Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 12
Silph co coder.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Yui Fujin Silph
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON May 7, 2022 16:42:04 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar
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Sootopolis huh? She was most likely dealing with a rocket member then if they were able to easily arrive to rocket's most secure area. She had to be ready for this, no holding back or else she'd end up in the belly of the beast.[break][break]

She flew in on her Alteria, apparently the rocket forces were already alerted to allow her entry and some grunts positioned on the rim of the crater allowed her to easily fly in. She wore her usual outfit for Athena, a black helmet with LED's to display images and a red velvet cloak that covered her up to her waist, keeping her hands hidden from sight. [break][break]

Alteria landed gracefully on one of the many many branches on the canopy of the tree of life as she waited. She released her Beheyeem and had it cast imprison over the area to prevent them from trapping her here.


[attr="class","ion-star"] ELGYEM & ART CREDIT

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON May 16, 2022 2:57:20 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Comfortably sitting on one of the highest branches of the Tree of Life, a man awaits the arrival of Athena. He’s clad in black from head to toe, his blond hair swaying with the breeze – tousled and just-so-slightly too long. He looks nothing like . He doesn’t particularly look like anyone would recognize. And, even though he has no intention of trapping the information broker here or bringing her harm, close to him, an Unown-? bobs from side to side in the air.
Guards have been told to allow her into the crater, executing authority only a few have within occupied Sootopolis. So, naturally, by the time the Altaria makes its landing, he has already been informed that she would be arriving.
”Athena.” Eyes of a bright aquamarine colour fall upon the LEDs of the visitor’s dark helm. When he speaks, his tone is neutral, lacking the intonations particular to any region. A practised choice, of course. Just like the fact that he also doesn’t particularly sound like anyone noticeable. ”Welcome to Sootopolis.”
The Unown-? remains unblinking, its unimpressed gaze fixed on the stranger.






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November 12
Silph co coder.
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158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON May 17, 2022 17:06:37 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar
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An unknown? [break][break]

"A fitting pokemon for rocket." she comments as her helmet turns towards the Unown, the dex entries for the pokemon had become much more detailed as more and more individuals rushed into a frenzy to collect them for research purposes. "A pokemon that when alone is very weak." she comments before giving a small pause. [break][break]

"But when many start to gather, they become something much more powerful."[break][break]

Beheyeem circles around Yui and her altaria, watching over the group like a UFO. "Thank you for the invitiation, guess that means you're high up on the chain of command in rocket if you have this kind of sway." [break][break]

There was a question that intruded her thoughts that she had to ask. "So what do you need little ol me for?"


[attr="class","ion-star"] ELGYEM & ART CREDIT

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON May 18, 2022 7:23:20 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”A fitting analogy.” Tuesday’s tone is so neutral that the comment could almost be taken as sarcastic, yet when turning his attention towards the Unown, a slight smirk tugs at his lips – perhaps the mark of how amused he is. A single finger pokes the pokémon’s body, causing it to rotate 360° as if its eye were a fixed axis. ”Not all Unown are the same, nor are all Rockets.”
Some are much more powerful than others, but admittedly, he doesn’t particularly mean himself. Even if he would prefer it if that were the case.
”I imagine you’re concerned about dealing with one of Rocket’s higher ups.” He looks at her once more, and as he does, he knows that so do over a dozen eyes hidden amongst the tree’s thick foliage. Athena is right: Unown are more powerful when in numbers, and so is Team Rocket. Otherwise ’team’ wouldn’t be a part of their name, would it?
”You’re free to leave whenever you wish, I didn’t invite you here to trick you.” Someone who chooses anonymity is bound to be distrusting and paranoid, he relates to that all too well. It’s not that he expects Athena to trust him, but the reassurance is spoken for the sake of making it easier for them to discuss things. Assume everyone is an enemy unless completely sure that’s not the case.
”I need any and all information you may have on the Dark Triad. You said you found it mentioned on a string of code. What code?
If it’s the same story he has heard before, then her information will be of little value, but maybe, just maybe, Athena knows more. He holds onto that hope.






