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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 23, 2019 20:07:58 GMT
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cait's expression was tight, the frown that tugged at the corners of her lips having grown increasingly apparent with each step she took toward the temple. the entirety of the building had been set aflame, the heat that exuded from it slapping against the young woman's face the moment she was within a stone's throw from the ruined building. 

"we couldn't have went in there in the first place," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "no equipment - no water-type pokemon - no nothing.

it was a mercy that she had a valid excuse for not entering the building - the pair having arrived far too late to play a part in evacuating whomever had initially been trapped inside as a result of the fire. 

'arsonists,' she thought, wincing. 'at a time like this. i wouldn't be surprised if this was orchestrated by rocket.'  

"got any solutions in mind?

she looked to kyle, but she was sorely tempted to let the building burn until it was naught more than cinders. there was little point in trying to salvage what was inside now. 

'at least everyone's alive.' 

there were a few injured here and there, though.

"i can heal the victims here, i think. there doesn't seem to be an abundance of medical personal running around.

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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2019 9:44:26 GMT
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"Can't be helped that both of us don't have any Water-types," he'd muse on, seemingly unaffected by the fact that they were ill-equipped with the situation.

Normally, he'd give up. The situation was way out of their control, with little to no means of influencing the outcome of the situation. It was as Cait mentioned after all-- they couldn't have entered the shrine anyways without anything that assured their safety. He had Pokemon that could resist the heat of the fire, although even they wouldn't be able to extinguish the flames that swallowed the wooden framing of the building.

"I guess we can cut the losses and simply let the building burn down instead of risking any lives trying to salvage anything inside. Do we have everyone accounted for?"

Although he wasn't sure how many civilians were present at the time, he had received information about the profiles of the shrine maidens that readied the shrine for a festival. Most of the information were forgotten since Kyle deemed them unnecessary, though he did know the number of personnel attending the said festivity. He'd start counting the ones he could see in uniform, injured and not, before he'd grimly turn to Cait.

"Cait, we're..."

A girl was missing from the headcount, which the other people were too distressed to even figure out. He was afraid to finish the sentence, unsure of how his friend would react to it. She was prone to being reckless after all.

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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2019 10:13:11 GMT
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cait's eyes had narrowed as news quickly spread of a missing shrine maiden. 


her eyes fell shut as she sucked in a breath through gritted teeth, the the young woman forced to mull over how to best remedy a situation like this one. she had noticed that kyle had fallen silent, his gaze having settled upon her as he gauged her reaction.

'i'm the sergeant here,' she thought. 'that means i have the authority to decide what to do next.' 

she'd shift her gaze toward the fire - the heat it exuded in potent waves alarmingly pungent from where they stood. 

'that girl may still be in there.' 

unwilling to simply allow the civilian to die from either the terrible heat or the overabundance of smoke it released, the girl looked to her fellow league member. 

"kyle, i don't want you going in there," she began.  "i'll do it."

'even though i don't want to.' 

"i'm going to try to see if there's anyone inside.

'try being the keyword.'

cait experienced a tremor of fear that coursed throughout her, but she suppressed the emotion in favor of putting up a brave front.  she'd retrieve her dustox's capsule and bring him out, the creature fluttering before her as she began to discuss her makeshift plan of action.

"dustox knows protect," she said. "we'll try our best to check a few rooms before evacuating. can you keep an eye on everyone out here?"

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2019 3:36:09 GMT
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'That's cute'

Kyle stopped the temptation to blurt out the comment. It was such protagonist-esque decision that he couldn't help himself get amused with the girl. Perhaps it was why he manages to find himself around her most of the time. Laughter and giggles were held in as he found the situation unsuitable for the situation, though he did not manage to stop the corner of his lip to form the slightest smirk for her decision.

"Can't really dissuade you from that, huh?" he asks.

He did not really want to go in either, but compared to Cait, he was much more equipped than her in this situation. A larger stature to carry the victim should she be incapacitated, Pokemon that can withstand flames, and overall just less prone to acting out of emotions and against logic. Still, he respected her decision. After all, the other alternative was for him to go instead should he go against her.

"Take my Houndoom with you though," he adds, releasing the Fire-type from its Pokeball. "Resists flames and has the nose to distinguish human from burning wood without smoke messing up with his nose."

His Houndoom walks forward, though stops just before the entrance of the burning building. Kyle's Pokemon clearly was used to having the orders from their trainers being relinquished to other people, as the Pokemon awaited for Cait before heading in, eyes intently watching the girl.

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POSTED ON Feb 6, 2019 9:27:35 GMT
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the young woman's gaze lingered upon kyle's expression, her face serious and plain in comparison as she noted the amused glimmer that shimmered in his gaze and barely there smile. she derived no amount of joy nor amusement from discussing a girl who was at risk from dying in a fire. it was a terrible and terrifying way to die - and cait found it difficult to be at ease. 

"thank you," she replied, simply.

she stepped toward the house, her movements slightly stiff and her eyes growing a bit round at the sight of the building. as heat slapped against her face she gestured for her moth to erect a protection bubble around her, itself and the accompanying houndoom.

