A Heart's Desire [WW]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Amber "Berry" (Former Stagename)
October 27
Goldenrod City, JOHTO
All publicity is good publicity, if you know how to monetize.
74 posts
Amber Lenoir DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @amberlenoir
Amber Lenoir
A Heart's Desire [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2022 23:08:29 GMT
Amber Lenoir Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]The higher the stakes, the more fun the game.
If prosperity makes monsters,
I'll claw my way to glory.
Holy fuck, Gigi was a monster on the battlefield.

Amber felt absolutely useless in the chaos that followed, the thunderstorm brewing overhead seeming almost in answer to the fury of the ivory-haired trainer and her team of Ice-type Pokemon. Howling, icy winds tore through the bandits, as did searing rays of cold, white light. It wasn't as if Amber's Dark-type Pokemon wouldn't have been of use, but it was difficult to take part when Gigi's entire team was tearing apart everything so fucking effectively.

Like, it was impressive as hell. The woman should be a gym leader or something.

"What pokemon do you have. We can battle it and catch it. You have a pokeball, no?"

But even someone so impressive could exhaust herself. Gigi had run herself ragged, or at least, run her voice ragged. This rough-voiced Gigi was not the level-headed woman that Amber had met up with in Granite Cave, but someone who had seen some shit. What had happened exactly during that brief conversation she'd had with outside the stables?

Gigi's impassive gaze searched Amber, and the blonde cleared her throat awkwardly, knowing it wasn't the time to pry. "Oh, uh, sure. Yeah, I got this." She threw a Pokeball in the air, and instead of the Umbreon she normally preferred using, she summoned instead a Zeraora -- a legendary Pokemon of her own, discovered in lucky, if unusual circumstances.

"Okay, uh, I hope to fuck this thing listens to me," Amber said, the feline Pokemon leaving a thunderclap with each step as it prowled around its owner with a wary growl. "I've never actually tried to make use of it before."

Amber was more of a dog person, really. But hey, when in an alternate dimension...

The vortex of water churning in front of them surged to new heights as a monstrous, serpentine creature emerged from the murky depths, revealing a red-scaled Gyarados. The Bloody Gyarados, the Queen had called it. Fins unfurled with crimson majesty, letting out a shriek of warning as the draconic Pokemon summoned a wall of water to crash down on the shore with a SURF.

"Fuck," Amber whispered, ducking as the water crashed down on them in a torrential downpour. Yet the surf sizzled harmlessly against the Zeraora's fur, sparking with electricity as the tiger-like Pokemon leapt towards the Gyarados, pouncing from crackling thunderbolt to thunderbolt to summon a shattering clap of a THUNDER PUNCH.

It was bizarre, for Amber to have such a powerful Pokemon in her possession, and yet for it to seem to know what she wanted without her asking. Normally Amber directed her Umbreon and other hounds to answer her every directive, but the Zeraora didn't wait. It flexed its claws, static radiating from its paws, and followed primal instinct.

Maybe it's a cat thing, she mused to herself.

Caught in the rainfall, the Gyarados and the Zeraora clashed again and again, as if the ocean itself was warring against the overcast sky. Volts of energy crackled on the foam of the murky sea, the Gyarados howling as it dove underwater to evade the swift feline Pokemon's advance. Every punch the Zeraora aimed at the sea scattered in bolts of electricity in all directions, stretching to untold lengths across the blue-black expanse of water.

And that's when the slight figure of a blonde woman lashed by waves against the rocks suddenly came into Amber’s field of vision. The princess? "Oh shit," she whispered, then shouted, her voice shrill with command. "Stop! Hey. Stop all the lightning! Someone is out there! You’re going to hurt her!"

The Zeraora was too entrenched in the thrill of battle with the crimson Gyarados to pay her any mind. It obeyed her in name only; in practice, it did what it pleased, lost in bloodlust.

Instead it was a different Pokemon that reacted to Amber’s cry.

The Glastrier.

