home is where the heart is [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 16:03:22 GMT
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snakes in the grass. that's all there are. except they're like hydras. cut off one of their heads and more grow in their place. and they spit and snap and continue to fester. investors have pulled out. his name has become a laughingstock. 

he'd thought if he gave him a leash, if he'd let him run around and leave him to his own devices, he would lose his vindictive streak. he would burn out like a still-lit match. he'd done it once before. 

if only he'd succeeded that first attempt. 

but now he's gone and dragged his precious sister down with him. she, with enough malice in her heart, to rival his own. she, who's impressed his partners time and time again. she, with a cruelty that knows no bounds. 

his pride and joy and the boy has ruined her

he will save her yet. 

he calls to her, tired eyes glancing away from his laptop when his office door opens. obsidian and marble make this a hallowed, echoing palace. he lives like royalty because he deserves as much - he alone has built their empire. 

he will not let knox raze it to the ground. 

"you've been out of touch for quite some time, daughter. i've been worried about you." distrust is there in his knotted fingers, but his words ring true. there are circles under her eyes. he wishes he could wipe them away. 

he will. in due time. 
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Summer Atreides
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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 16:19:53 GMT
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Summer had taken several days to get over her hangover from the alcohol and the drugs she and Knox had gotten ahold of. During work, her head had been pounding, and there had been several times she had to excuse herself to get sick.

She really had gone off the rails. It was unlike her.

Perhaps he was right. Knox had ruined her.

Still, she held a position as a protector for her brother, whether her father liked it or not. Which, she knew, he certainly didn't. And he would absolutely hate the news that she was bringing to him as she approached the doors to his office in their home in the Mauville Hills.

Dressed to the nines to convey that she was still Summer Prescott, she entered, allowing her head to drop in a sign of respect to her father. In her chest, her heart was pounding loudly, so loud it could be heard in her ears. She wondered if he could hear it too as she approached closer, the doors coming shut behind her.

"I appreciate your concern, Father. I had been rather busy with some tasks Rocket involved me with."

Summer took a pause. She knew that's not what he wanted to hear.

"And trying to catch him. I nearly had him..."

She conveyed a tone of frustration, balling her hand into a fist as she glanced to the side with her teeth clenched. Hoping to whatever greater power it was a good enough act that she was proving to her father she still held disdain for Knox in her heart.

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 19:12:30 GMT
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he regards her, clad in her professional attire, trappings around her bodice meant to ensnare his men into confusing want with trust. he'd taught her well. her whims, her manipulation, the very essence of her being lives inside of him, connecting them with strings that could never be broken. 

his outburst at the party, he regrets deeply. his hands still burn from where he'd laid them upon her. 

and she must understand that it hadn't been his doing. his rage had been meant for the rot she'd been protecting, the disease that had dared stretch its spindly fingers out to her in the first place. that he could worm his way back into her, that he could corrupt her, terrifies him. 

"i appreciate you cleaning up the damage, but i won't have you overworking yourself."

he raises a brow at her, considers her and her clenched fist, muscles taut. his gaze snicks to his laptop screen, where dozens upon dozens of messages crowing for the capture of his son are met with silence. 

"two of my best men disappear after being sent to warn him. and my strongest, my own kin, lets him slip through her grasp." he hangs his head in one hand, fingers pressing against his temples in frustration. 

"you understand my disappointment." he sighs.

"come here," he says, lifting his chin. 
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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 19:53:35 GMT
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Summer nodded and gave a small dip of her head as she accepted his words.

"As you wish, Father. I shall dedicate myself only to your cause."

After all, though affiliated to Rocket, they were not the people that she was bound to. That had been made clear to her since day one, when she was introduced into the business and told what she was to do.

Black mail. Manipulate. Use any part of her to gain the upper hand and get what they needed.

That's why she had always been his most dangerous weapon. Until now, it seemed. Was he putting the puzzle pieces together?

A cross look clouded her features as she heard the word "slip" leave her father's lips.

"Are you suggesting I let him go willingly? Or easily?" she protested, feeling ice run through her veins.

Disappointment. Something she was surely used to at this point. Summer remembered the burning smack against her cheek. Even then, she felt it like fire on her skin. She was told to approach, and she did so, though she felt like her feet were heavy.

"There was a Gardevoir that appeared. There was no way I could have anticipated such an approach, and he was never equipped with one before. He must be working with someone to escape us. You know he's not smart enough to come up with these tactics himself," she began as she stopped in front of him.

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 21:02:39 GMT
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"not at all," he says, blinking. "he's always managed to worm his way out of repercussion, one way or another." though summer has a soft spot for him (of course he knows this. how could he not?), he'd never expect betrayal from her. from his closest confidants, yes. from his business partners, surely. but from his little girl? 


she's just...misguided. but he'll bring her back. he'll expose the empty cavern behind his son's rattling ribs. that all that he touches burns, just like his mother. but summer was never born with all that evil inside her. she's her own. she's part of him, but she's her own. 

but he sees veronica in his son's smirk, in his ice blue eyes, in his stubborn attachment to life and all its pleasures. 

