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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 20:19:49 GMT
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the ground trembled with each step the drampa had taken, the creature in the midst of forcing its way through the town; leaving a swath of destruction in its wake. 

"i've never seen something that big before.

its size rivaled that of the homes it passed, its deceptively rounded features strained as its mouth opened wide to release a flurry of hot flames. thankfully, a vast majority of the local population had been evacuated - leaving their properties at the drampa's mercy as it indiscriminately destroyed whatever lay before it. 

'we need to do enough damage to make it leave this area,' she thought, considering her orders. 'that's all that's expected from us.' 

cait could only hope that they could manage that much, fearing that their numbers were far too insignificant to deal the damage needed to force the rampaging pokemon's retreat. regardless, she wasn't willing to abandon her mission; determined to prevent more needless destruction from taking place. 

"we need to get into firing distance, tropius. that means getting closer.

the young officer was mounted upon her tropius, the creature effortlessly carrying the combined weight of both his mistress and the lurantis and florges that had been chosen to partake in this particular assignment. they neared but remained wary of the flames that the creature released as they sought out a decent enough position within the skies. tropius had a simple enough time of it, the abundance of flame and heat resulting in favorable conditions that allowed him to maneuver without too much resistance.

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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 20:42:03 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]missions weren't exactly his thing. up until a few weeks ago, elias was just one of the top models in all of hoenn. and then, of course, at the very height of his success came the flooding of political questions from his interviewers. 

mr. orion, do you have anything to say to those who have been afflicted by the slateport invasion?

and his agent. good, arceus, his agent. the possibilities of it all! citizens' faith in the league has been dropping steadily ever since the good commissioner went and got herself abducted. so several days of phone calls and contracts later and elias orion is now one of the biggest faces of the league (style-wise, of course). but any good paparazzi they can get at this point is evidently worth it because they'd accepted wholeheartedly.

he flies sidesaddle on an aggravated noivern. the bat pokemon has made it clear he wants none of this. he's a coordinator pokemon through and through, made to dazzle and wow crowds, be the backdrop to eli's magazine covers. 

he's never envisioned himself a loyal steed heading off into battle, possibly dying in a blaze of glory. how drab

elias, sensing his companion's frustrations, cuffs him behind the ear and tells him it'll all be over soon. he hopes it's true because arceus knows he's not a trainer either. why doing actual missions for the league was part of the contract, he can't understand, but if this goes wrong--

he sees the fire. and his eyes widen and his thin frame starts shaking and he nearly buckles under the pressure, but people are pointing at him now as they run with their belongings in their hands. people are looking at him and they're not just admiring him; they're trusting him. 

trusting him to deliver on a promise he never meant to make. 

he swings one leg around and nestles properly on ambrosia's neck. the noivern dips down and then flares out his wings, catching an updraft so that they may scan the debacle below them. 

most everyone is running from the wreckage save for a few courageous water pokemon trainers and a girl riding a giant leafy dinosaur. and it's then that elias remembers he has a partner. 

"oh, thank arceus. she can do all the work." he adjusts his braid, tucks a stray bang behind his ear. "catch up to her." 

ambrosia snorts, but follows instructions begrudgingly. the pair look at their partner and her pokemon curiously before elias cracks a smile and says, "well, hello, partner. you ready to do this?"

there's a crash somewhere below them. "so what's the plan?" 

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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 21:09:16 GMT
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cait urged her pokemon to maintain a hover as she tugged her gaze away from her pre-determined target in favor of peering in the direction of elias. he was a pretty-faced fellow, his features distinctive and handsome in quality. 

'i think i've seen him before.' 

a question danced at the tip of her tongue before she swallowed it down, deciding that it'd be far more appropriate to focus upon the mission at hand.

'you're an officer - act like one,' she thought. 

"we're going to maintain as much distance as we possibly can while luring it away from the town,
" cait said. 

her pokemon peered curiously in the direction of the pair as she spoke, her tropius even investing a little bit of effort toward craning his neck to eye the dragon that elias was mounted upon. 

"i'll be firing off the first attack," cait continued. "once that happens, just follow my lead. we'll be heading west - which is basically the opposite direction of where odale's center is.

they hadn't been spotted yet - which meant they had the advantage. the green-eyed officer peered over her shoulder at her companions before nodding her head. 

