Darjeeling Tea [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 21st
Ecruteak City, Johto
HNN Journalist
I always wondered how far we could go
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TAG WITH @percival
Percival Munn
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 7:25:41 GMT
Percival Munn Avatar

Beneath the warmth of a spring sun, berries in a vibrant array of colours lie ready to be plucked from the branches where they had grown, embracing the season they call their own.
It’s not often that Percy would make the time to visit a place like this, but with rawst and cheri berries being in season, and with nomel berries being at what’s arguably their best time in the year, not stopping by the berry fields to pick some would be a wasted opportunity. If anything, it’s a shame that it’s too early to find good pecha berries, but perhaps he can stop by when midsummer comes.
It’s while musing on this matter that the journalist inspects a couple of cheri berries, making sure not to pick the ones that look the juiciest or largest, but that look ripe and as if they will be good to dry. He intends to make tea with them, after all, and anyone who knows knows he takes his tea very seriously.
”Don’t wander off too far, Kayt.” In stark contrast with the tall man’s calm demeanour, the small silver-maned Eevee by his side is both earnest and eager, wagging its fluffy tail happily before approaching a nearby berry bush. An elegant black collar adorns its neck, and from it hangs an everstone.
If only for a passing second, Percy chuckles to himself at the sight of it, the faintest smile lingering at his lips before turning his attention back to berry-picking.





Mission - Berry Patch Kids


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,570 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 17:50:14 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
The large brim of a sun hat shaded Elisabeth's eyes as she scanned the orchard for prospective berries. The basket in her hand swayed with her every step, one mimicked by the Bellossom at her side.

"They're lovely in season, aren't they, Daffodil?" Elisabeth said conversationally to her Pokemon as she examined a cherri berry with her fingertips.

Daffodil had likewise been carrying a basket in her hands, humming gently as she smiled up at her mistress in pleased agreement.

Their purpose was twofold in arriving here: collecting berries for baking, and for making tea blends. Both had been activities Elisabeth had enjoyed as a child, after visiting local farms with her mother in Camphrier Town.

Doing this now, alone, the blonde could imagine that Georgiana Fiorelli was there beside her -- discussing which berries were best for their needs and why, and laughing brightly when her daughter sneakily ate one or two berries behind her back, unaware that the juice staining her lips exposed her indiscretion plain as day.

It made Elisabeth nostalgic, but not in an altogether unpleasant way.

The memory was interrupted by a flash of silver in the orchard as a beautiful Eevee bounded ahead towards them. An Everstone glittered from the Pokemon's black collar, and Elisabeth raised an eyebrow.

"Well hello there, little one. Who have you run off from?"

[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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September 21st
Ecruteak City, Johto
HNN Journalist
I always wondered how far we could go
74 posts
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TAG WITH @percival
Percival Munn
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 18:53:12 GMT
Percival Munn Avatar

At the sight of the woman in her pristine white dress, Kayt pauses, looking up at her with bright eyes and sitting all too politely when addressed. A button of a nose sniffs the air, as if to figure out if he recognizes her scent, and when he realises that he does not, the Eevee tilts his head.
Eager and earnest as the silver Eevee may be, he knows his manners. After all, they do often say that pokémon take after their trainers, and his happens to be not at all far from the scene…
”Apologies, I hope Kayt hasn’t been bothering you.” When eyes as grey as rain-bearing clouds fall upon , she’s addressed with a pleasant tone, even if in that gaze of his there will always be careful scrutiny. ”He likes the fields. I think it’s probably because we don’t often venture out of the city.”
The explanation isn’t particularly needed, but it’s given anyways. Perhaps out of simple politeness, or perhaps because by virtue of simple first impressions, the stranger is deemed to be the sort of person with whom he wouldn’t mind having a conversation. Percy is quick to cast judgements like that, and the woman’s choice in berries is similar to those in his own basket.
Yes, that’s all it takes.
Naturally, taking after his trainer indeed, Kayt makes his judgement as well, and this one expresses itself in the way the Eevee joyfully wags his tail.





Mission - Berry Patch Kids


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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,570 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 19:49:59 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
"No trouble at all," Elisabeth replied easily, a faint touch of fondness in her smile as she watched the Eevee return to his master. "In fact, your little Kayt makes my own Leafeon look like an ill-mannered menace. Thankfully Daffodil here is much more respectable."

She indicated the Bellossom by her side, who beamed up at affably before turning to Kayt. The little yellow Pokemon rummaged through her basket, before offering the fox-like Pokemon a small ripe berry.

