Memorial Vendetta (Mission)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 17
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2021 22:53:14 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron took some Goof Off and poured it on the memorial stone. Then taking the roll of paper towels, he scrubbed off the graffiti. If he didn't know better, he'd have guessed Andy did it, but that didn't seem like his character at all. But whoever was doing this was going to get a huge lesson in pain. The five foot four's Trevenant was nearby, keeping an eye out, and camouflaged in the trees. The blonde also wore a baby blue T-shirt with overalls over it and over his dark blue sports shorts. Black sneakers also rounded out his outfit. The graffiti was on the stones of dead Pokemon, as is traditional for Mt. Pyre. Still, it wasn't cool to disrespect someone's friend like that. Aaron had reported the first instance he noticed, and the grounds keeper was grateful, and said there was more of that showing up it seemed. 

Aaron had volunteered. And so here he was, working diligently to make sure someone's friend was presentable. And may Arceus have mercy on the souls of those that did this should Aaron catch them...

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Elaine Highland
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 2:49:53 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Death was hardly something meant to be taken lightly. As much as it was an inescapable part of life, it was one that touched upon a multitude of people. And upon the grounds where death was given somber remembrance, it was best to match the ambiance and remain somber on one’s own.

No matter who it was, be it people or Pokemon, every single tombstone here (even if Mt. Pyre was exclusively a cemetery for Pokemon) encased a single, long story, that deserved to be remembered and treated with respect.

Be it the murderer or the victim, the blood that stained the ground as a result was not something to be taken lightly. As one whose life was built on a trail of death ranging from the mundane to the absurd, Elaine was one who knew that best.

“So, what kind of dumbass thinks it’s a good idea to desecrate graves like this?”

With Titania plodding around behind her, she looked upon the boy who was clearly doing his best to reverse what had already happened to one. Though, her stern demeanor and crossed arms would probably belie the reality that she was aware that the young boy before her was not the cause but attempting to be the solution.

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 23:11:52 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron continued to scrub when he heard a voice behind him. His dark, monotone voice rang out. "One that needs to feel some pain." And he was serious about it. Whoever they were, they tended to do this at night. And hit the same spots. Way too predictable an amateurish. This numbskull was definitely going to get a hard lesson when he struck back here again. "If you see any more, let me know. Or if you find anyone suspicious." And the blonde would definitely be interested in that. These guys needed to be taken down.

He was almost done, too. There was another next to it, but much smaller. So it wouldn't take near as long. He didn't know if the stranger would help or not. It wouldn't matter to him. Of course, it may seem odd that a child would get involved with something like this let alone try to get some vengeance of his own. His plan was to camp out here, likely in a tree, with his trusty Trevenant at the ready.

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Elaine Highland
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2021 3:29:02 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Well, as much as she was not too keen on waiting around here, waiting until the turn of the night was probably the best choice here. If the culprit was the type who was more prone to take action at night, then there was no reason to keep loitering around when the nearest headstones were already cleaned up by the young boy before her.

Moreover, no matter how much they cleaned, it would be pointless to keep going if they were simply going to watch things get vandalized again.

Yes, the correct course of action was simply to patrol and apprehend the culprit. It was not a major crime, but it was enough to stimulate utter disgust in the young woman.

“That sounds like a plan. I’ll rest around here as well and keep an eye out.”

Unlike Aaron who had planned to sleep in a tree, Elaine was older and far less mobile. While that made her seem frail, it was nowhere close to that. She was not someone who could fit in places as easily as the young boy.

Instead, as much as it annoyed her, she found herself taking a seat on the ground, leaning against a nearby tree, keeping herself hidden from view. She kept one leg flexed, her head and arm on her knee, and slept. It was hardly the most comfortable position, but was enough that she could react if she had heard something.

And sure enough during the dead of night, she had heard something rustle. Her eyes opened wide as she placed intense focus on the direction of the sound. For all she knew, it could be a Rattata roaming around, but given the fact that the culprit was the type to act at night, it was best to stay vigilant. With a light tap, she awoke Titania. And as she focused upon the source of the sound, she could only hope that the young boy was as alert to the sound as she was.

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 21:55:34 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron gave the woman a sideways glance. Just what the hell did that mean? Well, whatever. He continued to clean. And once he was done, and put everything away, he went on and ate a little something, and prepared for tonight.


Aaron was up in a tree, cat napping every so often. And keeping an eye out. His Trevenant was still there, hidden among the trees. He didn't have to guess as to the noise, he saw the black clad figure that was clearly a person. And they had two Pokemon with them from what he could tell. A Smeargle and a Ghastly. How cliche of a choice with the Smeargle. The sketching Pokemon. Keeping an eye on the black hoodie, another cliche choice of clothing, Aaron sat on the branch, ready to jump down into his Trevenant's palm. But only if this is who was causing the graffiti.

