Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 16, 2022 1:55:28 GMT
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Mt. Pyre was the resting ground for many a Pokemon, beloveds laid to rest just like humankind. Kaida supposed burial was the kindest act many could do.

A lesser known fact was the many human remains unintentionally laid to rest right here.

Kaida climbed the mountain once more to prevent another body from joining the ghosts that populated the area. She had been here many times, but never to visit her own dead. She came to remind herself of ones that were lost (and her own failures to prevent many). Perhaps that wasn’t right, however.

Sometimes she came here to marvel at the dead and wonder. Wonder what made her so special to not be among them?

Before her thoughts could start fleeing down some terrifying halls, she released her Ekans, Ormr, smiling as he wrapped around her neck. Her always reliable partner.

Our mission today is to save an idiot lost on the mountain.” Utterly stupid people strayed from the path many times, convinced of their skills. Explorers were lost and no matter how many Rangers came to the rescue, many never came back…jobs that she could fail, at no fault of her own, made her teeth grind in the most painful of ways.

Please look out for life, Ormr.” Her order prompted the serpent to hold on a little tighter, forked tongue flicking as she shook out her feet and strayed from the path.

It almost felt like ghosts followed her here. She wished she wasn’t only with her team here.

Mission: A Deadly Job

Pokemon: Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Hema, Seviper, Female, Infiltrator. Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gastro Acid, Night Slash, Infestation, Attract. Shiny!
Orvar, Yanmega, Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 16, 2022 5:11:43 GMT
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The makeshift gravestone of his dead mentor lay ahead, just a pile of stones that Kobe had to restack every now and then. And at first, remaking the gravestone was the only reason he ever returned to it.

He crafted it 2 years ago, while the corpse was still fresh. The first sight of it sometimes drew up the smell of blood from his memories. Other times, he smelled nothing.

He crossed his legs and sat, rubbed the passage of time out of his face. He went backwards, which was a new thing, kind of. His last memories of Jacob were now things that he reached for, and tugged at. He bothered with the man's last words quite often. They made more sense the more that time passed.

As Jacob had said, Kobe still hoped.

So, the young man smiled. "You don't know how close I came to asking if I could call you dad. Probably about five years, give or take. So, maybe two years from now is when it would have happened. If you really were anything close to me, and you weren't lying, I imagine now that you hoped up until you died. For some reason, you finally hoped in me. That was your way of putting the button on it. I don't know what that means, yet — but," he shrugged.

Ralts touched him in that way that only telepathy afforded. He shook his head, thinking that he wasn't weak enough to need her at that moment. She saw what he thought, and she understood.

The image: "But also, young master, we will soon not be alone."

Compared to many of the less humanoid pokemon, Ralts's hearing was truly human. However, it still surpassed Kobe's by quite a bit. Just enough for her to hear further than he could, but not enough to give him the most comfortable window of distance from a newcomer in every situation. Given that Kobe killed Jacob on an open cliffside, his newcomer would see him before he could attempt a preemptive leave. Not because he was afraid of being apprehended, but because conversation was often something he tried to skirt.

Ralts stepped out and waved. Kobe face palmed, allowing his heels to scrape the ground a few times as he protestedly followed. He kept his other hand close to his pokeballs, slightly pocketed, in case he'd need them.

"We have a job to do, woman."

The image: "But alas — you had time to mourn the dead. I have time to celebrate the living. As well, she may very well be your partner in crime."

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 16, 2022 19:55:59 GMT
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Kaida always felt that her presence was strange among others. Too quiet, too snappy, too judgemental. Here, the feelings rose into a fever pitch. She was last here with a woman. Their Charizards had played in the quiet air. She could only wonder if the dead were disturbing her over that, and superstition demanded she avoid any disturbed dirt. She was already strange enough without doing more to incur spirit’s wrath. Perhaps sensing her own unease, Ormr pressed like a comforting scarf on her skin. Pokemon didn’t speak as much as she wished they could. Furthermore, she had no means of understanding a poison-type.