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played by


November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON May 19, 2022 1:44:53 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar
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She raised an eyebrow at him, not like he could really see it though. [break][break]

"A little presumptuous of you." she cuts in as if it was an automatic response. "I've dealt with . I feel more than comfortable handling you." she says as this statement served two purposes. [break][break]

One, she knew chu-e choice was in hoenn, and two, she kept her mouth shut and didn't tell the league or else it would have been on the news. "So, unless you're higher up than him, I'll be fine." [break][break]

However she decided to lie for pleasantries, they were important. "But I appreciate the fact of you reassuring me. It's nice to see not everyone is a hobgoblin who sets towns on fire for fun." [break][break]

She did decide to answer his question. "file data: "mcno1102... dimensionch... drktriad" [break][break]

"I found that line of code in two places. A device one of your own has, one named who I haven't seen in quite some time. Secondly in the silver spire, specifically a chamber owned by Olivia Abiatti if I had to guess. That's all you get for free. In return I want to know what Rocket knows about Sea Hoenn Dahlia spoke of the other day."

[attr="class","ion-star"] ELGYEM & ART CREDIT

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 18:28:50 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

It would seem as if Athena has misconstrued his words.
Eyes marked by blue and green tones narrow when looking at the information broker, caring little for hiding the fact that he’s studying her closely. Athena is no fool, but she must be young, inexperienced even, because only someone who is young and inexperienced would react so defensively to a statement meant to reassure her of her safety in what should definitely be considered to be hostile territory. Or, is it just that she’s short tempered? That would be even worse, honestly. Someone quick to anger is even less trustworthy than someone who has the idiotic notion that they’re above any potential danger.
”Interesting.” The blond remains neutral despite his internal reproach, listening closely to the information given by her. Even if he doesn’t show it, the mention of is a surprise, and a mental note is made to ask the Rocket Beast about his machine and what he may know of all this. ”Mcno1102… Dimensionch… Drktriad.”
It’s easy to make speculations, but as always seems to be the case, there’s still no actual answer.
”You saw it at the Silver Spire, you say? That’s… unexpected.” Was the Silver Spire connected to other worlds before it disappeared? Was ? What was Abbiati’s connection with the Unown Report and the supposed ‘Dark Triad’? Information keeps branching out, but there’s still no core to be found.
”I’m afraid that if all you want is to learn about ’s supposed ‘Sea Hoenn’, then you will leave this place disappointed. What Rocket knows about that dimension doesn’t go far beyond what has been revealed to the public. However… There are others. We’re standing at the entrance to one of them.”
The Tree of Life.
The former location of Sootopolis’ Silver Spire.






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November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 19:30:45 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar
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Disappointing, however. [break][break]

"Wait. Do you mean...the tree?" she asked as a tone of disbelief sprinkled her words. [break][break]

But as she thought about what happened here, it was entirely possible. After all, during the raid on sootopolis, Palkia had apparently made an appearance, seemingly trying to keep everything together and just barely managing to pull it off. Add in literal gods fighting with one another and twisting dimensions were to be made. [break][break]

"Are you suggesting we enter that space Mr. Tuesday? I have a feeling rocket may have already done so if you're privy to such knowledge. What was hiding in the tree?"


