
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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casey, baby boy
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Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2022 20:26:22 GMT
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Casey couldn’t help but kiss her neck, leaving a small circular bruise like he used to. He looked down at Summer and smiled. Casey blushed, and put a hand over his mouth.

He nodded, listening intently. “They’re on the outside so there isn’t another rock-slide. But I don’t doubt that you’ll have me all to yourself in that cave.”

He laughed, watching her wring his shirt, watching his finger move. He then raised his hand, placing it on her shoulder. “Be careful? I didn’t know you knew those words.”

It was Casey who just assumed it was her safe day, and didn’t think to ask. But then again, that was then, and this is now. He smiled at her, clearly in the mood to tease her. ”Whaaaaaaaaat?! You’re having a baby. This is the first time I’ve heard about this. Look… the next few months are gonna be tough, but I’ll help you bounce back physically afterwards.”

He thought for a second, before smiling to her. Her joke was met with an earnest response. Casey tilted his head so the light peeking through the window caught his eye. He had to be better for her. “I’ll cook for you right now, if that’s what you want.”

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Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2022 22:07:14 GMT
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As he bit her neck, leaving that mark, Summer hissed through her teeth, reaching to tug playfully at his hair because that spot felt so good. She'd tilt her head back more, for him to have more access there should he so desire.

"Of course I know those words. I just choose to ignore them for my own pleasure, most of the time. I believe I'm giving you ample warning though..."

His teasing was met with a quick, but light, slap to his shoulder, a gently push. But it was all in good fun. It was his child too, after all.

"Yeah? Are you going to spoil me like a princess?"

She found herself touching his skin, running a finger down the ridges of his spine.

"In a little bit, I'll take you up on the offer. But right now, I'm looking at a rather tasty meal..."
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casey, baby boy
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Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 20:48:21 GMT
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Summer tugged at his hair, pulling thick strands with her fingers. They parted in her hand like running water, and Casey drew a sharp breath. She leaned her head back, but he raised a hand to her chin so she’d look at him.

His eyes narrowed, and he slowly looked her up and down. “Is this what a warning looks like to you? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re trying to drive me crazy.”

He laughed, as she pawed at his chest. Casey then clasped a hand around her outstretched hand, tilting his head at her and smiling. While they weren’t married yet, he’d invest some importance in this. “Only the best… for my wife.”

She trailed a finger down the length of his spine. A chill ran up his neck, and Casey couldn’t help but lean in, maybe even pushing her a little with his toned chest. He was trying so hard not to pounce right now. ”Ma’am… It looks like I am gonna have to warn you about what you’re doing.”

She couldn’t help but flirt with him. Casey glanced aside and blushed. He then looked back to her, and narrowed his eyes again. “I’ll be in the kitchen for you as soon as you let go of me. But I don’t think you’re gonna do that.”

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Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 23:09:54 GMT
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Summer almost whined when he tilted her chin back toward him, her eyes meeting his. As he took her in, up and down like he was trying to come up with a plan on handling her, she smirked devilishly.

"What if I am? What are you going to do about it, Casey?"

She was taunting him, daring him to do something. Anything. And he certainly took her by surprise.


After blinking several times to make sure that she heard him correctly, Summer blushed before speaking.

"Wife... so... where's my ring?" she teased.

But Casey pushed in, into her space and was threatening her that he may lose control. Good. That's exactly what she wanted. She wanted him to grab her, go crazy, and make her feel pleasured and sleepy.

"And if I'm doing it on purpose?"

Summer laughed, almost a cackle, as she shrugged. He got her.

"No. Not yet, at least."
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casey, baby boy
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Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 18:48:55 GMT
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She almost whined, making him snicker. Casey slowly lowered a hand to the small of her back, and pulled it so they’d be chest to chest. With him looking down at her, tilting his head and offering a gentle smile.

His eyes narrowed, and he blushed. “I think you’ve already seen what I like to do about that.”

