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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 8:00:05 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]reasonable. that's what this is. it's a reasonable request. flying out to battle against an enraged, oversized dragon? that's what elias likes to call unreasonable. 

but lending a helping hand, answering a distress call from a (rather lovely) couple of old folks? completely reasonable. 

so he has a skip to his step as he follows the directions given to him in the mission statement. teddy and graham want a weekend to themselves away from their humble abode in lavaridge. points to them for being gay. elias is already over the moon and in love with the two men. points to them for also being so adorable that they are afraid to leave their peach tree unattended.

but he plays it cool, makes sure his smile is dazzling, not displaying the giddy elation he feels. gods, this is going to be so easy. just meet up with his partner at the house, learn the ropes, watch some television and babysit a tree. a tree. it'll sit there in the backyard while he can close his eyes and get some beauty rest. 

and then he'll take a few pictures in front of it, end up in the latest issue of the league's report to the public, and the public will lap this up

he would know. he's the professional. 

he stops just shy of their mailbox, admiring the squat two-story, yet still humble, cottage. a small garden curls around its front, lovingly tended to, and the grass is lush and green even amidst the layers of ash that cover the ground. 

he checks his phone and finds, surprisingly, that he's early, though only by a few minutes. 

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 22:05:16 GMT
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Stormy had anguished over which request to choose. There had been so many options on how to help the citizens of Hoenn. How as she supposed to just.. pick one? The truth was, she was going to pick them all, she had plans in mind to help every single person on this list.

Unfortunately, you can't do it all at once. While she crossed off the list tending to a sick Mareep in Lilycove city from some sickness - yes, now she knew some herb smarts, go team! - she was about to knock of request number two: babysit an old peach tree.

While this didn't seem like the type of thing she did, she was stubborn and determined to prove she was useful to the League. She was absolutely going to blow Fernando out of the water and make a name for herself, and not just be referred to as 'Oh, you're related to Fernando Silph?'

Besides, this old couple seemed like genuinely good, happy people. They were friendly, bubbly, and offered a handsome reward for.. nothing! All she had to do was sit around and house-sit and make sure nothing bad happened to their precious peach tree. They droned on and on about how they had planted it together as kids and then fell in love and moved in to tend to it, and all that sappy shit.

But.. they meant well, and Stormy was struck by their determination to both keep their relationship alive, and a tree well-cared for. She adored that, honestly.

So, Stormy begins her trek to the house in question, a content little smile on her face. Her mucked up sneakers scuff the ground with each step, as if she's stepping and making beats to some sort of song. She's wearing earbuds, bobbing her head and nodding along to some catchy tune. Every once in a while she begins to snap her fingers and bounce her shoulders, doing a little dance and really jiving with her music.

She promptly plucks her earbuds out though as she arrives and sees a very tall man standing up ahead of her. Oh, right, she had to watch this with a partner. It seemed a little.. overkill, but she was willing to roll with it. As long as this guy wasn't an idiot and cost her this job, she'd be happy.

"Hey! You stuck on tree-sitting duty too? Got any ideas on how to spend the evening, other than watching this tree?"
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POSTED ON Jan 19, 2019 3:27:11 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]he picks up a hand and curls his fingers in a small wave in response. he'd secretly been hoping that his partner was a beautiful young man like himself and that they could meet for the first time doing a good deed for an amazing couple before them, elias could get whisked off his feet, and the two would live happily ever after. so he's somewhat heartbroken when a pretty young woman walks his way, but it doesn't bother him all too much. 

"well," he says and removes the house key from the envelope he'd been given. "i for one was going to go through old photos of them and dig into their personal lives. i'm not going to steal anything, but i'm so curious about them. wouldn't you agree?" 

he starts to walk towards the house, noting the carefully placed stepping stones leading up to the front door. with a bit of flair, he turns the key into the lock and opens the door wide for his companion, graciously bowing as he does so. 

"after you, honey. and i'm elias, by the way. a pleasure." 

petition for them to uncover creepy pictures of the tree while they go thru their shit pls pls

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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 4:42:36 GMT
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Stormy lifts her hand instinctively to wave back, though she hadn't really meant to. The man just seemed so friendly that she hadn't even noticed herself being polite in return. She's smiling at him, curious about his demeanour.