To say that she was unheeding of his worry would be incorrect, however, and she patted the long serpent’s head, noting the way his head tilted suddenly.

We found someone already?” Her face brightened, and she hurried forward. The Ekans pushed his head forwards, directing her to where he sensed movement.

A Ralts stood upon the dirt of the mountain, and she had the brief thought it was alone before Ormr shook his tail, the rattling directing her to the second presence.

Ah,” she straightened out, pulling on her shirt to reduce wrinkles in a half-hearted way, putting on an air of professionalism that was about as awkward as a mask, “I thought I’d meet you at the bottom.” He wasn’t her target, but he was welcome.

Trainers were a common sight in Hoenn and were always present. It was no wonder that the League sometimes delegated jobs to them. Although she knew they didn’t train the way Rangers did, she trusted the Pokemon trained for hardships.

I am Kaida. My partner here is Ormr. We don’t fail.” Her eyes wandered as she talked, looking anywhere but at her target. “Good to meet you.” She seemed to speak at the Ralts than her partner.

She noticed the make-shift grave and sighed. “I could have taken you to visit after the mission.” If she didn't find him this quickly...she wasn't interested in thinking about it. Graves went nowhere, but the living and lost did.

His partner Pokemon seemed to be a great interest to Kaida, her frown deepening at the Ralts.

Will your partner be ok?” She tilted her head at the Ralts, knowing a psychic-type’s reliability, but nonetheless worried, “There are many ghost-types on Mt. Pyre.

Mission: A Deadly Job

Pokemon: Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Hema, Seviper, Female, Infiltrator. Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gastro Acid, Night Slash, Infestation, Attract. Shiny!
Orvar, Yanmega, Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 16, 2022 21:57:19 GMT
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When he saw that his newcomer wore a real ekans, and not a plushie replica, something within his mind sank. Ralts telepathically grinned at his fear. The winds of Mt. Pyre seemed to agree.

An image: "No, that is just your insecurity. Because winds do not have perceptions — nor do they bother to feel."

She made him feel insecure about his brain in ways that no one else could. She picked up too much about joking and busting chops from being connected to him for so long. She became an assassin. An artiste. A king of all things dynamically dry.

He did it to himself, he knew, so he shrugged.

Awkward people made Kobe feel comfortable, though, no matter how slight the awkwardness was. Kaida spoke in just the way you might suspect that a lady wearing an ekans would talk. Kobe smiled at that pattern. She felt familiar, perhaps only because he assumed certain things about her past, and about how that past must have contributed to her present manner of being. He very much could have been wrong about those assumptions, but faith was the source of initiated motion.

By all appearances, his attention towards her was quite one-sided.

Ralts turned to him, looked up, her fingerless hands pressed together: "It seems that she is only partially aware of your existence. So I take it back. Your insecurity was well-founded, and your perception firmly pristine. I have been wrong before, and I will be wrong yet again, by all appearances."

He buried his face in his hands to hide his giggle. He hated her so much: "Woman. Shut up. And I swear on everything fecal, if you ever call me young master again."

It said a lot, Kaida's claim that she would have brought him to Jacob's grave after the mission ended. Did she also hope? Was she really that sweet, or was she really that professional? He picked the former, because of the ekans she wore. Either that thing was evil as ever, or it hung on her the way it did because she was awesome.

He kept out of striking distance, regardless. "I planned to backtrack, and meet you well before this, but—" he motioned towards the gravestone — "dead folks have this pull, yeah? Kind of magnetic at times."

To her question, ralts tried to answer by extending her telepathic range. A TLS handshake preceded her attempt to speak. She even offered to include ekans. She sent the image, even if only to Kobe.

He laughed. Really, really loud. A face to the clouds laugh. "She could have just showed you regular words. She wants me to have to translate. She says no: He will probably get waxed, and so we're very lucky to have you. She's a dick. The biggest one, I got, unfortunately. By a mile."

As confirmation, ralts switched to language words: "Splitting up may be frugal, but he is great at being defeated. It happens to be a mission that we planned to use sneakery to accomplish. Should the need arise, sneak we will."

