zarude encounter! [ c ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 2:57:33 GMT
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after the encounter with something he never would have expected, sam found himself following the trail of that zarude that had caused all of the trouble to begin with.

luckily his gardevoir had been able to pick up a bit of a signature, sensing the auras and emotions from the keldeo site.

as they approached, sam saw somebody else was close. apparently the zarude was cornered in a dead end alleyway. it had apparently tried to claw its way up the building and a trainer( ) currently had it cornered.

"is it alright?"

sam inquired as he approached cautiously, his gardevoir beside him on high alert, along with his houndoom who gave a low growl. he calmed the houndoom with a snap. immediately the hound ceased his growling, simply remaining alert and moving cautiously in front of his trainer.
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 9:31:32 GMT
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She had been growing more familiar with Slateport since moving to Hoenn, despite her Rustboro living situation. Often times, missions would bring her here—not unlike this afternoon, when she’d received a call about monkeys wreaking havoc on the city after being pushed out.

Typically, something like this would’ve been a job for a ranger, but they’d called in a slew of others. Apparently, this was a pretty severe and urgent problem.

Her boots slapped pavement. She was quick on her feet, but the pursuit of such a creature still proved almost impossible on her own. She had to outwit it, instead.

After a chase of cutting through alleyways and even a few buildings, she was able to corner it.

The officer never removed her eyes from the Zarude, even when a voice came from close by.

“I think so. Probably just scared.”

Cacturne was released to stare it back down, not outwardly intimidated, even if the face of such power. He sank into a readied position, but a hand was held out to stop him. “No. Give it a chance.”

She addressed the growling monkey in the corner, not sure if it could understand but trying anyways as she reached for a pokeball. “You need to come with us. You can’t be in this city anymore; you’ve caused a lot of damage—but I don’t want to hurt you. If you come easily, I can get you away from danger.”

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the ferryman
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 13:38:39 GMT
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sam didn't budge. he kept himself still and eyed his houndoom pointedly to make sure hades stayed put as well. the gardevoir that remained still as a tree stood behind him as well, something that could teleport sam out of danger immediately if needed.

she'd never failed him before, he doubted she'd start now.

the creature before them was a tricky one. sam looked to the officer and then to the chosen pokémon of said officer. his eyes moved to his houndoom, then he was back to looking at the creature in question.

"would you like me to send my houndoom around to cause the pokémon to come closer to us?"
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2021 12:04:42 GMT
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Sage’s words didn’t seem to cut through the rage and panic of the Zarude, who cried back gratingly and prepared an attack. However, already having been CONFUSED after its THRASH on nearby vehicles, it only wound up hurting itself more in its efforts to be freed from the alleyway—by running straight into a concrete wall.

Still holding back her Cacturne, she waited until the monkey was back on its feet to gauge what their next move should be. “Maybe. Let’s see what it does.”

Zarude indeed jumped up again, having knocked itself back to its senses. The vines on its body were suddenly thrown outwards, and with a mind of their own went to grab Sagira and her Cacturne by the ankles. While Cacturne was able to avoid the GRASS KNOT, it caused the officer to fall to the ground with a grunt and scatter of dust. Cacturne retaliated with a POISON STING, sending thorns towards the Zarude.

“Help bring it down if you can!”

She pushed back up to her feet.

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the ferryman
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2021 20:21:49 GMT
samuel carter Avatar

sagira's words were all sam was waiting for.

he snapped his fingers and his houndoom immediately went to work. his muzzle filled with flames and he launched forward enough to let loose a FLAMETHROWER. as the flames hit the ground, gardevoir moved her hand to pull a wave of psychic energy between the cacturne and the zarude.

her PSYCHIC wouldn't affect sagira's pokémon, and it was mostly being used to keep the flames at bay, while allowing attacks to move through it toward the monkey.

sam headed over to sagira and bent down.

"are you alright?"
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2021 18:28:04 GMT
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Sagira watched the flames begin to leave the dog’s lips, and a sharp warning left her own, “Cacturne—!” But the Gardevoir erected a psychic shield, keeping the heat at bay, and her grass-type safe from undoubtedly terrible burns.

Instead, it was the Zarude that was subjected to them. Sage winced a little at its cries. This wasn’t the way she preferred to handle things, but what else was there to be done, really?

Then, the man who’d come to help them bent towards her. He had strange tattoos, she noted. Like .

“Yeah, fine.” She dusted herself off, eyes soon returning to the battle. Cacturne had gotten back to his assault, sending more thorny stingers in the monkey’s direction.

“Thanks for your help.”

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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
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samuel carter
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 2:02:30 GMT
samuel carter Avatar

"don't thank me until we've made it out alive."

he glances up, looking over the obstacle before them. he knows this is a police officer and the more logical course of action is to let her take point. because of this, he glances her way once more.

"it's your call, by the way. i'm just here to help."
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2021 21:49:58 GMT
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The words accompanied a memory almost too distant, maybe even blocked out, that it nearly failed to pierce her consciousness at all.

Her gaze lingered on him briefly, but the situation at hand didn’t allow for whatever words she hadn’t thought of yet. After arunning into , it already felt like a small world, and yet she was still taken by surprise.

