sittin' purrty [s]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 19, 2021 1:49:03 GMT
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A year or so into his life as a Rocket grunt, and he was still so awkward around headquarters. Normally, he tried to stay as far away as possible, especially the higher up offices, but today he’d somehow ended up there. Well, not somehow. There was an incredibly specific reason he’d come here. A little blob of pink padded in front of him confidently, mewling every so often and turning his little head towards him to make sure he was following.

Mint had been following the small cat for a good 20 minutes now, opening doors and allowing the cat pokemon access it didn’t have on its own. Had it gotten out? Whose cat was this anyway? It wasn’t feral, he noted. It was too comfortable around all the humans walking around at the moment. The hustle and bustle of the offices quieted down as he got closer to their destination. Finally, the Skitty stopped, meowing loudly in front of a closed door. Mint didn’t read the plaque, already moving to grab the door handle for the normal type. “I’m coming, I’m coming. You’re so loud.” He said, snickering as the Skitty turned to tilt his head at him.

He pulled opened the door, before staring dead on into the eyes of a human fucking cobra. Or python? Some type of snaked. He thought he was dreaming as he watched unhinge his jaw and shove an overstuffed burrito into his mouth. It looked like it was about to rip its own seams. “Uhhh….” Mint started as he stared at the other Rocket, the cat at his feet sprinting into the office as soon as he did. The cat circled around the other trainer before plopping down ready, seemingly, to catch any stray chunks of food that fell from the meal. “That your cat?” he asked before he heard more mewling. A small step in revealed many…many more cats. Mint was already walking towards them. “Are you babysitting all these cats?” He wanted to die right here, surrounded by all kinds of cats. They were all…so cute.


+ hope this is ok!! [break][break]




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POSTED ON Nov 19, 2021 14:49:40 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e had been so hungry. He was always hungry. The burrito he had gotten, as extra stuffed as it was, wouldn't sate him either. Honestly, he was so hungry, that the idea came to mind he could... go to 's office... just pretend it was the parasite and have a drink but....

Well, then came in, and the idea was banished from his mind.

Sadly, the blue haired grunt had found Chu-e in the process of swallowing the burrito whole like he was some snake. What did he want? Didn't he know Chu-e had important Underboss stuff to do? Like look at cute pictures of cats on his laptop?

He made sure to make eye contact as he slowly sunk his teeth into the massive bite he had just taken. Some of the cheese and sauce spilled out on his cheeks, waiting cats hopping to attention to catch fallen grains of rice or chicken as they dropped on his lap.

One chew, two, a swallow that sounded like it hurt.

"They're mine." Another, smaller, more reasonable bite. Chu-e didn't wipe his face off.

"Oh! Paint Thinner! I was wondering where you went, boy. Have a nice adventure?" Chu-e leaned over and gave a few chin scratches to the cat that Mint had been following.

"Can I help you? Or do you just want to pet my cats?"
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 0:30:42 GMT
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The minute he’s back to looking at Chu-e he’s unnerved and amazed as the man stared him down while shoving at the giant burrito into his mouth. Wouldn’t his jaw lock up like that? Well, at least he’d be able to call a medic if it did. He swore he could see the food struggling to move down the man’s esophagus and he could almost feel the discomfort. “R-Really?! They’re all really cute!” Mint said, excitement quickly erasing his concern for the man as he went back to what was really important: his cats. [break][break]

He laughed at Pain Thinner not expecting the unconventional name. But he supposed it fit. The cat had nasty burps when Mint had managed to pick it up, right before it jumped out of his arms and beckoned him to follow. “I think he had fun! I found him near the cafeteria stuck at the door.” He said, moving his hands behind his back. [break][break]

“Nope! I just wanna pet your cats!” he chirped before adding quickly, “If its ok with them, I mean. I don’t wanna bother them.” The grunt added before looking over at the cats more concerned with sitting in their cat tree. “I’m Mint by the way! Cool office- you got any cat treats I can feed ‘em?” he added quickly looking around the space. He hadn’t quite registered, yet he was standing in front of one of Rocket’s Underbosses. He’d totally not read the name plate at the entrance.


