Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,588 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 22:54:24 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned





[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]Cut One's Losses


Little about Hotel Camphrier spoke of the noble bearing that Elisabeth had been born to in her tiny hometown. It was a destination thronged by the tourists that flocked Shabboneau Castle, its prices affordable and its location remote. Wooden floors and large windows offered it a classic and traditional elegance, one that belonged to eons past rather than to the modern age.[break][break]

"The name of this reservation is under ," Elisabeth said, gesturing to her ivory-haired companion. "For two, please." She intentionally kept her own surname to herself; it had been a long time since Elisabeth Fiorelli had been welcome here.[break][break]

Since the local Fiorelli winery had been shut down by her late husband, in fact.[break][break]

The Kalosian noblewoman could have afforded better lodging, perhaps, outside of town for herself and her friend. A one-bedroom hotel room was hardly state-of-the-art, and Elisabeth silently hoped that Georgette wouldn't hold it against her. The long flight into Kalos had been lengthy enough.[break][break]

Coming here was... difficult. It always had been, after her marriage.[break][break]

"We have some time before the sun goes down," Elisabeth said to Georgette as she received the two keys to the room. "Was there anything you wished to see of Camphrier Town before we...?"[break][break]

Before we visit the cemetery.[break][break]

It felt unkind to bring Georgette along. Already the woman had been burdened with enough of Elisabeth's pains, and each time, the kind trainer from Snowbelle City would accept them with an open heart and mind.[break][break]

And if her recent encounter in the woods with was any indication, Elisabeth needed a friend -- an uncomplicated friend, like Gigi -- right now.[break][break]


"We can tour the castle," Elisabeth said with a warm smile, "or perhaps try some of the local foods. Whatever you like, Gigi."[break][break]

She was stalling.


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 3:07:09 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0252 words

Taking in the sights of Camphrier, Georgette smiled widely at the quaint hotel Elisabeth had chosen for their stay - it was certainly more immaculate than anything her family had rented in Lumiose City. The fact that something more decadent - more extravagant - could have been chosen fails to cross Georgette's mind once, the woman instead hauling their combined luggage with a strength that it seems her slight frame should not possess.
"I have found it," Georgette announces warmly in their native Kalosian as the ivory-haired woman pulls her companion along to their appointed room. It was wonderful to speak it again without the odd looks, without the instant knowledge she was an outsider to the Region. Gone are the sharp vowels she struggles with, replaced instead with the flowing lilts of their mother tongue.
Despite the solemnity of the trip Georgette seems to blossom, awaken, at her return to Kalos. Pushing open their door and depositing their luggage onto the bed, she purses her lips thoughtfully as Elisabeth muses they yet have time during the day.
"We could," Georgette drawls softly with a pensive air at Elisabeth's suggestions, her eyes turning bright when she counters, "Or we could walk the Rivière and let everyone stretch their legs. A sign at the airport said there were food stalls and music this time of year."
Giving Elisabeth a little nod of encouragement to agree with her plan, Georgette extends her hand for her companion to take.
"And the flowers are in bloom."
Trust me.


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,588 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 15:34:41 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned





[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]Cut One's Losses


Trust me.[break][break]

Elisabeth's gloved hand found its way in Gigi's, and in that moment, she did.[break][break]

The sight of the Rivière filled with local food stalls brought with it memories of walking the river hand-in-hand with her mother, eagerly running towards the ones with the brightest and most beguiling banners. As an adult, the magic had thinned somewhat; Elisabeth had herself been a vendor for a bake sale in Hoenn as recently as the last month, and in some ways, all events like this looked the same.[break][break]

Snippets of lilting, musical Kalosian carried in on the spring breeze, the words at once familiar and jarring. Part of her wanted to bask in the sense of homecoming she could see so evidently upon Georgette's face, but in truth Elisabeth felt an intruder on these revels. [break][break]

In Hoenn, Elisabeth didn't expect to belong. Yet in Kalos her unbelonging was an ache, a persistent wrongness and reminder that this distance was not always so.[break][break]

Her crystal blue eyes were drawn to an errant melody, folk songs being played by an elderly man by the riverside. A well-loved viola sat in the crook of his arm, its strings singing sweetly as children gathered around his feet to watch his Meloetta dance to the tune. [break][break]

"Do you know that song?" Elisabeth asked, turning to . "It sounds so familiar, but I cannot place it."