"Well that's very kind of you, Dilly," Elisabeth said with a surprised laugh, amused. "She likes to befriend most anyone and everyone. I hope you and Kayt don't mind the gesture."

The florist, too, had formed her own first impressions. For someone from the city, he seemed at ease in a countryside place like this one. She appreciated, as well, the way he spoke to his own Pokemon, and the precise manner in which he selected the berries from the bushes nearby -- if his own basket was any indication, at least.

Her own bright eyes met his grey-cast gaze as the florist extended a hand with a smile. "Oh, where are my manners? I am Elisabeth, Elisabeth Fiorelli. I work at a flower shop just outside of Petalburg Woods. And you are?"

[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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September 21st
Ecruteak City, Johto
HNN Journalist
I always wondered how far we could go
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TAG WITH @percival
Percival Munn
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 22:29:08 GMT
Percival Munn Avatar

The sight of the Bellossom beaming up at him and then kindly offering a berry to Kayt is one that brings a faint smile to the journalist’s lips, especially as the Eevee turns to look at him as if asking if it would be okay to take the delicious-looking gift.
”Go ahead.” Percy nods, causing Kayt’s pointed ears to perk up, and it’s only once approval is granted that the small vulpine pokémon steps closer to the Bellossom, taking the offered berry with an ever so gentle bite. It is while Kayt enjoys the just-so-slightly spicy flavours of the cheri berry that Percy returns his attention to the woman before him.
”You have a really nice Bellossom, I find that it is rare for a pokémon to act so kindly while unprompted to do so.” The compliment is a genuine one, and when introductions are made with the offer of a handshake, there’s no surprise at learning that she’s a florist. It explains her apparent preference for grass type pokémon, after all, and the fact that she seems to know what she’s doing when choosing which berries to pluck from their trees. If anything, to someone like Percy, the knowledge is welcomed indeed.
”Fiorelli as in Fiorelli Floristry? What a coincidence, I’ve been meaning to stop by. It’s always nice to see a new flower shop open.” The handshake he gives her is firm but not unnecessarily strong, lasting only a couple of seconds – the kind of handshake that belongs to someone used to greetings like those.
Of course, it’s not flowers that are Percy’s main interest but plants, yet he’ll take what he can get, and he’ll specially take speaking to someone who apparently shares his interest in horticulture.
”Percival Munn, HNN. It’s good to meet you, Elisabeth.”





Mission - Berry Patch Kids


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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,570 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 23:15:47 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
The genuine compliment took her aback, albeit slightly. Empty flattery meant little, but this was a particular point of pride for Elisabeth, and it showed in the brief flush that rose in her cheeks as she smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Munn. Truthfully, I find Pokemon easier to be with than people, sometimes." A self-conscious laugh followed an absentminded twirl of her blonde hair, before her hand returned to her picnic basket. "I have been fortunate that my experiences have been positive, more or less, in that regard." The negatives were promptly dismissed from her mind, parts of her life that had no place in her civilian front.

As the Eevee nibbled upon the berry, Elisabeth blinked at the mention of her shop. "I have to say, I didn't know my floristry was becoming so infamous," she said with a sly grin. "I experienced a lot of good fortune in the timing of my Palentine's Day promotion aligning nicely with my arrival in the region. It is gratifying to see others enjoy the fruits of my labour, however. I'd be glad to show you around the shop sometime."

It was a bit perplexing, and almost funny, how much attention her cottage hidden in the woods attracted these days. The location had been chosen in part for its seclusion, after all, and yet Elisabeth felt she was ambushed there almost daily by unexpected visitors. Was this common to other local establishments, she wondered?

Speaking of the unexpected. 's mention of his work at HNN elicited a pursing of Elisabeth's lips, her mind racing with silent thoughts. It would be an understatement to say she thought poorly of the publication -- more accurate, perhaps, to say that one had given her great reason to think poorly of it.

Reluctant to sully her opinion of this otherwise pleasant individual so soon after their meeting, an olive branch was extended in this decidedly neutral reply: "HNN, is it? I believe I met with one of your staff during the Palentine's Day speed dates. Are you perhaps familiar with one Barnaby Finch?"

Despite herself, Elisabeth felt a bit of unease as she awaited the reply.