What really surprises her is his response to their plans for the night. He's straight to the point, and the nitty gritty point. He's here to have fun and kick off and do hooligan shit. He was exactly her cup of tea.

"Um, hell yes? I'm in. Show me the money, pal."

She follows after him as he makes his way to the front door. Stormy also takes in the wonderous beauty of the property. There's a built-in pond in the back, and she's pretty sure she can see some Goldeen swimming idly back and forth. The whole garden smells like flowers and honeysuckle, and she can't help but take a deep breath and appreciate it.

The woman turns back to look at Elias as he introduces himself. The door is open and he's inviting her to take the first step inside. She does so hungrily, eyes looking back and forth for the first thing to get her grubby hands on. Like he had said, they weren't going to steal anything, they were just curious.

"The pleasure is all mine, I'm Stormy.
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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 5:55:18 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]"stormy," he repeats. "i like it." definitely one of the names of a drag queen friend of his, though he doubts this woman gets her name for the same reasons. he thinks fondly of his old circle of friends, feels a diminutive moment of regret. he hasn't had time to catch up with them since all of this league business started happening. hell, he doesn't even know if amy g. dala has moved on from their muffin man counterpart. oh, if those weren't the days. the simple, petty, dramatic days. 

he sighs and lopes after his partner. soft blue eyes take in the cozy space around him. of course, their decor is elegant and tasteful. he admires the cleanliness, and appreciates the zen garden sitting on the kitchen windowsill, surrounded by curls of ivy. 

"do you think they'll let me marry them when they get back?" he asks with a lopsided grin. "i've always wanted a couple of sugar daddies."

he moves closer to the kitchen window to get a better look at the plants and then exclaims a short, "oh!" 

the garden in the backyard is just brilliant. all of the hedges are trimmed and the flowers brim with vibrant colors. it strikes him as odd, then, when he spies the peach tree. 

the gnarled roots twist into the loamy earth. there's a wide berth of space around it and he almost swears all the flowers look like they're bending away from it...

he shrugs, turns to stormy and juts a thumb over his shoulder. "found the peach tree. it's not going anywhere fast. you spot any family albums yet? let's cozy up on the couch and go digging." 

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POSTED ON Jan 23, 2019 3:01:34 GMT
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"Doesn't hurt to ask, I guess."

There's a small smile on her face, though she doesn't take interest in marrying. She's not one to settle down anytime soon, even if her suitor has money. She's probably taking his joke too seriously, but it's too late to laugh and pretend it was funny.

When Elias exclaims in surprise and awe, Stormy rushes to join him. Her shoulder brushes his as she leans up from the counter to try and catch a glimpse of what he's looking at.

"What? What's out there?"

The garden seems normal, peaceful even. Everything is prim and proper and perfectly well taken care of. There's nothing out of order or out of the ordinary in the slightest. In fact, maybe that's why Stormy has an unsettling feeling in her gut.

But maybe it's because the only imperfect thing in the whole garden is the gnarly, snarly rooted peach tree standing in the center of the backyard. It seems off, somehow, like it doesn't quite belong. Like everything else in the garden doesn't want it there and it's some sort of bad omen.

She also shrugs, turning away from the window. She can't help but admire the setup. Everything in this house looks expensive and pristine. It sort of reminds her of her stuffy home life, but this house seems a lot more welcoming and well loved.

"Let's check the bookshelves."
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2019 16:56:16 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]and check the bookshelves they do. he traipses closer to them,  not the least bit interested in the bookish content they hold. instead, he admires the small knickknacks that line the shelves. fierce, twisted dragon-like legendaries (that he, of course, doesn't recognize) scuffle in a frozen battle. 

several different ceramics--handmade bowls and vases, are tucked into the corners. a few house small, fake flowers, their long stems twisting playfully. he touches almost all of it, humming idly to himself.

while running a finger down the length of a noivern statue, he blinks. he gently brushes the figurine aside and withdraws a book with a thick spine. its cover is made of some type of leather. he sniffs it. it's real. there is no title on its front pages, only a single eye etched onto the front. 

he holds it up to stormy. "uh, creepy or what?" 

he collects his finding and makes his way back to the couch, lounges back very much like a cat and, with slender fingers, opens the strange book to its first page. "oh. it's a scrapbook. how odd." there are grainy baby photos plastered lovingly on the first couple of pages. 

after skimming through it for a bit, he realizes that the book is separated by 'chapters.' he skims their adolescence and then finds where they'd met--in their late twenties, it seems--and then pauses. 

he raises a brow. "does this look a bit...odd to you?" he asks as he turns the book towards stormy. 