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 18:54:23 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0350 words

Once free from the hotel and out in the open air, Georgette releases her pokemon to wander nearby, only her Froslass hovering just behind the pair as they walk past myriad food stalls. One in particular seems to catch Gigi's gaze, and she draws Elisabeth with her - a short exchange of money later and a bag of candied chestnuts is split between the pair.
Closing her eyes for a moment as they walk again, the ivory-haired woman tilts her head faintly to the side at the question, her brow furrowing minutely before realisation dawns. Popping a chestnut into her mouth, Georgette draws the pair to one of the nearby tables set up for couples to lounge at. She drags the second chair over to sit right in front of Elisabeth, and positions Elisabeth's hand upon her own chin, the action mirrored in turn, each caught gently by the touch.
"You know it," Georgette says encouragingly. With an impish glint in her eyes before her face turns wholly blank in preparation for the game, and she sings in a gentle alto:
Je te tiens, [break]
Tu me tiens, [break]
Par la barbichette [break]
Le premier [break]
De nous deux [break]
Qui rira [break]
Aura une tapette !

A school yard game played so long ago. But mostly, she had played with her mother, at the kitchen table. Sometimes with her elder sister, but mostly, her mother. Affection hazed the edges of Georgette's memories, the pair seated at the table, singing softly to one another while Georgette tried not to giggle. She always won. Or, more truthfully, Gigi rarely won without her mother letting her; her mother's punishment for losing had been a tap to the nose and a kiss upon the cheek.
"You are too good at this game, Gigi," her mother would laugh, accepting her nose tap and kiss with the aplomb of receiving a foreign dignitary. Georgette would snuggle up in her mother's embrace, the outside world a faraway thought.
Shaking her head, Georgette levels her solemn expression levelled upon Elisabeth, eyes wide. She barely lasts three seconds before laughing.


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,588 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 19:16:25 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned





[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]Cut One's Losses


And Elisabeth did know it.[break][break]

As Gigi sang the school yard song, the tune did come back to Elisabeth piece by piece: one that she, too, had played at her mother's kitchen table. Stubborn and competitive, she had tried her hardest to keep her straight face as she sang, and her determined expression always made her mother dissolve into laughter.[break][break]

"Elisabeth, you are terribly silly, to treat such a game like this so seriously."[break][break]

When Gigi's hand pressed against Elisabeth's chin, for a moment the world spun. Flowers despise human touch. The dizziness careening in her mind came to a stop, however, as Elisabeth focused upon Gigi's eyes. Kind eyes. They reminded her of her mother, in that way.[break][break]

Georgiana Fiorelli had been called Gigi, too, once. How funny.[break][break]

Elisabeth's soft soprano answered Gigi's, the song once more sung in unison as the florist fought against her instinct to fly and hide. This, too, was part of coming to Camphrier Town -- facing the parts of herself she so often pretended had died.[break][break]

"Je te tiens,[break]
Tu me tiens,[break]
Par la barbichette[break]
Le premier[break]
De nous deux[break]
Qui rira[break]
Aura une tapette!"[break]

Elisabeth laughed at almost the same moment as , the tension that had locked her shoulders in place finally beginning to release its hold on her slender frame. "I haven't sung that since I was a young girl with my mother," she said, grinning.[break][break]

The elderly man with his instrument paused for a moment, standing as he stretched his arms and motioned for the children to enjoy the rest of the stalls. As he approached, Elisabeth felt his eyes on her, and the smile on her lips faded somewhat.[break][break]

"Georgiana?" he said, his bushy eyebrows raised. "Lady Fiorelli? Quelle jolie fille! As I live and breathe, mademoiselle, you are her spitting image."[break][break]

