A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,224 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2023 23:33:54 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Pen, paper, dice, and imagination
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Every time Aurelie looked over at Isaac—whether he was blushing in embarrassment, engrossed in weaving his character's backstory, smirking teasingly about his dice rolls, or frowning in thought over a new game concept—she was struck with the thought, What am I doing? Is this even the right thing to be doing for him? Shouldn't she be offering comfort over the grievous injuries and traumas that he'd suffered? Especially when the two of them shared one particularly prominent injury in common?

And yet, minute by minute, moment by moment, she consciously found herself choosing not to say anything about his missing eye or change the subject away from the fantasy game. Maybe sometimes it was okay not to acknowledge the Copperajah in the room right away. Especially if the Copperajah could be scared off by a Rattata running around its feet. Or was she just mixing her metaphors now?

So, she nodded attentively in agreement when Isaac picked his character Tarkus' alignment and skills. "I like it," the red-haired smith commented approvingly, pointing to the various fields on the character sheet where Isaac needed to fill out the relevant information. "And remember, the alignments are more of an abstract concept to help us as players, not something that your character would be aware of.

"Like, we think of a good character being, well, a good thing, right? It can be satisfying and fun to play a character who's noble and virtuous and a force for benevolence and integrity in a fantasy world, where things are more black-and-white,"
Aurelie went on, permitting herself a cynical little sigh.

"But your character will probably think of good and evil, law and chaos, somewhat differently. Tarkus, as someone who spent a lot of his formative years bilking audiences and flouting the law, might view a good-aligned person as—well, as less of a good thing. An idiot, maybe. Or a sucker, just waiting to be taken advantage of. He might very well scorn the concept of 'goodness' and not have any interest in becoming good-aligned himself."

She cleared her throat a little self-consciously, becoming aware that she was starting to lecture again. "So, just keep in mind that, even if you want to take your character down a certain path, like becoming a person who aligns themselves with the forces of good, your character may have their own ideas! And that's totally fine. Just make sure that the choices they make actually make sense with their personality and worldview."

With a chuckle, Aurelie added, "Did I say 'make' enough in that sentence? You can't make me stop, apparently!" Arceus, what a dork she was.

She shuffled through the Players' Handbook for a moment to look at the skills and mused aloud, "Sleight of Hand is a really interesting choice too! Especially for someone who looks like a big, hulking brute. But maybe that helps him be even more successful at it, because you wouldn't expect someone like that to have quick, nimble hands or to be good at trickery."

Flipping to the last few pages of the character generation chapter, Aurelie pursed her lips in thought. "Okay, onto the last part, and then we can start throwing Tarkus into his very first adventure on his own! So, he's just gotten out of the traveling fair, but he thought ahead enough to bring more than just the clothes on his back with him. As a rogue, your starting package of equipment can include your choice of..."

Ticking off the list of options on her fingers, the red-haired smith continued, "You can have a rapier or a shortsword for your melee weapon." She pronounced "melee" with the Kalosian pronunciation, which probably sounded a bit odd to Isaac's ear. "Then you can have either a shortbow and arrows or a shortsword. Then you get leather armor, two daggers, thieves' tools—so, like, lockpicks, pliers, files, a crowbar, that kind of thing—and a basic pack with a bedroll, rations, waterskin, rope, and some torches."

Aurelie paused for a moment to laughingly push a pair of imaginary glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Now, when you consider which weapon you want to pick, I want you to think about one of the signature abilities of the rogue class that you picked: Sneak Attack. This is a pretty cool and strategic ability that lets your character take advantage of an enemy's distraction to deal extra damage to them.

"For your character,"
she went on thoughtfully, "we can tie it to Tarkus' performances as a prizefighter, because he's so experienced with throwing out distractions and reading his opponent's moves during a fight. So, if someone else is within five feet of your enemy or if you attack from a hidden position, or otherwise when they don't see you, you can add sneak attack damage. Now, in the beginning, you only deal an extra 1d6 worth of damage—uh, so that means you'd roll an extra six-sided die when you count up how much damage you do in a fight. But that damage will only get higher as Tarkus advances as a rogue.

"So, think about whether the rapier or shortswords feel sneaky to you as well as whether they suit Tarkus as a fighter."


