twenty five
february 24
let us live, since we must die
TAG WITH @knox
knox prescott
terms [c]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 16:17:21 GMT
i drank up all my money
days kinda get lonely he's been licking his fingers wounds, coming back/getting out. he made a quick buck on that mission and he made himself one too many promises and then he couldn't keep them all, and if you can't keep the one, why keep the rest? so it's all gone down the drain and in his arm and on his teeth, but the world is all the more brighter for it. and he's laughing as he's climbing a mountain, because he's invincible. his legs don't tire and his breath is infinite.
captain scampers ahead of him, checking for loosened rocks, ensuring he does not trip.
he's here to laugh in the face of death (he's here to balk at his own demise). he's here to declare himself a god.
the others on the trail, that climb with a reverent solemnity, burn holes with their hateful gazes. but he does not care. they should be rejoicing. death smothers them like a heavy blanket and he is immune to their struggles. why can they not follow him through this cursed darkness?
captain looks uneasy. she leads him, like a child, off the beaten path, and he is none the wiser. the mourners' sniffles and cries die down and her fur settles; alone, he is less of a disaster.
and finally, realizing his lack of audience, knox stops. a fog has settled. he wraps his arms around himself and sits heavily on the ground with a sigh. captain nuzzles closer to him and he scratches the pikachu behind her ears.
"is this it?" he asks to no one in particular.