"You can send her private thoughts, by the way," something he added because he remembered that Kaida would probably feel his humored annoyance. To some degree or another. "It takes a bit of straining, but she does most of the work. Your emotions also don't publicly broadcast unless you want them to. I kind of have no choice about that one."

Ralts looked his way, but he waved her off. If it was solely up to her, the connection would have been brief, because it spread her attention too thin, and ruined her ability to support Kobe. It was more efficient for him to risk his emotions being picked up than it was to try and guard them.

So he exhaled, like a monk prior to meditating. "Has your serpent tasted anyone other than us? A solid stroke of luck would go a long way."

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 19, 2022 0:45:43 GMT
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Kaida stopped hard as she felt a tension in the air, one common to her. Reading those in front of her was difficult, but repeated reactions eventually solidified. Ormr was scary. She had to remember that. Fright towards her partner shouldn’t surprise her anymore, but it reminded her to stand away.

Sorry. He doesn't bite.” Another common reaction. She shouldn’t approach too quickly. Not without reason. She was talking to a stranger, and didn’t even ask if she could approach without permission.

Instead, she focused on the little Ralts, more than comfortable to assume actions in a creature she knew better than humans. She seemed to be a mischievous little creature, and one close to her trainer, if their interactions were any sign. She wondered if they shared emotions of some sort, many psychic-types were capable of connections like that.

They pull on you if you were in lots of danger, I think.” Ghost-types weren’t her forte, they were too flighty, too unattached. She supposed death wasn’t a concern for those drenched in its influences.

-What’s this!?” Kaida and Ormr jerked back, pushing against the sudden presence in their mind with a flurry of motion. An alien mind unused to contact, and a poison-type’s natural fear of psychic-types sent them reeling. Their abrupt fear dies down as Kobe explains his Ralts. Ormr relaxed and allowing the contact again, while Kaida fixed her eyes on Kobe. She probably looked at him for the first time.

You can talk with your Pokemon?” Her eyes glittered, and forgetting that she had Ormr on her shoulders, bounced forward. “Amazing! How did she learn!? Tell her I’m very happy, or am I doing that right now!?” Whipping back to the Ralts, she had a different, bigger idea. “Can you let me feel Ormr? Talk to him!?

She had forgotten about the mission in her thrill, and with a sudden jerk, trained her face back into neutrality. It was as if a canine remembered not to bark too long.

I-uh-sorry… we do have a job to do.” She backed up, back into a safe distance, and clicked her tongue. “You heard him, Ormr. Have you smelled anybody else here?” Back in the less upfront hold of a job, she returned to stiffness, and nodded as Ormr turned in a direction uphill.

“Seems he went higher. Idiot. Shall we climb? My Pokemon will fly us if you get tired.”

Mission: A Deadly Job

Pokemon: Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Hema, Seviper, Female, Infiltrator. Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gastro Acid, Night Slash, Infestation, Attract. Shiny!
Orvar, Yanmega, Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 19, 2022 2:20:07 GMT
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Her excitement amused him so much that he grinned. Everything about him must have felt warm in that moment, but as he allowed her to speak, it was the mention of him getting tired that flashed a bolt of anxiety into his stomach.

Took him a bit to remember that she had no knowledge of his condition. That there was no way he could have accidentally sent that information across the connection.

So very tempted to start bullying himself, but Kaida would definitely sense that. He sucked in the mountain's atmosphere, and exhaled. There was a strange kink about telepathy that he had to avoid, and that was the insidiousness of the feedback loop. He and Ralts got stuck in it often during the early days. It sucked, even though it felt so good.

"Teleport", he said, and Ralts rushed over to touch him, flashing him several yards ahead of Kaida. "Always come prepared, yeah? No need to worry about flying me. Probably need to worry about this head start, though."

But he did a strange thing afterwards: "Ralts, go back. Help her talk to her ekans."

And there was Ralts, thinking that Kobe would rush ahead like an idiot, allowing her to kill the connection: "That isn't a good idea, Kobe."