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2023 2:34:13 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Isaac was not somebody who needed to be told twice about moral relativity.[break][break]

Current interpersonal and organizational crises aside, Isaac made sure to keep Aurelie's advice in mind. Tarkus definitely seemed the type to act more self-sufficient than he actually was, and viewed those who didn't treat others with a healthy dose of suspicion as hapless marks. Though was that a good-evil thing, or a law-chaos thing? Oh boy. Isaac's head was already spinning from trying to differentiate the two.[break][break]

You know what was nice and simple? Weapons! A statement Isaac would never make in front of the active blacksmith in the room! "A rapier seems too rich for his blood," Isaac decided. "If he can nick one off of some noble sometime, maybe. But for now, a shortsword and a shortbow are gonna be his go-tos."[break][break]

With that, he was just about done! Although . . . "Huh, what do I put in Background?" he asked. It was right up there with class and level, so it seemed pretty important, but they hadn't ended up touching on it in their talk. Was that related to all of the character history he'd given for Tarkus? Or was it another game element for him to keep track of?[break][break]

In either case, adventure was so close that he could almost taste it . . .


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,224 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2023 17:49:16 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Pen, paper, dice, and imagination
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]"Oh, shoot, Backgrounds!" Aurelie exclaimed, frowning and smacking the palm of her hand against her forehead in chagrin. "You did such a good job with inventing a rich, deep backstory for your character that I totally forgot! See, you're already proving to be a better player than I am, Isaac!"

Sliding back into lecture mode for a moment, Aurelie stood up straight and gestured toward the Players' Handbook. "So, backgrounds are basically the way the game expects you to fill out your character's past, like childhood experiences or education. They give you some extra skill proficiencies, maybe a language or two, some equipment, and sometimes a passive ability. They also have tables that let you either pick or roll for some colorful personality traits if you want, like ideals or flaws."

The red-haired smith broke into a smile and shrugged lightly. "I guess in your case, the backgrounds can be seen as more like a reward for coming up with such a great backstory. For most people, it's more of a way they get started thinking about where their character came from and how they started adventuring."

She frowned again and started looking through the basic list of backgrounds in the book, glancing back and forth occasionally from Isaac's half-filled out character sheet to the descriptions in the well-worn pages. "Hmmm, well, the ones listed in here are Acolyte—like, a religious acolyte at a temple—Charlatan, Criminal, Entertainer, Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, Hermit, Noble—definitely not Tarkus—Outlander, Sage, Soldier, and Urchin. I'm pretty sure there are more out there, but we can also just adapt and customize these basic ones to fit Tarkus, probably."

Pursing her lips in thought, Aurelie rapidly perused the list while trying to remember everything that Isaac had said while coming up with his character. "I really like Charlatan and Entertainer for Tarkus, I think. Oh, look, Entertainer even has a Gladiator variant, which sounds a lot like what you were saying about having him do flashy stage fights!

"Oh, and if you take Entertainer, it automatically gives you Performance as a skill proficiency, so you'd also get to pick another proficient skill from the Rogue list. You also get Acrobatics,"
she added conscientiously. "For Gladiator, we can swap out the musical instrument parts for a weapon or just unarmed combat. You also are able to use disguise kits—sure, that makes sense if you need to put on makeup or fake blood or something—and..."

At the Equipment list, Aurelie couldn't help snickering a little. "Oh man, so your Equipment can be a costume, some money, and also 'the favor of an admirer'." Laughingly, she read the suggestions aloud. "Like a lock of hair, love letter, or trinket. That's such a cute image! The big, tough half-orc always carrying around a fan's misspelled, impassioned love letter about how they love watching him beat up other fighters."

Then she waved her hand lightly and straightened back up from reading the handbook. "But that's just what I think would fit him. You should look over the backgrounds here and pick something that would actually suit your vision of Tarkus. The description of the Entertainer makes him sound a lot more attention-seeking than maybe you'd want him to be. Charlatan might also work really well, since it's about deceiving and tricking people, but the overall feel is much less flamboyant or attention-hungry."