"just try not to get in the way of its attacks. i'll be handling a bulk of this, alright?"

cait sucked in a breath, a tremble present in her hand as she raised it toward the sky. 


the grass-type's eyes narrowed before she stood upon the tropius's broad back, the pokemon prepared to heed whatever command would follow. 

"'sunny day'!

a glow wrapped around the grass-type's prominent scythes before the limbs were raised high, a great power released from them after a short period of preparation. the sun's light would intensify at that moment, a potent heat descending upon the trainers and their respective companions after the 'sunny day' had settled. 


the drampa rumbled, visibly confused by the altered weather as it peered skyward to locate the source of the change. 

"'solar beam', tropius!

with the aid of 'sunny day', the beam burst forth only a moment later, the power originating from the tropius's gaping maw before descending onto the drampa. the power rocked the creature as it impacted its midsection, the pokemon releasing a terrible roar tinged with pain and filled with fury as it retaliated with a 'dragon breath'. 


her tropius was spurred into action by his mistress's shout, deftly dodging the attack before moving to lure the dragon-type away.

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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2019 4:46:16 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]he tries to invest his attention. truly, he does, but all this stimulation is something he's just not used to. he's used to flashing cameras, gaggling onlookers, demands from his photographers, constant phone calls--all chatter with different volumes that make sense

and this? this is just chaos

he's busy hyperventilating and hyper-focusing (or at least appearing as if he's managing the latter) to his partner's words, but between the screams below them, the wind in his ears, and his own blood thrashing about in his eardrums, he can't catch more than a few sentences. 

he does, however, hear 'i'll be handling a bulk of this, alright' and so he nods dumbly, thankfully. ah, to have this mission thrust into more capable hands is more than he could have hoped for. 

ambrosia, on the other hand, although preened to the same lifestyle as his trainer, circles and makes a chittering noise of annoyance. 

"gods, don't bring your ego into this, rose. don't you dare." 

it never ends well when the bat pokemon gets a certain look on his face (lips slightly curled, eyes creased, ears tilted a few degrees back) and elias sees a few of the signs start to surface on the dragon's expression when suddenly elias is blind

the model yelps and nearly throws himself off of ambrosia in the process of throwing his hands in front of his eyes. fingers fumble and hit plastic and, oh, perfect. he had nearly forgotten about his sunglasses. 'and how stupid of me to forget. they complete this look. aaron would have my head if i didn't snag a few photos with these on for those promos.' 

he slides the rose-tinted chic glasses over the bridge of his nose and turns his attention to his mission partner just in time to watch her leafy dinosaur expel an enormous beam of light from its maw. 

"see," he says as he leans over his pokemon's neck. "they got this. they totally got this." 

and then comes the retaliation. it's thanks to cait that they move in time. ambrosia moves with a hurried start, wincing as his wing gets clipped by some of the blue flames. and then he gets that look and before elias can scold him, his annoyance turns into gut-wrenching fear as he suddenly starts plummeting. 

"a-mbro-sia, what the fuck?" he yells as the noivern races towards the drampa, head tucked, ears blasting a SUPERSONIC

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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2019 5:28:41 GMT
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cait's cry came far too late - the 'supersonic' having struck the drampa directly. as it was in the midst of shifting the entirety of its focus toward the trainers and their respective companions, it was struck by the temporary ailment, and would sway unsteadily upon its feet. 

"we needed to lure it out! it's going to cause way more damage to the surrounding area now!

and the dragon-type did just that, flailing about and severely damaging any amount of infrastructure that had been within reach as it released yet another gout of fire.

'damage control,' she thought, frantic. 'damage control.' 

"we're going to have to rush this along," she said, frowning deeply. "it's time to go on the offense!"

cait commanded the pokemon she was mounted upon to draw closer, which would allow for her florges and lurantis to fire off their attacks at a far more manageable distance.

"florges, use 'moon blast'!


the fairy opened her dainty mouth wide, a sphere of energy manifesting before it was promptly thrust toward the bewildered target. it inflicted a decent amount of damage, the drampa grimaced in reaction to the blast.  

"tropius, use 'airslash'!

the pokemon flexed his wings and flapped them harshly in the direction of the dragon-type, blades of air that were infused with the tropius's power slamming into the dragon.