+ hope this is ok!! [break][break]




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[newclass=.blboxbl .credit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:55px; right:45px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #232323, 1px -1px 0 #232323, -1px 1px 0 #232323, 1px 1px 0 #232323;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 13:26:33 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Not surprised." Chu-e gave a quick look to Paint Thinner, his eyebrow raised. "Little bastard loves to eat anything he can get his paws on. Makes scooping the litter-pan a worse minefield than it already should be."

At the promise of pets and treats, many of the felines perked their ears up, moving away from their master to go sit around . Placing his food down on the wrapper on his desk, Chu-e stood up and moved over to one of the filing cabinets against his back wall. He opened the top drawer up and pulled out a box of treats, half empty but still with plenty inside.

"Most are fine with affection! The more nervous ones stay inside the tree. Do you want some tea?" Chu-e was already pouring a bottle of water into the top of an electric kettle. He was all set up in here.

"What's your name, by the way? Rude not to introduce yourself to a guy before you fondle his pussy." He snickered as he sat back down.
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peppermint, micha
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POSTED ON Dec 9, 2021 2:12:36 GMT
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“My partner’s like that too! Gelatto is a nervous eater. When he got stressed at the Soiree, he hid under a table and just vacuumed up table scraps for 2 hours.” Mint said wit ha laugh, crouching down at many of the cats in Chu-e’s office crowded around him. He, once again, held back a squeal that would be very much unbecoming of a member of Rocket inside….what he assumed were probably more HR or administrative offices. Maybe not HR. He doubted a crime ring had an HR department. Careful not to squish any of the pokemon, he sat on the ground waiting for the box of treats and the feeding frenzy that would probably follow. [break][break]

“Oh ok! I’ll make sure to leave them some treats in front of their hidey holes later then." He said as cats began to move in on him. He looked over at his…coworker? Colleague? And nodded at him before repeating his name, “Mint. Mint Frost.” He grinned, still thinking the jokey name was cute. Way better than his old alias anyway. “Just here to pet your pussy, sir.” He added still excited as he began scratching the heads of multiple felines. Then, understanding slowly dawned on him, and he felt his cheeks turn pink. He refused to look up at Chu-e. “Who’re you? Are you like, a paper pusher kinda grunt?” he asked as he carefully asked for a kitten’s paw before handing over a small treat. “I did that for a week before they made me go back to guard duties.” He added with a small laugh.


+ hope this is ok!! [break][break]




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POSTED ON Feb 6, 2022 17:06:42 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The mention of the Soiree sees Chu-e's face scrunching up a bit, that hadn't been a very fun night, but it passes quickly. Poor .

"Something like that. I sign a whole lot of papers, anyway." Chu-e sighed and motioned to his desk, which was covered in reports he needed to review. Nothing was ever easy in Rocket, least of all when you prided yourself on your informant skills. "Nice to meet you, though, Mint!"

Chu-e very carefully left out saying his name, mischief building. He sat back down and started to pour them both a mug of hot water, slapping a tea bag in each one. Sweet, fruity stuff. This guy obviously had no idea who he was and he wanted to see how long it took him to figure it out.

Sugar and Sprinkles provided the perfect cover. Both shiny pokemon, Sugar the Meowth and Sprinkles the Skitty pushed to the front of the pack, mewing loudly to beg for treats. Sprinkles demanded attention with her raw gravitas; she was the Alpha Skitty here, the clan leader of this band of Warrior Cats that Chu-e has obtained. Sugar was the cat equivalent of a slut, purring loudly and rubbing on 's legs to cover them in cream colored fur.
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peppermint, micha
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2022 1:37:57 GMT
mint frost Avatar

“Yeah? Sounds rough, boring kinda rough.” He said with a laugh as he made himself comfortable. “Yeah, you too!” he said matching chu-e’s enthusiasm with ease. Mint peered into his cup watching color flood out of the tea bags. He could already smell the flavor a little bit as it began to steep. “Oh wow, hi there!” Mint said taken immediately by the crowd of cats. “Can I pick you up?” he asked carefully patting Sugar as she leaned weight on his legs. He absolutely would if allowed to, his hands working quickly to scratch through glossy fur and gently squeeze her pink paws. [break][break]

He then turned to the loudest of them all, shaking out a couple of treats onto the couch before using a hand to handfeed them to Sprinkles. Once her and Sugar had gotten a couple he scooped some more into his hand and allowed the rest of the cats a chance to eat. “They’re all really spoiled, huh?” he said grinning at Chu-e despite the unholy amount of cat fur that was sticking to his work clothes. Despite that, he seemed pretty content to sit in the warm, writhing mass of cats, greeting each one that got closer and attempting to say their names if he could see a collar tag. After a while he looked back at Chu-e, happy as ever. “I’m glad I caught up with Paint Thinner. I didn’t know Rocket practically had its own cat room.”