[attr="class","ion-star"] ELGYEM & ART CREDIT

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 1:46:49 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”The tree.”
He confirms with simplicity, the calmness of his tone existing in stark contrast with the disbelief expressed in her voice.
Some would argue information like that should not be shared with someone outside of Team Rocket, but the reality of the matter is that with the amount of people that had ventured into the Tree of Life back in late November, someone like Athena can easily find out the truth if they wish to. She’s smart enough to know where to look, so it’s better if he himself tells her what he considers appropriate. Control the narrative. It really is no surprise that – someone who had seemed to share his fondness for strategizing – had also dealt with the information broker.
Astute. The man praises, for there’s no point in trying to hide what he had already implied. ”We found a world much different from this one… One with its own Tree of Life, where gigantic pokémon dwell, and where strange things happen.”
It’s the truth, yet some of it is kept purposefully vague; choosing not to tell Athena about Xerneas, Suicune, and especially about the fact that certain people had been granted the abilities of pokémon, nor about the consequences of receiving such gifts. Even now the memory is nightmarish.
”However… What matters the most is what happened before we ventured into the tree’s dimension.” An eyebrow is raised then, his gaze fixed on her helmet. ”A barrier blocked the entrance… One made by Unown, and that unlocked with words from the Unown Report. That’s why I’m interested in the so called “Dark Triad.”
The Unown Report.
The one he had been obsessed with ever since Azelf had visited him soon after the mysterious device was given to him, the one where his own name is written as an entry, and also the one he had become linked to that November day within the Tree of Life.






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November 12
Silph co coder.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Yui Fujin Silph
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2022 1:23:42 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar
[attr="class","ion-bluetooth"] [break][break][break]


She stays silent. [break][break]

"Interesting." this was all extremely strange, why did this tree of life lead to a different dimension. "Ah, those little devices. I can never find my own device, yet I'm often asked about them." [break][break]

Her finger is raised to her chin, blocked by the black mask reflecting mar's face back at him. However that face is soon wiped off by the helmet turning on as ? fills up the screen on it. "But I'm no expert on inter dimensional travels or these devices. I can search into the devices itself but I have a feeling it wouldn't end well." [break][break]

But there is hope as Athena had an idea as the question mark changed into an exclamation point "Yet this isn't a dead end but simply an idea that will see how far you're willing to go. What if I told you I had an idea on who may have answers for you?" [break][break]

"I was at the soiree, albeit I was just a silent observer yet I heard some rather, interesting information from a certain doctor I'd like to share." as she pulled out her phone and a recording began to play of the famous dr holo. [break][break]

"This gas comes from the Interdream Zone... an extradimensional space, separate from ours. Are we able to interface... with it?" [break][break]

"If anyone would know about other dimensions. It's her. How did she know about the interdream zone? As a woman of science even if she didn't know, it's possible she's done research since then." [break][break]

Yet there was a dilemma "The only problem is, I don't think she'd be exactly forthcoming with us." as the two comic book dressed freaks stood on their own respective branches.


[attr="class","ion-star"] ELGYEM & ART CREDIT

[googlefont=Open Sans][googlefont=Montserrat]
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2022 1:45:17 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Even behind his disguise, while wearing a face that isn’t his, the man’s reaction upon hearing the voice of Doctor Nisa Holo is impossible to miss. He has never even spoken to her, not personally at least, but he too had been at Mossdeep Observatory’s Star Soirée last September, and to say that he too finds the so-called astronomer to be suspicious would be an understatement.
He had told they should look into her for a reason, but he too had reached the same conclusion Athena had: if Dr Holo knows anything, if she’s connected to the Unown Report in any way, there’s no way she’ll tell them about it willingly.
It’s then that Tuesday sighs.
”You may actually have a point there… You know about how we ended up in possession of the Unown Report’s devices, right? How they were given to some of us after taking part in this supposedly harmless little cook-off between two restaurants? I looked into all of that when investigating the report. I found no information on the restaurants’ owner, but I did learn that Dr Holo was among those who visited the restaurants that day.” If only slightly, he frowns at the memory, because a part of him also suspects she had been present during that whole mess at Fleur Tea Atelier. ”Of course, that could just be a coincidence, but I’m not exactly a man who believes in coincidences.”
He wouldn’t have been suspicious before, but the events of the Star Soirée had made it clear that Dr. Holo is likely to know more than what she lets on, and the fact that her appearance is similar to that of every Unown-bearing assassin he has encountered sure doesn’t help her cause.
Once is an accident, two may be chance, three is a pattern.
”I agree, though. If she’s involved, she won’t just tell us, and I don’t care much for forcing information out of people unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Those aquamarine eyes of his narrow, and the Unown bobs from side-to-side. ”Which makes me wonder… Why is it that someone of your skillset hasn’t attempted to access her research files at the observatory? Unless you have?
Or, is it that she can't?