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 0:30:22 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]'i'm right there with you, honey,' he thinks, stomach still doing somersaults. he'd been just fine riding on the girl's coattails and making himself look pretty up in the sky for everyone else to see. 

ambrosia doesn't take lightly to being scolded, though elias supposes the way his muscles go rigid and his indignant chirp come from a more sheepish deniability than anything else. the noivern is still circling (far too) close to the drampa when cait readies her next onslaught, which means that poor ambrosia has no idea what's hit him when half of the florges' moonbeam clips his wing. 

elias laughs, doubling over from the force of his deep-throated guffaws, and ambrosia's shoulders roll. the trainer's stomach drops again as they free-fall through the air. bright blue and purple flame narrowly miss searing elias' face and the model yelps, slams a closed fist on ambrosia's head.

the noivern flares open his wings again and drifts back out of range; this time his chirps are those ambrosia is more used to: smug amusement. 

"hmm, well," he muses as the air slash from the leafy dinosaur blasts into the confused drampa. the dragon slams backwards from the force of the impact and elias winces as a lovely looking farmhouse loses their attached garage. "it would seem that our partner's right about the damage we've caused."

he adjusts his shades. "i mean you caused." the noivern shakes again, but this time elias fists his fingers in the dragon's furry mane and hunkers down. 

"can't you blow it out of the residential area or something so she can get a clear shot?" 

ambrosia's ears twitch and then the bat dragon circles around cait and her tropius. elias leans back as they go, shrugs his shoulders to cait, and gives an extravagant salute before ambrosia dives again, wings flaring suddenly to put them at a standstill. he flaps furiously and harsh winds pick up underneath the drampa. the dragon braces himself against the ground, but outstretched claws lose their purchase on the ground as he's pushed back several feet. 

elias holds onto his shades and yells up to his partner-- "can you get a clear shot?"

also elias is an idiot and doesn't know what like 50% of pokemon are (leafy dinosaur??)

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 1:37:51 GMT
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cait couldn't help but be impressed by the dragon's capabilities, the creature's actions having offered them just enough room to comfortably work with. the drampa, despite its immense girth, was forced into an area that was clear of property. the residential damage would be minimal if she and her respective companions struck now. 


the girl urged her tropius to press closer as the rampaging dragon-type struggled to coordinate itself. that thick fog of confusion it was presently suffering from effectively preventing it from properly aiming its attacks. 

'this may be our chance to scare it off.' 

"tropius - 'solar beam'! florges - 'moon blast'!"

both prepared their energy-based projectiles and would release them simultaneously. the coordinated action managed to deal a significant amount of damage and force the drampa to hastily reconsider if it were willing to stay. confused and injured, it would move to retreat immediately after. it was a sloppy and sluggish exit - but still very much an exit as it hurried away.

"we did it!

cait couldn't help but raise her arms above her head, her relief palpable as she grinned widely at the sight of the drampa's back.  she'd sober moments later as she peered down at the damage the pokemon had caused. 

"it's a shame we couldn't prevent any of this from happening," she said, mournful. "let's just hope and pray it doesn't come back."

she'd soon eye elias with a curious look in her eye, her brows raised high upon her forehead as she did so.

'he looks so familiar. and i have absolutely no idea why.' 

her tropius neatly landed several meters away from the pair, his mistress remaining mounted upon his back as she took stock of the discord that the drampa had wrought.

"thanks for helping out," cait said. "i'll handle contacting the league to arrange for this area to be cleaned up.

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 4:02:22 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]it skids down the street accordingly. elias clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "poor thing." but what little pity he has for the dragon comes and goes rather quickly when it sends another bout of flame towards them.

as a newly appointed member of the league, perhaps he should be concerned as to why the dragon is here in the first place. it's probably his job to go and investigate or something. or is that his job? 

gods, this is exhausting. 

two more heavy-handed attacks pummel into the drampa and the dragon finally calls it a day. whatever led him into town isn't worth the pain. 

elias could almost collapse from the relief. and he nearly does. as soon as ambrosia hits the ground, the noivern makes a noise of discontent and attempts to shake him off. elias slides off from his back rather graciously and readjusts his braid (it sits coyly over his left shoulder). 

"ah, it was no trouble at all. i'm sorry ambrosia here wouldn't let you have all the fun. you certainly had yourselves under control." he walks lithely over to cait and holds out a dainty hand towards her. "elias orion, m'dear. what a pleasure to meet you. i'll have my agent see about sending you something for ensuring our safety today." 