He sent his response across the whole connection: "You should broadcast that publicly."

She said: "I told him that isn't a good idea."

He asked her if she forgot Kaida's reaction that fast. In response, ralts sent a puzzled emotion throughout the connection. Kobe's response: "In the early days you were just like that. You should understand, yeah? She wants to talk to ekans. Do what you can. Try to answer her questions, too."

To Kaida, he said, "I'll go ahead." He showed her one of his other pokeballs, and then he opened it. His yamask appeared. "If a pokemon I can't handle shows up, just tell ralts to teleport you. At the very least, you'll be harder to surprise, and better able to clean up whatever I will probably get waxed by."

He began his trek up the mountain. In his own sneaky way, he flipped Kaida's offer to fly him up the mountain back on her. If she noticed it, there was the possibility that it could tell her a lot about him.

Ralts's Explanation: Third Post

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 21:00:31 GMT
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Kaida watched as Kobe vanished and reappeared some ways away, silently stretching and puffing out a breath. If his reaction to her previous words was obvious, she hadn’t noticed it. She couldn’t notice most things. Not for strangers.

I wasn’t aware we were racing.” A drawl escaped her maw, shiny enamel showing through her lips. It was not quite a smile, yet not quite a snarl. As if unworried, she let the Ralts make her way back, leaning back a little to not loom over the smaller Pokemon.

An image. Hello. An Ekans. In her thoughts, it seemed Kaida preferred the quickness of images, and she received such psychic connection in the same way. She attempted to make use of the Ralts gift, her mind bubbling with thoughts. Have he sent to make my dreams come true? She could only smirk at her own excitement as the little Ralts seemed to giggle at her. It was so unlike her.

On her shoulders, Ormr leaned down, shaking with anticipation. It appeared that she was not the only one who wished for ways to communicate.

An alien mind touched hers, and two beings that never walked apart talked for the first time. Ormr.


That’s my name, you know my name. I was worried you didn't.

An image drifted through the connection, a smaller her. A more rough her. A memory of when they were lost and together. It was a happier time. I always knew who you were.

She couldn’t help but to beam, the ghosts she felt all around her seemed to vanish at the feeling swelling in her chest. A brief, dark memory stabbed at her side, and she spoke freely. Maybe too free.

I’m glad I didn’t die before this.


Her partner would not have such a merry time.

Sableye roamed the mountaintop, usually under the surface. Jewels and minerals were their trade and foodstuffs. Today was the day they came to the surface, prancing across the deathly dirt and rocks before coming to a halt. Many figures were on this mountain today, and the pack swarmed together, hissing and spitting. Their shy nature did not mean they were harmless and humans on their feeding grounds agitated them.

One was driven to fury by the situation, and pitched downhill, a crackling yowl ripping through the air. The quick movement and charge emboldened the rest of the pack, who rushed after the brave one, their precious jewels and minerals driving them towards the first human they saw. A man with a Yamask, seeming to be solo, their charge only frenzied more. A Shadow Ball charged and crackled in one’s claws, the Sableye snickering as it closed in on what it thought was easy prey.

And down the mountain, Kaida did not know the sudden change that shook up their situation. The previous offer to Teleport would soon become very important to everyone present, it seemed.

Mission: A Deadly Job

Pokemon: Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Hema, Seviper, Female, Infiltrator. Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gastro Acid, Night Slash, Infestation, Attract. Shiny!
Orvar, Yanmega, Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 21, 2022 4:14:29 GMT
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Ralts's Explanation: Third Post

He kept his yamask close, almost always, in case things like this happened.

Kobe grabbed it, held it close to his chest. The Shadow Ball came, sure enough, but Kobe was on the ground, yamask underneath him, and so the attack hit open air.

The creatures continued their advance.

"Ralts, you may need to shoot Kaida a reminder. Strengthen the connection from me to her. Help them focus on the noise of what happens next."