Aaron could hear the guy mumble angrily and take out a couple of spray cans. He jumped into his tree's palm, who let him down with minimal sound. Dark energy then consumed the tree's hands, and formed claws. Trevanent then slashed at the Ghastly, sending it into a tree, and making the guy turn around and stumble over the tombstone. "I'm sure I'm not the only one that doesn't appreciate you doing this...surely you're not dumb enough to think about doing this on our own...are you?" Hopefully, the guy was. If there was more than one out here doing this or someone calling the shots, he was going to be kind of pissed.

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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Elaine Highland
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2021 4:58:22 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
And just as she had hoped, the young boy had taken prompt action to catch the culprit at first sight. So, there was no need for a rush. She pushed herself off the ground, stood, and walked forward. She would not bring Ginga out here, so as to not accidentally desecrate the graves in the area. However, she did not make the mistake of rushing into the headway of Aaron’s own attack.

Rather, she walked so she could catch him at the back while having Titania going around in another direction to catch him and Intimidate him with her maw. It was a simple strategy, incorporating Aaron’s own assault with two other arms to create a three-pronged ambush.

Given that he had all the necessary and stereotypical vandal’s Pokemon with him, it was likely that he was a prankster working on his own.

“Of course, we can’t assume that he’s on his own. Isn’t that right, Titania?”

The Deceiver Pokemon opened its maw wide before the guy who had clumsily been captured.

And with a single, alluring voice, Elaine said one last sentence. “So, you’re better speak up before Titania decides to clamp down. You understand?”

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 1:33:16 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The woman from before was here, and ambushed the guy from behind, catching him with her Mawile. The Smeargle stepped back, scared. The guy dropped his cans of spray paint and was awfully nervous. Aaron heard the lady's own demand for answers. They got only glares. Stepping forward to where the guy was, the blonde reared back a leg and kicked as hard as he can right into the guy's crotch. The vandal dropped like a ton of bricks, spitting and drooling. He was still in the jaws threatening to clamp down. Aaron waited a moment. His Trevenant smashed the Smeargle before it could launch into an attack with Wood Hammer. "She might be willing to crush you, but I'm going to smash your fingers next, and then your balls again if you still don't talk." As if to emphasize this point, his Trevenant formed a smaller Wood Hammer, but gave it to Aaron. The guy still didn't talk, but if looks could kill, Aaron would be dead in a heartbeat.

Quickly, he grabbed the guy's hand and spread it out on the concrete. Then smashed his pinky finger with the hammer. The scream was almost too satisfying. Once the guy stopped, Aaron spoke again. "Honoring the dead and making sure they stay honored is very close to my heart. I lost a friend, and a wild Phantump led me and others to the body. Making sure his and others' graves are respectable for those who cared is something I take very seriously." The man stared into amber eyes, and finally opened up. Three others, with one that randomly recruited him and others for some sort of grand prank. Paid well. Also told them of where to meet when they were done with their projects.

Nodding, Aaron looked at the lady, hoping that she would let him go...

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Elaine Highland
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2021 9:13:09 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
So much for sympathy among men. Even if he was probably still just a young boy, Elaine found her eyes widening when she watched him drive his feet between the culprit’s legs. She could almost find herself giving an awkward, strained chuckle as she watched his Trevenant take quick action and completely smash the Smeargle.

For someone trying to be the good cop, you’re pulling the bad cop act surprisingly well.

Of course, that was hardly the end of the brutality. She had to keep up the stern act, but it was definitely not fun watching him torture the man. For all he said about honoring the dead, torturing someone over their corpses was not something she felt to be too tasteful.

She had seen multiple cases of similar, after all.

Still, it was enough to get the man to talk. There were three others, hired to play pranks. An odd story, but not something she was unfamiliar with.

“Wonder what’s behind the guy who hired them. Probably covering something given they paid four people to play pranks on a burial ground.”
The girl muttered as she bit at her thumbnail and gave a grave gaze off into the distance, one that would be easily seen by anyone looking at her.

But, her gaze was cut off as she heard Aaron’s request.

“Sure. Let’s let the guy go, Titania.” As she saw Titania lift its maw away from the physically and definitely now mentally damaged prankster, adding a frown of clear disappointment as she did, Elaine faced Aaron. “However, next time, let me play the good cop. You make a ridiculously frightening bad cop, kid.”

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2021 2:54:50 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The woman made a great point. Though they could also very easily be a pawn as well. The Mawhile let the guy go, who scurried off like the rodent he was, recalling his own Pokemon before doing so. At least the guy wasn't completely heartless. The blonde didn't even blink at the clear look of disappointment. The only indication of emotion was his response. "Good cop? I wasn't playing, nor was I pretending to be an officer of the law. Make no mistake, I do not intend to show these guys mercy...I intend to break them." The emotionless, monotone response gave an extra air of malice to a vengeful ghost. Walking towards the location that they were told, he didn't wait for her to join him. He didn't even know why she joined him.