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POSTED ON Jan 26, 2019 6:47:44 GMT
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Stormy is on the other side of the room, admiring their wide-spread collection of tiny little snow globes. They've stored them in a small cabinet in the corner of the room somewhere, likely due to the fact that Christmas had long past and they had cleaned up their holiday decorations.

But, she had a soft spot for tiny, delicate pieces of glass locked in frozen horror as white flakes of.. whatever the fuck danced around them. Okay, maybe a little morbid.

She set the Froslass globe down gently, shaking her head and frowning at her oddly malevolent thoughts. Since she had entered the house she had felt.. strange. This was just another bout of it.

Elias had found something else of particular interest, and was on his way to the couch. She caught a glimpse of the book as he lifted it for her to see, and she immediately made her way to sit on the carpet next to him.

When he turns the book to her for her to look at, suggesting that there is something odd about it, she takes the book from his hands.

Inside, it appears that after the couple had met, there were a series of very.. peculiar photos. They seemed normal enough: two happy, gay men hopelessly in love, but one of them seemed to favour black and white clothing, while the other wore exuberantly bright ones.

"Well... they do say opposite attract, right?"

Unbenownst to her, but likely what Elias was actually talking about, there was a very ominously dark shadow hanging around in the corner of almost every photo.

As she would skim through, it almost appeared as though the couple was growing more and more anxious, like something in the background were bothering them. Spooky, right?

Stormy shrugs, clearly not putting the pieces together that one of the men has a ghost for a friend, one who was very obviously jealous.

"Seems like normal, usual , weird shit to me."
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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2019 0:58:50 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]elias had been talking about the couple's choice of wardrobe. the black spot on the photos he'd attributed to poor camerawork, or a defect in the camera, because the last thing his brain would go to is that there are ghosts in the photos, and that those ghosts are causing the unease that ripples throughout the scrapbook. 

"i suppose you're right. people are unique." he doesn't believe that. most people are the same. same shallow goals, same shallow needs, same shallow wants. very few dare to dream big. (like himself.) 

it's the unmistakable sound of a branch snapping that has him jerking his head up from his perusal. he shoots a look at stormy and shrinks further into the couch like the coward he is, bright eyes looking anxiously to the window. 

"um, what the hell was that?" 

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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2019 3:29:41 GMT
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Her fingers brush over the age-old photos in the book one last time before she closes it. They've sort of begun to creep her out now, some unsettling feeling of being watched making her skin tingle.

"Yeah.. unique is one word for it."

She sniffs, trying to shake off this odd feeling she's getting. But when she lifts her hand to brush her hair over her shoulder, to try and calm herself down, the sound of a branch snapping startles her. She might have screamed or squeaked or made some noise in protest that suggested she was scared.

There's a sickening feeling of dread that causes her neck to feel unbearably warm. Her heart is pounding faster than normal, her breathing a little strained.

She looks down at Elias, who has now sunk further into the chair to 'hide' or something.

"I... um, I have no idea. Didn't sound good. We should check on the tree."

Being the brave one, she leaps off the couch with much fervor, as if trying to prove to herself that she isn't afraid of some bumps in the night. She presses her face up against the window, trying to get a view of the tree. There's something moving outside, and she can see that a branch has been ripped off the peach tree.

And it didn't look like the tree had been dying or dropping branches before, which concerned her.