With Houndoom’s INFERNO still raging, Sagira opted to release two more to help subdue the beast. Dustox and Marowak were released from tossed capsules. Reacting with immediacy at Sage’s nod, the moth flew over Gardevoir’s PSYCHIC barrier, its SHIELD DUST allowing it to avoid the burns of the raging fire. Its only psychic energy rippled downward in disorienting vibration, causing the Zarude to be hit with CONFUSION.

Marowak reeled back and then tossed a BONEMERANG through the air, hitting the monkey square in the jaw before spinning back into its grasp.

Through the flames, she could see the Zarude losing focus, and suffering from its burns, but still aggressive as ever.

She looked back to Sam. “Help us take it down, if you would.”

Another assault was encouraged, just as the bright green glow of JUNGLE HEALING swirled and radiated through the flames, clearing the Zarude’s head and its flesh of wounds. It was unlike any move Sage had ever seen—and she knew grass-types.

“What the hell what that?”

The Zarude screamed powerfully, mostly restored.

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played by


the ferryman
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2021 15:20:21 GMT
samuel carter Avatar

the pulse of energy that came from the zarude was cause enough for panic, but sam felt nothing but calm. the situation? dire. but sam? relaxed, composed.

it's not that the situation wasn't bothering him, it was more that he wasn't allowing the situation to process fully. tucking it away in a box that he'd deal with at another time. so he could remain focused, present.

"life dew," he commanded his gardevoir, who did just as he ordered the moment after it had been said. "enter the inferno, use fire fang, stay close."

the houndoom by him leap forward into the flames. his FLASH FIRE immediately gave power to his next attack, blazing fangs sinking into the zarude's flesh(FIRE FANG) in an attempt to hold the monkey in place.

"don't worry about whether or not you'll hit hades in your assaults, he can take the hits."

or, he'd faint doing his job, which was keeping the zarude from bouncing around.
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2021 22:47:04 GMT
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Zarude’s clarity had returned to it, and Sagira was taken aback, looking on in awe for a moment before she shifted back into command.

“Dustox: same thing.”

They’d just have to keep hitting it, then.

The fire was doing the most damage, as could be expected. Zarude cried out in pain before its GRASS KNOT roots extended outwards to ensnare its assaulter.

Sagira’s team continued their same assaults, able to do little else beyond the wall of flames. They were, quite literally, out of their element.

Eventually, the Zarude began to wear down, beating itself in its renewed CONFUSION.

Despite the knot in her own stomach, Sagira called over, “It’s good to see you again, Sam.”

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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
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samuel carter
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2021 0:17:45 GMT
samuel carter Avatar

"if we could save the catching up for after we've defeated this thing, i would greatly appreciate it."

sam winces, moving to take another pokéball from his waist and throws out his second houndoom, nyx. immediately, she fuels the previous houndoom's flamethrower with an inferno of her own.

the flames lick around the monkey, which screams and writhes against the flames.

sam pulls another pokémon out, an alakazam emerging from the red stream. "disable."

immediately he extends his spoons. as they bend, the monkey unable to use its healing move anymore.
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2021 5:08:20 GMT
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Had everyone ended up here? She supposed many had been displaced in Rocket’s takeover of Kanto. A sad story, but it seemed that the ghosts of her past were real again, and there was a trace of comfort, even with the conflicting pain of her realization.

The smallest smirk crossed her face at his suggestion.


With all the fire, though, it didn’t look like she needed to do much. Cacturne and Dustox fell back, mostly ineffective in such an inferno.

Cubone’s bone sailed through the air and cut through the fire again, knocking the Zarude in the head before spinning back again.

Though it tried, Zarude was unable to heal itself, and shrieked in the burning flames.

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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
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samuel carter
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2021 19:39:49 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
the shriek was enough of a hint. sam didn't hesitate in throwing a ball out to capture the monkey, brows furrowed, hope of a capture thrumming away in his chest. with each shake of the capsule, anxiety hit. each of his team was just as alert, panting, waiting.

when the capsule locked and shrunk, he moved over to pick it up and relaxed his shoulders, calling back all of his pokémon so they could rest, their flames burning down into near nothing as they were recalled.

his eyes moved to sagira then and he held out the capsule for her to take.

"i've no business with this monkey," the really loose dad joke about 'monkey business' caused sam's lip to turn up into a smirk. "why don't you take care of it?"
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 19:21:07 GMT
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a ball was tossed through the flames, and the shrieking suddenly silenced. moments passed like hours, and she too watched it rock back and forth with a hidden struggle. she didn’t blink until the light flashed, and it was captured.

things settled around them, and she began recalling her team. “good work,” although unfortunately, they hadn’t been able to do much with all the fire engulfing the incident.

when sam handed over the pokéball with a joke, she smirked, and took it easily in her hand without protest. before he’d thrown the ball, or shown up for that matter, she’d intended on taking it herself. it was a grass-type, and clearly very powerful. now, it would become a soldier.

“thank you,” she said, before clipping the new pokéball along her belt. “and thanks for your help.”

her eyes hung on him, stuck somewhere in the past. did he remember?

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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
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samuel carter
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2021 13:00:53 GMT
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it had taken him the duration of the battle, and her thanking him for his help, for the memories to surface, but they did. much like with himself, it had taken him a moment. though with matias and those tattoos, it was a bit of a cheat.

"you're welcome, sagira. how have you been?"

and did she know that this was the last place she needed to be? well, the last place she should have been, if hiding? or perhaps she was no longer hiding...
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