[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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September 21st
Ecruteak City, Johto
HNN Journalist
I always wondered how far we could go
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TAG WITH @percival
Percival Munn
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 21, 2022 13:24:11 GMT
Percival Munn Avatar

When Percy had been no more than a teenager, he had spent much of his time at Ecruteak City’s gym, having been one of the trainers selected by the gym leader. There, he had learned much about both training pokémon and the way people interacted with their own, and although those days often feel as if they happened a lifetime ago, the truth is that much of what he learned back then became part of who he is today.
It’s the reason why the behaviour of ’s Bellossom is of such notice to him, why he does not hesitate to praise it, and also part of why the florist comment on pokémon being easier to be with than people results in him chuckling quietly.
”Oh, that’s definitely something we can agree on. I have always been fond of the company of pokémon.” And yet, his profession is one that leads him to interact with all sorts of people, and in a less than amicable manner more often than not. Percy will always be someone who does his job without a complaint, and there’s no questioning how passionate he is about journalism, but he also would never spend his free time at social gatherings or anything of the sort. He’d much rather do something like this: go berry-picking with his Eevee.
”Ha. I did hear of your flower shop because of a Palentine’s Day delivery, I imagine it was an incredibly busy time for you.… Truthfully, I’m rather fond of gardening, so I’ve been meaning to have a look at your shop’s selection of seeds.”
If Percy had known how familiar Elisabeth herself was with the person who had sent him said bouquet of flowers, he wouldn’t have spoken so calmly of it. But, alas, their mutual acquaintanceship with one would remain unknown of for now, since the mention of drives Percy’s thoughts away from fond memories of the gift and towards less-than-fond ones of Barnaby throwing a fit because of it.
If only for a second, Percy slips, and distaste shows itself in his expression all too clearly. Then, remembering himself, he sights, noting on the way Elisabeth had pursed her lips before giving him a neutral reply. Not fond of reporters, then? Is it because ? That wouldn’t be a surprise.
”If you know Finch, then I suppose I may have to extend you an apology on HNN’s behalf. I hope he didn’t bother you in his pursuit of idle gossip.”
Polite as Percy may often act, some people don’t deserve that benefit in his eyes. More often than not, Barnaby is one.





Mission - Berry Patch Kids


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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,570 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 22, 2022 0:26:56 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
"A fellow gardener?" Elisabeth said, distinctly pleased by the revelation. "What a rare pleasure. I'd be delighted to know what you grow in your gardens."

Meanwhile Daffodil placed her wicker basket down as she reached up on tippy toe for a nearby bunch of numel berries, letting out a little huff of frustration as it remained just out of reach. Elisabeth laughed, kneeling down to assist her struggling Pokemon.

As she did so, the faint distaste that prefaced Percy's thoughts on did not go unnoticed; a wave of relief passed through Elisabeth as the journalist not only admitted to knowing the man, but apologized for it.

Was it strange to find solace in knowing that there were other victims of his torment?

"He was not my favorite date of the event, I will grant you." A dry understatement. "And I will admit he hasn't given me the best impression of your publication. I am pleased to have the opportunity to change my perspective, however."

At this, Elisabeth offered an impish smile as she rose once more to her feet. "I hope that he doesn't sling the stones and arrows of his mockery against his own coworkers?"

It wouldn't surprise her in the slightest if he did.

[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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played by


September 21st
Ecruteak City, Johto
HNN Journalist
I always wondered how far we could go
74 posts
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TAG WITH @percival
Percival Munn
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 22, 2022 11:34:29 GMT
Percival Munn Avatar

”Oh, it’s mostly a tea garden.” Percy wouldn’t often discuss such things with people, because while he has always been fond of flora of all kinds and while caring for the garden is something he enjoys deeply, he’s well aware that it’s not something many find interesting. , however, claims to be delighted to hear it, and her tone matches this claim, making it so his anxieties about such things are pacified if only for a moment. ”Variants of mint, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, and all those things you’d expect. My roselles has really been thriving as of late.”
Roselle blooming season had come and gone, and as should only be expected, the flowers of his own had been collected – so very carefully gathering the calyces and drying them. It’s something Percy is quite happy with, because carcade tea is delightful indeed.
Just as his mind wanders to thoughts of the red-coloured tea, he glances at Kayt, chuckling when noticing that the Eevee’s snout is now marked in a much similar shade thanks to the cheri berry he had devoured. Percy picks him up then, Kayt offering no resistance and gladly being cradled in the man’s arms.
”You made a mess of yourself, Kayt.” A faint and fond smile finds his lips, long and slender fingers digging through the pokémon’s mane to scratch its favourite spot on its neck. The Eevee, of course, wags its tail.
Somehow, he always seems to have that effect on Percy: relaxing him, calming him, and distracting him. The journalist is far from oblivious to it, and he appreciates it too, because when the topic of conversation is one as distasteful as , he sure would much rather be petting his adorable vulpine companion.
”I’m sorry to hear Finch has painted HNN in a bad light for you. It does have its flaws, yes, like any news outlet out there. But… some of us really do want to report on things of importance over just what will catch people’s attention and cause a stir.” Things that are relevant, unlike ’s apparently ceaseless pursuit of scandal and drama. Truth be told, knowing that people think poorly of HNN because of his colleague annoys Percy, and the thought crosses his mind to offer some mild payback. Elisabeth did ask, didn’t she?
”Believe me, you don’t want to get me started on the things Finch does.” There’s a sigh and there’s also annoyance in his tone, but these things come paired with the slight smirk that is to be expected when speaking of someone whose terrible behaviour they both seem more than acquainted with. ”He did threaten to throw that bouquet from your flower shop, for one.”
To be fair, it had accidentally been placed on Barnaby’s desk, but was that really such an offence when their desks were next to each other? To this day, Percy can’t understand why Barnaby felt such a need to escalate things and couldn’t just move the flowers.