Aurelie cleared her throat, feeling like she had once more done far too much talking. She nodded toward the dice lying near Isaac and suggested a little more diffidently, "There's also tables of personality traits that you can roll for, if you want. It's not mandatory, but it can be fun to roll. Or just to pick and choose what you like out of them! Or disregard them entirely. It's up to you, since the game definitely doesn't mechanically require these things before you start playing.

"And then after you pick a background that you like..."
She cleared her throat, feeling a little self-conscious for the first time. "Then we can start on Tarkus' first adventure! I, uh, just have a very basic starter adventure in mind that I usually use for new players. It's really simple and not, you know, like a grandiose adventure sort of thing, but hopefully you'll at least get some idea of how the game plays out."


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2023 18:45:36 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Acrobatics, a follower's favor, and an instrument of his choice, huh? Backgrounds were pretty neat. "If he's got a high charisma, let's go Persuasion. Put it to good use and help him get those performances going," Isaac suggested. "And he's got a lot of weapons as is, so how about I stick with an instrument? Something easy to whip out on the road when he's bored. Like an ocarina or something."[break][break]

That left the idea of an audience favor. Aurelie had the idea of a love note, but Isaac found his mind going elsewhere. "It's a note from a kid who looked up to him. That was the moment when he realized maybe he could strike it as a champion, legit," Isaac decided. "Gladiators can always find a fight when they're in a town that's got one, right? Maybe, if he gets his feet on the ground, and he isn't being chased down by his former friends, he'll give it a shot . . ."[break][break]

When not adventuring, of course.[break][break]

"Let's see what you got-" Isaac started, before remembering something and hushing up. "Hey, wait a minute. What about your character? Seems kinda unfair if you don't get to play too. Awww, how cute. He truly had no idea how any of this works. Maybe his stammered insistence that he reads the books for the pictures was more accurate than Aurelie first thought.[break][break]


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,224 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 23:51:00 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Pen, paper, dice, and imagination
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie nodded and listened to Isaac's finishing thoughts on his character's background with an amused grin, not hiding how pleased she was at how much he was getting into the game so far. Of course, she wasn't anything close to a licensed therapist, who could get Isaac to open up and heal psychologically in a beneficial, balanced way. Still, this had to be better than him finding solace at the bottom of a bottle or even in hitting some hot metal with a big hammer.

At least, Isaac looked bright-eyed and engaged right now. And who knew, maybe he might even think more about this character he'd dreamed up and play it for real in another game. That would certainly be cute to see!

The red-haired smith frowned a little when he suggested sticking with a musical instrument instead of an exotic gladiatorial weapon as part of his equipment package, though. "I think the image of him having a little flute or ocarina is charming, but I feel like that's more in the spirit of a musical performer like a minstrel, not a fighting-club or gladiatorial-arena entertainer.

and here she tapped her nose and winked playfully, "you'd be missing out on your character getting an inexpensive but awesome gladiatorial weapon like a trident, weighted net, whip or spear! But I also know the rules technically say 'you can replace the musical instrument', not 'you have to'.

Aurelie concluded with an air of generous magnanimity and a benevolent toss of her head, "I suppose I'll let it slide. For now." She grinned.

Otherwise, she was perfectly happy to have him record the treasured note from an adoring young fan as his keepsake audience favor. It was a sweet idea, and somehow very fitting for Isaac. He did seem like someone who lived his whole life trying to make his own younger, more innocent self proud.

When he asked Aurelie if she'd be playing a character too, it actually struck her as a genuinely insightful question, rather than a naïve newbie's query. Of course, usually a Game Master or Dungeon Master didn't pilot a character of their own, because they had their hands full managing the player characters, NPCs, and overall storyline of the campaign. However, this roleplaying game was supposed to be a social experience where a party of adventurers possessed different but complementing traits and skills, so that they all had something unique and useful to offer in almost any situation.

Isaac, playing alone, wouldn't have any of that. Tarkus would be a rogue without any healing support, magical backup, or heavily armored front-line defender to help him. His unprecedentedly amazing stats would probably make up for some of that—but probably not all of it.

"You know, that's a great question. And a good point too," Aurelie responded thoughtfully, keeping all these things in mind. "Of course, it wouldn't be fair to participate fully in the game with a character, since I already know everything that's going to happen and so on. But I think it totally makes sense for Tarkus to have a traveling companion on the road!