He laughed, as she blushed. He raised his hands. Two rings on each finger, black hematite. One snapped off during their last argument, but he was quick to replace those. Those things that supposedly soak up negative energy. “Summer Prescott. How many rings have I given you so far?.”

She continued to egg him on. Casey bent his head down, planting a kiss on her forehead. ”Ma’am… You are in no condition to wrestle with me right now. You need to get some rest.”

At this point he didn’t even see the baby. He saw her, pale with rings around her eyes. Nauseated. It tore him up to watch. “So let’s start with what you want for breakfast.”

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Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 1:02:21 GMT
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Summer thought that she was winning. Thought that she had finally gotten him to cave, to make her feel good and tingly on the inside... like he always did.

His chest met hers, pressing firmly there. She raised her hands up his neck, to brush his jawbones on both sides. Trying to tempt him further.

"Give it to me," Summer whispered, leaning close, just close enough that her lips would barely brush his as she spoke.

Then she pouted, holding up her thumb where his silver ring rested.

"This one. But is it really a proposal? Is it my engagement ring? You just gave it to me... you never said 'marry me, Summer Prescott. I love you, and I'll love you forever," she teased, running her finger over the metal.

And then her control was yanked away. Casey denied her the possibility of goods and pleasure, an actual whine escaping her lips as she flopped back and pouted a bit. Because who didn't like getting laid for breakfast?

"Anything Kalosian style, I suppose..."
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casey, baby boy
September 24th
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Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 9:02:16 GMT
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While she wanted him… He knew she had more pressing needs. Needed to know if she could hold down solid food, for one. Casey’s eyes darted to the door, as if he wanted, but couldn’t say, that he had to give her what she needed more than giving her what she wanted.

Still concerned for her, Casey looked to her, and cupped a hand over one of her cheekbones. “You’re still sick. I know this is what you want, but you need to listen to your body and rest.”

He laughed with her, but looked to her thumb. He peeled two of the black hematite rings off one of his smaller fingers, giving them to her in a gently closed fist.

Something about the idea of engagement stirred all kinds of feelings in him, and he just didn’t know what to do. He was so close to what he wanted, but… He couldn’t say much to her as he offered her the rings. Was this the only way out of feeling so conflicted? ”...I love you, Summer.”

Casey walked to the kitchen, rooting around in the fridge. He pulled out a carton of eggs, a little carton of cream, fresh chives, and a baguette. He started to slowly beat the eggs in a pan, adding a touch of cream to keep them moist and rich. He sliced off two round but flat discs of bread, setting them on a plate.

As the eggs slowly grew firm, he took his knife over to the cutting board and set aside a fistful of thinly sliced chives. He then slowly turned the heat down, spreading the eggs over the bread, and sprinkling his garnish over it. He then started to brew coffee, but his eyes lingered on the doorway. On the exit to the house.

With creamy but unsweet coffee in a mug and a plate with a fork, he walked back to her room. Casey set the two on a nightstand next to the bed, and moved back to lay with her, but his eyes were fixed on the ceiling.

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Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 2:49:59 GMT
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Normally, Summer would look down on someone for trying to act like they knew what was for the best for her. Because she felt like she knew her needs well, and despite her earlier illness, she wanted him.

But it was different with Casey. It was always different with Casey. He made her softer, listen, be more willing to hear what needed to be said. And the fact that he wasn't pouncing on her at the moment either... it seemed like a clear sign that he was concerned.

Should she be equally as concerned?

Summer situated herself in bed instead, laying back in the pillows and throwing the blankets over her. She raised her eyebrows as two more rings were handed over: black, smooth finish.

But there was nothing more said. Nothing more about proposal or marriage. Sure, Casey was the one who brought the topic up. But did he actually want her? She began to question it herself as he walked away.

"I love you too," she said.

The rings developed a fracture, not splitting, but there were cracks splitting on the side like stray pieces of hair. It was almost unnoticeable, as she set them to the side not to slip off or fall.
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casey, baby boy
September 24th
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Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 7:06:07 GMT
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Casey left a mug and plate at her nightstand, right next to where she left the rings. A crack, a hairline fracture slowly made its way from the edge of one of his rings, and wound its way around. It looked like the slightest pressure would snap it in two horizontally, making the one ring two.