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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2019 11:20:45 GMT
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cait's neatly groomed brows rose high upon her forehead. 
"'elias orion'?

her tone was saturated in what could appropriately be described as disbelief. 

"the 'elias orion'?

she'd squint at him for the span of a few seconds before her eyes grew round with alarm. the girl's surprise prevented her from returning his polite gesture, her facial features twisting to reflect the emotion. 

"gods above," she breathed. "you are elias.

cait hadn't imagined that she'd encounter someone whose status was comparable to that of a celebrities. this man was renown in the social media sphere that she familiar with, the girl having developed a fascination for fashion and the fashionable. 

"what are you even doing out here?

surely the man should be someplace far from the battlefield or a patch of rural farmland such as this one? additionally, the pretty-faced fellow appeared ill-suited for handling league-related business - 

"there's absolutely no way you're league," she said.

she shook her head, her hand reaching up to brush aside a few locks of curled hair that had clung onto her sweaty forehead. the 'sunny day's' heat still hung heavy in the air, after all. 

"ah - gods. lurantis! florges!

her pokemon dismounted as she beckoned them to her side before prodding a finger toward the ruined homes. 

"perimeter check," she said. "make sure those houses are empty. if you see any pokeballs laying around retrieve them. we'll need to make sure any and all pokemon are returned to their respective owners.

they'd dip their heads in acknowledgement before hurrying off to obey their mistress's commands.

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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2019 22:15:59 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]flattery will get anyone far in life. that's eli's token advice to anyone who asks, and it's blatantly obvious that her shocked and slightly awed realization feeds his ego. his chest puffs, chin raises higher, and an ecstatic, smug smile takes over his dazzling features. 

he rolls his eyes when she asks the question, though the action is hidden behind his rose-tinted glasses. he waves it off and says, "honey, i've been asking myself the same thing for weeks now."

he fishes for his phone. ambrosia looks up from inspecting his wounded wing, brow raised as if he expects his trainer to unclasp the pokeball swinging on his phone's keychain. but elias simply unlocks the screen and scrolls; he flips through his picture gallery and pulls up a magazine from a few issues back.

"i told them to post it on more social media rather than print it, but your association--well, our association--is rather stuck in the times." and there he is, outfitted in classic league gear, riding on the back of ambrose and into some imaginary battle against the infamous rocket. 

"it was a little kitchy for my tastes and they refused to listen to me about my angles." he sniffs petulantly and pockets his phone again. 

and then it's his turn to be a bit awed. "they really listen to you," he says, gaze sliding back to his dragon. the beast chuffs with laughter and then spreads his wings and takes off. 

"you know," he says slowly, finger tapping against his nose, "you handled yourself very well out there and you're, what, sixteen? twenty? as it turns out, the league wants me to make appearances like this. i wasn't aware until recently that active participation was going to be a part of this whole pr scam."

his grin widens. "my point is--i could use some tips--training?--from a talented individual such as yourself. i'm sure my agent would agree." he laughs at what will surely be aaron's expression, and groan to follow. 

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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2019 0:58:26 GMT
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"i'm nineteen," she said. 

once again her gaze would sweep across his form, her look analytical as her painted lips pressed into a thin line. 

"so it's true... i - well, i knew about you and the league.

she'd squint her eyes, her expression pinched as she continued to address the celebrity. 

"but i honestly didn't expect that you'd be doing any field work.

cait had assumed that he'd join in name and face only and not be made to commit fully. his mere presence within the ranks could inspire his following to donate or join the war effort. elias was an individual who had the power to influence and potentially sway thousands

'i don't know why the top brass think having him out here is a good idea,' she thought. 

"i'll - "

she hesitated for a moment before she steeled herself and continued onward with her proposal. 

"i'll help you," she said. "whenever you're assigned a mission drop my name - it's officer alfric - and i should be able to accompany you if i'm available.

cait was very much concerned about the starlight's well-being. she'd gesture toward his pocketed phone and gave him a series of digits - and would repeat it upon request. 

"that's my personal number," she informed. "if you need any help don't hesitate to contact me.

she'd glance at the destruction again and release a puff of air. 

"i need to prioritize this whole debacle, i'm afraid. i'd honestly love to stand around and chat but i can't. i hope you understand?

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