+ hope this is ok!! [break][break]




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[newclass=.blboxbl .credit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:55px; right:45px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #232323, 1px -1px 0 #232323, -1px 1px 0 #232323, 1px 1px 0 #232323;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2022 2:33:16 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"You can pick any of them up." A small laugh from Chu-e. Hell, Sugar, the whore she was, was already hopping up into 's lap by the time he finished asking the question. "The shy ones I wouldn't suggest, since they might get scared." But He didn't figure the other would anyway, since he'd been warned not to pet. There was a pleased hum from Chu-e. He adored his felines.

"I try my best. This isn't even all of them. I just bring the small ones I trust not to piss on the rug." His house was a freak-show of cats. Mossadeep was doomed if something ever happened that they all went feral. When Mint examined the collars, aside from Sugar, Sprinkles, and Paint Thinner he would find names like 'Poundcake', 'Fat Mama', 'Woodchipper', and 'Lil Stank'.

"Yeah, not too many people up here though. Shame, since the cats would love it." Then, Chu-e leaned in and lowered his voice, stage whispering a 'secret'. "I think they get freaked out that is across the hall."
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peppermint, micha
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2022 2:51:36 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Mint’s cheeks were going to hurt form how hard he was smiling, excited to become the cat crew’s next living cat tree. Fuck it. Allergies be damned, this was the life. “They’re so nice!” he replied, before nodding at the other man. He looked over the crowd of kittens spotting a couple cats that were still eyeing him from the back. He leaned over to Chu-e straining to reach him under the increasing weight of cats and palmed him some treats. “So, the shy ones don’t miss out.” He said before leaning back in his seat.

“Wow really?! I’ve only experienced this in the daycare.”
He said with a laugh. His apartment was way to small to let all his pokemon roam. He liked to let them take turns if they were small enough. Agretti was an exception though. The big dinosaur pokemon occasionally got to take small afternoon sunlight naps with Mint. “I like their names, by the way.” He added doing his best to accommodate each and every cat.

He leaned closer to Chu-e, taking this information very seriously despite it all. “G…. ….?” he echoed, not quite sure who that was. It sounded sort of familiar. “Is he…like…is he mean? Violent maybe?” Poor cats if that were the case. Maybe the guy threw things around the office and freaked out the cats. What an asshole.


+ hope this is ok!! [break][break]




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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2022 3:07:46 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The treats were accepted as was slowly being smothered by cats. He made sure they got their fair share, too; a shiny Purrloin poked her head out just enough to sniff and stare at Mint before creeping back inside. If Mint looked carefully, he would be able to see her watching him from the shadows.

"Ah, you don't know ?" Shifting in his seat, Chu-e took up prime gossiping position. "He's one of the two Underbosses, you know. A real meanie pants. And he smells." But was it a good smell? A bad one? That was for Mint to discover. "Him and his boyfriend beat the shit out of each other in the training room one day. Then his boyfriend blew him. Right there in public! I saw the whole thing on the cameras. Mentally scarring."
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peppermint, micha
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2022 4:19:03 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Mint managed to catch sight of the little Purrloin and gave the cat a little wink from where he was before focusing back on Chu-e’s gossip. His hands carefully moved around from cat to cat giving scritches and pats where he could. He shook his head. “No clue who that guy is.” He said. He nodded along as the guy explained the hot goss of the Rocket boss. [break][break]

“He smells?!Mint looked aghast. How were you in charge and had the gall to smell?The audacity of men. Mint flushed a little at the next piece, jaw dropping as Chu-e went on. “Nooo way! In the training room?! That’s so fucking gross- and unsanitary EW!” One already had to worry about enough infections on a normal basis. But they wanted to fuck on that floor too?! Ew ewe ew ewewew. “I won’t feel bad if they get yeast infections.” He stated shuddering at the thought. “What a creep, man. Ew. What cameras were you watching?”