"Hey, uh, maybe we should go outside. I think something is attacking the tree. One of its branches is broken off, and I don't think it was like that when we got here."
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ash & peaches [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2019 23:44:14 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]is this how all horror movies start? oh, gods, it is. the quaint, perfect home. the adorable couple. the creepy peach tree in the back. something is terribly wrong with this house and while elias would laugh himself to death if you tried to tell him ghosts were real, he certainly isn't laughing right now. logic is telling him that it's nothing, that everything is fine, but his flair for the dramatic sends his mind spinning and he has visions of a psychokiller chopping away at the peach tree, waiting until the two trainers step outside so he can take a swing at them instead....

oh, if only he could rely on ambrosia. but his pride makes him stubborn. there's no way he's going to call the bat out to save his skin, not even if it costs him his life. 

no, instead, when stormy suggests going outside, he forces himself off the bed and shakily goes into the kitchen. he looks out the window, shocked at the splintered remains of one of the peach tree's branches. are those...claw marks?

he rips open a cabinet and grabs a cast iron skillet, small frame dipping under its weight for a moment. he grunts and hoists it over his shoulder, swallowing nervously and giving the go-ahead to stormy. 

"i can't believe this. i cannot fucking believes this.

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Stormy Silph
ash & peaches [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2019 1:06:39 GMT
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some notes can go heeeeeeeere. it'll scroll if you write enough, which - future me - you will inevitably do because you have no idea how to shut up. ouo

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She's sweating. It stinks. She can feel it trickling down the back of her neck.[break][break]

Stormy's never been one to back down from a fight, but spooky noises and unseen enemies have always scared her.[break][break]

With tentative steps, the woman crosses the threshold of the porch, her feet slipping slightly on the now dampened deck. Somewhere along the line, the temperature had dropped and rain clouds had formed overhead. Rain poured from the sky in an onslaught, flattening the grass.[break][break]

She's only just now realized she's come out here utterly defenseless. When she looks over her shoulder, she sees Elias wielding a cast iron skillet, though he looks so feeble and shaky that it's hard to imagine him swinging it without taking himself out.[break][break]

"Look at that!"[break][break]

With a jab, Stormy points to the ground where the branch it. There are deep, gouging scratches in it. Splinters mark the open wound of the branch. Someone had definitely ripped it from its perch. There was something else about it though that worried Stormy. Upon further inspection, the leaves on the broken branch seemed to be immediately wilting.[break][break]

"Something broke this."[break][break]

A flash of movement startles her, and she drops the branch with a squeal of shock, before her hand reaches to her belt instinctively.[break][break]

Out pops Chansey in all her puffy pink glory. The sweet Pokemon blinks up at Stormy in confusion, before turning all the way around to see what was going on. She shivered due to the cold droplets on her head, but looked at Stormy will all the love in the world.[break][break]

"There's someone else here with us, Chansey. Can you keep watch? They might be dangerous."[break][break]

There's a tremble in her voice, and the Chansey immediately turns onto the defensive. Her eyes grow narrow and serious and she seems to puff out her chest in determination as she looks around.[break][break]

From behind the base of the tree, spooky, sorrowful eyes peek in the darkness. Stormy catches sight of them and opens her mouth to tell Chansey to blast it with thunderbolt. However, as she narrows her eyes to see through the downpour, she brushes damp hair out of her eyes and notices something odd.[break][break]

"Wait a minute. There's a child out here!"[break][break]

She points, and there's the noise of pitiful crying. Unfortunately, before she has a chance to run after the 'child', the eyes disappear and she finds nothing.[break][break]

"I swear I saw a little kid!"[break][break]





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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2019 5:33:01 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]"nnnn." he shuffles out slowly behind her, staying well within the confines of the house so if shit hits the fan, he can still nope the hell outta there. he curls his fingers around the sliding glass door and dares another inch out, pointed shoes just touching the damp wood of the deck.

the urge to call out ambrosia grows stronger, but he has a feeling the pokemon will do more harm than good at this point, or worse. the only reason elias still has the fool's ball on him is because he doesn't trust the noivern not to leave him if he lets him have free reign of the flat while he's gone.

he huffs and then startles when stormy releases a pokemon. "warn me before you do that," he whines and takes another step back inside. "what is she going to do? don't you have anything bigger?"

and then stormy draws his attention into the woods and his blood runs cold. 

