Ishukan Communication [Gym]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2019 15:30:26 GMT
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The words of a certain gym leader rings in his head. There was only one way to test whether his words held weight or if he simply was saying sweet nothings to him. Attempting to conquer gyms seemed to be a good first step.

Cait Alfric.

The girl was one of the people he had worked with since the fall of Hoenn. She quickly rose to ranks while Kyle stayed a cadet. They stayed acquaintances throughout, but the responsibilities one gains with the position has brought reluctance to Kyle to invite her to unnecessary outings. Can't drag her into his shenanigans anymore, considering he doesn't want to be a bother.

Challenging her gym was a way to be a bother while simultaneously not be a bother to her responsibilities. Plus he gets to test his mettle, so it was like killing two birds with one stone. Steeling his resolve, he finally entered the establishment.

"Hey. I'm here to challenge the gym."

The tone of his voice was explicitly changed to not match his natural one. He wasn't sure if she knew of the few aesthetic changes he made to himself, but he hoped not to as to not ruin the surprise. He hoped to look like a stranger. After all, if she knew it was him, she'd already have the gist of things he would attempt to do in a battle.

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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2019 20:33:06 GMT
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cait raised her gaze, visibly taken aback by the familiarity of the voice that had called out to her. while his aesthetic was different in numerous ways, she easily recognized him even from a distance. the girl had been situated in a kneeling position, her elaborate wardrobe causing her to blend in well with her gym's vibrant aesthetic. 

i didn't expect - what are you - ?

her painted lips spread into a broad grin, her voice edged with excitement.

it's been too long! you haven't contacted me in so long.

cait stood without difficulty, a sizable stretch of fabrics trailing behind her as she took several steps toward the male before stopping. cait was half-tempted to rush forward and close the distance between them, but she supposed that if he was here for a challenge she should maintain some semblance of professionalism.

sorry for the strange outfit," she apologized, grinning sheepishly. "i'm suppose to take a few photos for a local magazine soon-ish.

she smoothly knelt, her body neatly arranged as her hands were placed upon her lap. 

so a battle, huh? i didn't expect you'd be interested in collecting badges.

the smile she bore sharpened.

it won't be easy taking mine - you know?

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2019 16:22:53 GMT
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He got one-upped at looking weird. Purple hair did not look as strange as it was compared to what she was wearing.

"Yeah, well, you seemed, uh, busy."
He eyed the costume she wore as he responded as to why he hasn't been in contact.

Cait still was the same for the most part, except she had more responsibilities among other things. Kyle couldn't see himself in her shoes, both figuratively and literally at that moment, but then again, there was a vast difference between their drives. Cait was a go-getter while Kyle-- Kyle just wanted to chill.

"I'm not," he responds bluntly when prompted about badges. "Maybe I'm more interested in getting you late to that photo shoot."

He stares at the set of Pokemon he brought with him, wondering if he did the right choice in picking all of them. He knew of her choice of Pokemon, and had seen her battle a few times before. He shrugs at them, knowing it was too late to change his arsenal at that time, before going back to her.

"I was kinda hoping you'll go easy on me cause we're friends. Do I not get that privilege?" he teased.

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2019 16:56:48 GMT
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cait tittered softly, her facial features crinkled in amusement as she responded to the thinly veiled jest.

"no," she said. "
you don't get that privilege.

she pulled up a wooden whistle that had been hanging limply from her neck by a braided necklace before producing a simple tune. her pokemon emerged one by one, approaching the edge of the river which bordering the great stone circle that served as her primary battlefield.

it's time."

cait gestured toward a particular pokemon before beckoning them to take their place. 


the blue pokemon hopped over, a grin upon her face as she faced kyle whilst maintaining a hover before her green-garbed mistress.

the rules are simple, kyle," she said. "a maximum of six pokemon can be produced on either side for the duration of the battle - this will be a singles battle - switches are also allowed. you may start whenever you like.

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2019 18:29:06 GMT
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"Aw, why not?"

Despite the obvious whining, Kyle had nonetheless readied himself for the battle instead of negotiating more. It wasn't like he was the most charismatic person there is to make it successful anyways.

He always considered the singles to be his weakest point if he had to rank the battle formats based on his strengths and preferences. Some of his favorite Pokemon have their moves tailored for situations outside of battles after all, but he'll make it work somehow. At the very least, switching was allowed.

"I choose... Delta!"