Her tongue fastened to the roof of her mouth, lips fusing together in a taut line. How strange. She had been in real danger so many times in the past few months in Hoenn, and yet...[break][break]

Yet this old man, looking at her with those probing eyes, struck more terror in her than Elisabeth could express aloud.[break][break]

At last, a single phrase choked its way through her throat: "Non. You're mistaken."[break][break]

He scrunched together his face, peering at Elisabeth as if seeing her for the first time. "I don't think so, Mademoiselle Fiorelli. Even an old man like me doesn't forget a face like yours."[break][break]

Why did Elisabeth feel so trapped? Why wouldn't the earth stand still? Greens and blues blurred into one another as she attempted to avert the man's gaze.[break][break]

"You are mistaken," Elisabeth repeated, more firmly this time, as she tugged on her companion's arm. "Come, Gigi. We have better things to do."[break][break]

Even as she walked away, she could hear his last statement, a guffaw of wonderment: "Merde. You did kill him, didn't you."[break][break]

She kept walking.


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 5:48:42 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0253 words

"I have not either," Georgette affirms through her laughter, her eyes shining bright. It was good to see Elisabeth finally relax, even a modicum.
Her attention is swiftly pulled away, however, as the elderly man hobbles nearer, her brow furrowing in confusion as he calls 'Georgiana' to Elisabeth. His insistence draws Georgette's lips into a deep frown, her mouth opening to speak before her companion's gentle touch to her arm focuses her attention instead. Collecting her bag of candied chestnuts and stuffing them into her pocket, Georgette stops immediately at the man's snide assertion.
"Merde. You did kill him, didn't you."
Georgette stops to stare incredulously at the man as he draws nearer, clutching her arm to fully stop her from following along with Elisabeth. The man adds with all of the assuredness that comes with age, "You had best watch out, mademoiselle. You might be next." As he speaks, the man grips Georgette's elbow as if to pull her away.
"How dare you," Georgette utters in shock at the assertion, her blue-green eyes turning wide. Ripping her arm out of his hand, Gigi ushers Elisabeth from the scene, her Froslass ensuring the man remains away.
Her head held high, grip shifting to lace her arm with Elisabeth, Georgette leads the blonde woman back the way they came. Once out of sight from staring eyes, Georgette whispers quietly, concern lacing her voice, "Are you alright?" She slows her pace, her attention fixing wholly upon Elisabeth.


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,588 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 20:08:38 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned





[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]Cut One's Losses


Bringing Gigi had been a mistake.[break][break]

Bringing Gigi meant inviting her to witness firsthand the shadows that crept out of Elisabeth's closet with grasping, insistent fingers, trying to drag her back into the darkness of her own depravity.[break][break]

It meant illuminating who she was at her core, and revealing the falsehoods of the person she masqueraded herself as in her day-to-day life.[break][break]

She should have brought someone else. perhaps, or even . Such statements would not have fazed either of them. Such an accusation might have even been a badge of pride, for someone in their organisation.[break][break]

And yet.[break][break]

"How dare you."[break][break]

The raw, indignant fury in those words as Georgette spoke them -- the concerned turn to her afterwards, the consolation in her touch. Was this absolution, then? Is that what she had wanted, in bringing the best person she knew to witness the worst of herself, here?[break][break]

Was it fair to want that from her? Had Elisabeth done anything to deserve such a mercy?[break][break]

"Are you alright?"[break][break]


Elisabeth wrapped her arms about herself, unable to meet the kindness in Gigi's eyes. "I am not welcome in Camphrier Town," she said at last -- not an answer, but an explanation. "I haven't been for a long time."[break][break]

They had arrived back at the hotel before Elisabeth had realised that was where Georgette had been leading them both. Perhaps her friend had already determined the graveyard would be too much to expect from her after today's little adventure.[break][break]

Such unearned kindness. "Georgette." She hesitated, the words a lump in her throat. "You know I would not hurt you, yes?"[break][break]

It was true. Elisabeth, at least, wanted it to be true. She couldn't predict what Rocket might ask her to do, but that someone like Georgette might face her poisons felt so vanishingly unlikely. Was this a moment she would look back on later, and regret? A pang of guilt that would linger around her, entwined with so many other regrets and past misunderstandings?[break][break]

"You are very dear to me. My dearest friend, in fact."[break][break]

Even if she knew her least. Perhaps, in fact, because Georgette knew her the least.