There was one great trick that Kobe could try with yamask, but he opted for something more simple. He took a submissive posture, bowing down to the ground, and he told yamask to do the same. "Or, I don't know, just do whatever submission type thing ghost types do. But stay behind me. Don't put yourself in danger."

Yamask chose the latter option. It disappeared and then reappeared in several places, finally choosing one place to reappear for an extended period of time. First, for a few seconds. Then, in another place, it appeared for ten. Eventually, it reached thirty seconds. Those moments of extended reappearances must have been yamask's ghost speak version of "bowing down".

It ended with yamask behind Kobe, who lifted his head to the sableye and said: "We're not here to hurt you. Or to take anything from you, for that matter. There is someone here that we need to help. If we can't find him, he'll die. Can you help us, by chance?"

He asked yamask to help him translate. The sableye seemed to respond well enough, with the exception of the one that launched the initial attack. It charged up another Shadow Ball, this time directed at Kobe. This time, Kobe was saved by yamask.

"We're gonna have to jump. Catch us, and port us on the other side of the sableye, further up the mountain. You can port with her, if possible," he said to Kaida. "You don't need her close by for the connection to Ekans to work."

He reached for yamask's other face, and its body seemed to disappear. He put it on, jumped off the mountain, and from there, depended on yamask's levitation to slow his fall enough for ralts to finish up. He knew the teleport would come on time.

The world around him faded to a narrow point, and yamask took center stage in his brain.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 4:56:20 GMT
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Kaida jumped as their connection became tangible again, informing her the something was going wrong up the mountain. She turned towards the Ralts, and the Pokemon’s mind confirmed the predicament. A group of Pokemon were on the verge of attacking Kobe. Negotiations were breaking down. Most did not seem hostile, however. She started to jog away from Kobe’s Ralts, an idea coming to mind.

Go save your human. I’ll see what I can do with the Sableye.

If they could sense and chase Kobe, not even far up the mountain, she had the suspicion they had some inkling of their target’s position. As the Ralts teleported away, she tossed a Pokeball down, the ensuing light exploding into the shape of a Yamega.

Orvar. Let’s go up. High and quiet.” She spoke quickly, allowing the bug-type to grab her torso in its limbs, buzzing quickly up. At the height they reached, the buzzing would soon be a non-issue.

Kobe took his leap of fate at the same moment she could see the Sableye, clicking her tongue to signal Orvar to stop. The Sableye chased only for a second, scrambling to a halt before chattering together. One, aggressive and demanding, held the other’s attention. Kaida held her breath, understanding even without words as the Sableye pointed up the mountain, directing the other’s back up.

They are going after their next target. I think it must be the man we were sent to save. We’re connected, right? If you can come and save him when I see him, that would finish everything, my partner.

She directed her Yamega to follow, just high enough to stay out of sight, scanning the mountainside to find the man before the territorial Pokemon did.

Mission: A Deadly Job

Pokemon: Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Hema, Seviper, Female, Infiltrator. Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gastro Acid, Night Slash, Infestation, Attract. Shiny!
Orvar, Yanmega, Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 6:13:42 GMT
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"You are an idiot, Lord Dusty."

An echo from Kobe's shelved Self reached out from the tunnel that dampened it, waves of gripe and tease washing over yamask.

"If Ralts's bullying ever sated your stupidity, mine would never occur."

Ralts appeared beneath her, hands gripping the back of their owner's shirt. The two pokemon acknowledged one another within Kobe's brain.

Ralts focused in on what Kaida allowed her to see, and the scene with the sableye was an easy grab. Yamask tuned in, and they both agreed on how to act. Defying Kobe, Ralts dropped the three of them within the middle of the sableye pack, a rough fall from above made much more manageable due to yamask's levitation. Yamask — an empty pokeball in hand — took the next step.

The bully of the group converted into brilliant light, with a clap as the pokeball closed. Before it hit the ground, ralts blasted it off the mountain with psychic. If sableye were unable to levitate, the thing was surely good for dead. Then again, neither ralts nor yamask knew if a pokeball in freefall could shake open. Kobe never tried it before.