"But...maybe not a particularly communicative or powerful one,"
she concluded. "And for that, I have a stand-in character I used to play whenever a player from my group couldn't make it and we needed a fourth party member. Introducing Elgo, a taciturn gnome illusionist wizard who barely speaks any Common but is willing to help out people in need!"

She spread her arms wide in a 'Ta-da!' gesture. "Maybe in Tarkus' case, Elgo also was part of the traveling circus and helped with his 'great escape' after Tarkus refused to take a dive onstage, since the gnome took a liking to the ambitious and strangely honorable half-orc. Considering that this game's purpose is mostly to teach you how to play, I think it makes sense to involve another character to round out the group a little, but not take center stage."

Aurelie flashed a grin at Isaac. "There! Seem fair to you? Or would you prefer not to have a random non-Common-speaking gnome at Tarkus' side and have him go it alone? I don't have to play a character alongside you, but even a half-orc with incredible starting stats might need some illusory backup every now and then!"


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2023 2:41:31 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Well, yeah. It's not like he's trying to be a bard or anything. But when you're wandering the road on your own, you're gonna get real bored, real quick between stops. And it's not like you can gladiate on the move. So no harm in picking up something simple he can fiddle with in his downtime." He shot Aurelie a wry smile. "Kinda like a blacksmith with a gaming set."[break][break]

"Don't ask him to play for anyone though. For all he excels at most things, dude's hella tone-deaf."[break][break]

A cute little backstory element and some flaws thrown onto his stat-blessed character, explicit and implicit alike. Shit, Isaac was actually kinda getting into the spirit of things. It cost him a weighted net, but he'd have plenty of time and reason to pick up weapons later. He didn't really have a lot of reason to go shopping to find a dinky little flute. Might as well take the gift when it counts.[break][break]

With that, Aurelie put her own character forward; a quiet illusionist whose lack of speech belied a heart of gold. Isaac's eyes lit up a little as he heard the description. "So we've got someone loud, proud, and a little on the wild side. And then we have someone who, while more quiet and understated, brings a heart and gentleness to temper his more chaotic impulses. Shit, that's already a hell of a dynamic." Was he already thinking on arcs? Clearly, Aurelie had found his secret storyteller's heart![break][break]

But that was the future? What about the present? "And at the same time, he could get swept up in Takrus' strong personality and grand ideas, too. Like, illusioning up monsters for Tarkus to "fight" off to perform for the crowds, like a two-man show. They feed off each other's entry, for better or for worse, but just might bumble their way into being unlikely heroes."[break][break]

"Yeah. Yeah, that all seems real fair to me!" Realizing how excited he'd gotten, Isaac quickly quieted down, bashfully averting his gaze. "Y-y'know. If you think it's a good idea and all that."


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,224 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON May 4, 2023 16:31:23 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Pen, paper, dice, and imagination
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]On one hand, Aurelie could intellectually understand where Isaac was coming from with his preference for a little flute or ocarina for Tarkus. She even chuckled at his comment "It's not like you can gladiate on the move" and again when he pointed out her own idiosyncrasy in being a "blacksmith with a gaming set". But emotionally, Aurelie couldn't help but roll her eyes theatrically and sigh.

"Okay, but a trident or a weighted net are just cool," she groused teasingly, noting down the flute in the Inventory section of Tarkus' character sheet with mock-reluctance. "But fine, a flute is good too. And it's a lot lighter and easier to carry around, which I guess is nothing to sneeze at when you're on the run."

Aurelie burst into a delighted chuckle when Isaac wholeheartedly embraced the introduction of her placeholder character: a taciturn gnome wizard that she'd merely intended to provide a little magical backup for his half-orc rogue. Predictably and rather endearingly, Isaac took the concept and ran with it, happily inventing a backstory and even a friendly dynamic between the two characters. Even ideas for a fun two-man show they'd run together when they weren't busy on adventures!

The red-haired smith stole a glance at her friend as he talked and gestured. He looks so much better now than he did when I first came in, she thought, her heart gladdened to see how enthusiastic and energetic Isaac looked, how clearly his eyes shone, and how genuine his smile seemed, compared to his listless expression earlier. Gaming as therapy, who would've guessed?