Casey hastily put his hand under one of his thighs as he laid there, eyes on the ceiling. He couldn’t say what he wanted to say. He knew the damage it would do. And he loved her, and he hated his loneliness and pain.

He couldn’t just sit there though. Casey winced, and slowly rolled to face her. He tilted his head at her, and blinked. ”...I love you. I still do. I’m just… learning to love again.”

Casey slowly reached a hand over, trying to pry a hand off of her and clasp it in his. She’d be able to see the damaged ring, and the pleading eyes, betraying a weak smile. He had to be strong for her, and that meant working up the nerve to say it.

”It wasn’t just you who didn’t call. Who didn’t look for me. Nobody did. And I still don’t know what to say when someone says they missed me. But… I still want you. I’m still amazed by how strong you are sometimes. And how you have this tender side too. This tender side that’s tied up in your strength. Even when you sick you want to pounce on me and have my affection. I just… want you to want it too, if I’m gonna propose. I don’t think it’d be fair for me to just throw it at you..”

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Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2022 1:33:26 GMT
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The food that he presented her with were supposed to look delicious and smell fantastic. But, whether it was her hormones or her sudden wave of anxiety, Summer felt nausea crawl up her throat. She stared at the tray, watching the steam rise from the eggs and the coffee as Casey settled back on the bed.

The fracture on the ring enhanced.

"Learning to love again."

What did that mean? Did Casey not really love her? Because he kept saying he did. But it sounded so contraindicatory when he said that. Summer almost felt like she was a forced upon choice now, that he truly didn't want to be with her. That he was just making appearances for her because they were an item before he disappeared.

Before his accident.


She felt his hand wrench hers into his, drawing her gaze to his. Summer felt almost numb as she listened to him, her gaze nearly expressionless as she listened to him. It took a moment, for her to process what he said.


On the table, the ring split in two, practically crumbling as if by magic. Summer gritted her teeth as she gave Casey a glare, mostly from frustration. No, she wasn't mad at him. But...

"How can you say that I don't want this, Casey?" she said, her hand slipping from his as she indicated to everything around him.

"I swear, it's like you don't know me! I wouldn't let anyone convince me to leave my mansion and go to a house in a different city but you! Or let anyone get me pregnant but you! All I want is you, Casey. Why don't you think I don't want you to propose to me? Or that I want to marry you?"

Summer dug her fingers into her hair, squeezing her eyes shut as she sighed loudly.

"You're the only person I've ever loved in my life. Do you think I'd lie about it? Or just use you?"
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casey, baby boy
September 24th
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Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2022 8:15:58 GMT
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Casey cursed himself. He wanted to say more. He felt like he had to get it off his chest to the one person who would listen. But he couldn’t hurt her. The damaged ring on his finger split horizontally rather than vertically, becoming two rings.

And as much as he didn’t want to wind her up, as much as this clearly hurt… It was so hot when she got all fired up. If he was lucky, she’d strangle him a little. So he dug in his heels, bringing up wedding rings again. “I want you to have a role in this decision because I love you. I just didn’t know when it would be a good time to make it.”

But when she wrenched her hand away from him, he had to overcorrect. He had to pounce on her like she so often did. Not physically, no. He stayed at her side, but inched ever closer. “Now that we’re here, let’s talk rings together. We can do online delivery, or I can pick them up. Whichever you prefer.”

Casey then slowly shifted, sitting at her feet on all fours. Looking up at her with a little smile. Maybe she’d get him to pounce like she wanted earlier. But they had to finish this before he gets distracted. Distracted by the… distraction he noticed, slowly laying on his stomach to hide it.

”There’s no way you don’t want stones. How many, and what kind. I think they should be laid into the band a little so they don’t snag on something and hurt your fingers. Those fingers… that you so lovingly hold my face with.”

