Zev's Plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
rocket beast
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
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Zev Harcourt
Zev's Plotter
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2022 17:47:31 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Zev Harcourt

The inspiration for Zev came primarily from ALEJANDRO of the 2015 film SICARIO and DUNCAN VIZLA of the 2019 film POLAR. To a lesser extent, he is also influenced by JOHN WICK, AGENT 47, and—perhaps most unexpectedly—MILLIONS KNIVES from the manga TRIGUN MAXIMUM. All of these men display cold ruthlessness and brutal proficiency, yet almost all of them possess family-related motivations: to avenge, to protect, to rescue. Even those who don't act for the sake of family still have a desire to protect someone or something important.

Zev's defining tropes are Moral Sociopathy and Pragmatic Villainy. It should be noted that he ticks the following boxes of sociopathy: (1) he feels no empathy for others, (2) lacks a conscience, (3) lies constantly, (4) cannot form deep emotional attachments, (5) has an insatiable need for mental stimulation, and (6) believes he can do no wrong. As a high-functioning sociopath, Zev is normally able to control his impulses well, but emotional downswings put him at risk of losing control.

As the Avatar of Necrozma, Zev also embodies the Lovecraftian Superpower, Eldritch Transformation, and Cosmic Horror Reveal tropes.


CONTROL: As a sociopath, Zev naturally seeks to control the world around him to a high degree. While he's aware many things are outside of his grasp, those things over which he has direct influence—people, Pokémon, his career, etc.—are expected to obey him without question and abide by his standards. If he feels these standards are not being met, he will use whatever means necessary to provide correction. Any attempts to control him are met with violence.

VENGEANCE: When granting Zev Avatarship, Necrozma recognized the similarities they shared, including the desire for revenge against those who have wronged them. As a result of their merging, Zev now bears the torch of his patron's agony and rage. He is highly motivated to "right the wrongs" performed against both himself and Necrozma, whether that was Caleb's betrayal or the existential torment suffered at the DRK Triad's hands.

SELF-INTEREST: The ego of a sociopath causes Zev to act in his own self-interest much of the time. When he is not carrying out Necrozma's will, he does things entirely because he wants to do them. The inherent selfishness of humankind tethers him to mundane things, such as the pleasure he finds in murder or the delight he derives from his marriage. It allows him to retain his individuality when Necrozma would wholly consume him otherwise.


In November 2023, Zev became the Avatar of Necrozma. Despite the slow reveal of information regarding his powers and mental state to Team Rocket, his true nature remains a mystery. His connection to Necrozma is the cause of much fear, trepidation, and doubt among the ranks of the organization.

  • Rocket characters willing to be exposed to the cosmic horror abomination that Zev has become
  • Rocket characters interested in Zev's new physical/mental state and his new abilities, as well as the implications of that on Team Rocket
  • Rocket characters interested in Ultra Space and/or the acquisition of Lunala and Solgaleo
  • Rocket characters interested in the Megalopolans, whether for study or to hunt them down
  • League and Rocket characters who oppose the DRK Triad and are willing to team up with Zev against them
As a Beast, Zev has responsibilities that further the goals of Team Rocket. Members of the organization can refer to the list below when seeking plot opportunities with him.

  • Recruiting new grunts or transfers from other regions
  • Training in hand-to-hand combat, Pokémon battling, assassination, and infiltration
  • Overseeing grunts on missions and evaluating their performances
  • Hunting down and killing enemies of Team Rocket

Members of the League can clash against Zev, either in direct battle or other circumstances. Please DM me (gunsmile) to hash out the details.
The Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Training, and Removal of Avatars is an elite agency within Team Rocket. As a S.P.E.C.T.R.A. operative, Zev scouts for potential members and oversees training. He also assists with locating and capturing Legendary Pokémon who have not yet been claimed by the League or Rocket.

  • Rocket characters interested in joining S.P.E.C.T.R.A.
  • Opportunities to join other S.P.E.C.T.R.A. agents on missions
Zev originally arrived in Hoenn in search of his brother, . He mistakenly thought that Caleb had been kidnapped by the League and sought to return him to Team Rocket.

Unfortunately, the Battle of Dewford in April 2023 revealed how far gone Caleb truly was, and that nothing could bring him back. In fact, Caleb stabbed Zev, a heinous betrayal of their brotherhood. Since then, Zev has vowed to hurt Caleb by destroying his life and everything he holds dear.

  • Rocket characters who wish to help harm or kill Caleb
  • League or Rocket characters who can spy on Caleb on Zev's behalf



  • Former classmates, bullies, or neighbors from Lavender Town
  • Former soldiers or officers of the Kanto Army
  • Rocket characters from Kanto
  • Other assassins from Kanto


  • Rocket characters seeking to ally with Zev in pursuit of their own goals
  • Rocket characters interested in having Zev as their mentor (bonus points if he can corrupt them)
  • League characters who wish to fight (and draw with/lose to) Zev







  • - Amusement, intrigue, appreciation. Protective/possessive of her. Wife.


it's a long life full of long nights