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 22:48:00 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0243 words

Georgette falls silent at the statement, her brow furrowed. "I am sorry," she finally says in response to Elisabeth's unwelcomeness, her arm moving to wrap around the other woman's waist. How tragic, to return to your place of birth and find only hostility.
When Elisabeth speaks again, Georgette draws them to a stop just outside the hotel, her head tilting faintly to the side. Sorrow paints the woman's expression at Elisabeth's words, and her hand lifts to briefly cup Elisabeth's cheek for a bare moment to draw her attention. "Elisabeth," she begins softly, though she pauses abruptly as she gathers her words.
In truth, she was uncertain. No, Georgette did not believe her friend would purposefully bring her pain or sorrow, but we could never know for sure when our actions wounded. Could result in blood and bruises. Her lips purse together, and she finally continues in a gentle timbre, "Do you know, only a rabid dog bites unprovoked."
"I do not think you are rabid. But I do think you have been bitten."
Her throat clearing, Georgette then says in a firmer tone, "I think we should rest tonight, and tomorrow we can go." A comforting smile touching her lips, she suggests, "It is easier to face sorrow in the light, but the night hides our tears when we need. We will go when you are ready."
"Come on," Georgette urges, tugging the blonde woman after her.


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,588 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 23:23:52 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned





[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]Cut One's Losses


"I do not think you are rabid. But I do think you have been bitten."[break][break]

A wolf in sheep's clothing eventually revealed its teeth, and Bortiforte's fangs had been sharp as knives when they finally cut into her flesh.[break][break]

Elisabeth was no sacrificial lamb, not anymore. That had not been the case for some time now. To survive the wolf's den, you had to bare your own claws.[break][break]

And there had been so many wolves. Her husband. Her mother-in-law. The press, gleeful vultures that they were. Men who pretended to be her knight, only to abandon her back to the monster they'd promised to save her from.[break][break]

Her body carried each and every scar from those years, unwilling to forget the wrongs inflicted upon her. Visible and invisible alike.[break][break]

So when Gigi placed her arm around her waist, Elisabeth stiffened. She flinched, like a wounded animal, afraid of the gentle hands of one who wished to nurse her back to health. [break][break]

She's right. You are wounded.[break][break]

Like an unlatched lock, Elisabeth's hold on herself surrendered as she exhaled. With great reluctance, she allowed herself to remain in the woman's arms as they continued, her limbs slack and expression flat. To any passerby, the blonde might have looked merely exhausted from a long voyage, relying on her companion to safely return to her room.[break][break]

In reality, Elisabeth felt dissociated from her own body -- she was someone else, watching the woman called Elisabeth Fiorelli perform the motions of existing in this place where she desperately did not wish to exist. This woman walked into her room, changed into her nightdress, said words, and for all intents and purposes seemed to, in fact, be her.[break][break]

Except she didn't recognize herself. Not tonight.[break][break]

"It is easier to face sorrow in the light, but the night hides our tears when we need. We will go when you are ready."[break][break]

Did it? Elisabeth had always hated nightfall.[break][break]

In the dim light of the bedroom, Elisabeth looked out the window at the vista of this sleepy town that had once held the happiest memories of her life -- left to become bitter, and eventually decay into rot. [break][break]

"Gigi." The name, spoken aloud, was a plea. She turned to face the ivory-haired trainer who had already retired for bed, unable to voice her aching need for... what, exactly?[break][break]

The blonde instead curled up on the same bed beside her friend, back gently pressed to back, as if seeking solace in the warmth of her shadow. How long had it been since Elisabeth had felt this closeness to another person, without fear accompanying it? Almost, almost close enough to touch and embrace , but not quite.[break][break]

The confession came out soft, strangled: "I can't be alone tonight. I'm sorry."[break][break]

Her body shuddered involuntarily at the admission, betraying her own damnable weakness.