Mission - Berry Patch Kids


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,570 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 23, 2022 18:09:51 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
Most often when people admitted to gardening, they meant a plot of daisies in their front yard, or perhaps a hedge of rose bushes; rarely did anyone have actual, practical endeavors in mind for their flora. As described his tea garden, Elisabeth's eyes lit up with keen interest, which brightened into sheer delight at the mention of roselles. "It has been some time since I brewed any roselle-based teas. They were my mother's favorite."

Stifling a faint laugh at the sight of the Eevee's stained snout, Elisabeth patiently drew out an embroidered handkerchief and handed it to Percy, a border of stitched roses visible around its edges. "Here," she said, "I believe the damage done to poor Kayt's nose is indirectly mine and Dilly's. I'd be delighted to remedy it."

Curiously, Elisabeth found it was not the only thing she was willing to mend. If you had asked her even a day ago whether or not she believed herself capable of meeting a decent HNN journalist, the cutting ice of her glare would have been answer enough. Percival held no such posturing, however, nor any false bravado as he spoke of his belief in the publication while simultaneously admitting to its flaws.

To her surprise, Elisabeth believed his sincerity.

"A publication is only the sum of its parts, is it not?" she said at last, offering an almost apologetic smile. "You deserve a chance for your readers to acknowledge the parts that are worth seeing."

Although in mere moments, Elisabeth was reminded precisely why her distrust ran so deep. "I am sorry, Mr. threatened to do what to one of my plants?" The disbelief and utter disgust rang palpably in her tone as she crossed her arms, scoffing. "Planticide, really. Well this is an entirely new low, even for him."

The florist reached into her satchel, bringing out a dainty, lilac-scented business card that she handed to . "If you ever find yourself in need of repairs for an unjustly assaulted plant, do give me a call. Or if you'd like to merely share tea and discuss any pests causing you distress, in your garden or office. It would be a delight to speak with you again."

Daffodil chirped in agreement, her sticky hands gripping her basket with as she swayed in place.

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September 21st
Ecruteak City, Johto
HNN Journalist
I always wondered how far we could go
74 posts
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TAG WITH @percival
Percival Munn
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 15:41:40 GMT
Percival Munn Avatar

The truth of the matter is that while Percy will have no reservations in guiding people towards telling him what he wishes to know when it comes to his journalist pursuits, when it comes to his freetime, he’d much rather spend it on his own. Rarely does he find someone whose company he truly enjoys, and much to his surprise, is proving to be one of those rare people.
That may just be why he smiles faintly when she offers him the handkerchief, ever so carefully cleaning the cheri remnants off Kayt’s snout.
”Thank you. You’re very kind, Elisabeth.”
A mental note is made to bring her some of his roselle tea blend when visiting the shop, and to return the handkerchief when doing so. It would be rude to give it back without washing first, after all. Especially when it belongs to someone who seems as horrified as he had been by the threats had made to the life of his flowers.
”Don’t worry, the flowers were fine in the end.” He reassures her as he puts Kayt back down and takes the offered card. ”However… I will take you up on that and visit the flower shop soon. That way I can also return the favour. It’s been good to meet you, Elisabeth, and you too, Daffodil.”
In the end, it would seem as if going to the berry fields had being an even better idea than what he had expected.





Mission - Berry Patch Kids


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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,254 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
Darjeeling Tea [M]
POSTED ON May 26, 2022 23:48:54 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