"i swear i saw a little kid!"

"oh, hell no. nope. that's some horror movie shit. i told my agent--i said i'll only star in romcoms or pornos. and this? nope. nooope. fuck outta here with this." 

in his harrying attempt to close the door, the skillet slips out of his hands and lands right on his toe. he cries out in pain, stumbles forward, and then screeches when the door slams shut behind him on its own

"what is wrong with these people? can't the gays have something nice for a change?"

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stormy, bronwen
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Stormy Silph
ash & peaches [ff]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2019 22:35:10 GMT
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some notes can go heeeeeeeere. it'll scroll if you write enough, which - future me - you will inevitably do because you have no idea how to shut up. ouo

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Stormy looks back over her shoulder, confusion was written all over her face at Elias' reaction to Chansey. For a brief moment, she's almost insulted, and honestly so is Chansey. She gestures to the plush pink Pokemon, a mild dose of fury in her eyes.[break][break]

"Are you telling me you don't like Chansey? That's so rude!"[break][break]

Then, Elias seems dissatisfied with how big she is. Which, in some ways, Chansey is flattered because she's a bit self-conscious of her weight, but at the same time is a little discouraged to hear that Elias doesn't think she's good enough.[break][break]

Chansey's attention is locked onto whatever it was Stormy had seen earlier. She takes a couple of confident steps towards the peach tree, before turning back to wave Stormy over.[break][break]

"What is it? Do you see something?"[break][break]

Stormy takes a look back to see if Elias will follow, but it appears that he is ranting about absolutely not participating in some horror movie shit. She sighs, shrugging. She is generally fearless in this regard, and is actually super-charged with excitement to see what awaits her on the other side of the tree.[break][break]

Unfortunately, sudden noises do intimidate her. As Elias attempts to run back into the house for safety, he accidentally drops the skillet on his foot and howls in pain. The door slams shut behind him, effectively locking him outside with Stormy.[break][break]

"Well, looks like you'll have to come with me now. Unless you'd like to stay on the porch."[break][break]

Without waiting for him to decide if he was in or out, Stormy takes off after Chansey who has since left to investigate the 'child' Stormy had seen.[break][break]

After a few bated breaths of perfect, creepy silence, Stormy calls out in surprise.[break][break]

"It's.. a baby tree! Or something... Elias, come check it out! It's kind of cute!"[break][break]

She appears around the side of the tree, holding up an adorable baby sapling-type Pokemon. Just as she does this, however, lightning strikes the sky and illuminates a couple of terrifying shadows directly behind her.[break][break]

Unfortunately, the only person who might have seen this would be Elias if he had been watching, as Stormy wasn't looking behind her.[break][break]





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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ash & peaches [ff]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 1:52:23 GMT
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[attr="class","gabrielpost"]"all i'm saying," he argues indignantly, "is that i know there are much scarier pokemon in our oh so lovely world." he doesn't mean to offend the chansey, not at all, but he'd much rather have a giant bat dragon on his side than a marshmallow that looks like it might float away if a stiff wind came by. 

he can't quite worry about it much longer though because his attention is now entirely devoted to assessing the damage on his foot. he does a couple of ballerina points just to make sure it's not broken, wincing and whimpering in pain as he does, but once it's clear that he won't have to deal with that, he can turn his attentions back to the task at hand.

the task being getting back inside so stormy can deal with whatever is out there troubling them.

only, as he reaches to slide the door back open, he watches a purple haze settle over the knob. the lock flicks shut on its own and elias trembles, slowly stepping backwards. 

new plan. new plan. stick by stormy and don't get murdered by crazy ghosts. 

he backs up slowly, eyes on the door, leaning over to grip his skillet again. he drags it across the porch and hefts it back up as he steps down into the grass. from behind him, stormy shouts for his attention. 

he looks over his shoulder and raises his brows at the gloomy-looking tree stump. it blinks slowly at him and makes a soft ooooohing sound. he's just about to disagree and argue that it's probably the creepiest thing in the area when something tops it. 

his face pales and he stares wide-eyed past stormy. another one of those hazy purple hands reaches forward and elias twists his gangly body and swings


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