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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
A Heart's Desire [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2022 22:03:35 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0716 words

Georgette hangs back as Amber releases an unusual pokemon: Zeraora. Brow furrowed minutely in surprise at the sight of the creature, any concerns are swept away as the electric legendary bolts forward to engage the Red Gyarados. Gritting her teeth as the storm whips into a frenzy, an alarmed, "Protect!" is ordered as a rogue wave slams against the shoreline beside herself and her Froslass; only just managing to block the wall of water, Alouette strains to maintain the barrier until it is safe once more.
A Shadowball is directed towards the Red Gyarados in an effort to help Amber, though it seems the young woman has lost control of her Zeraora as the cat charges up for another burst of electricity.
There is no time to help.
In response to Amber's shout of warning, the Glastrier moves all on her own, the draught horse thundering through the waves to reach the Princess; the hapless woman is thrown off the rocks the Glastrier's bulk and out of the water, the mare then planting her hooves to stand guard. The action accomplished just in time as a burst of electricity slams through the water, the mare's scream of pain filling the air. As the Zeraora darts to the side, easily dodging the slow Red Gyarados upon the bank, the dragon's attention flits to the stunned Glastrier. Seeming to sense the mare's inability to move, a stray paralysis disabling the Glastrier's movements, the Red Gyarados whips its lower body around, slamming its tail into the Ice pokemon to throw her into deep water - a moment later and the pair resurfaces, the Red Gyarados's maw clamped brutally around the back-half of the Glastrier.
Thrown onto the shoreline just before Georgette, the poor Glastrier lands with a brutal 'THUD', her body twisted and bloodied. Blue-green eyes wide, Georgette stares in stunned horror at the poor mare, the pokemon making a cursory attempt to stand to resume protection of the Princess only to collapse under the pain and weight of her injuries.
"Oh," Georgette whispers, her voice constricted and hoarse. She looks momentarily to Amber, her Altaria released to go help the other trainer with her capture, before her brokenhearted attention settles onto the Glastrier. "Je suis désolé,"* she whispers in broken Kalosian as she sinks onto the ground beside the Glastrier's head. With a chatter of warning, Alouette hovers beside her trainer and throws up another Protect to shelter the pair.
Oblivious of the cold, or indeed much around her, Georgette pulls Glastrier's head into her lap, her fingertips soothingly trailing the mare's cheek as pained grunts are forced from the shattered pokemon. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes unseeing of the battle beyond, Gigi looks back to the Glastrier to assure, "Elle est en sécurité. Vous l'avez gardée en sécurité."** Wincing, her heart in her throat, she pulls her satchel open and palms the knife within - there was no saving the poor pokemon with those injuries. "Elle est en sécurité. Mais regardez - regardez le ciel?"*** Georgette directs, her voice thick with tears at the mare's plight. Cradling the Glastrier's head in one arm, she carefully angles her head towards the horizon, the vestiges of sunlight radiating over the stormy sky. "N'est-il pas beau,"**** she whispers thickly, her vision now obscured by tears.
"Regarde le ciel, nous allons par là ensemble."******
With nary any hesitation, the blade is cleanly sliced through the jugular and carotid artery. Georgette winces as the blood slicks over her fingers, its icy temperature burning her hands and spilling onto her lap in thick rivulets. Her voice cracking, as the lifeblood of the mare slips through her fingers, Georgette sings tremulously:
À la claire fontaine[break]
M’en allant promener [break]
J’ai trouvé l’eau si belle [break]
Que je m’y suis baigné.

On and on she sings through the lullaby's verses, her throat raw and face stained with tear tracks until she reaches the end of the song, her hand soothingly stroking the mare's shoulder. A glance down confirms the passing of the Glastrier; slowly, and then all at once, deep fissures run through the pokemon's body which shatters into naught but ice, leaving an ICEROOT CARROT in Georgette's lap.

* I'm sorry [break]
** She is safe. You kept her safe.[break]
*** She is safe. But look - look at the sky?[break]
**** Isn't it beautiful[break]
****** Look at the sky, we are going that way together.[break]


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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Amber "Berry" (Former Stagename)
October 27
Goldenrod City, JOHTO
All publicity is good publicity, if you know how to monetize.
74 posts
Amber Lenoir DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @amberlenoir
Amber Lenoir
A Heart's Desire [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2022 22:53:52 GMT
Amber Lenoir Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]The higher the stakes, the more fun the game.
If prosperity makes monsters,
I'll claw my way to glory.
Everything had felt cinematic to Amber since they had arrived in this medieval place, but watching the tragedy unfold was like witnessing something too grand to fit on a silver screen.