With the bully gone, the pack relaxed. Like many humans, most pokemon despised tyrants. Unless, oddly enough, their tyrants were human owners. Then, they often made exceptions.

Ralts connected with them, translating an image of everything that happened to Kaida. Still unsure of how Kaida viewed her telespeak, she language-spoke: "It met a gruesome end, but it is as our master said — we always try to come prepared, and in more ways than one. If it were solely up to him, however, I do not think such a gruesome mode of sneakery would have been his choice."

At this, yamask made herself known, audibly speaking, so that Kaida could hear the change in Kobe's voice. She called her Madam Kaida.

Neither yamask nor ralts wanted their owner to remain alone because of them. But as pokemon, they did what they should have, and they did it in the best way they knew how.

"The sableye are wild, and paranoid about about me being in their brains. They will lead us manually. If my memory is sound, sableye like the underground, and caverns. Maybe there is something like a cave opening that you can get to before us. If they will give me that much of a hint, I can transfer it to you."

But beneath the face of yamask, Kobe's anger boiled. For a few reasons, yamask tried to keep him dormant. But he heard Kaida's thoughtspeak — he heard her call him my partner — and the whole thing started to seem like cosmic irony. Whoever the gods were, he wanted to make his fuck you known. It pulsed through ralts's connection, the pain from his newly sprained ankle being somewhere in the mix.

He ripped yamask off his face, and his gaze immediately shot towards ralts. Yamask materialized as he dropped her. She floated over in front of ralts and blocked her from Kobe's view. With one of her hands she pointed to Kaida. A reminder that they had a job to focus on.

Items Used: x1 pokeball

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 2:27:13 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Orvar was a dear of a Pokemon, and incredibly crucial to the team. Kaida was not one to diverge from her preferred Pokemon. Animalistic, easy to read, and quick to learn were among her preferred partners. Bug-types were just barely within one category, and yet here Orvar was. A dear friend, and a fast one too.

Maybe it would have been kinder for her to buzz on ahead, get Kaida far away from the scene that spontaneously spawned in mind. Kaida’s yell was too heartbreaking, and too furious, for the Yamega to do something so selfish, however. She overcame the desire to run from the scene by one simple fact. Kaida loved Pokemon too much to leave the body there, and her team would never defy her on that matter.

I need to see it.

Orvar knew what she meant.

Kobe could see the Yamega wrench away from her path, Kaida’s expression hidden by strands of white hair as they dove beyond the cliff-side.

Kaida had a habit of hoping. She hoped for a friend who fell in an attack to survive. Hoped another still would meet with her again. Today she hoped for a miracle, one she knew wouldn’t happen.

Feet landing on unsteady ground, she felt the world start to spin. She stared with dumb disbelief at the rusted purple and scarlet upon rocky debris. She didn’t yell again, shifting her body to the side. Her loyal serpent felt her thoughts struggle to sound out in a turmoil of emotions.

Ormr. Get off me. I am about to vomit.

So she did, an acidic taste burning through her throat. Her stomach churned with contents not yet upchucked, and her organs pounded against her skin. That acid worked into her mind and became snakebite, venomous and lethal.


Kaida emerged within a few minutes, clutched in the limbs of her Yamega. The insectoid eyes fixated on Kobe, gleaming in the sunlight, as she landed nearby. Back in his proper place on her neck, Ormr’s serpent eyes gazed through the man and his Pokemon. The same could not be said for Kaida, eyes fixed anywhere but Kobe, sweeping over the Sableye before sinking to the ground.

Even though her heart felt like it was rupturing, her face was a deathly white, drained of all blood as she searched for words.

They-they are dead.

She noticed a wave of emotion among the Sableye, confused mixtures of relief and condolences. Her head turned towards them, and she raised her lips in a smile, careful to keep her teeth hidden. It was not their fault.

Almost as quick as her attempt to relieve the Sableye started, she whipped over to Kobe, snarl twisting the well-constructed expression she could no longer wear.

What in Arceus' name were you doing!? I was gone for a minute, no, not even!