Her hand started to stray toward her own eyepatch, before she caught herself and stilled the motion. But Aurelie couldn't stop the bitter thoughts from arising in her mind. If someone had come to visit me in the hospital to play games, would I have felt better sooner? Gotten better faster? Not been so depressed and so angry for so long?

She would never know. But at least she could be here for Isaac now and perhaps make his recovery a little smoother.

Aloud, she said, smiling, "Of course, I think it's a good idea! I don't think anyone has ever liked Elgo so much before! They usually just tolerate him being around to round the party out with his skills.

she cautioned, "don't expect him to be too chatty, all the same. Tarkus is the focus of the story, after all!"

Then Aurelie took a deep breath, pulled herself together, and clapped her hands together briskly. "Well, now that that's all been decided—or, well, as decided as things need to be this early on, which isn't too much—shall we get started with the game itself?"

She paused for only a moment after asking the question, barely long enough to wait for Isaac to either agree or demur. Despite herself, Aurelie admitted she was getting excited about the game as well, and she wanted Isaac to get at least a taste of the full experience. So, she hoped they could get through at least part of a campaign before visiting hours were over.

Clearing her throat, Aurelie launched into the introduction. "It would be generous, at the very least, to say that Oakhaven was a small town. Even this backwater village will do well enough, though, as a place for Tarkus and Elgo to stay a few days after a long, tiring week on the open road. Thinking longingly of a hot meal and a cool, refreshing drink, you walk toward the first tavern you see.

"Inside, the tavern is quiet, with only a few locals sitting at the tables. The common room is dimly lit by a row of hanging lanterns, along with a large fire crackling in the hearth across the room. A bar stretches along the wall off to the left, set with five empty chairs fashioned from sturdy, dark hardwood. The two of you take a seat in those chairs, and a serving maid nods at you in greeting."

Aurelie paused and frowned for a moment, trying to remember what descriptions and actions happened next in the familiar starter campaign she used to run for newcomers. Improvising a little to cover the gaps in her memory, she continued, "The serving maid looks slightly nervous as she approaches, probably intimidated by a half-orc like Tarkus. Still, she smiles at you welcomingly and takes your orders for two pints of ale and a hot meal pleasantly enough.

"After the serving maid bustles off toward the kitchen, you settle back to wait for your ale and food. One local, a short, stout middle-aged man, looks repeatedly toward you, before finally seemingly deciding to stand up and come toward you. He's wearing worn leather armor and a badge that marks him as a local constable, with a mace strapped across his back and a wooden club at his belt."

At this point, Aurelie cleared her throat again several times as she tried to make her voice sound deeper and throatier. "'Excuse me,' the man says in a friendly voice, but I couldn't help but notice you two seem to be...sellswords or warriors of some kind. Our town has been having trouble for a little while. Can I offer to hire you to help us with our problem?' He clearly wants to be polite but just as clearly feels what he needs is very important to him."

Falling silent, Aurelie crossed her arms and tilted her head attentively toward Isaac, waiting for him to respond.


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 0:57:42 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"So he's a man of the law, and he's turning to a bunch of mercs to get his dirty work done?" Isaac asked, trying to puzzle out the current situation. "Damn. He must be desperate. Sounds like Tarkus and Elgo are gonna have some coin tonight."[break][break]

". . . That was out of character, by the way. Pretty sure saying all that out loud would be real weird."[break][break]

It was time for Isaac to try and copy Aurelie's recipe for low volume! Rather than speaking from the throat, however, he tried to find his voice in his chest. If he could get Tarkus sounding properly big and booming, he'd be happy.[break][break]

"We've been known to sell our swords now and then," "Tarkus" boomed, cocking an eyebrow curiously. "To the right bidder, for the right price." He wasn't going to twist the poor guy's arm, because it was clear that this was an important offer he wouldn't be stingy about. However, he did at least want to remind him of the "sell" part of "sellswords" before beginning negotiations.[break][break]

Isaac shifted in his hospital bed, miming the way that Tarkus would have shifted in his tavern seat. "Let's talk shop. What's your trouble, constable?"


