Pokkeng-achu! I Sta-choose you!

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 12:38:41 GMT
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Zac, Kazimir, and the pair of Heatran were hard at work building a third monument to human vanity. The first -the tower to space- had attracted an unknown creature, who had damaged the tower in the name of opposing human creation. The second -the litebrite lighthouse- hadn't attracted the mystery creature, but instead had drawn the ire of Rayquaza due to the shard in the lighthouse peak.

This time, Zac and were absolutely set on attracting the original, art-hating creature. That's why they were out in the desert, away from civilians, creating a gorgeous statue of the Pokkenger.

"Little to the left! Yeah perfect," Zac said, directing Heatran's lava flow. "Mate, in a thousand years this is going to blow the socks of some future archaeologists," Zac said, slapping Kaz on the back. 

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 13:43:17 GMT
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as the two heatrans worked together kaz's buzzwole and urshifu were busy molding the statue into an actual shape with their fists while his blastoise was busy cooling off all the lava for it to be usable as quickly as possible. together they made quite the construction team so hopefully their efforts wouldn't be in vain. "hell yeah it will. what do you think they'll say about me? that i was some kind of king or something? or maybe a popular folk hero? cause i kind of would like the latter to happen." being remembered even after centuries they were gone would be something to really looked forward too honestly. "so the base is coming along good. hopefully whatever we're looking for doesn't come too early and mess this up for use. i mean yeah that'd be great but...for once could we actually finish a project like this and not have it be torn down?"

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 13:53:42 GMT
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"We haven't had great luck with these public builds so far..." Zac scratched his chin, watching the Pokemon work. "I mean the tower to space survived, and I've repaired it a bit now, but it ended up like more of a ramp."

"If we top your statue with a crown, we could go for some sort of bug-king thing. Those big eyes look a bit bug-like, don't ya think?" Zac said, grinning as the statue started to take form. The base, the huge, booted feet set in a power stance, and the powerful thighs. "Here stood the Pokkenger," he said, spreading one hand across the view of the statue as if he were painting the words in the air. "He was fifty feet tall, handsome as anything, and his mother was a Leadian."

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 14:15:04 GMT
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"...wait does it really?" kaz tilted he took the image of his pokkenger outfit into his head and compared it to different bug type pokemon that he knew of to try and make the connection. the best he could do was that the suit was kind of a sort of exoskeleton that some bugs had. "y'know if i had a duoblade maybe...i could see it being looking like a scyther if i..."

looking down onto the ground he spotted two rocks that could at least be shiv length and picked them up and held them like he was mimicking a scyther and started to swing them around in the air like he was in fact one. "oh yeah. i can totally see pokkenger being part ledian and part scyther in that case. clearly he gets his looks from his dad." as the duo were talking about the family tree of pokkenger the team of construction mon's were finishing up with the feet of pokkenger and took a small break with his blastoise giving the team a refreshing life dew to make sure they were properly hydrated.

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 14:27:51 GMT
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"Scyther and Ledian, yeah that makes sense," Zac said, nodding seriously. As they started their break he headed over into the shade of Tapu Bulu's pop-up foliage and found a seat on the gritty sand. "Come chill over here mate! There's room enough in the shade for everyone. No need to get sunstroke!"

Zac sighed, leaning back against an out-of-place palm tree. "If there's one thing I learned from all those battles on the beach it's that Bulu can pull its weight even while snoozing. Kinda like a Komala!" He looked over to where the sleepy legendary was snoring. Things had changed a lot since the Hoenn Star Tournament, but some things always stayed the same. "Did you know those little guys can fight while asleep?"

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 15:24:06 GMT
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the team went back to work on the statue and kazimir took up zac on his offer to sit back and kick back under the tree that tapu bulu had sprouted up for them. lucky for them kaz had managed to pack a few refreshments with them and reaching into a cooler besides the tree offered zac a charja-cola while he himself took a zapsi and cracked it open.

"really? fighting in their sleep? that's a new one to me. never heard of a pokemon that could do that. unless....were they psychic types? ive seen some do crazy things before so i wouldn't be surprised if a psychic type had that kind of power. speaking of we probably should have brought one along to help with construction. those boys are going to be so sore in the morning." he would feel a little bit bad for them...but supervising was a very tiring job as well!

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 15:32:20 GMT
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"Normal type, if you can believe it!" Zac said, taking a sip of his Charja-Cola. It stung his tongue like a Beedrill, but the tang just made the sugar hit oh-so-sweeter. "They walk around, eat, fight, all of it without losing a wink of sleep! If I could master that I wouldn't be chugging a dozen of these bad boys a day." Zac tapped the can playfully. 

Before them, the statue was really taking shape. The legs had come together, and the Pokkenger torso was looking taught and powerful. "How do you stay so energetic?"

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 16:26:14 GMT
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"you should probably cut back on those anyway. too much soda in general is pretty bad for you y'know." he was trying to avoid another "lesson about all of charja-cola's wonderful nutritional value" if he could. still he had to admit that it probably wasn't as bad as other soda's considering zac still looked like a giant machoke at times even with all that stuff pretty much replacing his blood at this point.

"me? oh i just live an active lifestyle man. y'know pokkenger related duties non withstanding." he gestured to the statue that was now up to his thighs and his pokemon were having an argument with the heatrans over how big they should make the thighs of it, it was part of the most important part of pokkenger after all. "side gig as a pro wrestler, and i do a lot of outdoor living it kind of builds the body that can make that kind of energy and use it in full." with that he flexed his bicep to show off the large bulge that hid underneath his skin. "plus my pops used to say that i was always running around even in diapers, so i guess i just had a lot of energy when i was born."