Lightning crackling through the heavens as the Zeraora danced on nimbus clouds, the sea rising with the Gyarados's rage, and the glacial beauty of the Glastrier gliding across the foam-swept waves -- it happened in moments, but the horror that settled in Amber's stomach did so slowly, with the sick dread of one powerless to stop an inevitable conclusion.

The unconscious princess was brought to Georgette's side, the dying cries of the Glastrier ringing so loudly through the air that it shamed the thunder into silence.

For so many years, Amber -- and the world, really -- had believed her to be a child pretending to be an adult. Emancipating at fifteen had felt like wearing clothes that were too big for her, stumbling forward with money and fame as the world laughed at her failures to succeed at independence. She'd learned how to build a fortune from failing, attributing a financial value to her scandal and her comically poor sense of self.

The sight of the Glastrier's fallen body, however, and the sight of the princess and her drenched Eevee, sent a jolt of disgust and shame through Amber. With it, a thousand thoughts struck her as violently as the discharge of her own Zeraora's lightning.

If you could control your own Pokemon, Amber, this would have never happened.
Look at that stupid girl. She couldn't control this Gyarados, and look what happened.
In this world, no one helped you escape. You just stayed timid, and scared, and let the world shape you into what you didn't want to be.
Grow the fuck up. You can't rely on other people forever.
Fix this shit. Now.

"I said to fucking stop."

This time, the timbre of her voice was devoid of hysterics as she directed her words towards her legendary Pokemon. This was a command, strong-willed and severe as it rose above the sound of crashing waves and turbulent storms. Amber stepped forward, her Zeraora finally looking at her with recognition in its eyes. As if until now, Amber had merely been an observer to its behaviour, and not the trainer that it served.

The lightning faded in the wake of Amber's glare, leaving behind nothing but a swathe of ink-black clouds as the feline Pokemon snarled at its trainer with a low, irritated hiss.

"Cry about it. I don't care. You fucking listen to me, got it? When I say stop, you stop. I am your goddamn master."

The Gyarados let out a wind-shattering cry, waves rushing forward to slam over the Zeraora's head as the Pokemon stood in place. It yowled, leaping forward with lightning sparking from its paws, only for Amber's voice to once more ring out:

"No. I said stop. This is a lesson you're going to learn right now, motherfucker."

It should have been Amber drowning in the waves, not her Zeraora. It should have been her punished by walls of water careening over her inert body, facing the consequences of her own folly. All she could do was project her own anger on the closest replacement. Tears fell down Amber's cheeks as she watched, masked by the rain, until at last the Zeraora's bedraggled state reached something approaching concern.

"Now." Her voice was steady. Emphatic. Assured. "Strike the Gyarados now. THUNDER PUNCH."

It was like watching the Zeraora come back to life as it sprang back to its previous task with relish, this time making its singular attack count with all the might it could muster. It shattered into the Gyarados's jaw, sending the mighty creature falling back into the surf with a low moan.

Amber's hands shook as she threw a Pokeball high into the sky, watching as a light flashed out from the sphere to absorb the Gyarados in its entirety. It fell onto the sand, shaking back and forth, as the howling squalls began to silence and the angered waves began to ebb in their flow.

Painful seconds passed, before the Pokeball finally shut closed with a decisive 'click.'

It had been done. The Bloody Gyarados was now hers.

Amber raised her head high, confidence and relief alike resounding in her parting words: "Return to me, Zeraora." The tiger Pokemon obediently vanished in a burst of red light. The two monstrous beings rested in her hands, trapped and ready at her command.

This time, she brought out a third.

"Hydra." The Hydreigon appeared with a roar, Amber nonchalantly walking towards the winged dragon to prepare to embark. She slung the arm of her doppelganger over her shoulder, lifting her onto the back of the powerful beast as she turned to Gigi with a solemn expression.