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,224 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2023 22:02:25 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Pen, paper, dice, and imagination
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Oh, Isaac, you're doing great at this! Aurelie marveled happily to herself as she watched him try to verbally sort out the in-game situation confronting his character and then act out Tarkus' response. I never thought I'd be so glad to have randomly brought along my Players' Handbook on a trip! Just a single book and some sheets of paper had made this hospital visit far more fun than it had any right to be.

And despite all his protestations, Isaac was clearly having fun himself. When he gave his rendition of his half-orc character's deep, rumbling voice, Aurelie almost burst into a round of applause. Maintaining her sober Game Master mien with an effort, she smothered a grin when a startled nurse popped her head into the room to see who was talking. She nodded approvingly at Isaac instead and gave him a thumbs-up as he finished Tarkus' part of the dialogue.

She automatically tried to reach for her notes to look up what the constable should say next, before remembering she didn't have those notes anymore, let alone with her on this trip. Time to do my best and improvise when necessary, Aurelie decided. Not usually the way I do my best work, but...well, we'll make it work!

Clearing her throat again, the red-haired smith nodded and responded, "Sitting next to you, Elgo merely shrugs and grunts in broken Common, with a heavy Gnomish accent, 'Elgo agree. Right bidder, right price.'

"The constable nods and lets out a long sigh. While at first he looked a little embarrassed to be asking for help from a couple of strangers, he now looks relieved and grateful. Bolstered by Tarkus' easygoing words, the constable pulls out a chair at the bar next to you and settles down."

Aurelie hemmed and coughed, preparing to speak in the constable's low, gruff tones again. "Ahem. Ahem! So, the constable takes a deep breath, as if to steady his nerves. The trouble, good sirs, is a tower at the other end of Oakhaven. It stood empty for many years, but lately, we've been hearing reports that it's...haunted.'"

The red-haired smith paused to let that last word sink in. Then she went on, "The constable hurries to explain, 'Local legend has it that a mage once lived there and that the tower is still protected by magical traps. Lately, though, strange lights have been seen shining from the windows and odd noises come from it at night, and animals have gone missing nearby.

"'Two of my best men went inside to investigate. One man came back and said he saw nothing but dust and cobwebs. The other...'
The constable shakes his head sadly. 'He was gone for a night and a day and then came back screaming and gibbering in fear, with scarce a pair of wits left in his head. He was the sharpest, cleverest man in town! Since then, no one else dared explore the tower.'"

She paused for a moment here, frowning. Am I going too fast? Sharing too much information right away? Aurelie wasn't sure whether the constable's speech was shorter, originally. But hopefully Isaac wouldn't mind having more information for his character to ponder, rather than less.

"The constable looks at you both with a hopeful, yet weary expression," she said, resuming her role. "'That happened a few weeks ago, and the town's been on edge ever since. If you're willing to put an end to whatever's going on at the tower, I'd be happy to pay you 80 gold pieces for your services. And you can keep whatever you find in the tower too—which could be anything.'"

Unconsciously, Aurelie smoothed a hand over her upper lip the way that she imagined the constable would be thoughtfully stroking his mustache. "Gesturing to the bartender, the constable signals for a drink. Then he turns back to you and concludes, 'If you agree, I'd be happy to show you where the tower is and leave you to your job. If you refuse, well, I understand.'"

From there, they continued playing through the rest of the adventure, with Tarkus and Elgo accepting the job and confronting the challenge of the mysterious, seemingly haunted tower head-on. Though it wasn't really the most original scenario, Aurelie was relieved and pleased to see Isaac really getting into the experience, despite all his earlier protestations. They played through it all and talked excitedly about the game until visiting hours at the hospital were over and Aurelie had to leave.

But when she did leave, the red-haired smith left behind a tired but rather contented-looking Isaac behind, munching on a sugar-dusted madeleine and hopefully thinking more about the fantastical stories he could imagine and play out, so he could leave his past struggles and suffering in the past, where they belonged...


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
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wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
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spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
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600 foot tall baby height
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spiral and shiv's baby
A Captive Audience For My Hopeless Nerdiness [S]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2023 14:24:51 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing