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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 1:53:53 GMT
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Why don't you love who I am?

What we could have been?


It was practically the middle of the night, a calm breeze over a small apartment complex in the city of Mauville, yet one particularly had been lit throughout, a small commotion occurring as the cacophony of a sliding door being dragged free of its rust and disuse followed by a coughing fit from a young girl had echoed into the night.[break][break]

"Okay, Pomo, we'll clean! We'll clean!" a soft, worried and awkward voice protested and relented at the same time, a girl with soft-purple hair stumbling out of her room into the ground floor garden with low fences—low enough that some passersby had caught glances of the girl, strange and inquisitive looks on their faces, as a rather grumpy ball of fluff had crawled up the girl's leg onto her shoulder, armed with a rolled up magazine.[break][break]

The puffball—as it turns out, a Minccino, and likely the owner of the name 'Pomo'—had puffed up its cheeks, taking out its frustrations on the girl with light whaps with the magazine on the top of her head. Sharper bystanders may have managed to put together that the little pokémon had ended up getting angry from some sort of disarray with the state of the young girl's room and had enough, forcing its hand against the trainer to clean up whatever mess she'd made. Something the girl herself would perhaps have understood, given her distressed "I'm sorry!" squeaking out with each bonk she received.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 13:04:14 GMT
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This is a Wolf and Lamb thread, so what fun is the Lab without the Wolf?

Or, at least, where once it was supposed to be representations was now more physical.

From the corner of the yard, a Houndoom growled. The pokemon had sneaked in here earlier, finding the yard suitably abandoned for his liking. The sudden appearance of @tasha and her fuzzy friend wasn't welcome even if it was her yard. The stars aligned in the perfect way to screw her over.

A Skitty, tiny and mewling, a newborn, rolled between his feet. Eyes still closed in that kittenish way. Was it about to become a meal for the Houndoom before she came out....? That's what most would assume, anyway...

But the Houndoom also had a collar on. Where was his Trainer?
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 23:56:52 GMT
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Why don't you love who I am?

What we could have been?


Young Natasha had stared the hound in the eye, even the vented frustration in Pomo's eyes had been replaced with concern, she'd had half a mind to pretend she hadn't seen a single thing and hide away back in her room, in fact, Tasha hadn't actually seen the skitty, her attention far too focused on the terrifying hound that seemed angry with the young girl for encroaching on its territory, despite it being her front yard.[break][break]

"Uh, erm... that's..." she'd mumbled, unsure what to say, "n-nevermind," it was by then, that she'd received another bap on the head with a magazine from her Minccino, who'd pointed down at the Skitty, which Tasha had started panicking over![break][break]

"W-wait, wait, wait, no! Not nevermind!" she'd half-shouted, "please don't eat the Skitty...?!" she'd tried her best to be assertive, yet she'd questioned herself as the words came out of her mind, what was she going to do? At best maybe be a noble sacrifice and be the meal instead... but what if that didn't stop the Houndoom from snacking on the Skitty right after? She'd been frazzling her mind trying to figure out a solution... maybe a poké ball? She could try to dash back into her room for one...

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 6:34:44 GMT
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The full moon shone overhead as the standoff took place. On one side, a nervous girl and her Mincinno. On the other, a Houndoom standing over a kitten. The Houndoom snarled and growled again, looking ready to strike and break the standoff-!

A pair of hands snaked through the gate, one grabbing the Skitty and the other yoking the Houndoom by the collar, who whined but otherwise just drooped his ears and grumbled.

"Bad dog! Why did you steal Sprinkle's kitten?" Was groused, from none other than Chu-e Choi himself. A moment later the Houndoom was called back, which then made the man pop up and over the top of the fence to peer over it. He raised a brow at @tasha. "He didn't bother you, did he?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 9:18:51 GMT
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Why don't you love who I am?

What we could have been?


Yet what had come was arguably worse than witnessing the carnage of a dog eats... cat world, people. Even worse, as the Houndoom's trainer had revealed himself, Tasha's mind had been filled with conspiracy and fear, just what kind of person was this stranger that they'd been able to handle such a terrifying pokémon with their bare hands?[break][break]

"Uhm, er, uh..." Tasha had muttered, confused and terrified of the rather gaunt figure who'd otherwise seemed rather friendly. She'd been paralyzed in place, her partner however hadn't. While it had been scared at first by the surprise Houndoom, seeing a trainer, the Minccino had simply sighed, climbing its way down the young girl and over to the stranger. It seemed the Minccino had no confidence in Tasha's ability to clean out the room in a single go, and wanted to employ the man, pulling at his leg—wherever it could grab, be it a shoelace or dangling fabric from his pants—all whilst pointing at Tasha's room, and a loose dust bunny that had been dragged out by wayward winds, the frown on its face ever more so apparent as it slowly trailed the bouncing dust bunny out, its very visage pleading—screaming—to Chu-e HELP ME.

[newclass=.freezybunger b]color:#cc99ff[/newclass]
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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 16:34:14 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Hm?" Kitty still in hand, Chu-e glanced down at the Mincinno. Then he glanced up at the rolling dust, at the evidence of what was happening... It fit together in his mind slowly, like a puzzle, and after @tasha might be able to visibly see the numbers crunching in his mind, he let out a little "Oh" before giving a short laugh.

The kitten was tucked safely in his pocket and he made his way into the yard itself.

"Ji-Hoon Ki, kid! Is your pokemon bullying you to clean up?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 5:19:24 GMT
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Why don't you love who I am?

What we could have been?


Tasha had let out a small 'eep!' as the stranger seemed to direct his attention to her, she'd had full intent to have said no and just pretend Pomo was just being silly, but as the little Minccino whipped around and glared daggers at its trainer, almost daring her to fuck around and find out, she'd paused and sighed.[break][break]

"I... kinda lose track of things when I get to making stuff and well, it's already a messy hobby..." she'd explained, "P-Pomo isn't really bullying me!" her eyes had darted back and forth despite defending her pokémon, "he's just... considerate?" she'd ended nervously, though in the end, it seemed she did truly need to clean up a little, and her Minccino had puffed up, seemingly satisfied to finally get the chance to air out the dreadful mess that was his trainer's room. The little creature had proudly walked back, seeming to get ready to clean while Tasha stared nervously at the stranger.[break][break]

It was a brief and awkward pause, at least on her end, one that had been broken when the Minccino had arrived once more dragging a black trash bag and fwapping its fluffy tail against the back of her leg to catch her attention, seemingly in a much happier mood since the first step was finally being taken.

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POSTED ON Feb 6, 2022 10:36:30 GMT
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