The Mightyena appears of its Pokeball, fur bristling and fangs bared. While it tried to intimidate, Kyle was aware that the Pokemon was more bark than bite, or at least, when compared to the other five Mightyena he owned. He hopes to work on that soon, but even outside of that, he has his uses.

Grass-types were the most common users of status moves, and with Jumpluff not being known to be one of the more offensive variants of Grass-types, Kyle could conclude that Cait was ready to use them. Out of everyone in his repertoire of Mightyena, Delta was his best answer to them.

"Do your best."

Delta taunts the Jumpluff with a huff that compelled the Grass-type to attack him, accompanied with a show of swagger with the smug look on his expression. Front paws were daintily crossing over each other as the Mightyena strutted forward towards his opponent, provoking the Jumpluff to make the first move.

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2019 23:57:03 GMT
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gym leaders were partly handicapped due to their tendency to allow for their respective challengers to make the first move. it left them in a naturally disadvantaged position, their pokemon made vulnerable in their attempt to remain courteous. 

'we'll make do.'

jumpluff fell under the influence of taunt, the pokemon transitioning from being fearful of the mightyena's intimidate to releasing a noise that was comparable to that of a snarl. 

'taunt,' she thought. 'i've seen that far too many times to count.'

it was a clever strategy, and cait applauded kyle for using his head as opposed to recklessly charging her grass-type.  

"jumpluff - go."

her dual-type was a remarkably sensitive soul, and the maddening effects of taunt chipped away at her mental faculties as she lunged forward. momentarily blinded in that intense desire to bring physical harm, she'd avoid the ill-effects of swagger as she began to glow. jumpluff executed two consecutive acrobatics, her eyes glimmering with malice as she sought to batter the dark-type with as much might as she could possibly muster.

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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 0:15:18 GMT
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Light and small, Jumpluff was one of the matches that he could see his Mightyena potentially overpowering physically. Delta can manage to take a hit from the Jumpluff, he supposed, and dish an attack back with greater force.

"Incapacitate. Crunch."

It was faster, there was no denying it. Even if he was to ask his Mightyena to try and outrun it, the Jumpluff would simply be able to outlast the canine in a chase since it doesn't rely on exerting effort on all of its legs. He would try to limit its options if it wanted to be able to do that later in the battle.

The Acrobatics hit the first time, but Delta had let it. It opened its maw as it neared, attempting to take advantage of its enraged state of mind to trap it in its jaws once its hell-bent on attacking.

The main target would be its main body/head (or whatever that part of the body is). He would attempt to give a quick rough shakes to try and get as many of its cotton spores out of its body, before throwing it away from him before it could react.

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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 7:42:35 GMT
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teeth sunk into flesh, the bite intercepted only by the dark-type's gum line as the grass-type was mercilessly tossed. 


cait winced as her pokemon bounced against stone, a smothering of spores left in her wake. thankfully, the shake hadn't been enough to tear free the majority of her fluff; jumpluff  inherently built to endure severe winds and rough conditions. if they couldn't manage to retain their spores in wild - their species would have died off long ago. the pokemon returned to her dainty feet with a pained grunt, her features still twisted into a look of potent rage as she shot the dark-type a withering glare. 

"j-jump," she seethed. 

giga drain," cait instructed. 

green tendrils sprouted from jumpluff's  prominent spores, the pokemon intending to heal her wounds by stealing delta's energy in exchange. this would be hastily followed by the same attack, both of her appendages exuding a glow as the giga drain 
shot forth in an attempt to stab into the mightyena.

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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 14:08:21 GMT
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The process would be long and convoluted, but they'll be able to crack through the gym leader's team soon enough. Persistence was key, but the longer they wait, the more likely that the effects of Taunt would wear off.


A protective bubble appeared around the Mightyena, negating the Jumpluff's attacks. Each of them disintegrated as they reached the barrier, although the Protect dissipated soon after. A haughty bark was made by the Dark-type following the move, only to be hushed by his trainer. He needed the Pokemon to focus for now.

"Go offensive."

The earlier attempt to once again taunt the Jumpluff was only exemplified when he locked his eyes onto the Grass-type's. A certain arrogance in the Mightyena would attract the opposing Pokemon to continue attacking him once more.

As commanded by Kyle, Delta started to run towards the Jumpluff, ready to attack in a moment's notice.

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POSTED ON Mar 12, 2019 1:07:56 GMT
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jumpluff was being driven mad one taunt at a time, her usually delightful personality giving way to a sort of malice that infected the mind. it was unlikely that she'd heed cait's commands from this point onward, the round creature positively frothing as she glared daggers at the mightyena. 