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November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2022 17:06:07 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar
[attr="class","ion-bluetooth"] [break][break][break]


Ah yes, he understood her pretty well. She was a woman who could not let a question go unaswered, the more she learned, the stronger her desire to learn more grew.[break][break]

Tuesday had posed a very good question. "Even for my abilities. Remote hacking her research would have the league and it's associates descend upon me like a pack of hungry mightyena." she explained. "Yet breaking into the research center with someone who is a known rocket individual takes all the focus away from me. You guys are a lightning rod for drama." she says as a smiley emoticon lights up her mask. [break][break]

"Then again, kidnapping her and seeing if the drk triad or her allies to come to rescue her would also be pretty interesting. But if you take that angle I want to negotiate visitation rights." she said as her haggling began.

[attr="class","ion-star"] ELGYEM & ART CREDIT

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Mars | Tuesday
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Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 1:05:52 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

It’s not only what they call themselves that they have in common. Or, perhaps it’s because of the things they have in common that they both have been drawn to giving themselves monikers that make reference to ancient deities of warfare. Athena. Tuesday. Mars. Perhaps one day she will learn the truth about the man who summoned her to the Tree of Life.
To him, it’s as amusing as it is perplexing, because rarely does he see himself in others, yet Athena reminds him of himself. Of his care for strategy. Of his need to understand. Of his incessant search for answers that seem to elude him at every turn.
Neither of them is going to give up on this, no matter what it takes…
”Sure, but that is if assuming we can kidnap her. If Dr Holo is one of these ‘Dark Triad’ people, she’s probably able to TELEPORT at will, and so far I don’t know of any way to counter their teleportation. It’s not like a pokémon’s.” Blond brows quirk into arches, being fully aware that he’s giving Athena more valuable information. He has tested it, after all: access to the best anti-teleportation tech in the market, dozens of pokémon that can IMPRISON teleportation moves and so much more, and yet, none of those things had been able to stop him from TELEPORTING. It sure is beneficial when he’s the one doing it, but not so much when trying to capture assassins that can disappear at will.
”Which means a trip to the observatory might be our best shot.”






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November 12
Silph co coder.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2022 22:35:15 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar
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"Teleporting at will..." an ability she envied "If she runs however, we can expose her for her strange ability and steal her research. Honestly this sounds like a win win if I say so myself." she says as this sounded very amusing and enlightening. [break][break]

"Oh well, we can play by ear and see whatever works best. I have a feeling we'd work well together. So, ready to shove out?" she asked


[attr="class","ion-star"] ELGYEM & ART CREDIT

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2022 1:53:12 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

He had envied it too.
From the first moment he had realised the sort of thing those connected to the Unown Report could do, he had greedily desired abilities like those. In all of his greed, he had asked for them when “Father Winter” had said he would grant him a wish, because it may not have been what he wanted the most, but it was something he knew the other could undeniably grant him. Tuesday can’t travel through dimensions without aid, but he can teleport at will.
Naturally, this is not something he reveals.
He does smirk, though. The idea of working on something like this with someone out of Team Rocket, who he does not trust and whose motivations he hasn’t been able to truly pinpoint just yet, is rather concerning, but he knows well that if worse comes to worst, he can teleport away and abandon Athena. She does not matter to him, and he probably doesn’t matter to her either. This is transactional. In its own twisted way, it’s business.
”Sounds like we got ourselves a deal. You know how to reach me.”
An expedition into Mossdeep’s Space Centre.
There’s an itch to know what secrets that place may hide.
Perhaps they'll soon find out.






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Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2022 6:23:35 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