'let's get this over with - quickly.' 

cait made sure to take sips of air as she pressed forward, mounting the still viable steps of the temple's entrance before disappearing into the smoke. she refused to stall due to the urgency of the task at hand, and would hurry herself along as she searched for the young woman.

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POSTED ON Feb 8, 2019 17:16:14 GMT
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And off Cait went.

Getting both of them inside would have been nice since it cemented the thought of teamwork and being supportive of each other even under grim circumstances. It wasn't the practical approach, however. With a huff, he started surveying the burning building from outside as soon as Cait's figure disappeared into the flames. He'd just have to do what he can instead of going for the impossible. Grabbing two Pokeballs from his arsenal, he'd release both of them at the same time.

Kyle did not have any water-types, but he does have ice-types on his disposal. The cold was something that could counteract the heat, though he couldn't exactly bring both of his Ice-types out inside the building. Outside of it was the best place he could think of where the two of them could still make a difference.

"Abomasnow, Ninetales, keep the blizzard going." Both the shinies would try to lower the temperature from the outside with a snowstorm. Additional instructions came afterwards. "Avalanche. Entrance. And you-" he turned to his Ninetales, "Freeze-Dry." It wasn't as direct as dousing the flames with water, but a shift in temperature would still do the job of weakening the flames, starting at those outside.

He'd release his Aerodactyl afterwards, using it to get a vantage point. Maybe he could spot the missing person through some window or something, he figured, and work around that information.

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POSTED ON Feb 10, 2019 8:04:17 GMT
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roughly fifteen minutes had passed before the young woman had reemerged. the rapidly weakening protect that had surrounded both herself and her companions began to flicker out of existence before dissipating into nothing. and the moth that had maintained it appeared weary, barely maintaining his position at his mistress's side as they made their way down the steps. 

"return, dustox."


cait recalled her companion and gave the houndoom leave to return to their master with a gesture. the young sergeant had returned empty-handed and she'd approach kyle with an expression that reflected her downtrodden mood.

she's - she's gone," she said. 

she kept her voice quiet as she leaned closer to the man to share the young maiden's fate.

a portion of the building had collapsed further in," she continued.

cait sucked in a breath before releasing it in a rush of air. her expression was odd - as though she was struggling to react properly. she remained as professional as she could, her lips pressed into a thin line. 

i saw -

the girl squinted and reached up to rub her eyes before pinching the bridge of her nose.

i just... didn't get to her in time.

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POSTED ON Feb 11, 2019 18:05:43 GMT
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He landed from surveying the surrounding areas of the temple at the same time as Cait had returned. She had that look of utter defeat from her face, one that he had seen back during the invasion at Slateport. It wasn't easy to digest as looking at her gives the effect of him reflecting her expression to himself. And then she spoke.

"Are you certain of what you saw?" His voice was stern but grounded, part of him trying to urge himself to attempt to console the girl in his own way. "I got Ice-types over here trying to control the flames from outside. Are you saying that didn't help?"

He would recall his Houndoom back to its ball before whistling for his Aerodactyl to take flight once again. "I'll try to get in from the harder to reach areas this time. Maybe she's just covered in third degree burns, inhaled too much smoke... anything." The prehistoric Pokemon would take off, with Kyle reaching for its legs as a means for the Pokemon to carry himself.

Kyle would have preferred to console her instead, but he knew he wasn't equipped with a social skills that could provide just what someone needs to hear.

Cait wasn't someone who would give up easily, Kyle knew. Deep down, he knew what she probably had said were facts and any other action he was about to take would simply result to a waste of energy.

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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2019 0:31:31 GMT
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she struggled to keep her voice from trembling and her expression very nearly crumpled as he continued to speak. cait blinked rapidly as her eyes stung with  the tears she somehow kept at bay before turning away to more effectively conceal her emotions. 

"i'm sorry."

the sergeant's gaze shifted to the individuals whom had managed to make it out on time. but despite the fact that all but one had survived she still considered the mission to be a failure.

'just like slateport.'

cait gritted her teeth, her eyes widening for a moment as the fresh memory of the taken city came to mind. she quickly forced herself to suppress it as a shudder passed throughout her frame, the young woman's calm facade threatening to crumble into nothing. 

i'm sorry," she repeated.

her hand passed over her face once more and she appeared terribly weary. 

don't waste your time, kyle

she'd finally look at him again as he was in the midst of grasping his fossil's legs, her expression somber. 

and don't try going in there," she continued. 

cait's voice grew increasingly stern, the sergeant unwilling to potentially risk kyle.

don't," she repeated.

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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2019 15:50:44 GMT
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The words made him give up. They were just the ones that he needed to hear, regardless of how wrong that sounded, he supposed. He'd take his hands off of his Aerodactyl and recall the prehistoric lizard back on its ball. It's role was done, and the only thing left for them to do was to contain the damage before it could spread even further.

"We're still extinguishing the flames."

He'd stare at both of his Ice-types. A single eye contact was all it needed for the two of them to know their job. Slush and snow would start to increase in volume, and slowly, the flames would die, one ember at a time. They would put their all onto their moves, which, while may not be effective against Fire-type Pokemon, did its job just fine against actual fire.

Kyle could only watch the flames from the temple die down, unable to comfort Cait better.

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