"unfortunate," the gym leader remarked. 

she had no other option than to watch on as her grass-type mounted an attack once protect had dissipated. giga drain once again sprouted from a single appendage, the pokemon's intentions obvious as she sought to snatch away at the creature's precious resources to feed her own. 


the pokemon lunged to meet mightyena head on, her acrobatics a bit sloppy in execution but powerful regardless. the grass-type had every intention of battering the beast, and cared little for the art of self-preservation while doing it.

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POSTED ON Mar 12, 2019 2:44:19 GMT
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The Mightyena would nimbly dodged the Giga Drain as he saw it coming, although the Acrobatics did get him. At the very least, it brought the Jumpluff to close range, where his Mightyena could deal with it.

"Pounce. Crunch. Rock Smash!"

Nose may be busted at that moment, with multiple hits getting the canine to start breathing heavily, but it does not deter him from doing what was instructed. The Mightyena would use the moment of collision to get the hold of the nimble Grass-type, pouncing and aiming to dig his fangs onto its skin once more.

Using his own weight if he does, the Dark-type would position the Jumpluff between him and the flooring, crashing and smashing the flooring with the Pokemon with his leap.

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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2019 0:13:16 GMT
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jumpluff released a strangled noise as she was mercilessly slammed into stone, the combination of crunch and rock smash proving nigh impossible for her to dodge. she abruptly lost hold of consciousness, her form having grown limp beneath the powerful paws of the canine. 

"hypno, take her. breloom, it's your turn."

the trade off was quick, the defeated dual-type having been removed from the field without delay. a bouncy breloom took her place, the look upon his face one of arrogance as he faced the dark-type.

"mind reader - dynamic punch.

it was a combo she was very much fond of - and was impossible to avoid due to mind reader granting the fighter a glimpse into the future. of course, protect could be utilized to prevent the punch from landing, but with each use of such a move there was always that chance that it would fail.

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POSTED ON Mar 15, 2019 5:57:28 GMT
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the mightyena on the field was fatigued and weary, standing no chance against a direct attack from the breloom. even should the mightyena be on tip-top shape, he couldn't imagine him being able to take the hit.

the breloom was an agile pokemon, kyle could guess. while his mightyena was the same, the damages that the previous match up brought to him made it impossible to match a healthy pokemon. the move was their only chance for the dark-type to survive this round of attacks.

"one last protect."

he braced himself, conjuring a shield against the hit. it immediately broke, but not before deflecting the attack. although his feet were firmly planted, delta still skidded backwards from the impact. the force was not to be trifled with.

"switches are allowed right?" he asks.

before cait could even answer, kyle withdraws his mightyena and brings out yet another mightyena to the field.

"make a smoke screen. rock smash."

as soon as the mightyena appears, it unleashes a force onto the gym's flooring. dust and smoke would linger in the area as rock smash was used on it. visibility was zero for that short moment. whether it worked or not, it was a good distraction nonetheless.

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POSTED ON Mar 17, 2019 11:48:52 GMT
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"oh. that's clever."

cait was visibly impressed by the combination that greatly limited her companion's point of view. 

"breloom, to me!"


the pokemon obeyed, having followed his mistress's voice before situating himself at her side.


tropius flapped his great wings and flew to the field, the creature remaining well above where the smoke and dust had gathered. 

"sunny day - and stay airborne, boy!

her pokemon spat out a orb of power that lingered in the sky, a great heat descending upon all whom were present for the battle. the attack was followed by the pokemon lifting himself higher, his speed dramatically increased by chlorophyll as he maintained a good distance from the field as a whole.

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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2019 15:22:53 GMT
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the moment that cait switched in for something that foxtrot couldn't touch, he knew he had to immediately switch out immediately. before the dust could be swept away by the tropius' wings, the switch had already been made.

not like the little magic trick mattered since they looked almost identical anyways.

"echo, snarl."

the mightyena released an aggressive growl before it turned to a loud roar. dark energy infused with the sound as the mightyena enveloped itself with a darkish aura as the move was executed. the words that his mightyena conveyed to its opponent with the move were unnecessary as long as it does its job of distracting the opposing pokemon from executing its moves at full power.

since he wasn't sure if projectile-based moves would be able to hit a pokemon that sped through the air under the sun like that, kyle supposed he'd give sound-based ones a try. it offered a larger area of effect after all.

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