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Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2022 18:26:53 GMT
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Summer was convinced that he was stupid. Perhaps both of them were stupid. But she gave him a long stare before bursting out again.

"It's the end of the fucking world. There's a dome closing in on us, and there's no escape from Hoenn. Just ask me to marry you already!"


Oh, she wanted to just rip her hair out. Only someone she cared enough for, like him, could drive her this crazy.

"Or we just go to the store today. Just get them, go on a date, and propose. I'm not dying. I can walk, just let me take a fucking nap."

Summer was too busy scolding him, close to grabbing him by the throat and shaking him, to notice that he was creeping up. That he was close to pouncing.

"I thought it was supposed to be a surprise. I thought you were supposed to pick out something that screamed 'Summer' and then make me cry when you got on one knee," she teased him, raising her eyebrow.

"An engagement ring doesn't have to be elaborate. The wedding ring does."
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casey, baby boy
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Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2022 20:51:15 GMT
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She dug her heels in again, having another big outburst. But she still reaffirmed her commitment to him, in that moment. Maybe it was a mental block on his part, thinking about his own parents parting ways. About how there’s a million other ways to say I love you.

He had to hide a smile when he got exactly what he wanted. For her to just let it all out, and break their silence. Casey started to stand up on the bed on his knees. He then moved down to all fours, before eventually bowing his head. He raised his voice too, but in the way you would if you had nothing but good news to share, and were just overcome with emotions. “THAT SETTLES IT THEN. SUMMER PRESCOTT WILL YOU MARRY ME.”

As she got all fired up working out the specifics, he had to listen, and his posture shifted. As if he was trying to look smaller. “We’ll go after your nap, as soon as we know you can hold anything in your stomach too. But we can do it today if you want.”

Casey sat there, eventually craning his neck up to look at her.If she put her hands on him he wouldn’t behave himself. He wanted her to be with him, and for them to make their every move together. But at her mention of a surprise, he couldn’t help but have a hand reach out, tracing a finger over her stomach.

”You already have a little surprise from me. I just thought… it’d be romantic if we like… put our lives together in this way.”

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Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2022 1:33:33 GMT
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Summer squinted her eyes, leaning back a bit as he practically shouted at her his proposal. What an unromantic way to propose. But, of course, she had no one to please. Not a father. Not her brother.

So who the fuck cared besides her?

"I will. Now stop screaming," she said, grabbing his face with her hand and squishing his cheeks together.

So, seemed like they'd have to break the news to and that not only were they engaged, but they were expecting as well. She hoped to Arceus Knox wouldn't think it was a shotgun wedding.

Fuck Knox.

Summer felt his hand tracing over her stomach, where literal microscopic cells were slowly developing into a child. Weird. Normally, she'd hate the idea, but with this being Casey's....

She was happy with it.

Her hand reached forward, tugging his hair and tilting his head as she looked at him. Trying to draw him closer before chuckling.

"Not exactly what I meant. But touché."
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casey, baby boy
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Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 3:02:42 GMT
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She cupped her hands around his face, pulling it up to face her. Not to let himself get totally dragged along for the ride, Casey slowly lowered his hands, before putting them on either side of her hips. She was the first to cave, to tell him to settle down. What a feeling.

He was torn. Casey slowly pushed his hands together, fingers curling around her waist. They were always like this together. Should he drag her out of bed for the rings, or give her what she wanted earlier? 

He kind of sat there, peering into her eyes. Those amber eyes that softened for him, from the glare she turned at others. “...”

He got along well enough with her family, it’d be fine. Maybe a little too well. Frankly, he’d said too much to Knox, all the while enabling him. Was this what anyone had in mind when Casey said he was gonna “talk to him” and sort it out?

When she grabbed a fistful of his hair and commanded his attention, she wanted him closer. So he crawled forward, knees on either side of her and a hand to hold himself up. Casey’s other hand drifted down, trying to sit just under the back of her head, so that they held eachother.

”Not what I meant either. But while we’re here… It finally feels like how it used to be. I missed us.

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