"uh, he'll be okay." noah says. he's not sure if a droplet of sweat is sliding down his cheek or watermelon juice.

his machamp lifts a watermelon, crushing it with his barehands before shoveling the imploded fruit down its throat.


[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon crabominable"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hitmonchan"]

zac: 166
noah: 98

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 8:22:18 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

"Tough break. He's not the first to fall prey to these deadly red and green buggers," Zac said, shaking his head as Urshifu was sick on the sand.

Tapu Bulu was up next, and just as had been the case in their preceding battle, the legendary was a slow starter. "Get in there mate! Smash that thing and get a gob full!" Zac said, miming shoving watermelon into his mouth. Tapu Bulu, who already knew how to eat, looked at him with half-closed eyes.

The bull had just been through a rough battle. It wasn't a fan of being punched, and the Urshifu had absolutely pummeled Bulu during their fight. Bulu had broken out its signature move 'tree' to no effect, with every one of the coastal pines meeting the same fate: turned to woodchips under the iron fists of that brutal boxer.

Bulu's Megahorn had been enough to win that matchup, but only just, and when faced with the fresh Machamp, Noah's ace in the hole, the four-armed fighter had come out on top. 

"Grab a bite mate!" Zac said, pushing the watermelon closer. "Come on. You've earned it." Bulu looked at him with sleepy eyes, before prodding the fruit with one horn. HORN LEECH pulled the juice from the melon, leaving it withered and brown. Zac winced at the waste of top-shelf melon. "Bit of a shame, but whatever floats your boat,"


7v7 Watermelon contest rules:
-Roll with your post
-If you roll 80+, that Pokemon will throw up in your next post (awarding you 0 points)
-At the end, highest total score wins!

ZAC: 237 points
NOAH: 98 points

Tapu Bulu vs Watermelons!


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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 3:28:41 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 the tapu bulu's appearance in their previous battle was an inevitability. yet, noah could not possibly prepare for the power of the bull. his urshifu was forced to MEGA EVOLVE to exhaust the deity before his ace could be switched in.

it was a bastardized performance of breaking. no karate blocks. just explosions of sandy tree and grainy bark. still, a potent MEGAHORN was enough to take the bear down with a clangorous crash.

"i don't think i'll be able to eat watermelon ever again after this t-b-h." noah groans.

his crabominable's white fur is dyed in pink. should watermelon seeds remain nestled within its locks, perhaps, they would take root and grow.

a watermelon is chomped by its guillotine jaws.


[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hariyama"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon crabominable"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon hitmonchan"]

zac: 237
noah: 174

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The Robust
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Zac vs Noah [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 14:47:39 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

"Yeah," Zac said, feeling a bit full himself, "it feels like a great time for a lie down though." Maybe it was Bulu's influence, or maybe just the call of Summer that made his eyelids droop. He yawned, stretched, and slapped his cheeks.
Focus Ramsay

It was time for Zac's ace. The little legend that had taken on Machamp and very nearly won. The bug would forever go down as the one who gave Noah's ace a nasty nip. But now it was time to but that metal to the melon, so to speak. 

With his signature flair, Don SKITTER SMACKER the watermelon, shooting around to dig into it from behind. The poor fruit never saw it coming. 


7v7 Watermelon contest rules:
-Roll with your post
-If you roll 80+, that Pokemon will throw up in your next post (awarding you 0 points)
-At the end, highest total score wins!

ZAC: 245 points
NOAH: 176 points



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