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 1:44:19 GMT
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"I'm bloody trying to cut back mate! That's why I'm asking if you've got any alternatives!" Zac sighed, leaning back hard against the palm tree. It creaked as he stretched out, muscles going taught as he fought off sleep. "This bloody connection with Bulu has me wanting to nap half the time! I'm still trying to be active, but I feel like that old lifestyle is just a tad out of reach, ya know?" he chuckled, and drank deeply from his cola. "Once I've got an alternative, I'm on it. You're right though, it sure isn't the healthiest way to go about it. Maybe if I branch out into some sort of health cola..."

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 7:13:40 GMT
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he was pretty sure that he said less soda was what he was trying to convince zac to do in order to have a bit more energy. "just don't crash on caffine if you do find a healthy soda. too much can mess you up, although..." he thought abut his words about him and bulu's connection. if he remembered right the legendary always had a habit of just being really sleepy no matter what. it took some coaxing last time to get him to even be awake to participate.

"y'know maybe we could try getting bulu in on this. like ya said ever since your connection you kept feeling sleepy like he does, maybe we just gotta get him more active. does he do anything else besides sleep? i know battling ain't a concern for him but...anything just grabs his attention?" a string of questions for this duo to figure out this strange guardian pokemon. hopefully while they were figuring out this problem the statue would be done in no time.

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 8:17:39 GMT
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"Not really," Zac said, frowning at the snoozing bull. "It's just sleep, nap, snooze or rest with this one." He watched the legendary's chest rise and fall. A shadow passed over the features of Tapu Bulu. Something dark stirring in its dreams. A surge of foliage crackled up through the sand. Fresh desert grasses and thin succulents. Bulu rolled over, crushing half of the growths. "You see that? I think Bulu's having a nightmare! No wonder they're always tired!"  

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 8:36:12 GMT
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SUDDENLY, FROM THE SANDS, a swarm of Unown are expelled. They flood outward like bats at impossible speeds. Save for their white sclera, their black bodies darken the space before suddenly, without warning, they all disappear in a blip.

Briefly, the phantom image of a narrow vein-like rift having opened and closed remains in the air. Just an image. Nothing physical. However, the Unown are no where to be seen. It eventually fades like a thunderbolt blurring into the gold palette.

Should they dig deep into the sand, they would encounter some old artifacts. Remnants of some old, stone architecture's infrastructure that has barely survived the test of time.

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 12:35:20 GMT
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"that bulu sure does have a green thumb, maybe we just need to give it a new hobby. probably some gardening would-" before he could even finish his sentence the ground beneath them exploded sending kaz toppling over onto tapu bulu and the construction team stopping their work as they watched as the sands were spewing out strange creatures that flew into the sky and disappeared in the blink of the eye leaving behind only a flash of where they vanished.

"what the heck was that?!" kaz exclaimed as he scrambled to push himself off the sleeping (or now awake) bulu as he alternated his gaze between the sky and earth before kneeling down and shifting some of the sands. "first from the sky and now the ground? dude we're onto something here! domon! jorgen! let's see if more of them are under here!" dropping their workloads with a nod the two muscular pokemon proceeded to scour the area where the strange creatures emerged and began to dig into the coarse sands. "hey zac you bring any shovels with ya? or something to help us dig over here?!" there was a gleam in kaz's eyes as he turned towards his buddy, the sight of adventure was right in front of him, how could they pass that up?!

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 12:51:33 GMT
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"Of course!" Zac said, and he rushed over to his signature golden explorer's pack. Since his jacket had been melted in the excursion, it was the only remaining part of his Arceusmas gift from Delibird. 

"One for you," Zac said, tossing a gold-tinged shovel to Kazimir, "and one for me!" He pulled out his own golden shovel, and stomped the sand three times. It started to rumble, and Kev the Steelix burst upwards, looking around for the source of danger. "No problem here mate, don't sweat," Zac said, slapping the side of the metal serpent. "It's time to dig. I know sand is rough, but reckon you can help with a tunnel?" 

Together they started digging down, with Steelix churning the sand, and Zac and the crew doing the delicate point work. There was something below them and the last thing they needed was Steelix ramming its way straight into some ancient treasure. As they worked, water turned the fine sand to compactable mush, and the magma from the pair of Heatran melted the sides of the tunnel, securing it.

"It grows plants in its sleep," Zac said, tossing another shovel of sand over his shoulder. "I'm not sure it's really a hobby at that point. That's like recommending breathing as a hobby." He thought about how Bulu's plants grew uncontrollably while the legendary slept. "Though maybe a bit of structure and control would be a good thing."

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 14:01:15 GMT
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"well you guys can always join me and my team at our little secret base, kinda got a bit of a boot camp setup that just might help him listen to you a little more with some discipline. then again how would you even instill that onto a legendary pokemon y'know? feels like that's something they're just detached from. but if anyone could show them discipline it'd be him." kaz pointed towards domon who managed to get his hands onto something underneath them and with the help of the buzzwole the two of them pulled to try and pry whatever was under them.

"domon's probably the one of my pokemon who's probably more active than me and has trained his mind just as hard as his body. if ya ever wanted a pokemon personal trainer he'd probably be the best fit." he'd trust the kung fu master pokemon to really try and instill something into the legendary tapu, after all martial arts training was really intense. even kazimir couldn't quite keep up with its own lessons.

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