The corpse of the Glastrier laid dead on the ground, unmoving, at the Kalosian woman's feet. The knife in her hands remained slick with blood, despite the mist all around them.

"Come on, Gigi. It's time to leave this behind."

(notes)⏤ you know what that is? growth
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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
A Heart's Desire [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2022 23:29:12 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0394 words

Her blue-green gaze unseeing as she stares at her gore-slicked hands, Georgette slowly looks up and over her shoulder at the sound of Amber's voice. "Oh," she breathes out, her head giving an absent little nod. Her grip on the knife tightening for a moment, she gingerly cleans the blade in a haphazard manner on the nearby grass and tucks away the dirty blade into her satchel.
Staining everything she touches, from her pokeballs which she uses to collect her Froslass and Altaria - the former protesting her return - an icy scarlet clings stubbornly to Georgette's red-raw hands. She stands wordlessly, her hand lifting to rub beneath one eye with her wrist, leaving a streak of burning crimson in the wake of the action; as she does this an Unknown slips out from the glassy surface of the nearby lake. Keeping a respectable distance, though close enough for notice, it follows the pair purposefully.
The ride back upon the Hydreigon is silent, Amber's attempts at chatter ignored or perhaps lost in the howl of the wind. Clouds coiling across her vision, painting her skin in frosty dew, Georgette's heart sinks further and further as the castle appears in the distance. She would need to confess - to speak to Leverett.
So much had happened in such a short time.
When they land Georgette utters a simple, "I need to check - the Stables," and leaves Amber to her own devices. As she walks the Unknown hovers after her, an eager witness to the oncoming encounter.
"Leverett?" Georgette calls hoarsely, her brow furrowing as she searches through the barn. "Leverett, please." Voice cracking, Gigi checks every stall, every corner and side room, until she finds herself wholly alone save for the lingering Unknown. She just - she had only wanted to say goodbye. To say she was sorry. To say...
Her head hanging, Georgette slides down the door of a nearby stall and lands upon the hay-strewn ground. Silently she strips the armour from her figure, the blood-stained metal left in a pile save for a single greave that she seems to have wholly forgotten about. Drawing up her knees to her chest, Georgette rests her elbows upon them, her hands dangling uselessly before herself, allowing her to watch the flecks of dried blood peel in the oddly cold air.


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Amber "Berry" (Former Stagename)
October 27
Goldenrod City, JOHTO
All publicity is good publicity, if you know how to monetize.
74 posts
Amber Lenoir DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @amberlenoir
Amber Lenoir
A Heart's Desire [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2022 0:01:43 GMT
Amber Lenoir Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]The higher the stakes, the more fun the game.
If prosperity makes monsters,
I'll claw my way to glory.
When Amber faced the queen's royal chamber again, she was alone.

She walked towards the throne with imposing carriage, chin lifted high, her dark eyes narrowed as she addressed the Queen. "Good day, Mother. I have come home." In place of the heavy armour that had given her, Amber stood in the princess's drenched damask gown, its intricate beading and corset speaking of a constricting lifestyle that was nothing like the one she herself had known as a child star with an overbearing pageant mom -- and yet, in other ways, echoed it perfectly.

"My poor sweet, foolish girl. We have to clean you off, don't we, if we are to wed you to the prince of Kalos next month? I hear can be a particular man."

"I am afraid you don't have the power to do something like that, Mother. For you won't be queen long enough for your thoughts regarding my marriage to matter."

The faint 'click' of a Pokeball opening echoed in the chamber as the Red Gyarados snaked around Amber with its enormous coils, crimson scales glinting with a sanguine radiance in the light of the throne room.

"I challenge you for the throne. For the right to reign Hoenn, as its crown princess. Shall we begin?"

A deafening roar heralded the start of a brutal, swift battle, its outcome decided in mere moments.

"You have a new start." Amber's words were harsh, loving, and strict as she spoke to the timid girl that shared her face. "This is your kingdom now, okay? The people here are trusting you to make Hoenn better. So you can't afford to be scared anymore. You need to start being brave, got it?"