"you're right," he says. he extends a hand when she comes close. slowly, carefully. he takes her small hand in his and holds it gently, tracing her knuckles. 

"is there anyone he might run to? anywhere he may go? i know he's confided in you before." his expression softens. "i'm sorry, darling. i never meant to hurt you. and i'll carry that burden with me until the day i die."

he gives her hand a gentle squeeze. "i hope you might forgive me. i'm trying to make it right."
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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 21:44:11 GMT
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Her defensive nature, her stature, all deflate. Summer donned her role as "daddy's little girl" once more, knowing that she still had his trust and her loyalties were not wavering.

Not yet.

"I apologize for assuming. I overstepped my bounds."

She knew when to step back and become submissive to him. It was engrained in her. She was trained to know who was in charge. It wasn't Summer Prescott.

Without hesitation, she slipped her hand into his. A feeling of nostalgia claimed her briefly, of taking trips with him as a younger child. Holding her father's hand and pointing out things that amazed her.

Doubt clouded her mind.

"If I recall, I have gathered intel from him that he may be with a former lover of his. A man named Ollie. They were an item a while back, though if I'm not mistaken, they departed a long time ago as well. I believe that he is housing him."

The poor bastard.

Her father mentioned the moment, the one she tried to forget until she had Casey. But he, too, seemed to be gone. Summer pushed the thought away, simply offering a smile on her face as she held his hand tighter.

"Please, Father. All is forgiven. It was a moment of passion and a mistake on my part. I would never blame you."

Lies spilled from her lips. But she'd rather lie to him and continue living in fear than stand up and risk brutality.

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 22:08:11 GMT
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ollie. oliver. he remembers now. and there was one other, to make them a trio. hadley's girl. a piece of shit, that man had been, laying hands on his daughter like he had. he'd gotten what was coming to him. 

for a brief moment, he wonders if knox had been his reckoning. 

and then thinks no, no, his son wouldn't have it in him to do something so atrocious. that was a woman's work. summer perhaps? she'd snuck off to be with his friends once or twice and he'd let her, but not without keeping an eye out. not without making her feel special for telling him about all the little things they did together

"you should blame me. i acted out of line. never let your anger get the better of you." he tilts his head, kisses her knuckles. "it may very well cost you all you hold dear in this world. i'm just lucky it didn't mine."

he releases her and sits back in his chair. his hand goes to his phone and he brings it up to his ear. the phone need only ring once before it's answered. 

"some new information. yeah. look into an oliver or ollie. known associate with eden hadley." he waits, tapping his fingers on the desk.

"wonderful. you know what to do." he hangs up and offers a wan smile to summer. 

"i know you still care for him, but you know that saying - blood is thicker than water?" he stands, leaving his phone on the table, to fold his hands behind his back and stare out the window. "it's one of the most misquoted sayings of our time.

"the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. family is what you make of it, summer. knox isn't fit to bear the title we share."
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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 22:32:51 GMT
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Summer let her smile fall as he spoke. She couldn't help but wonder, did her father truly mean what he said?

Did he hold her dear? Was she his world? Again, she felt herself begin to waver, the hatred and fear she had felt toward him falling away toward a desire for his love and affection. She was merely a child looking for protection.

Still... she couldn't betray her brother either.

She watched him stand, to look out the window once he made his call. The plan was in place, it seemed. She just needed to get into contact with Knox that she went through with it. Perhaps give Ollie a warning in case his home got ransacked.

Summer pulled her attention from his back to the window, coming to stand beside her father.

"I didn't quite realize it was misquoted," she admitted, standing at his side.

And she was pulled two ways once again. For loyalty and praise for her father and protecting her brother. Because in her eyes, they were her family. Both of them. Even if her father disagreed.

"And that's why he should be terminated?"

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 22:52:10 GMT
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he frowns, but the expression is lost to her. it's the witching hour. many are already cozied up in their homes. most don't have a smuggling empire to run. he still has plenty to tend to, but this is more important. reconciling, getting through to his daughter, ensuring that in the pivotal moment, she will not waver. 

she must be able to forgive him for what he'll do to her brother. 

"i know i've asked of you the world. and he as well. this is about more than just the party. i could give a damn about that. no, this is about our empire. and you know as well as i that he's a liability. how much cocaine needs waving in front of his nose before he spills everything he knows about the business? about me? about you?"

he turns, chin down, eyes...sad. "i don't want it to come to that. i plan to offer him peace. an option. leave hoenn, leave our name, and he'll be free." 

he gives her a measured stare. "do you think me unfair?"
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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 0:08:29 GMT
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Summer had wondered if his rage that morning stemmed from seeing Knox in his house because of a party that he threw, alongside her. Or simply because he was home.

Now she had the answer.

She met his gaze before looking down herself.