Her howl carried on the wind, her own throat rejecting such volume as she doubled over coughing. She sucked down more burning gulps of air, and she spat the acid at Kobe with impunity.

Gone that long, and a Pokemon manages to die!? I didn’t know I had such a useless, despiteful human of a partner! You escaped, why did you go back, what was happening!?

Kaida had a habit of hoping. She hoped today that there would be a simple answer, one that she could accept.

Mission: A Deadly Job

Pokemon: Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Hema, Seviper, Female, Infiltrator. Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gastro Acid, Night Slash, Infestation, Attract. Shiny!
Orvar, Yanmega, Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team.


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 22:14:35 GMT
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She could scarcely believe her ears...her mind? A trainer not having control over his Pokemon, yet possessing a strong bond with was...rare to say the least. Her own Pokemon had acted with liberty before, but only when her life was in danger. She suspected they didn't want her to face death a second time. She almost faltered in sympathy for them.


"Can he hear us?"

Regardless whether he could or not, she continued, fangs bared in her words.

"You aren't human, but I know you think, same as me and Kobe. I know you heard me when I said we don't fail. I meant it, in missions, protecting my partners, protecting pokemon. Its all I ever am. A Ranger."

Her teeth grinded, and she jerked her head as if towards the Sableye.

"That includes every Pokemon, even if they attack me. I thought you'd be the same, to be working with me."

She was a Ranger, here, saving a human who got into this situation of his own volition. She would have thought they could be a trainer, protecting Pokemon like a Ranger.

"Never, ever work with me and kill a Pokemon that I can protect you from. I won't stand for it."

She could release herself from her anger, not quickly. Clutching at her sleeves as if to strangle it away, she nonetheless turned to follow the Sableye.

"No. I will finish this with you. So that we can bury our enemy here...and-" She sighed, "And so I can make my apologies. People tell me it's rude to leave things unsaid, or let friends tell of an apology."

Mission: A Deadly Job

Pokemon: Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Hema, Seviper, Female, Infiltrator. Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gastro Acid, Night Slash, Infestation, Attract. Shiny!
Orvar, Yanmega, Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2022 11:53:19 GMT
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Indeed, Kobe was able to hear. And to perceive. Their senses stringed together, and wherever those senses separated the area was like a knot. Her speech swam through his like a sea currents passing over fish. Taken into them, and released.

She decided not to tell the Madam that she felt nothing from Kobe in response: "Make no mistake, Madam — our decision was not just for Kobe. Even pokemon will eventually rip a tyrant leader to shreds. However, if it means anything to you, I imagine that Kobe will return here over the next month or so, to make sure we did not create a vacuum. Perhaps he will invite you, to ease your mind."

And then she turned, a sharp motion made floaty on the breeze of her levitation. She had to protect Kobe's ankle. To Ralts, she said: "We need you for intel, Lady Ralts. Are you good to go?"

Such a pretty little thing. The origami of her emotions unfolded back into the connection: "As sure as the day is long. Sorry, Kaida. This is a job, for sure, and hopefully Kobe remembers that next time, before he decides to retreat."

Ralts tool her time, establishing good communication with the sableye about how they wanted to do things. Indeed, they preferred to just lead the way, wary of any prolonged telepathic connection.

The sableye do indeed lead them to an enclosed space in the mountain. Not so much a cavern — but a wound, Yamask thought. The kind of makeshift natural accident that smaller pokemon might use to hide from larger ones. They find the man in there, alive but unconscious, from a wound that bled out rather slow. A leg injury seemed to prevent him from returning to civilization.

Kaida and ralts were the stars, bringing him down. The flight of yanmega and the telekinses of ralts kept the man stable.

Because of his condition, there is no time for Kaida and Kobe to properly amend. Ralts stands in for him, and then Kaida rushes the biker to the hospital. Yamask, having released Kobe, watches him amongst the sableye, in his element — showering ghost types with undue affection, and apologizing where there was no need. He even asked if the dead sableye had children. And it did. They would definitely be back in a week or so.

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Among the Dead [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 4:53:03 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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