+ hope this is ok!! [break][break]




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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2022 2:04:51 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"The training room." Chu-e confirmed, nodding sagely. "Even if he smells and likes risky blowjobs, you can trust to get shit done." He lowered his voice again, another secret. "Don't tell anyone, but he's kind of a big softie underneath his gruff, serious exterior." A small wink, then Chu-e leaned back and pecked at the laptop sitting on his desk.

The wall behind him lit up. Where before it looked like simple paneling, now you could see various halls in the sub as well as a few of the Sootopolis streets. The most impressive was various angles of the Tree of Life. One panel was blacked out, and the lower corner had the note 'WALSH'S RUMPUS ROOM- KEEP TURNED OFF!!!' in the corner.

Where Gavin had the view of the sea, his deity able to look in on him, Chu-e looked on everything else.

"All of these!"

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
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I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2022 2:29:16 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Despite being comforted by a cloud of cat, Mint shuddered at the idea of some weird and their boyfriend 69ing in the middle of sweaty, stinky training room mats. Ugh, people USED THOSE. He wouldn’t be going back there anytime soon. “Who’s the other creep, his partner?” Mint asked grimacing at the thought and ready to avoid them at all costs. Though, there’s a small tone shift to what Chu-e said next. He tilted his head a little, like a dog trying to understand a new command. “I hope so…he’s an Underboss, right?”

Mint shook his head, promising he’d never tell a soul what secrets Chu-e was laying bare for him to listen to. “Is he as gap moe as ?...Oh, sorry, do you know Bryan??” he asked, remembering the man’s fascination with fairy types, most that had been a little too cute for Mint to not notice. He sat up a little straighter, jostling some cats but for the most part able to move without any falling off him. “Whoa!! You’re like- like a security officer huh?” Mint said, pale green eyes darting form screen to screen. “That’s high tech for a grunt.” He said. There’s no way Chu-e was just some schmuck. But it still didn’t dawn on him Chu-e’s true power. “W…what’s a rumpus room?”


+ hope this is ok!! [break][break]




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Ji-Hoon Ki
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solaceon, sinnoh
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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2022 2:54:09 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Oh, there were terrible details of that whole fiasco. Chu-e would never be the same again. still teased him about it. "That guy who calls himself 'Temp'. Rararie is his last name. 'Temp Rararie'? Like, what kind of weird joke name is that?" He scrunched up his nose. He'd never figured Gavin to have a sense of humor, but if that's who he picked to date...

Well, they seemed happy together, at least.

"He is! Damn good at his job." Even if Chu-e liked to tease, he'd still give praise where it was due. "You heard anything about the other Underboss?" Now he was just fishing.

"? I know Bryan! We've worked together a few times. Hmm... They're both pretty gap moe, though..." Of course he knew what that meant. "I'm something like a security officer." Ominous.

"You don't want to know what the rumpus room is, trust me." And that would be that. Maybe someday, when was big and strong, he could see the rumpus room... but not today. Even Chu-e wasn't always strong enough for the rumpus room.
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
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I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2022 0:54:39 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Mint shook his head not clocking the name at all. He would one day but not today baby. “Is Temp supposed to be a nickname or…” Not that he was allowed to judge. His own made-up alias was a little over the top. But at least it almost sounded like a pun or something. He nodded, making a note to keep away from Underboss Merlino. At the very least he did what he was paid for. He tilted his head at the next question. “Uhhh….U….Underboss C…Choi, right?” he squinted as he felt around his memory for the name. “I’ve heard he’s…kind of intense, I guess? They didn’t mention why…Kanto veteran, like the other staff.” He tapped his chin before adding. “I guess…I don’t really pay attention to it. I kind of just avoid the higher ups in general.” He said with a laugh. Oh Mint.

“Yeah, yeah! Bryan had this whole group of fairies come through and pick up all these eggs from a daycare with me. It was super cute. Cause he’s all big and buff and stuff.”
He gushed, remembering the easy night. They’d gotten pretty good take out afterwards. “Oh neat. You just watch the Sootopolis and HQ perimeters then?” he pressed, not catching the vibes. He frowned at the explanation of the last monitor before looking back at Chu-e. “Got it, the orgy room. I don’t need to see.”


+ hope this is ok!! [break][break]




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