"I didn't... think of it before."

Instead, she had been incredibly selfish, supplied her brother with drugs that could have toppled down an empire. Ruined her reputation. The seeds of doubts were surely planted and being tended to.

And then he offered the second option.

"I thought... I thought you had wanted him dead. I never found you unfair. But, have you changed your mind instead?"

Should she deliver this news to Knox?

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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 23:11:38 GMT
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she hadn't thought of it because knox is a distraction, because he appeals to her pathos. she still has a heart. and it's useful for certain things, surely, but it's a thorn in his side when it comes to doling out justice. when it comes to protecting their business, their family. everything he's ever worked for. 

"again," he says and looks down at the thick ring on his finger, "i let my anger get the better of me. darling, i don't think you realized just how precarious he's made our situation. most of the league's dogs are preoccupied, but some have been sniffing around where they shouldn't. and it's because he's left a trail.

"i love him."
a lie, but not the first he's spoken to her since she's walked in the room. "but time and time again, he's proved he can't clean up his act. he's a danger to himself and others. to this ollie he's hiding behind. if he agrees to leave, i'll even fund professional help. anything it takes."

flesh ripping, satisfaction deep in his gullet, ice-blue eyes cold with the sting of betrayal, of the blooming seeds of malice. his fingers flex, craving to wrap around his slow-pulsing throat. 

"you're not like him, you know. i know you'd never do anything like him. you're...irreplaceable." he finally turns away from the window and takes a seat again, shoulders hunched.

"i'm tired, summer. and how are you faring? i know things haven't been easy for you lately."
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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 23:51:20 GMT
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And the lies he fed her, Summer continued to eat. She had been warned by before. But she continued to believe them, feasted on them like it was her salvation.

Summer tilted her head down, shame written across her features as he spoke. How could she have doubted her own father? Of course he had spoken in a fit of rage.

Just like the slap to her face, his words to Knox had to have meant nothing.

"I'm sorry I ever took them to heart. Please forgive my naivety."

Of course, she'd contact Knox.

"If you will allow me to speak with him, I could bring to light the importance of getting help. Perhaps, there's a way he'd listen to us."

If Summer could get to him first, things didn't have to be harsh. They could run in a diplomatic manner. Perhaps she could even help him devise a way for him to see Sam. There had to be a way.

She could make everyone in her family happy, right?

Her head snapped up. Irreplaceable? Summer? Something struck a note in her heart as she peered at her father's figure as he sat back at his desk. Emotions, building slowly. Threatening to burst over the dam she was building.

And his question, his statement, was enough to release it.

"I'm unwell," Summer answered truthfully, her voice wavering as tears threatened to overcome her.

"I'm... I'm so sad, Dad."

And she opened herself, an innocent girl to her father, looking for comfort.

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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 20:03:52 GMT
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and in her exhaustion, with her guard down, he uncovers truth. if you allow me to speak with him. so he will resurface for her. they must have grown close before their stint with the party. perhaps it's better marcus is missing. clearly the boy hadn't been keeping as close an eye on them as he'd asked. 

but with knox's claws dug into her, he still fears treachery. in due time, she will come home. in due time, she'll return to him completely. 

when her voice wavers, he stiffens. they'd stopped such trivialities when they were children. at least, she had. but he swallows his discomfort and closes the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her, cradling the back of her head. he hums into her crown, her starlit hair, and offers her his comfort. 

"it's hard to care so deeply about someone who hurts you time and time again. i understand." his grip tightens.

"join me for dinner. i'll make a reservation at that place in the upper district you love."
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POSTED ON Jan 9, 2022 5:01:27 GMT
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And her father's right. Was he always right like this? Summer was beginning to think yes, that he was.

That maybe this whole plan that she and Knox devised, that all the opinions Sam held about him, were wrong. Maybe things would work for the better if she came clean.

And yet, she allowed herself to melt into his embrace, nearing letting out a sob as he gave her the warmth she was seeking. There were so many things she wanted to talk about. Of course his first thought was of Knox.

But so much more was eating away at her that didn't involve the family either. Where was her love? Where did Casey go?

He promised dinner, and she let go, taking a step back and wiping away a few stray tears that managed to betray her and slip down her face. Summer nodded.

"I would love that. You have free time?"

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POSTED ON Jan 10, 2022 22:42:16 GMT
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he blinks. "for you? always, my darling." they've dined ample times in the past. they've shared rare vintages of wine. they've eaten from some of the most well-renowned chefs in the entire world, nevermind the region. they've shared laughs, they've talked business, but mostly they've enjoyed each other's company. 

and hadn't they been happy? hadn't she been happy? 

he refuses to doubt himself, though it festers there in the back of his mind, as he strokes her fine hair one more time and picks up his phone.

"yes. for two. prescott. yes, our usual table would be lovely."

he walks around her after putting his phone in his pocket, puts his laptop away in his bag, and then turns to her. "i suppose you'll be wanting to get ready?"
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