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2022 3:46:23 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0329 words

Casting surreptitious glances at Elisabeth as they enter their shared room and ready themselves for bed, Georgette soon loses herself in her routine. Clothes changed into soft pyjama bottoms and an oversized matching top, teeth brushed, and hair loosely braided to keep her curls tamed through the night, Georgette eventually settles on top of her bed. Back against the headboard and lounged against myriad pillows like a queen, she haphazardly scrolls through an article announcing recent Pokemon Contest winners.
She looks up sharply at her name, concern touching her expression at Elisabeth's tone of voice. That expression falters somewhat when her friend settles with a wretched look onto the same bed as her; flicking off her phone's screen, Georgette turns and rearranges herself and Elisabeth both. Pulling her companion's back to her chest to spoon against the taller woman, Georgette wraps one arm firmly around Elisabeth's waist and tucks her head against the back of the other's neck.
"That is alright," she whispers in turn. Elisabeth didn't have to be alone. Georgette was here. "Just close your eyes."
Holding Elisabeth tightly, as one might their little cousin or sister who suffered a nightmare, Georgette's free hand gently runs through the blonde's hair, occasionally rubbing soothing circles into the scalp. Her voice low and resonant, Gigi sings in a comforting alto:
"Bonne nuit, cher trésor, [break]
Ferme tes yeux et dors. [break]
Laisse ta tête, s'envoler, [break]
Au creux de ton oreiller. [break]
Un beau rêve passera, [break]
Et tu l'attraperas. [break]
Un beau rêve passera, [break]
Et tu le retiendras."

A lullaby her mother sang when she was young. A prayer of peace. As the song trails away Gigi hums the melody at a languid pace, alternating between the lyrics and simply humming in an effort to soothe her friend to sleep.
The night was for hiding, as she had told Elisabeth. Until she was ready for the light of day, Georgette would be her sanctuary.


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,588 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2022 10:24:41 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned





[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]Cut One's Losses


A wilting flower could return to life, if you cared for it.[break][break]

Watered it. Placed it in sunlight. Allowed its petals to unfurl, slowly, stretching upwards towards the sky as if disbelieving that it could, once again, flourish and bloom.[break][break]

How long had Elisabeth been wilting, she mused silently?[break][break]

Georgette's arms molded around her, their touch so gentle it startled her. There was no wanting in this embrace, no ulterior motive. These were not vines that sought to strangle her in a suffocating vice. The cheek resting against her shoulder didn't seek to leech any warmth from her, nor desire unspoken repayment for this moment of physical intimacy. [break][break]

This was not a transaction -- no ritual exchange of pleasure and pain, as so many other nights had been beside another, unkinder soul.[break][break]

When Georgette sang, the tears fell; Elisabeth blinked rapidly, attempting to hold them back, but she had no energy left to spare for her dignity. A deluge of grief and repentance broke forth, its well of darkness choked up inside her for too long, buried under too much fear and denial. It was her mother's voice that Elisabeth heard here, her mother's hands in her hair, her mother's tenderness in this gentle, caring touch.[break][break]

Elisabeth ached for it, even as she despised herself for her aching. This woman in Georgette's arms wasn't the person her mother had wanted her to become.[break][break]

That was the Elisabeth she had killed with her husband, buried in a cemetery far from here, unable to be revived no matter how much kindness watered her or how much love shined down on her.[break][break]

And Elisabeth grieved for her, this young innocent that her parents had so adored and lavished in affection, only for it to be ultimately wasted on a rosebud doomed to choke in its own thorns and briars. She mourned this girl who had so believed in the good in others that she willingly bound herself to the cruelest man she'd ever known, believing even he had the seed of kindness in him.[break][break]

Why didn't she know better? Why hadn't that stupid child known better?[break][break]

"Un beau rêve passera,[break]
Et tu l'attraperas.[break]
Un beau rêve passera,[break]
Et tu le retiendras."