The princess nodded, swallowing. "I don't know... I don't know how to thank you," she said breathlessly, her hand delicately alighted upon the arm of Sir . "I fear my mother lied to you. I know not how to get you or your friend home, alas. And Mother refuses to tell us anything of use, liar though she may be."

Amber shrugged, bluster coming easily. "We'll manage. It'll be fine."

"Is she all right? Your companion, that is."

Amber shrugged again, but this time, didn't answer her double's anxious concern. It was a question she didn't really know how to answer.

For days, had sat outside the stables in silence. The ICEROOT CARROT in her hands left her palms perpetually red and raw with its icy touch, her expression blank and answers brief.

Amber would sit by her, bringing a plate of the food offered by the royal kitchens, and they'd eat together in silence as they looked at the empty corner of the stable. The Unown that had become something of a second shadow to Gigi would bob around them both, curiously investigating this stall without a horse or an owner.

"We have to go home soon, don't we?" Amber said, chattering as always to herself. It had become their usual habit. "I was talking to someone about like, I don't know, maybe there is this wormhole over in the caves... Father Winter is a dick, his portal still hasn't shown up. But I feel like something will come up, won't it? It has to."

Being the adult between the two of them felt strange, the inversion of their usual dynamic leaving Amber forced to feign confidence until she felt it. Even so, she had become better at it with each day of faking, until she felt comfortable making jokes and laughing at them around Gigi, regardless of whether or not the ivory-haired trainer felt inclined to laugh along.

Amber had heard something about some stablehand that used to work the royal stables, and how Gigi had tried over and over again to reach them to no avail. No one had thought to keep track of a peasant in their employ. Amber didn't know why it mattered, only that it mattered to Gigi.

And that her friend was unlikely to find what she was looking for, the longer she stared at nothing here all alone.

The blonde leaned back, examining Gigi for a moment, before her voice took on a more serious tone. "Someone gave me good advice once, that when thoughts become too loud, you just take a moment to close your eyes and breathe. I... wish you would breathe more, Gigi.

"We can't keep holding onto this place. There's more ahead of us, still. Back home."

The Unown emitted a strange purple colour in answer to the word, 'home,' as Gigi at last averted her gaze from the Glastrier's former stall. An eternity seemed to pass in silence before she nodded, her ivory curls tousled with the movement, and her lips formed a quiet statement of agreement.

"...Home. Yes. We should go home."

It was as if Gigi had spoken aloud a magical incantation, her wish spurring the Unown that had followed her since that fateful day to spin violently in place. The ordinary stable began to fill with a riot of pulsing colours as a vortex spiraled into being, mirroring an all-too-familiar sight beyond its glimmering surface.

Hoenn. Their Hoenn.

"Are you ready, Gigi?" Amber whispered, taking her dear friend by the hand. "If you're ready, we can go."

Gigi's hand tightened around her own, once more responding with a tiny nod.

And exhaling a deep breath, the two jumped through the portal into what world awaited them beyond.

(notes)⏤ And thus, it ends.
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TAG WITH @shiv
A Heart's Desire [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2022 23:23:07 GMT
shiv Avatar


YOU RETURN TO THE QUIET OF GRANITE CAVE. "Father Winter" and his Unown-D is nowhere to be seen. At first, you wonder if you're truly home.

But the shrill cries of Zubat echo in the darkness. The periodic thud of a Nosepass' slow ambling steps punctuate shrouded cavern tunnels and paths reassure you in their eerie rhythms, that you are indeed where you need to be. Your home. Your own dimension.

Will you fight to protect it?




YOU HAVE RECEIVED AN ICEROOT CARROT. Bringing this blue-cool fleshy carrot to SHOAL CAVE will grant you a visit from a chilling creature.

While others have had to grow them from seeds, you will be able to begin taming the Glastrier immediately.

To move on to the next step, you must create one more thread in SHOAL CAVE. You can participate with another character, should you so desire. Once you (and a partner, if in possession of one) have posted, please post in MODERATION REQUESTS. Afterward, will post what you must do.