The teenager walked as quietly as he could, but there was still noise. Though somewhat thankfully, Mt. Pyre was known for odd sounds in the night already. Still, he could hear people talking. Including seeing a bon fire. Following the voices, he saw four people. Two coolers, and a variety of Pokemon was there. The one he could make out right away was the familiar silhouette of a Houndour. That one might be a problem. But then again, he did beat his brother's Houndour multiple times...but a fight with a sibling was different than a fight with another trainer. He could barely hear them talking about their little project, and how someone was late. Looking at the group, he started to think. Unless that Houndour was poorly trained, a single Wood Hammer wasn't going to knock it out. He wondered if the lady followed him...and had any ideas.

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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Elaine Highland
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2021 9:40:55 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
“I know you find what they’re doing abhorrent, but please do show at least some restraint, kid.” Come to think of it, did Elaine even know the boy’s name? “It’s not worth shedding their blood over another’s grave.”

There was no point in trying to use logic to get to someone so heated up. She could only prod his emotions and hoped he responded. Beyond that, it was best not to push things further. She had seen many a similar emotion before someone was discovered dead.

As much as dealing with the vandals was a problem, so was preventing the boy from becoming another one of the people she pointed to and declared to be the murderer.

It was a wonderfully tight balance, but one she had to walk regardless. So, she kept in the same fashion as him and masked her movements to the best of her ability while her Mawile tread equally as silently by her side.

It didn’t take long, however, to find a group of four by a bonfire.

Guess that’s them.

The group’s premier Sherlock Holmes made her quick deduction as the body count before them matched the number they were told. Moreover, there was the issue of what looked to be a Houndour closest to them along with a number of other Pokemon at the fire.

At the end of the day, it all came down to brawn—the worst kind of ending possible. Nevertheless, the job had to be done.

“Best to try and make this quick. Unfortunately, the one thing I can think of that can do that would disturb the ground and I don’t want to do that.” She muttered in a low enough voice so the young man could hear. “If the Houndour acts as the scout, then let’s focus on silencing it quickly enough that it can’t alert them and then ambush them.”

Barbaric tactics. Unrefined ideas. Yet, it was probably the best course.

“If you can deal it enough damage, Titania can take it out before it can attack. What do you think?” she asked as she stroked Titania’s head and maw.

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2021 21:43:03 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron stopped, but only briefly. "You say that like I intend to murder them. I don't intend on going that far. But know that there are just things that blood is worth spilling. Even if you don't go that far." Aaron was a lot of things, but a murderer was not one of them. He continued on.

He listened to the woman. The Houndour would present a problem. "My Honedge's Sacred Sword attack will do the trick. But it would have to get the first hit in. Releasing it may attract the Houndour's attention, and come investigate. When we take it out, it will likely alert the group, we can ambush them from there. Looks like they have one flyer, and the rest are on the ground. You cool with that?" If they were dumb enough to come to them at least. And honestly, they just might. Assuming she was good with it, he released his sword Pokemon. Almost immediately, the Houndour perked up, and started to walk their way.

Aaron quickly gave the sword a game plan and moved to hide. As the Houndour came in closer, sniffing around, his Honedge made its move. With a glowing brown blade, it sliced at the Houndour, making it yelp and knocking it against a tree just on the edge of the clearing. Beating it in one shot. Now for the rest of them to make a move.

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Elaine Highland
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2022 21:50:09 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It was a bit of a utilitarian way of thinking, but at the very least the young man was not raring to commit murder. It was far from what Elaine wanted to hear, but it was something that she would at least accept. For now.

Given the circumstances, there were more important matters than the kid’s thirst for blood. Still, he had gotten a plan down. In doing so, he took out the first sentry in an instant. Though, as he predicted and as she expected, the sentry made one last yelp before it had gone incapacitated.

It was only a matter of time before they were found out. Given that, she had crouched down and signaled to both the young man and to Titania.

The moment the next attacker came close, she would have Titania blindside it with a Sucker Punch.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2022 1:22:05 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The woman blindsided both a trainer and their Pokemon, a Taillow. Aaron's Trevenant used a wide ranged Horn Leech that hit the other two Pokemon, and pinned the trainers to trees. Walking out with a wood hammer that was still slightly bloody, he looked between the trainers that weren't knocked out. The blonde made sure all of them saw it. "So, which one of you came up with this stupid prank? The last guy said he was hired after I smashed a couple fingers. I'd rather not go so far. The mastermind is all I'm after." Despite the proof literally in his hand, he got blank stares. Of course, he was this scrawny little blonde boy that was barely five foot five. Sighing heavily, he walked right up to one of them, wounded up, and wailed on the guy's knee twice. With screams, he suddenly got looks of terror and disbelief. "I don't like it when people desecrate graves. Pokemon or otherwise. Who is the mastermind behind this stupid idea? Don't worry, I won't pound them in, but they will be turned in after a single strike with the hammer."

They soon turned on the guy. Some fat guy who was the owner of a Marill that Trevenent took down. After attempting to mutter excuses, he hit the guy with the hammer. Making his nose bleed. Aaron hoped he broke it. The lad signaled for his tree to let the others go. Turning to the woman that helped him, he asked her a question. "You plan on coming with me to the top to turn him in?" It wouldn't matter to Aaron either way. This job was done.

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October 13
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Memorial Vendetta (Mission)
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2022 4:22:42 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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