Time passed. The tears, eventually, dried on Elisabeth's cheeks. The soft sound of Georgette's voice lulled her into a different time, a different place, that eventually took her far from the prison of her mind. She could only hate herself for so long before her body exhausted itself on its own self-loathing, succumbing at last to a peculiar numbness.[break][break]

And in that dreamless sleep, Elisabeth surrendered to the sanctuary of Georgette's embrace, safe until dawn.


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2022 4:37:40 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0272 words

Morning sends the world awash in a soft golden light, the parted curtains allowing its syrupy warmth to ooze into the room, chasing away the ghost of the night. Awakening with the dawn, Georgette lies silent in the bed, simply listening to the soft breathing of her friend before she carefully, slowly, extract herself from their cocoon of warmth.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Gigi unravels her hair from its loose braid and runs her fingers through her curls in a haphazard effort to comb them. Ensuring her movements are silent, the young woman moves purposefully around the room, changing from her sleeping clothes into a more suitable ensemble for the day. She then slips from the room after grabbing her satchel to see herself down to a nearby cafe to pick up breakfast.
A pity, she thinks to herself while selecting two croissants and ordering a pair of lattes for their breakfast. Such a beautiful town filled with such suspicious and hateful people. Shaking her head as she makes her way back to the hotel, Georgette pushes into the room as quietly as she can, the drinks balanced in one hand.
Glancing over to see if Elisabeth still sleeps, the hushed whisper of fabric and paper fills the air. Gigi moves across the room to open the set of double doors leading out onto the balcony where a pair of chairs a small table overlooks the city's outer wall, beyond which the expansive countryside rolls on endlessly.
"Elisabeth," Georgette calls gently when she hears stirring in the room. "I have breakfast on the balcony."


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,588 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2022 8:37:56 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned





[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]Cut One's Losses


The sunlight spilling through the window stirred Elisabeth from her long slumber. Everything about her body ached, her blue eyes fluttering open with a startled realisation: I'm late. The shop should be opening soon. [break][break]

The panic faded, however, with the gentle beckon of Georgette's voice. The anxiety fled, and with it came a reminder: this wasn't her cottage in Petalburg, but their shared hotel room in Camphrier Town.[break][break]

And there was breakfast to be had on the balcony.[break][break]

Slowly, Elisabeth gathered herself from her bedside, the loose blonde ringlets of her hair mussed from a strange night's slumber. Stepping into a pair of slippers and sliding on the loose folds of her night robe, she gingerly joined her friend out through the double doors, where a breathtaking view of the town greeted her.[break][break]

The croissants and lattes warmly looked up at her, faintly wafting steam as Elisabeth sat across from Georgette. The sight gave the blonde pause. How long had it been since someone had prepared breakfast for her?[break][break]

For her. Not as an obligation to keep her alive, but out of pure love.[break][break]

It had probably last occurred right here, in this very town.[break][break]

"Thank you," Elisabeth said, the heaviness of the two words speaking for more than this simple gesture of kindness. She took one of the croissants and leisurely enjoyed it, flaking apart to reveal a soft centre beyond its thin crust.[break][break]

"...I hope you slept well."[break][break]

The arch in her brow inquired as to Gigi's well-being with silent concern, unsure how her companion had fared in the wake of all that had transpired between them.


