Kiwi's Plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
Kiwi's Plotter
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 4:50:12 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar


Ashley Sawyer



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Being an Ex-Rocket, Sawyer's relationships with other people are a little strained. On the one hand, he isn't really here for the League's incompetence, and quite frankly believes Rocket is still correct to do what it does. On the other, Rocket has gotten too close to the sun, and Sawyer doesn't want to be part of the bloodshed. Sure, some might brand him traitor, but he prefers to call himself neutral. He stands for what Rocket should stand for, and holds himself honorable. To him, honor matters among thieves. To play by the rules is against his own code of honor. Man's gotta have a code.


There are two types of friends meant for Sawyer; Rockets with honor, and League members with competency. By being one or the other, you will likely find Sawyer enjoys your company. However, if you betray that trust, you are likely to see yourself on the edge of the knife. Now, being friends comes with its benefit. Depending on how close you want to be to Sawyer, you could see the little lunch bill that you invited to him paid for in full, with tip. Or, if you're in trouble out in the night, you'll find safe haven in his home. He's got a gun, and he has Bongo in the worst case. If you're really close, and we mean siblings by blood (the kind who take a blood oath), he will throw himself in front of a bullet for you.


So. You put your finger in the foe pudding. You know how weird eating pudding is that way? It's germ-infested now. And that's what Sawyer sees you as; a germ. Not even worth his time. He'll sanitize his hands, and walk away. If you act a fool, or like a bastard, he won't give you the time of day. The moment you do anything to really piss him off by stepping on his code, he will beat your ass. Pray he doesn't get the baseball bat for your leg. Thing is, he doesn't mind being vicious and cruel if you tick him off. By all accounts, if he's mad enough to be here, you likely deserve it.


Oh, I see. You wanna schmooze the homie? Good news, he's pansexual. He likes a personality that he works with. Show interest, and he'll show it back, so long as you're not a piece of shit. He's also the type who won't make giant gestures of affection. He's the low-maitenance boyfriend who just wants to stay home, chill out to some Netflix, and bake you some cookies, maybe even braid your hair. Truth be told, he could be a hair stylist if he wanted to.

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[attr="class","people-name"]Name FRIEND


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Easy Breezy

– Heading to Route 104, our boy Sawyer heads to the small beach area by Petalburg, enjoying the sun with an intent to take some time away from Slateport City.


Just Keep Swimming

– On Slateport's Beach, Sawyer takes a job to help some guy's Dracovish, with Bongo playing the kazoo behind him.


Old MacDonald calls Life Alert

– On a job to the ranch in Fallarbor Town, Sawyer is intending to protect these Pokemon from problematic predators, with a ranger helping out.


I See Red

– It doesn't have to be this way, Jayden...


Thread 5

– synopsis of a different length



Another Tenant

– While on a short trip towards Lavaridge, Sawyer ends up finding a Stufful baby orphan who is bleeding out near a killed mother Bewear. Doing his diligence, Sawyer does what he can and saves the Stufful, facing this pain head on and taking it to a Pokemon Center.


Thread Complete

– synopsis of a different length

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Trish Takano



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Meet Christina Harrington, the local psychotic Rocket grunt with a lot of emotional and mental abusive damage thanks to a mother who hates her guts and destroyed any chance of her having a normal life. While she makes it everyone else's problem, there's a lot of problematic depths to Trish that she doesn't like to bring up. Namely, the fact that on occasion, she cries herself to sleep. If you want to plot with her, know that there's a metric brick wall of shit to get through to get to the scared little girl underneath.


Oh, a friend?! She hasn't had a lot of good experiences with them, but maybe you'll be the first who doesn't use her for your own gains? You'll get a fun psychotic girl friend who will break someone's kneecaps if they hurt her new friend!


... Reese's in Pieces. You're so fucked, man. Get ready to play Mousetrap. In your own house.


You wanna climb the mountain of damaged goods? You are a saint. In essence, Christina is a woman who just wanted someone to love her. Her mom and dad don't, and no partner she's had in the past has ever treated her well, but if you wanna dig, I respect your moxie. Good luck.

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[attr="class","people-name"]Name BFF


[attr="class","people-name"]Name archnemesis


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Thread One

– short synopsis


Thread Two

– synopsis of a different length



Thread Three

– short synopsis

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it's a long life full of long nights