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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 22, 2022 16:35:16 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

They actually had a bit of a squabble over the guest room. It was either this or the AirBnB apartment he had listed—his previous place in Fortree—however practicality won out.

And so it was, the two now shared an address. (And living quarters but that’s just. Shh.)

So of course, there were a lot of adjustments that would happen. One of which Frog would find out that Bird… well, Bird had a bit of an insomnia problem and couldn’t sleep too well as of late.

Which usually resulted in 3 in the morning late-night ramen snacking runs in the kitchen.

He was prowling around the place on socked feet, very careful not to disturb all the slumbering Pokémon. A pot was on the stove, water bubbling and noodles simmering in as he’d just emptied the dried vegetables and the flavoring sachet.

Now where was the egg…?

Little did he know that they were going to have a déjà vu of what had happened to him several months ago—only this time, one of them didn’t have to travel so far to check if the other was alright.

(It was one of those restless nights…)

timeline: close to present day. Happens several weeks after by the dawn & fly me over yesterday; definitely after Frog’s birthday so yes they’re already boyfriends by this time

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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 19:48:13 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Memo had always been a dreamer, literally and figuratively. It was part of what made him, him-- the essence of hoping and dreaming and believing that things will get, become, be better. As a young child, he’d had so many emotions that couldn’t be expressed; they came out in his dreams.

During his transient years, he never really slept deep enough to dream. Then he’d come to Hoenn, re-entered into a modicum of stability, and like long lost friends, they’d returned, vibrant and colorful and full of music.

Then, Maldacena. Cyberspace hell. A detachment from his emotions and literally having to watch the only person he’s ever really loved forget about him, and then die. A compact burst of sadness, depression, and hopelessness, hypodermically injected straight into his brain, leaving cobwebs that won’t quite clear, even in the bright light of day, let alone at night.

His Slateport apartment may have been crappy, but it was his-- the first thing that ever really was. And he was used to the solitude and the way he could experience his emotions, alone, in a controlled environment and manageable space.

But now he lived with Alex. And it was, frankly, amazing-- the concept of the person he loved the most just a few feet away, accessible, present, safe, like drawing water out of a tap, refreshing and sustaining his soul.

He wasn’t alone anymore. He couldn’t casually fall against the wall of his bedroom and cry for no discernable reason. He couldn’t suffer through his nightmares and wake up alone and pretend like they hadn’t happened. And he was trying so hard to be fine, to be normal. A, because he didn’t want Alex to worry more than he was already predisposed to doing, and B, because it was intrinsically part of him that he let nothing get him down.

That was part of what made him, him. Believing that things will get, become, be better. Remember?

The emotions needed an outlet.

So he worked. He ate little, mostly only when Alex was looking. He closed his bedroom door and laid in bed and presented a facade of sleep.

But, eventually, he dreamed.

They took many forms. Usually ones where Alex died in various, gruesome ways. Some where Memo killed him, himself.

This one was particularly gnarly, dark in its vibrancy, Alex dangling from a noose made of Unown, for Arceus’ sake, but when Memo tried to reach for the rope they became blackened thorns, and no matter how he pulled or ripped or tugged they did little but cut his hands and continue to choke the life out of the man he loved.

He had a distant feeling of crying, registered vaguely that he would wake up with tears on his cheeks, and that thought tried to multiply into it’s just a dream. It’s just a dream.. But the fear and desolation was so strong and vivid that it smothered any chance he had of rationalizing, or waking. With desperate fingers he tried to pull at the ring of thorns around Alex’s throat and his fingers, wet with their combined blood, slipped free.

In the physical world, his hand cracked against the head of the bed, loud and distinct.


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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 3:02:56 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He’d fished out an egg from the fridge and had cracked it into the soup that was stewing, mixing it with a fork and letting it simmer before the loud noise—rang out.

He looked up from the pot, a wild, scared look in his eyes.