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2022 20:58:47 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0282 words

Georgette picks slowly at her breakfast, her fingers tearing off small pieces of her croissant; savouring the flaky bread heavy with butter, the woman appears wholly content to while away her morning on the balcony without a care in the world.
A smile touches her expression at the appearance of Elisabeth onto the balcony, that smile growing as she's thanked. "You are welcome," Georgette replies, her latte picked up to sip at before she offers, "I did not know what you drink. I hope a latte is alright." With a little wave of her hand, as if to dismiss any concerns, Gigi swiftly assures, "Fine, fine." As Georgette tears off another piece of her croissant, her expression soft when she spares a look for Elisabeth, she turns her attention to the countryside spread out before them.
"It is a beautiful morning," she says instead. Lips pursed in thought, she muses aloud for her companion's benefit to fill the silence, "In Snowbelle we would have had everyone fed by now, and I would be mucking out the stalls. It is still too early in the season to shear the Wooloo." With a thoughtful hum, she adds, "Another week or so and they should be starting."
"You cannot do it too early, or they will be cold at night," Georgette explains amiably. "Ideally before lambing starts." Making an absent little motion with her hands, she continues, "It lets the momma take better care of the babies. Cooler and less weight, no?"
"I will have to clip Herschel soon."

Smiling fondly at the thought of her family's farm, Georgette shakes her head before asking gently, "When would you like to go out today?"


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,588 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Peace Lilies [Kalos][M]
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2022 14:37:31 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned





[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]Cut One's Losses


"You chose well." Elisabeth sipped at the hot beverage, listening with a quiet fondness as her friend talked about life in Snowbelle City. Shearing Wooloo had never sounded so wonderful, in her estimation.[break][break]

"It lets the momma take better care of the babies. Cooler and less weight, no?"[break][break]

"Motherhood has always seemed daunting, to me." Elisabeth leaned back in her chair on the balcony, her hands curling around the warmth of her mug. "I used to think it was something I desired, but... I think that window of time has closed in my life. And I am, if I may speak honestly, grateful for it." She tapped the side of the cup in thought, her loose curls gently tossed by an errant wind.[break][break]

A pause, halting and uncertain, preceded Elisabeth's next statement: "I think you would have liked my mother. You remind me of her, in some ways. Did I ever tell you that she was also called Gigi as a girl?"[break][break]

The admission, benign as it was, lodged in the back of Elisabeth's throat as she spoke aloud, prompting her to swallow more of her sweet drink before she continued.[break][break]

"My father... Was an honest man. A hardworking man, even, which can be a rarity in the upper class of Kalos. We were a house of old money, you see, and our historical trade had not translated well as the world grew more modern around us. Technology has paved the way for new titans, such as Silph and Stone, to take over the world. Even so, the Fiorelli winery was beloved here in Camphrier Town for a long time."[break][break]

Was, yes. Her hand worried at the sheer fabric of her night robe, the sunlight twinkling off the golden wedding band on her left hand.[break][break]

"My mother was a painter. A daughter of another minor, now penniless noble house, one whose bloom has since faded. She was a fabled beauty among the upper classes, however, and many thought she would ascend back in the echelon of wealth. My father was not the wealthiest man to pursue her, nor the handsomest, nor even the cleverest." [break][break]

Another pause inserted itself here, a strange sense of shame accompanying it.[break][break]

"However, he was the kindest. My mother told me she received a flower from him every day during their courtship, from a garden he prepared just for her. Tending to it and painting the blossoms was one of her happiest pursuits."[break][break]

As she spoke, the blonde's blue eyes remained focused on Camphrier Town as it sleepily arose from morning slumber. Elisabeth couldn't seem to stop herself from talking, as if engaging in a long withheld confession.[break][break]

"I loved them both very much. I don't have enough words to express how much I miss them."[break][break]

Why did any of this matter, now? Loss did not make anyone special. The world had enough of it to go around.[break][break]

Almost shyly, Elisabeth's blue eyes glanced up to meet Georgette's, as if afraid she had confided too much of herself. It was strange to feel so vulnerable about something so seemingly insignificant. Everyone had family. There was nothing unique or interesting to her tale, or even damning, as she shared it now.[break][break]

Kindness, however, was a precious rarity. One that Elisabeth held close to her heart, beneath all the thorns and brambles.[break][break]

"My mother always wanted me to have a good friend. I wish you both could have met."[break][break]

The Kalosian stood up, placing the empty cup on the table between them. To the best of her ability, she attempted a feeble smile. "Better late than never, hm? Let's get dressed, Gigi."


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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