“Wh—shit, shit, shit,” he hissed as he hurriedly turned off the fire on the stove, leaving the fork in the noodles as he made a mad dash over to the guest room—did the other lock the door on purpose? He hoped he didn’t have to kick the door down, but there was hoping against hope…

He jiggled the knob.

“Frog, for the love of the djinni I hope you’re okay… he hissed under his breath as he tried to get the door to the other room open.

timeline: close to present day. Happens several weeks after by the dawn & fly me over yesterday; definitely after Frog’s birthday so yes they’re already boyfriends by this time

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 12:32:24 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
The door is open. For the sake of access, Memo doesn’t lock it. The handle turns, and the force of Alex’s urgency causes it to shift inward.

He doesn’t wake. His face is burrowed in the pillow, as though trying to block out light, but there’s no light in the room and he is very much asleep.

As though sensing the presence of the man in question, the nightmare morphs. Memo is left with empty, bloody fingers, staring at a caricature of Alex highlighted in spotlight. His face is a jagged mess of pixelated black spaces, a thick, oil-like ichor oozing from the emptiness.

You said you wouldn’t leave me, Alex’s voice says, warped and pained, you said you’d be there.

You lied.

Memo opens his mouth to say he’s sorry but he can’t speak, his throat constricted

In the waking world, he emits a small, muffled whimper.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 12:50:22 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Since the lights inside the room weren’t on, the light from outside (the kitchen) shone a long, narrow stripe of light into the area proper.

He could see his own shadow elongated in the doorway, but what was alarming was the fact that there was a pillow blocking the other man’s face.

Are you trying to kill yourself?! he thought in a panic, crossing the space in several long strides, never mind if the dull thudding of his feet hitting the floor might wake the other up.

“Frog… what’s happening…” he muttered, sitting down on one edge of the bed close to where the other still had his face hidden in the pillow.

He was hesitant to grab the other’s hand because who knew what would happen, but he decided against caution and gently took one of the other man’s hands into his own.

timeline: close to present day. Happens several weeks after by the dawn & fly me over yesterday; definitely after Frog’s birthday so yes they’re already boyfriends by this time

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 13:55:11 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Alex’s touch doesn’t rouse him (he hasn’t slept in so long). His skin is cold and clammy.

In the dream, he tries to move. He tries to run towards Alex but his feet feel rooted to the spot. And Alex slowly begins to break away-- oozing and burning in equal parts.

Throughout, the litany of you lied. You left. You lied.

He can’t speak. He can’t breathe.

He recoils from Alex’s hold, lashing a leg and burrowing deeper into the pillows.

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 14:28:41 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

This—normally it would’ve been the opposite way around, with him in the middle of struggling through a nightmare and eventually waking up in the other man’s hold but now?


How the turns have tabled, indeed.

He blinked in surprise—normally he knew Frog to run like a hotbox, but the way his hands were cold and sweaty, the look of concern deepened on his features as he held onto the other hand—

Before the other man began thrashing around on the bed, very nearly clipping him across the midsection which he very narrowly avoided getting hit (yikes) and then, and then—

“Wha—hey! Memo?! he exclaimed, trying to make a grab for the other man’s hands again; the better to hold onto.

timeline: close to present day. Happens several weeks after by the dawn & fly me over yesterday; definitely after Frog’s birthday so yes they’re already boyfriends by this time

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 14:37:47 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
He gets in another flail or two before he feels his wrists be squeezed, firmly grounding him in place. Then, he does manage to scream, and it rips him from his nightmare: Alex holds him to the bed, his shoulders contort, joint popping loudly in the socket, his chest shooting up as his eyes flash open


His oxygen rolls in horrible, gasping intakes, the fog of sleep clearing from his eyes as he very slowly lowers to the bed. The spiking of his heartrate leaves him dizzy, and his eyes flutter closed, squeeze and hold there for long beats.


It comes out hoarse.

He keeps his eyes shut, afraid he might still be dreaming, but also afraid to have to face being awake right then. Maybe if he just squeezed his eyes shut and held them there he could be anywhere else.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 14:59:54 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He doesn’t miss the loud popping noise, but damn it does scare the ever-living fuck out of him for a few moments as he watched the other go through the final throes of what was very clearly a nightmare…

“H-hey,” he continued quietly, tone hesitant as the other had calmed down.

“I’m… I’m here,” he went on, still holding onto the other man’s hands, anxiously waiting for the other to… talk. Or at the very least, try not to break down in front of him so he could rush in and hold the other close.

timeline: close to present day. Happens several weeks after by the dawn & fly me over yesterday; definitely after Frog’s birthday so yes they’re already boyfriends by this time

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 15:37:19 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Alex was still holding him down, pinned by his wrists to the bed.

"Hey,” he said, weakly, his mouth curling into a smile with no warmth behind it, ghost of a delirious giggle on his lips. “I can see that.”

He put a little tension in his forearms, tugging on Alex’s grip.

"I’m sorry.” It’s crazy how the first thing he feels he needs to do is apologize. “Did I wake you?”

A startled look crosses his face.

"Did I hit you?”

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 20:05:56 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“You—almost hit me, I barely managed to avoid your foot,” he replied back with a grin of his own; he was internally screaming about it though.

“Also… no, I’ve been… up for a while now. I finished making something when I heard… a loud something hitting the backboard,” he continued.

“Are… are you sure you’re alright?”

And here we were again, with his propensity of worrying. It was emerging, rearing its head in full force.

timeline: close to present day. Happens several weeks after by the dawn & fly me over yesterday; definitely after Frog’s birthday so yes they’re already boyfriends by this time

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2022 17:08:18 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
His face fell, eyes threatening to water at any second. “Fuck. I’m so sorry.” Reaistically, he couldn’t have done much damage, but the idea of hurting Alex in any propensity was nauseating. It was part of why he was having such vivid nightmares.

His frown turned quizzical. He tugged at his wrists, where they were still held down (at any other opportunity his brain would be doing cartwheels into the gutter). There was a faint but insistent pang across his knuckles.

“Must’ve hit the headboard,” he said, voice still hoarse, as he remembered the violent slip of his fingers off of Alex’s bloody noose.

He forced his face to flatten into something calm, blank, placid.

“Yes. It was just a nightmare. I’m fine now.”

His smile was… microscopic, simple.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 20:16:11 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“There… Memo, there’s no need to apologize… about it,” were the first words he said, blinking as he was still holding the other down.

(In another time, another reality where he hadn’t lost his memory and the travesty that was the Cyberchase Conundrum had happened differently, probably they’d both be naked right now and having some… passionate discussions. With their mouths. And their naughty, naughty hands.)

“I… I don’t think you’re fine,” he continued, brow furrowed as he looked over the other.

“That’s… that’s what my instinct’s telling me.”

timeline: close to present day. Happens several weeks after by the dawn & fly me over yesterday; definitely after Frog’s birthday so yes they’re already boyfriends by this time

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 23:17:33 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
“I’m still sorry.”

He closes his eyes, forces himself to breathe.

“It was just a night terror,” he repeats, pulling at his wrists again. His eyes open. He endeavors to sit up. “I have them from time to time.” He offers a laugh, a soft chuckle that is more meant to be a balm, a way to say see? I can laugh it off, you can too.

Mentally, he begs Alex to leave it, to let him go, bid him goodnight, go back to his midnight snack.


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Oct 13, 2022 14:30:46 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Memo, there… there’s no need to apologize all the time, you know.”

He didn’t realize he was still holding the other man down, until he blinked and saw the other was struggling against his hold—whoops!

And then he felt his ears burn red.

“Still… that didn’t sound like a ‘time to time’ thing,” he continued quietly as he kept his hold on the other man’s wrists. He… he wasn’t going to be budging from where he sat.

Good luck trying to make him leave the room, Frog.

timeline: close to present day. Happens several weeks after by the dawn & fly me over yesterday; definitely after Frog’s birthday so yes they’re already boyfriends by this time

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